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Unit Quiz

Instruction: Write HEP-HEP if the statement is

TRUE and HORAY if the statement is FALSE.

1. Aerobic exercise is any type of continuous activity

that works your heart, lungs and muscles.

Answer: HEP-HEP

2. Taking part in regular aerobic exercise will improve your cardiovascular


(or endurance) levels and has no other benefits for your health.

Answer: HORAY

3. Walking fast enough to feel slightly out of breath is great aerobic exercise for

everybody, but only for young ages.

Answer: HORAY

4. Running or jogging is a more vigorous form of aerobic activity than walking

or cycling.

Answer: HEP-HEP
5. Swimming is a great form of exercise for people of all ages and abilities. It

exercises your whole body and doesn’t put any stress on your toenails.

Answer: HEP-HEP

6. Team sports such as football, are a great form of individual exercise.

Answer: HORAY

7. Aerobic exercise machines such as treadmills, exercise bikes, cross-trainers

and rowing machines are another way to stay fit and healthy.

Answer: HEP-HEP

8. Moderate intensity means the activity will make you feel warm, breathe harder

and your heart beat faster.

Answer: HEP-HEP

9. Vigorous intensity means the activity will make your breathing and heart rate

much faster and you probably won’t be able to talk without pausing for breath.

Answer: HEP-HEP

10. Very vigorous intensity means the activity will make your breathing and heart

rate increase even more. You can probably only do this sort of activity in

longer hours.

Answer: HORAY

I. Instruction. Choose the best answer and put it on the space provided.

1. _____________ activities focus on building up or maintaining strength in

your major muscle groups

a) Strengthening

b) Flexibility
c) Balance

d) Aerobic

2. It helps to develop muscle strength and healthy bones in childhood, and to

maintain these as an adult.

a) Strengthening

b) Flexibility

c) Balance

d) Aerobic

3. _____________ exercises might involve equipment such as resistance

bands or machines, and lifting weights.

a) Strengthening

b) Flexibility

c) Balance

d) Aerobic

4. Aim to do some _____________ exercises at least twice a week. You can

combine this with other forms of exercise – for instance, an aerobic

exercise can help with strength too. Or you may prefer to focus on

strengthening activities separately.

a) Strengthening

b) Flexibility

c) Balance

d) Aerobic

5. Exercises that improve your __________ (that is, how well your joints

move or their range of motion) can help to keep you mobile and active.
a) Strengthening

b) Flexibility

c) Balance

d) Aerobic

6. Activities that help with ___________ include yoga and Pilates. These

involve gently easing and stretching your body into different positions,

and then holding position while concentrating on your breathing.

a) Strengthening

b) Flexibility

c) Balance

d) Aerobic

7. Even just doing some gentle stretches will help with ___________.

a) Strengthening

b) Flexibility

c) Balance

d) Aerobic

8. Activities that test your ________ are good for general mobility, and can

help to reduce your risk of falling as you get older.

a) Strengthening

b) Flexibility

c) Balance

d) Aerobic

9. As with flexibility exercises, _________ exercises are particularly

important for older adults. If you’re over 65.

a) Strengthening

b) Flexibility

c) Balance

d) Aerobic

10. Combining __________ exercise with a balanced diet is also important for

maintaining a healthy weight or losing excess weight if you’re overweight

or obese.

a) Strengthening

b) Flexibility

c) Balance

d) Aerobic

II. Essay

What for you is the essence of Group Exercises in terms of 1) Personal

Growth 2) Social Atmosphere 3) relevance amidst this Pandemic.

1. It helps us to develop a host of skills that are increasingly important in the professional
world. It develops our communication skills stronger. Sometimes it can be difficult to
find motivation to go workout. It can be hard to get yourself out of bed early or head to
the gym after a long day at work. Working out with others can also increase your
competitive side encourage you to work even harder. And it can improve your confidence
and boost your self-esteem.

2. It helps us know or meet new people and may even make new friends. Its gives us
opportunity to develop/improve and utilise your social skills. Depending on the type of
exercise that you take part in, skills such as teamwork, leadership and communication can
come into play. It provides us the opportunity to interact with others and helps us combat

3. Exercising is probably not top of mind as we struggle with how to protect ourselves, our
families and our community during the pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought
this fast-moving world to a standstill. The impact of this pandemic is massive and the
only strategy to curb the rapid spread of the disease is to follow social distancing. The
imposed lockdown, resulting in the closure of business activities, public places, fitness
and activity centres and overall social life, has hampered many aspects of the lives of
people including routine fitness activities of fitness, which has resulted in various
psychological issues and serious fitness and health concerns. During pandemic like
corona virus, it’s important not to give up on your fitness routine just because you can’t
get to the gym. There are lots of ways you can get a good workout or exercise at home,
and many reasons why you should, too. Working out during pandemic is as simple as
getting set up in your living room at any time of day.

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