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ESL 6th Grade | 2023

Ms. Yanxi & Ms. Tran

NON-FICTION Reading & Teaching

Grading Rubric

Below Standard (0-3) Approaching Standard (3-7) Meet Standard (7-10) Grading

Explanation - Uses inappropriate - Choose some facts and - Choose appropriate

of ideas & facts and irrelevant details tha rapport main facts and relevant,
Information details to support ideas, but there may not descriptive details to
main ideas be enough, or some are support main ideas
irrelevant and themes

Organization - Does not include - Includes almost - Includes everything

everything required everything required in required in the
in the presentation presentation presentation
- Present ideas in an - Tries to present ideas in - Presents ideas in an
order that does not an order, but it doesn’t order that makes
make sense always makes sense sense
- Does not plan timing - Present for the right - Organizes time well;
of presentation well; length of time, but some no part of the
it is too short or too parts may be too short or presentation is
long too long rushed, too short or
too long

Eyes & Body - Does not look at the - Makes some eye contact - Keeps eye contact
audience; reads - Fidget or slouches a little with audience most of
notes all the time the time
- Fidgets or slouches a - Has a confident
lot posture

Voice - Speaks too quietly or - Speaks loudly and - Speaks loudly and
not clearly clearly most of the time clearly
- Does not speak - Speaks appropriately for - Speaks appropriately
appropriately for the the situation most of the for the situation, using
situation (maybe too time formal English when
informal or use appropriate

Presentation - Does not use audio/ - Use audio/visual aids or - Use well-produced
Aids visual aids or media media, but they audio/ visual aids or
- Uses inappropriate sometimes distract from media to add to main
or distracting audio/ the presentation, or do ideas and themes
visual aids or media not add to ideas and

Response to - Does not answer - Answers some audience - Answers audience

Audience audience questions questions, but not clearly questions clearly and
Questions or completely completely


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