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Orobia, Eric A.

Globalization is happening everyday, and we know that no one can stop globalization. A
simple definition of globalization is the development of an increasingly integrated global
economy marked especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper
foreign labor markets (according to Merriam Webster dictionary), so through this definition
we can easily know that globalization do really matter and it became universal as time goes
by. For example is the shoes that we are wearing was come from America, the watch on our
wrists came from Germany etc. Globalization has advantages and disadvantages in our
society, environment, economy, and also on every one of us. Globalization somehow gives
us benefits and growth for example is in a particular country when it became more powerful
among others because of globalization. Through globalization other people have the chance
to travel into different countries for work or for vacation. We can now exchange goods,
money, and other cheaper and affordable products that was circulates to different countries
because of globalization. We have now technologies that has a big help and role in our daily
lives, we can now talk to our families or relatives who are far from us because of internet and
cellphones. There are many people specially politician in favor in globalization because it
can help the economy grow. There is also disadvantages that we may see in globalization
for example is it causes unemployment of industrialized country because companies or
organization build their factories on the country which have a cheaper labor specially the
countries that belong in the “third world countries” like Philippines. It has also bad effect on
our environment, for example is the building of factories of other country in which it has
chemicals that can harm the environment and also human. Other countries that belongs to
the “third world country” can cut trees to sell it to the industrialized countries, so through this
our environment will be affected. The worst is that diseases can spread quickly because of
globalization just like what is happening today. Covid-19 quickly spread because of traveling
into different countries. So as a conclusion, we know that globalization has already made a
big impact in our lives not just physically but mentally, it is like globalization is holding us and
not us holding globalization, so as a citizen of the world who has the right to be mindful of
what is happening, we should be a good thinker of what is the best thing to do as a simple
but important part of globalization. We are part of globalization.

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