Amplification: Trends in

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Trends In Amplification

VOLUME 5, NUMBER 4, 2001

Directional Hearing Aids

Todd Andrew Ricketts, PhD

When asking individuals with hearing impairment ciation (Bess et al., 1996), and others (Berg,
to identify the situations for which the most com- 1993; Bistafa and Bradley, 2000; Blair, 1990;
munication difficulty is encountered, listening in Smaldino and Crandell, 1995), to recommend
nioise seems to be nearly universally mentioned. SNRs of at least +15 to +30 dB in educational
In fact, I would venture that if queried, almost no settings. Unfortunately, most classrooms have
patient would refuse the offer of improved levels SNRs between -6 and + 6 dB, making learning in
for sounds of interest in relation to the level of such environments difficult (Bess et al., 1984;
background noise. Improving the signal-to-noise Crandell and Smaldino, 2000).
ratio (SNR) for listeners with hearing impairment Results from past investigations offer clear ev-
has long been a goal of various amplification idence that listening in poor SNRs is a significant
schemes. The reasons for attempting to improve problem for listeners with sensorineural hearing
the SNR delivered to hearing aid wearers are ob- loss. Listening problems in noisy environments
vious given clear evidence of reduced speech can be devastating, and lead some listeners with
recognition with increasingly less favorable SNRs. hearing loss to avoid difficult listening situations,
Moore (1989) suggested that individuals with resulting in withdrawal and greater isolation, po-
normal hearing require a SNR of at least +6 dB tentially impacting their overall quality of life in
for satisfactory communication. Unfortunately, a negative way (Jackson, 1997; McCay, 1996;
data overwhelmingly show that individuals with Mulrow et al., 1990).
sensorineural hearing loss generally require even Hearing aids represent a common rehabilita-
more favorable SNRs for satisfactory communica- tion method for listeners with sensorineural hear-
tion than listeners with normal hearing (Carhart ing loss. Hearing aids using standard (omnidirec-
and Tillman, 1970; Cooper and Cutts, 1971; Dirks tional) microphones, while effective at increasing
et al, 1982; Groen, 1969; Killion, 1997; Plomp, audibility for speech and other sounds, are large-
1976; Schum, 1996; Sutter, 1985). Children with ly ineffective in improving inadequate SNR con-
hearing impairment appear to be even more neg- ditions whether they use analog (Killion and
atively effected by poor SNR (Boothroyd et al., Villchur, 1993; Killion, 1997; Plomp, 1978; Tyler
1996; Crandell, 1993; Crandell and Smaldino, and Kuk, 1989; Van Tasell, 1993; Verschuure et
2000; Finitzo-Hieber and Tillman, 1978), leading al., 1999) or digital (Ricketts and Dahr, 1999;
the American Speech-Language-Hearing-Asso- Walden et al., 2000) techniques. In fact in some

Dan Maddox Hearing Aid Research Laboratory, Vanderbilt Bill Wilkerson Center, Nashville, TN
(12001 Westminster Publications, Inc., 708 Glen Cove Avenue, Glen Head, NY 11545, U.S.A.

Trends In Amplification Volume 5, Number 4, 2001

cases, SNR may be made worse by some hearing ;* Aided HINT Threshold - Predicted Aided HINT Threshold
aid styles that have single omnidirectional micro- -Predicted Unaided HINT Threshold
phones (Beck, 1983; Ricketts, 2000a). Listeners 20
wearing hearing aids that have standard micro- 15
phones are likely to require more favorable SNRs cj
than listeners with normal hearing to accommo- -; 10
date the noise-related problems associated with m
their poorer hearing thresholds. This difficulty is ECD
highlighted in Figure 1 in which the aided sen- 1- 0
tence reception threshold as a function of pure I

tone average (PTA) hearing threshold for 70 lis- cs -5

teners collected as part of two different investi- -10
gations have been plotted (Ricketts et al., 2001; 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Ricketts, unpublished data). The regression line PTA Thresholds (dB HL)
through these data and the linear regression of
the unaided data are also plotted. These data Figure 1. Mean aided HINT sentence reception thresholds,
were all collected in a single listening environ- as a function of PTA hearing threshold, for 70 listeners. The
ment designed to emulate a noisy restaurant, and predicted, aided, linear regression of these data is also plotted.
the speech recognition results from these studies For comparison purposes the linear regression of these same
were averaged across three or four hearing aid subjects' predicted unaided sentence reception thresholds,
models of the same style to obtain a more stable as a function of PTA hearing threshold, are also plotted.
representation of performance. The test hearing
aids included analog, digitally programmable
analog, and digital signal processing (DSP) in-
struments. The SNR necessary for these listeners
to achieve 50% correct sentence recognition per- reported that 25% of individuals who own hear-
formance was measured using two ten-sentence ing aids but do not wear them cite poor perfor-
blocks of the Hearing In Noise Test (HINT; mance in background noise as the major reason
Nilsson et al., 1992; Nilsson et al., 1994). for hearing aid rejection.
Although there is considerable variance pre-
sent in the data shown in Figure 1, as reflected
by the moderate correlation (r = 0.59), two
trends are apparent. First, in good agreement Improving SNR through
with previous data, listeners with greater hearing Amplification Systems
loss require more positive SNRs for equivalent
sentence recognition performance (i.e., 50%). While existing hearing aids using omnidirection-
Second, and more pertinent to the current dis- al microphones have generally failed to improve
cussion, the relationship between SNR and hear- SNR, two different microphone techniques can
ing loss is remarkably similar across the aided and improve SNR across a variety of listening situa-
unaided listening conditions. Specifically, the av- tions. One technique places the microphone close
erage HINT performance for aided and unaided to the sound source of interest. Without a doubt
conditions is nearly identical for listeners with this method, exemplified by frequency modulated
better hearing, suggesting that these hearing aids (FM) systems, provides the most SNR improve-
provided no SNR benefit over the unaided ear. ment (as much as 16 to 20 dB in noisy environ-
For listeners with greater hearing loss, HINT per- ments-Hawkins, 1984). While FM systems are
formance is greater for the aided, as compared to the best option for SNR improvement in many en-
the unaided condition; however, this is likely due vironments, there are some potential drawbacks
to increased audibility for these listeners, rather including concerns related to ease of portability,
than an improvement in SNR. These results are cosmetics, and reduced or absent overhearing
also in good agreement with surveys that indicate abilities (Flexer, 1996; Lewis, 1991; Ricketts and
that listeners with hearing impairment common- Dittberner, 2002).
ly experience problems in noise, even when fit A second method, directional hearing aids,
with amplification. For example, Kochkin (2000a) are advocated as a potential method for improv-

Ricketts Directional Hearing Aids

ing SNR in some noisy environments, while pro- al modes (Preves et al., 1999; Ricketts and
viding greater portability (since hardware exter- Dittberner, 2002). While some directional hearing
nal to the hearing aid is not needed) and allevi- aids allowed for switching through the use of a
ating some of the monitoring difficulties associ- sliding cover that could be used to prevent sound
ated with FM systems fit to children. Directional from entering the rear port, the sliding cover was
hearing aids are designed to improve SNR based usually quite small, leading to potential problems
on the spatial location of the signal of interest rel- for users with poor dexterity (Christensen, 2000).
ative to unwanted signals. Even though the mag- In addition to these limitations, early directional
nitude of the improvement in SNR provided by hearing aid technology had not developed to the
directional hearing aids (approximately 3-6 dB) point that it provided very large increases in di-
is much smaller than that reported for FM sys- rectivity when compared to omnidirectional hear-
tems, they can still provide improved speech ing aids. The poor directivity of these instruments
recognition across a range of noisy environments resulted, in part, from attempts to maximize di-
when compared to omnidirectional amplification. rectivity in the free field, rather than when placed
The remainder of this article will focus on is- on the head (Killion et al., 1998; Ricketts and
sues related to directional hearing aid technology Dittberner, 2002). It is well known that the angle-
and fitting. Can directional hearing aids improve specific pattern of attenuation is significantly al-
the effective SNR for listeners with hearing im- tered by the presence of the head and pinna.
pairment? Yes, but there are several limitations The design of modern directional hearing aids
to this technology. In the following I will endeav- has been modified to include a more in situ ap-
or to describe the potential benefits and limita- proach. That is, in the case of either single or dual
tions of this technology and provide tools for microphones, many current manufacturers tune
quantifying directional hearing aids in the labo- the response of the directional microphone sys-
ratory and clinic. Both behavioral (directional ben- tem to provide maximum directivity across fre-
efit and performance) and electroacoustic (direc- quencies in situ. It is assumed that this design phi-
tivity) directional properties will be discussed. losophy, coupled with more technologically ad-
vanced microphones, and methods are responsi-
ble for the better directivity reported for many
modern directional hearing aids.
Directional Hearing Aids: Some History The interest in modern directional hearing
aids began with the introduction of the first mod-
Directional hearing aids were first introduced to ern twin microphone hearing aid, the Phonak
the US market in 1971, and Rumoshovsky de- Audiozoom, in the early 1990s. This device and
scribed a directional in-the-ear (ITE) instrument related research revealing excellent directional
in 1977. By 1980 directional hearing aids repre- benefit in noisy environments (Valente et al.,
sented almost 20% of the total hearing aids sold 1995) is viewed by many as one of the primary
(Mueller, 1981). Their use steadily declined dur- events that have lead to the renewed popularity
ing the 1980s, despite numerous studies that sug- of directional microphones. A second major event
gested or measured additional benefit from direc- impacting the renewed directional popularity was
tional hearing aids (Arentsschild and Frober, the introduction of the Etymotic D-Mic in 1997.
1972; Frank and Gooden, 1973; Hawkins and The D-Mic, a directional + omni design, differed
Yacullo, 1984; Hillman, 1981; Lentz, 1972; from previous directional microphones in that
Madison and Hawkins, 1983; Mueller and both the omnidirectional and directional micro-
Johnson, 1979; Mueller et al., 1983; Nielsen, 1973; phones and microphone preamplifiers were
Nielsen and Ludvigsen, 1978; Sung et al., 1975). housed within a single capsule. This design al-
There are several factors that may have con- lowed for several hearing aid manufacturers to
tributed to the decline in sales of the first genera- easily place a directional microphone in the face-
tion of directional hearing aids. In contrast to plate of existing ITE products. The introduction
modern directional hearing aids, instruments of of the D-Mic allowed many manufacturers to in-
the 1970s and 1980s were limited by relatively corporate directional hearing aids in their product
large microphone size, little use in custom (in-the- line without the expense and time involved with
ear and smaller) hearing aids, and limited ability designing directional systems in a product specif-
to switch between directional and omnidirection- ic manner. Consequently, the D-Mic may have al-

Trends In Amplification Volume 5, Number 4, 2001

lowed for a greater number of manufacturers to the two microphone ports at different instants in
quickly bring directional hearing aid products to time. For example, a sound arriving from directly
the market, thus increasing the visibility of direc- behind the rear microphone port will have a trav-
tional hearing aids in general. Since the intro- el time before it reaches the front microphone
duction of the D-mic, Etymotic has continued to port. This travel time, often referred to as exter-
introduce increasingly smaller versions (ie, the nal delay, will be linearly dependent on the dis-
sD-mic and the cD-mic), allowing for further use tance between the microphone ports, with greater
of directional microphones in increasingly small- separation resulting in greater travel time. The
er hearing aid shells. length of tubing that separates the opening on the
case from the microphone diaphragm is often not
the same for the front and rear openings. If how-
ever, if we make the assumption that these
How Directional Microphones Work lengths are equivalent, we can calculate the ex-
ternal delay by dividing the port separation by the
In general, the directional portion of directional speed of sound. For example, a 12 mm port sep-
hearing aids can be considered the front end or aration would result in an external delay of (12
input stage to the amplification device. That is, mm . 344 m/sec) 35 ,s.
the directional properties are applied to the in- The use of the physical configuration shown
coming signal before the signal is further in Figure 2A, sounds arriving directly from the
processed for the listener with hearing loss (ie, side would enter both microphone ports at exact-
amplification, filtering, compression, etc). This is ly the same time. Since the distance and travel
an important distinction in that the directional ef- time of the sound to either side of the waveform
fect is applied independently of other signal pro- are equal, the sound will travel down both the
cessing. Consequently, the SNR advantage pro- front and rear openings and the sound pressure
vided by a particular directional microphone de- will reach either side of the diaphragm at the same
sign is expected to be of the same magnitude re- time. This effectively cancels some of the energy,
gardless of other signal processing within the hear- providing attenuation to signals arriving directly
ing aid, whether it be analog or digital, compres- from the sides. Since travel time to the diaphragm
sion or linear. for sounds arriving from directly in front or be-
One common convention is to refer to devices hind the microphone is different depending on
that sample sound at only two locations as first- whether the sounds travel down the front or rear
order directional microphones while referring to opening (due to the external delay), the sound
devices that sample at more than two locations will not arrive at either side of the diaphragm at
as second, or higher order directional designs (in- the same time and little or no cancellation will
cluding microphone arrays). A discussion of mi- occur. This will result in a pattern of attenuation
crophone arrays is beyond the scope of this man- described as bidirectional or Figure 8.
uscript and the interested reader is referred else- In hearing aid wearers, competing noise sig-
where (Ricketts and Dittberner, 2002). nals in many environments are more likely to be
Directional hearing aids operate by compar- behind or surrounding the listener, rather than
ing incoming sounds sampled at two inlet ports directly off to the side. Consequently, it is usual-
(separated by 4-12 mm) located on the case of ly of interest to provide attenuation at angles
the instrument. Directional processing can be other than directly to the side. Using a similar sin-
achieved using a single microphone and an gle microphone scheme, a fine mesh screen (me-
acoustical phase shifting network (pressure gra- chanical filter) can be placed along the sound
dient approach) or the electronic output of two pathway between the rear microphone port and
separate omnidirectional microphones (Bauer, the diaphragm (Figure 2B). This filter will delay
1987; Ricketts and Mueller, 1999; Thompson, the travel of sound resulting in an internal delay.
1999; 2002). A schematic of the single micro- By changing the value of this internal delay, dif-
phone approach is shown in Figures 2A, B. As you ferent attenuation patterns can be achieved. For
can see there are two independent microphone example, if the internal delay is set to a value
ports (openings) with two sound pathways lead- similar to that of the external delay, sounds ar-
ing to either side of the diaphragm. Depending riving from directly behind the listener will
on the source location of a sound, it will arrive at reach either side of the diaphragm at the same

Ricketts Directional Hearing Aids

Directivity can also be achieved with two om-

nidirectional microphones and many of the same
design principles apply. That is, the shape and
magnitude of the pattern of attenuation are still
dependent on the relationship between internal
and external delay. The two microphone designs
differ however in that the electronic output gen-
A~ ~ J erated by the front and rear microphones are
combined electronically for cancellation (a tech-
nique generally referred to as beamforming),
rather than relying on acoustic cancellation at the
diaphragm as in the single microphone approach.
Since two different electronic signals are present
the internal delay can be applied directly to the
voltage from the rear microphone. It is important
to note that both single and dual microphone de-
signs rely on the same relationships to obtain di-
-iterral Deave rectivity. Consequently, the limits of attenuation
possible for single and dual microphone ap-
proaches are theoretically identical.
Figure 2. Schematics of directional microphone
designs with (A) and without (B) a mechanical delay.
Single versus Twin Microphones for Directivity
The majority of current directional hearing aids
time and the greatest cancellation will occur for implement a method for switching between di-
this angle (directly behind the hearing aid). The rectional and omnidirectional modes. In the case
resulting attenuation pattern is commonly de- of hearing aids using two omnidirectional micro-
scribed as cardioid. Based on these design prin- phones to achieve directivity, the omnidirection-
ciples, we see that the specific relationship be- al response is achieved by turning off (or ignor-
tween internal and external delay can be adjust- ing) the output from the rear microphone, leaving
ed to provide different, desired attenuation pat- the front omnidirectional microphone to function
terns. Figure 3 provides an example of the effect
of changing internal delay on the directional
pattern. In this figure, the magnitude of increas-
ing attenuation as a function of angle is plotted, -0 Microseconds (bi-directional)
-20 Microseconds (cardioid)
- - - 10 Microseconds (hypercardioid)

with greater attenuation occurring nearer the

center of the figure. These polar plots are com-
monly used to describe the directivity of micro-
phones and other devices. The theoretical direc- 300
tional patterns are plotted in Figure 3 assuming
a port spacing of 7 mm and represent those ob-
tained for a 2000-Hz stimulus. The magnitude 270 '- 90
of the cancellation for any particular angle is fre-
quency-dependent. That is, the same micro- 240 120
phone design will result in directional patterns
that differ in magnitude and shape, depending
on the frequency of interest.1
'The reader should note that the three internal delays Figure 3. The theoretical, free field polar patterns that
presented in the Figure 3 example would result in bidirec- would be achieved assuming internal delay values of 0, 10,
tional (0 ms), hypercardioid (10 ms), and cardioid (20 ms)
patterns in the free field given the fixed 7 mm microphone and 20 ,us and a port spacing of 7 mm. These polar patterns
spacing. represent those obtained for a 2000-Hz stimulus.

Trends In Amplification Volume 5, Number 4, 2001

as the sole source of sound input. These direc- l- 500 - 1000 -2000 - 40000
tional hearing aids are generally referred to as 7
dual microphone or twin microphone. Hearing aids
using a directional microphone (a single micro- 6

phone to achieve directivity) usually also incor- -5

porate a second, omnidirectional microphone for a

the omnidirectional response. These systems, a'a 4-

commonly referred to as directional + omni and . 3

also contain two microphones. Directional +
omni systems are easily identifiable because there 02
are three microphone ports (two for the direc-
tional microphone and one for the omnidirec-
tional microphone) visible on the hearing aid O --

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
case. One unfortunate consequence of both de- Microphone Mismatch (dB)
signs including two microphones is that some
manufacturers and researchers have chosen to Figure 4. The theoretical change in DI values associated
refer to directional + omni as twin-microphone with increasing microphone mismatch across four frequen-
or dual-microphone directional hearing aids. cies. A hypercardioid design and microphone spacing of
While it is true that these instruments do include 10 mm are assumed for this example.
two microphones, only one is active at a time, in
contrast to a dual microphone directional system.
This overlap in nomenclature may lead to some
confusion, although it is of limited importance
given the similarity in directivity possible with this negative impact is further exacerbated as port
both designs. spacing is reduced. In Figure 5, the additional re-
In the case of dual omnidirectional micro- duction in DI given a 1 dB microphone mismatch
phone design for directivity, it is important that as port spacing is decreased from 12 mm to 4 mm
the two microphones are matched in terms of the is clearly evident. Obviously the importance of
output they provide. A clear example of the neg- obtaining microphones that are closely matched
ative impact of microphone mismatch is shown in for use in directional microphone hearing aids is
Figure 4. In this figure the change in theoretical imperative. Unfortunately, there is some concern
directivity index (DI) as a function of microphone that microphone sensitivity may drift over time,
mismatch is plotted based on mathematical pre- potentially causing a mismatch that was not pre-
dictions. The DI, described in detail later in this sent at the time the hearing aid was manufac-
article, is the most common laboratory measure tured (Thompson, 1999). While the potential for
applied to the directivity of hearing aids. It can microphone drift exists, the magnitude of this
be calculated as the ratio of sound intensity drift, and whether it actually occurs in hearing
(hearing aid output) for a sound source at 0 de- aids in real-world settings has not been demon-
grees azimuth (both the vertical and horizontal strated. Thompson (2002) contends that micro-
planes) to the intensity that would be produced in phone drift rarely, if ever occurs. One might
response to a diffuse sound source2 of the same imagine, however, in the absence of true micro-
total acoustic power (Beranek, 1949; 1954). A phone drift, one or the other microphone ports
hypercardioid design and microphone spacing of may become partially or completely clogged by
10 millimeters are assumed for this example. In debris, resulting in a mismatch in sensitivity.
this example, the rather small mismatch of 1 dB Because of the potential problems with debris, au-
results in a reduction in directivity of 4 dB at 500 diologists are encouraged to check, and if neces-
Hz, with the greatest negative impact on directiv- sary, clean the microphone ports during routine,
ity present in the low frequencies. Unfortunately, periodic hearing aid evaluations. Regular elec-
troacoustic evaluation of directivity (ie, front-to-
back ratio), is encouraged to evaluate any
2A diffuse sound field is defined as having statistically
uniform energy density and for which the directions of prop-
changes in directional microphone operation.
agation of the noise waves are randomly distributed (Harris, Even if microphone drift proves to be a sig-
1991). nificant problem, technology exists to counteract

Ricketts Directional Hearing Aids

X- 500 - 1000 -+2000 -4000 Low Frequency Roll-Off

Due to differences in their physical design, the
_ -1 use of directional versus omnidirectional micro-
x phones will have an impact on a hearing aid's fre-
g0 -23
quency response (Thompson, 1999). Specifically,
I directional microphones are less sensitive in the
aJ 4

low frequencies than their omnidirectional coun-

LiI terparts, for sounds that arrive on-axis. This dif-
a -5
ference in frequency response between the low
and high frequencies exhibited by directional mi-
crophones is due to differences in phase match-
6 8 --10-'' -----'1-2 1l4 ing. The magnitude of the output from a direc-
tional microphone system is dependent on differ-
Microphone Port Spacing (mm)
ences between the sounds arriving from the two
Figure 5. The theoretical change in DI valLues associated microphone ports, with more similar signals re-
with a 1 dB microphone mismatch and a ranige of port spacing sulting in less microphone output. Since low-fre-
values. A hypercardioid design is assumed fo]r this example. quency signals sampled at the two ports will be
more similar in phase than high-frequency sig-
nals, a relative reduction in output for these low
frequencies will occur. An example of this rela-
tionship, assuming a dual microphone directional
it. In anticipation of potential triicrophone drift system is shown in Figures 6A, 6B. A single wave-
problems, a few manufacturers Ihave introduced form is assumed to originate directly in front of
circuitry in their directional DSP hearing aids in- the listener. In this example, it is assumed that
tended to counteract independenit changes in mi- the waveform travels unimpeded through the
crophone sensitivity. Specificall~ [, some modern front microphone port to the microphone and is
DSP circuits can be used to calib ,rate the relative converted to an electronic signal. This same
outputs from the two microphone2s. Slightly more waveform arrives at the rear microphone after the
or less gain can be added to the (output of one of time necessary for external delay is converted to
the microphones prior to combin ing the two out- an electronic signal and then is further delayed
puts for directivity. If A/D conve rsion (digitizing by the internal delay mechanism. For this exam-
of the analog waveform) occurs F)rior to the com- ple, we are assuming the total delay (external +
bination of microphone outputs Ifor cancellation, internal) is 35 prs and the port spacing is approxi-
DSP processing can be used to adjust microphone mately 6 mm. At this point the two waveforms are
output and counteract problems Xvith microphone combined to form a single output waveform. The
mismatch. two waveforms just prior to combination are
The stability of a single miPcrophone direc- shown in the figures as the front input and rear
tional design over time is also of i nterest. The tim- input waveforms, with the combined waveform
ing of the two inputs to either side of the di- displayed as the output. In Figure 6A we can see
aphragm depends on the prope rties of the me- that the phase shift caused by the 35 ,ts delay is
chanical filter and the distance traveled. While quite small relative to the wavelength of the 400
changes in travel distance over ti me are certainly Hz signal. Consequently, the combined output sig-
unlikely, changes in the properrties of the me- nal is significantly reduced in intensity. In con-
chanical filter are certainly possib le. For example, trast, much greater phase misalignment is present
it is conceivable that dirt and m(oisture from the for the 4000 Hz, and the resulting combined out-
environment may affect the physiical properties of put is of much greater intensity signal (Figure 6B).
the filter so that the magnitude of the internal The frequency at which the low frequency
delay is affected, in turn potentia lly impacting di- roll-off begins is predictable on the basis of the
rectivity. Unfortunately, as with the dual micro- spacing between the microphone ports with in-
phone design, the stability of the directivity of sin- creasingly smaller separation resulting in the re-
gle microphone directional systeims in real-world duction in sensitivity occurring at increasingly
settings has not been systematicaLlly investigated. higher frequencies. That is, the closer the micro-

Trends In Amplification Volume 5, Number 4, 2001

~ -Rear Input - Front Input 0 Output I- - Rear Input --- Front Input - OutputI
6.001 6.00 1
"f' J Y'Y 'Y '
4.00 4.00

C 2.00- 2.00

- 0.00 0.00

X -2.00 - X -2.00

-4.00 -4.00

-6.00 -6.00
0 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008 0.001 0.0012 0.0014 0 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006 0.0008 0.001 0.0012 0.0014
Time (ms) Time (ms)

Figure 6. The relative reduction in hearing aid output in the low frequencies, assuming a dual-microphone directional system for
the frequencies of 400 Hz (A) and 4000 Hz (B).

phone ports, the greater the potential for reduced microphones have a reduced low-frequency re-
audibility of low-frequency sounds unless gain sponse for incoming signals, this reduction does
compensation is provided. Regardless of port not positively impact microphone (internal)
spacing, the magnitude of low frequency roll-off noise. In fact, in dual-microphone systems, the
is relatively constant at approximately 6 dB per microphone noise of the two omnidirectional mi-
octave. A theoretical example of this roll-off is crophones is additive, resulting in an increase in
shown in Figure 7. In this example, the frequency microphone noise of 3 dB over a single omnidi-
response of directional microphones (dual-micro- rectional microphone. When gain is provided to
phone) with port separations of 12 mm and 6 mm compensate for the directional low-frequency roll-
are compared to those of a single omnidirection- off, that additional gain is also applied to the mi-
al microphone. In this case, the directional roll- crophone noise floor. This increase in gain has the
off for the directional microphone with 12 mm potential to increase microphone noise to a level
port spacing leads to a reduction in sensitivity of that is audible, or perhaps even bothersome, to a
about 17 dB at 500 Hz relative to the omnidirec- listener if the listening environment becomes quiet
tional. However, the fact that roll-off begins at a enough. The amplitude expansion processing avail-
substantially higher frequency for the directional able in some DSP hearing aids represents a tech-
microphone with 6 mm port spacing leads to an nology that can be used to offset the potential for
additional 6 dB reduction (a total of 23 dB) at increased audibility of microphone noise when lis-
this same frequency. The reader who is interested tening in directional mode. Expansion can be
in the low-frequency roll-off in directional micro- thought of as the opposite of compression and
phones as well as the previously discussed impact works by reducing gain for increasingly lower level
of microphone spacing, internal delay, and fre- sounds below a fixed expansion threshold. As a
quency on theoretical free-field directional pat- consequence, hearing aids using expansion circuits
terns is referred to the excellent interactive Polar are able to provide less gain for soft sounds (in-
Primer available from Gennum Corporation cluding microphone noise) in comparison to hear-
( ing aids that lack expansion, but are matched in
Since a reduction in low-frequency gain is as- all other ways (Bray and Ricketts, 2000).
sociated with switching to directional mode, it
may seem logical to fully compensate for this Summary of Directional
change. The decision of frequency response com- Hearing Aid Design Principles
pensation, however, is made more difficult when
the internal noise levels of the microphone are It seems prudent to summarize our discussion of
also considered. Unfortunately, while directional the design principles of directional hearing aids

Ricketts Directional Hearing Aids

to draw a few conclusions. Only select direction- -omnidirectional - Directional (12 mm) - Directional (6 mm)
al hearing aid design issues that were considered 10
to be of the most potential interest to the reader-
ship were considered in the previous section. For 0-
further details and discussion of related topics,
m -10
the interested reader is referred to the excellent S

review by Thompson (2002). 0

It is well known that directional microphones
are able to selectively attenuate sound based on -30
the angle of sound incidence. This selective at-
tenuation is achieved by taking advantage of the
timing differences present when the same sound -50 '---
is sampled at two or more locations. To operate, 100 1000 10000
directional hearing aids must sample sound at Frequency (Hz)
two locations. This is accomplished through the
use of a single microphone using two ports (open- Figure 7. The relative frequency response of directional
ing to either side of the diaphragm), or two sepa- microphones (dual-microphone) with port separations of
rate microphones. Different patterns of attenua- 12 mm and 6 mm versus that of a single omnidirectional
tion are then possible by varying the relationship microphone.
between internal and external delay. Since the
same physical relationships are used when
achieving directivity through a single or dual mi- forms better than when using an omnidirectional
crophone design, the theoretical limits of direc- mode. It is important that we differentiate be-
tivity of these two schemes are identical. It is also tween the measurement of directional benefit and
important to keep in mind that directional micro- performance (Ricketts and Mueller, 1999).
phones differ in their frequency response com- Directional research across hearing aid brands
pared to their omnidirectional counterparts, re- sometimes reveals little correlation between lis-
sulting in a reduction in low-frequency gain. This teners' relative performance with directional
reduction in low-frequency gain may be compen- hearing aids and directional benefit (Ricketts,
sated for by applying more gain through the hear- 2000b; Ricketts and Dhar, 1999; Ricketts et al.,
ing aid amplifier or microphone pre-amplifier; 2001). This is not surprising since performance
however, this gain will also be applied to the mi- and directional benefit are assumed to reflect dif-
crophone noise floor. ferent aspects of the relationship between speech
understanding and the hearing aid processing sys-
tem. Specifically, performance (absolute score) is
Verification and Validation of influenced by the hearing aid as a whole, includ-
Directional Hearing Aids ing not just the directional microphone, but also
all other signal processing and frequency shaping
Although directional hearing aids appear to be a properties. In other words, which hearing aid is
sound theoretical idea, it is obvious that quantifi- best? In contrast, it is assumed that directional
cation of their operation is necessary to determine benefit (difference score) reflects the impact of
how they operate in practice. In the following sec- the directional microphone on the hearing aid
tion, quantification procedures will be described processing system. That is, directional benefit is
to lay the terminology groundwork for later dis- assumed to mainly reflect differences in the elec-
cussions of real-world performance and benefit. troacoustically measured directivity of direction-
There are two general categories of methods for al and omnidirectional instruments (Ricketts,
assessing the SNR advantage provided by direc- 2000b; Ricketts et al., 2001). In other words, how
tional instruments: electroacoustic and behavioral good is the directional microphone?
evaluation. The general term directivit;y is com-
monly used to describe electroacoustic evaluation Measurement of Directivity
of directional properties. Conversely, the term di-
rectional benefit can be used to describe situations Although there are many ways to describe direc-
in which a person using a directional mode per- tivity, the three that are most commonly used

Trends In Amplification Volume 5, Number 4, 2001

with directional hearing aids include front-to-back 500 Hz 1000 Hz

ratio (FBR), directional patterns, and the DI. FBR

is differentiated from the other two methods as
the only clinically viable directivity procedure. In REAR RFARF

contrast, directional pattern measurements and TEST EAIV TEST EA4

DI calculations require the use of an anechoic 'L

room. Directional patterns of hearing aids are

commonly measured in a single (horizontal)
plane and are graphically realized by a two-di-
mensional polar coordinate system such as in the
polar plots shown in Figure 8. These single plane 2000 Hz 4000 Hz
polar plots provide a quick and easy way to com-
pare the directivity of hearing instruments.
Directional patterns are also sometimes obtained RFAR R R
in all planes of reference allowing for the visual- EAFI TEST E A
ization of the exact amount of attenuation pro-
vided by a directional hearing aid in response to NIT
signals presented from all directions in three di-

mensional space (Figure 9). Directional patterns

involving all planes are obviously more represen- Figure 9. Frequency specific, spherical coordinate
tative in terms of describing the directivity of an representations of the angular attenuation provided by
instrument than directional patterns in only the a single directional hearing aid in response to signals
horizontal plane; however, three-dimensional di- (500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz) presented from all
rectional patterns require significantly more time directions in three dimensional space. Reprinted with
and equipment to construct. Two-dimensional permission (Etymotic Research, 2000).
plots require less time and effort to construct, but
since no information is available relative to the
vertical plane, they may provide somewhat limit-
ed information about the attenuation properties of hearing aids in environments for which sound
sources arrive above and below the horizontal
plane through the listeners' ears. The interested
reader is referred to Ricketts and Dittberner
500-1000--2000 -x- 4000 (2002) for detailed methods for the measurement
of directional patterns.
The magnitude of relative hearing aid output
is plotted as a function of the distance from the
center of the sphere. That is, a smaller sphere is
300 reflective of greater average attenuation. In addi-
tion, the angles of greatest attenuation, usually
referred to as nulls, are displayed as indentations
270 90 in the sphere. A brief visual inspection of Figure 9
reveals that the tested hearing aid provided much
greater average attenuation for 4000 Hz than 500
240 120 Hz signals. This pattern is commonly seen in
many in-the-ear directional hearing aids. The an-
210 F \ '150 gular resolution of measurement must be chosen
180 prior to measurement of either two- or three-di-
mensional directional patterns. The angular reso-
lution simply describes the magnitude of angular
Figure 8. A polar plot constructed from the separation between each individual measure-
frequency specific (500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz), ment. A measurement increment of 10 degrees is
free-field directional pattern measured from a single probably appropriate for current directional mi-
hearing aid in the horizontal plane. crophone technology incorporated in hearing

Ricketts Directional Hearing Aids

aids. It is also common to construct polar plots ratories can impact DI values. Specifically, DI val-
for several key frequencies (eg, 500, 1000, 2000, ues varying by as much as 1.2 to 1.95 dB (depend-
and 4000 Hz), because the directivity of a hearing ing on frequency) have been reported for the same
aid is usually not equal across frequency. open ear (Knowles Electronic Manikin for Acoustic
Observe, for example in Figure 8, at a 180-de- Research-KEMAR) condition (Bentler and Ditt-
grees azimuth there is only a 5 dB attenuation for berner, 1999). In practice, the DI of hearing aids is
a 500 Hz signal, but 11 dB attenuation for a 2000 usually calculated from two-dimensional direc-
Hz signal (relative to 0-degrees azimuth). tional patterns, three-dimensional directional pat-
While directional patterns can provide de- terns, or diffuse field versus free field measures.
tailed information relative to the attenuation pro- The calculation method proposed by Beranek
vided by a hearing aid across angles, it is some- (1949) and shown below is usually used when a
times difficult to visualize the total impact of this three-dimensional directional pattern data is
attenuation in specific listening environments. used. This formula assumes a constant radius and
Fortunately, DI provides a single number calcu- equal division of the surface regions and thus re-
lation that is representative of the frequency spe- quires no weighting.
cific spatial attenuation properties that are dis-
played in directional patterns. The DI of hearing 47wIP 2
aids is of interest since it is assumed that it ap- DI= lOLog10{22,77r }
proximates the effective SNR for a condition in ff IP(00) 12 sinOl dO do
which the signal of interest originates directly in 00
front of the hearing aid wearer and a fully diffuse
noise field of the same total acoustic power is pre- In this formula, P(0,4) 12 is the magnitude of the
sent. That is to say that (not surprisingly), the mean squared sound pressure at all horizontal (0)
magnitude of directivity is related to the magni- and vertical (P) measurement angles; PX 12 is the
tude of directional benefit (Killion et al., 1998; magnitude of the on-axis (0-degrees azimuth)
Mueller and Johnson, 1979; Ricketts and mean square sound pressure; and sin 01 is the
Dittberner, 2002; Sung et al., 1975). DI in most absolute value of the sine of each measurement
amplification systems designed for the hearing angle 0. The double integral defines the regions
impaired varies from approximately -3 dB to per- off-axis. One integral covers the horizontal region
lhaps + 12 dB in some microphone array systems. from 0 to 360 degrees, whereas the other integral
Hearing aids that are equally sensitive to sound covers the vertical region from 0 to 90 degrees.
arriving from all angles (true omnidirectional) will This, as can be deduced from the equation, covers
have a DI = OdB. The reader should be aware, an entire surface region of a sphere. DI measure-
however, that omnidirectional hearing aids will ment and calculation may be simplified to only
not be truly omnnidirectional when placed on the use directional pattern data collected in the hori-
head. When a hearing aid is generally more sen- zontal plane if symmetry along the vertical axis
sitive to sounds arriving from directly in front of is assumed. That is, hearing aid output in re-
a listener, in comparison to sound arriving from sponse to the input measured at each angle in the
all other angles, the DI will be positive. In the un- horizontal plane is assumed to be the same as
fortunate case for which sensitivity to sound is that measured anywhere along the intersecting
generally poorer for sounds arriving from direct- vertical plane (in practice a deviation from the
ly in front of a listener, in comparison to sound height of the hearing aid microphone).
arriving from all other angles, the DI will be neg- In contrast to DI calculations based on free-
ative. Since DI is assumed to provide a reasonable field only measures, calculations based on free-
estimate of effective SNR some predictions con- field versus diffuse data require access to both an
cerning speech recognition can be made based on anechoic chamber and a reverberation chamber.
DI. For example, a hypercardioid microphone Specifically, DI is calculated as the output pres-
would be expected to provide better attenuation sure from a hearing aid (P) in response to a signal
for diffuse noise in the free field than a cardioid presented from the reference angle in a free field
design since these designs have theoretical DI val- (anechoic chamber), versus the output in a dif-
ties of 6 dB and 4.8 dB, respectively. fuse field (reverberation chamber). DI is then cal-
While the DI appears to be a well-accepted culated using the following formula (adapted
measure, differences in methodology across labo- from Roberts and Schulein, 1997):

Trends In Amplification Volume 5, Number 4, 2001

DI = lOLog1o pdiffuse AI-DI versus a simple DI average is provided

Pfree below to further explore its impact.
A complete discussion of the intricacies of DI cal- AI-DI Weightings Sample DIs
culation are beyond the scope of this paper; how- 500 Hz .20 1 dB
ever, a number of authors have argued over cal- 1000 Hz .23 1 dB
culation specifics (Beranek, 1949; Bobber, 1974; 2000 Hz .33 4 dB
Davis, 1973; Dittberner, 2001; Gerzon, 1975; 4000 Hz .24 2 dB
Wilson, 1973). While the measurements and cal-
culations necessary to derive DI by the methods To obtain the average DI we would take (1 + 1 +
mentioned here certainly differ in time consump- 4 + 2) = 8 and then divide by 4 (frequencies) to
tion and complexity, both the diffuse and free- find an average DI = 2.0 dB. To calculate the AI-
field, three-dimensional calculations are assumed DI we take [(0.2 1 dB) + (0.23 * 1 dB) + (0.33
to yield equivalent results for most modern hear- * 4 dB) + (0.24 * 2 dB)] = 2.2 dB. So it can be
ing aids (Roberts and Schulein, 1997). Calculation seen in this example that Al-DI is 0.2 dB greater
of DI based on two-dimensional polar patterns than a simple average. From the weighting val-
has been shown to lead to erroneous conclusions ues and this example the reader can see that the
in some situations (Dittberner et al., 2001; Egge result of applying AI-DI is that more emphasis
et al., 2001); however, two-dimensional DI cal- and importance are given to the directivity in the
culations also provide a reasonable approxima- high frequencies. This example demonstrates that
tion of true three-dimensional measures (Roberts the impact of the four-frequency AI-DI calculation
and Schulein, 1997). The interested reader is re- is quite small (0.2 dB). The difference between
ferred to Ricketts and Dittberner (2002) for de- AI-DI and simple-average DI values, however,
tailed information regarding measurement of di- could potentially be greater if applied to, for ex-
rectivity and DI calculation. ample, one-third octave frequencies, rather than
Killion and associates (1998) have advocat- only these four octave frequencies. While the AI-
ed an articulation index weighted DI (AI-DI) as DI certainly has intuitive appeal and would pro-
an enhancement to the traditional DI. It has vide a relatively easy method for comparing di-
been proposed that the AI-DI provides a reason- rectivity of hearing instruments, it has yet to be
able estimate of the improvement in speech systematically investigated.
recognition in noise afforded by directional
hearing aids. The AI-DI uses band importance
weightings to assign more importance to the di- Measurement of Directivity: FBR
rectional advantages for the frequencies most
important for speech intelligibility. The premise The equipment and time involved in measure-
of AI-DI is based on evidence from Al theory that ment of DI is certainly well beyond what could be
various frequency regions of speech differ in expected to be reasonable in routine clinical prac-
their importance for understanding (DePaolis et tice. Fortunately, there is a clinical method for
al., 1996; French and Steinberg, 1947; Pavlovic, quantifying directivity that is simple to perform
1987). Consequently, improved directivity in the using most commercially available probe micro-
most important regions of speech should be phone equipment. The front-to-back ratio (FBR)
weighted more heavily, providing a more accu- is the frequency-specific difference between the
rate estimate of the impact of the directivity of output level of a hearing aid in response to a
instruments on speech recognition. To date, the sound source placed directly in front of a listener
majority of reported AI-DI calculations have (0 degrees azimuth) versus that measured for the
been based on speech weighting from the same sound source placed directly behind the lis-
Mueller-Killion Count-The-Dots speech spectrum tener (180 degrees azimuth).
(Mueller and Killion, 1990), although any Al Due to the potential interaction between the
band importance function could conceivably be placement of the sound source and the angle of
used. The band importance functions, taken the polar null of a particular design, the FBR can
from the Mueller-Killion index are 500 Hz = provide misleading results if used for comparisons
20%; 1000 Hz = 23%; 2000 Hz = 33%; and of absolute directivity across hearing aids. For ex-
4000 Hz = 24%. An example calculation of the ample, most directional hearing aids with a car-

Ricketts Directional Hearing Aids

dioid pattern will have much larger FBRs than 5. Most probe microphone systems will automat-
those with hypercardioid patterns, even though ically calculate insertion gain as REAR-REUR
the DI associated with the cardioid pattern is (or REAG-REUG); however, following the
usually smaller (as previously described). This is methodology above what the system calculates
due to the fact that the cardioid pattern has a as REIG is actually FBR.
polar null (angle of greatest attenuation) at 180
degrees. The FBR is therefore not recommended Once FBR measures are made for several hearing
for making comparisons across different hearing aids, clinic or patient/instrument specific norma-
aids models. tive values can be generated for comparison to fu-
The measurement of FBR using probe micro- ture measurements. These data can be used to
phone equipment was previously described by easily assess the functioning of the directional mi-
Mueller (1992). While two separate real-ear crophone in general, or the influence of patient
aided responses (REARs) can be measured and specific factors such as venting. Repeat measure-
the FBR calculated as the difference, it is possi- ment of FBR at periodic hearing aid checks can
ble to use the majority of commercial probe mi- also be useful for verifying complaints of reduced
crophone equipment in a novel way to measure directivity. Measurements at angles other than
FBR directly as explained in the following. 180 degrees can also be useful, especially when
evaluating directional instruments that exhibit
1. Seat the hearing aid wearer on a swivel chair a the greatest attenuation for sounds other than
fixed distance from the probe-microphone those arriving from 180 degrees (ie, instruments
loudspeaker (usually 18 in. to 1 m will be suf- with hypercardioid patterns). In addition, contin-
ficient, depending on the specific probe micro- ual measurements can be made while the patient
phone system). Obviously, the closer the speak- is being swiveled, if the probe microphone system
er is to the patient the less difficulty one may being used is capable of real time output and
have with poor SNR biasing the results. Placing measurement. This allows for visualization of the
the speaker two close, however, can lead to in- angles of greatest attenuation (polar nulls).
creased variability for on-axis measures due to One other suggestion for clinical FBR mea-
changes in head shadow. sures is to always measure using the same com-
pression parameters, or (when possible) set to lin-
2. Disable the reference microphone. ear processing. Compression will impact FBR in
3. Measure the output of the hearing aid with the the same way that it does other traditional direc-
test loudspeaker directly behind the hearing tivity measures, resulting in an apparent reduc-
aid wearer (180 degrees azimuth). Record this tion in the true value of directivity. For example,
as the unaided response (REUR/REUG). It is see Figure 10 to examine the impact of compres-
important to be sure that the patient's head is sion on the FBR of the directional microphone. If
fixed and facing directly away from the loud- an input of 65 dB SPL is sent from directly in
speaker. front of the patient (left hand panel), the micro-
phone will provide no attenuation and the com-
4. Swivel the patient to directly face the loud- pression circuit sees 65 dB SPL, and assigns gain
speaker (0 degrees azimuth) and again mea- accordingly. If instead, the same signal arrives
sure the hearing aid output. This time, save from directly behind the listener, the directional
the measure as the aided response (REAR/ microphone will attenuate the signal 12 dB
REAG). Again, make sure the patient's head (righthand panel). In this case, the compression
is fixed and this time it should be directly fac- circuit sees a 53 dB SPL input. If this is a low-
ing the loudspeaker. Since the reference micro- threshold WDRC circuit with 2:1 compression, it
phone is disabled, it is important that the audi- will provide 6 dB more gain for this signal than
ologist ensures that the distance from hearing for the 65 dB SPL input that arrived from the
aid to speaker is the same for both measure- front. Consequently the FBR will be measured as
ments. Some clinicians may find it useful to 6 dB rather than 12 dB. In more general terms,
use a length of string attached to the loud- this example shows that the true magnitude of at-
speaker to ensure that loudspeaker to hearing tenuation provided by directional hearing aids
aid distance remains constant across all FBR with low-threshold compression will be underes-
measures. timated by FBR.

Trends In Amplification Volume 5, Number 4, 2001

65 dB SPL sound
arriving from the
front only. No
provided. 65 dB SPL
Input to the
compression circuit.


0 60
1 80

0 90
65dB SPL soun
arriving from the rear
2 24 20 only. 12 dB of
aftenuation provided.
210 1 50 53 dB SPL input to
1 80 the compression

Figure 10. An example of the potential interaction between compression and traditionally measured FBR. Panel A
displays the measurement of a signal located at 0 degrees azimuth and Panel B displays the measurement of a signal
located at 180 degrees azimuth.

Behavioral Evaluation sults. When measured in traditional laboratory

of Directional Hearing Aids settings, directional benefit values ranging from
approximately 5.5 dB to 11 dB and 40% to 70%
While quantifying directivity is of interest, of have been reported in the literature. Studies,
greater interest clinically is the level of addition- however, that have evaluated directional benefit
al benefit directional hearing aids will provide to in noisy environments designed to emulate diffi-
individuals having hearing loss. As with hearing cult real-world conditions generally report values
aids in general, the impact of directional hearing less than 6 dB and 40% (Preves et al., 1999;
aids can be quantified using objective measures Pumford et al., 2000; Revit et al., in review;
of speech recognition as well as subjective mea- Ricketts and Dhar, 1999; Ricketts, 2000b; Valente
sures of the perception of sound quality, benefit, et al., 2000a; Voss, 1997). While some of the vari-
performance and satisfaction. By far the most ance in the reported directional benefit values
common method for assessing the impact of di- probably is due to true differences across hearing
rectional hearing aids has been the quantification aid models, it is also clear that differences in mea-
of changes in speech recognition in noisy envi- surement parameters such as SNR of the test ma-
ronments. As noted previously, the positive im- terial, speech testing method, and the test envi-
pact of directional hearing aids on word recogni- ronment also can impact results.
tion has been reported in terms of absolute scores
(directional hearing aid performance) as well as
difference scores between directional and omni-
directional hearing aid conditions (directional 1. Test Materials: SNR and Method
Studies that have examined the magnitude of Two general signal-to-noise protocols have been
directional benefit provided by modern direction- used to assess directional benefit. One approach
al hearing aids often provide quite disparate re- is to select a single or group of predefined SNRs

Ricketts Directional Hearing Aids

(Mueller and Johnson, 1979; Ricketts et al., 2001; 120 6dB 6dB
Voss, 1997). If a single SNR is selected, direc-
tional benefit is most often reported as differences 100
in percent correct scores between directional and 680
omnidirectional hearing aid conditions. Obtaining u
a percent correct score from a single fixed SNR O 60
has the advantage of providing straightforward o
--- Amanda
information about improvement that is easy to ex-
plain to patients. It may be difficult, however, to X 20
determine the proper SNR to select. A second ap-
proach is to vary the SNR, and measure the im-
provement in the threshold signal-to-noise ratio -20
necessary for 50% correct performance (eg, -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Agnew and Block, 1997; Killion et al., 1998; SNR (dB)
Madison and Hawkins, 1983; Ricketts, 2000b).
The use of variable SNR tests (eg, speech in Figure 11. An example of two hypothetical listeners'
noise [SIN] test, Etymotic Research, 1993; hear- speech recognition performance as a function of SNRs. Both
ing in noise test [HINT], Nilsson et al., 1994), patients are assumed to receive 6 dB of directional benefit.
while providing useful information concerning
the magnitude of directional benefit, can some-
times be difficult to generalize to listening situa-
tions in an individual's real-world listening envi- mode and 100% in directional mode, so that
ronment. For example lets examine a case involv- same 6 dB of directional benefit only results in an
ing two patients who are similar to many patients improvement in speech recognition of 5%. That
we see clinically-Lucky and his friend Amanda. is, he is already doing very well at the card game
Lucky and Amanda have similar hearing losses and the directional microphone offers little addi-
and are fit with identical directional hearing aids. tional benefit.
Clinical evaluation using an adaptive SNR test in- Contrasting results are found when examin-
dicates that both Lucky and Amanda receive 6 dB ing Amanda's performance across SNRs. Specif-
of SNR advantage in directional mode when com- ically, when listening in the mall she will score
pared to omnidirectional mode. Lucky reports he approximately 0% in both directional and omni-
finds benefit in the directional mode at the shop- directional modes. That is, directional benefit is
ping mall, but seems to get little benefit at week- not measured because the directional microphone
ly card games with friends. Amanda reports a is not able to raise the SNR to a value that will
contrasting experience in that she thinks that she allow her to understand speech. In the case of the
receives little directional benefit at the shopping card game, however, she will score approximate-
mall, but finds significant benefit in the direc- ly 80% in directional mode and 10% in omnidi-
tional mode when playing cards. The reason for rectional mode, revealing a directional benefit of
this apparent dichotomy can be explained by ex- 70%! So both Lucky and Amanda receive signifi-
amining the relationship between these two lis- cant directional benefit but the environments that
teners' performance across various SNRs when fit they benefit most in differ.
with an omnidirectional hearing aid (Figure 11) The previous example appears to support the
and the SNR present in these two listening envi- choice of multiple or variable SNRs over a single
ronments. Let's assume that the average SNR at fixed SNR when evaluating directional benefit.
the mall is 0 dB and the average SNR at the card Variable SNR tests however, are open to some
game is +10. bias as well, because they are not limited to real-
Lucky's performance across SNRs (Figure 11) world SNRs. An extreme example would be the
suggests that when listening in the mall he will case of an individual that reveals 10 dB of SNR
score approximately 85% in directional mode and benefit, but their omnidirectional performance
50% in omnidirectional mode, revealing a direc- occurs at -15 dB, a level that rarely, if ever, oc-
tional benefit of 35% (see the brackets on Figure curs in the real world. While this example is un-
11). In the case of the card game, however, he realistic, it is provided to highlight the potential
will score approximately 95% in omnidirectional for bias using variable SNR tests. While using a

Trends In Amplification Volume 5, Number 4, 2001

variable or adaptive SNR method has the advan- ity of sound sources in reverberant, real-world en-
tage of eliminating the selection of the optimal vironments cannot be represented as a single
ratio for testing, improvement as measured by point source. Sound sources presented in en-
SNR may not be as salient for counseling our lis- closed rooms (indoor environments) can be de-
teners with hearing loss. scribed as being comprised of a direct sound that
arrives first from the azimuth of the source, fol-
lowed by a relatively diffuse sound made up of
reflections that may arrive from a variety of di-
2. Test Environment rections (Berenek, 1954). As distance between
the source and the listener increases, the propor-
There are several test environment factors that tion of reflected versus direct energy also in-
are known to impact the magnitude of direction- creases. This increase continues through the
al benefit. These factors include number and point, referred to as the critical distance, at which
placement of competing noise sources, reverber- the proportion of direct to reflected sound energy
ation, room size and distance from listener to is equal. The magnitude of critical distance gen-
talker. Any one of these factors can be manipu- erally increases with increasing room size and
lated to increase or decrease directional benefit sound source directivity while it is inversely re-
relative to a real world average. In fact, direc- lated to the magnitude of the reverberation time.
tional benefit can be reduced to near zero, simply Since directional hearing aids must be able to dis-
through manipulation of these factors, over the tinguish between the signal of interest and the
range that occurs in the real world. There are a competing signal based on their relative positions,
variety of real world environments for which no it seems likely that little or no directional benefit
directional benefit would be measured, or would will be measured in noisy environments when
be expected. there are high levels of reverberation and the
It is well known that increasing reverberation speaker to listener distance is great. Hawkins and
can reduce both speech recognition in general and Yacullo (1984) examined the magnitude of direc-
the magnitude of directional benefit (Hawkins and tional benefit in environments that differed in
Yacullo, 1984; Hawkins, 1986; Leeuw and Dresch- their reverberation time and in which the speech
ler, 1991; Madison and Hawkins, 1983; Moncur signal of interest was placed at 0 degrees azimuth
and Dirks, 1967; Ricketts and Dhar, 1999; Rick- at critical distance. Depending on the specific en-
etts, 2000b). It has been shown that the degrada- vironment, critical distances were between 2.2
tion in speech understanding with increased re- and 3.3 m. A single competing noise was pre-
verberation is more pronounced in children sented at 180 degrees azimuth. An adaptive SNR
(Hawkins, 1986), adults (Payton et al., 1994), and presentation method using NU-6 words was used
elderly (Divenyi and Haupt, 1997) persons with as the test material. These authors reported a de-
hearing loss than age-matched listeners with nor- crease in directional benefit of approximately 4
mal hearing. Unfortunately, directional benefit is dB as reverberation was increased from 600 to
often quantified in sound treated rooms. The av- 1200 ms. The impact of reverberation on perfor-
erage reverberation time measured in such set- mance was even more evident as performance
tings is approximately 100-300 ms, in contrast with directional hearing aids was reduced by as
with the 600 to 1500 ms often measured in aver- much as 10 dB with increasing reverberation.
age rooms (Moncour and Dirks, 1967; Nabelek More recently Leeuw and Dreschler (1991)
and Mason, 1981). examined the issue of critical distance as related
Reverberation time is defined as the duration to directional and omnidirectional performance
required for a sound to decrease in intensity by in a series of three experiments. In the first ex-
60 dB after the sound has been terminated. When periment the change in hearing aid frequency re-
a speaker communicates with a hearing aid wear- sponse and the corresponding speech reception
er, some of the speech signal reaches the listener's thresholds for patients were measured in two en-
amplification system directly and within a few vironments which differed in terms of their re-
milliseconds. The remainder of the signal strikes verberation times. These measurements were
surrounding areas and thse reflections reach the made for a single speech source fixed at 0 degrees
listener's ear a few milliseconds after the initial azimuth and a single competing noise fixed at the
signal. That is, the angle of arrival for the major- angles of 0, 45, 90, 135, or 180 degrees. Speaker

Ricketts Directional Hearing Aids

to listener distance was fixed at 1.4 M. This dis- than the critical distance). Specific listening en-
tance placed loudspeakers within the critical dis- vironments for which little or no directional ben-
tance in the less reverberant environment and efit is expected include:
outside the critical distance in the more reverber-
ant environment. As expected, in the non-rever- 1. Listening when near the back of a moderate
berant environment, results revealed that direc- size theatre, church or concert hall, when the
tional benefit was greatest when competing noise sound source of interest is located near the
sources originated in the rear hemisphere. front;
Significant directional benefit was present in the 2. Listening when not near the front of a large
reverberant environment; however, the amount theatre or concert hall, when the sound source
of directional benefit was relatively independent of interest is located near the front, and;
of the origination angle of the competing noise
source. These somewhat surprising results were 3. Listening at or beyond critical distance in a
attributed to the attenuation of reflected energy highly reverberant room such as a hard-walled
in the rear hemisphere across all conditions. It is classroom or restaurant.
not clear, however, how this argument could re-
sult in directional benefit for the condition in In contrast with listening environments with large
which the competing noise source and the speech speaker to listener distance, significant direction-
source originated from the same loudspeaker. al benefit is expected, even when moderate re-
A second experiment was performed by verberation is present in near-field listening con-
Leeuw and Dreschler in order to more systemati- ditions (those which speaker to listener distance
cally examine the impact of distance on speech is small) (Ricketts and Dhar, 1999; Ricketts,
reception thresholds in a reverberant room. In 2000b).
this second experiment a single speech source The number and placement of competing
fixed at 0 degrees azimuth and a single compet- noise sources is also known to affect the mea-
ing noise fixed at 180 degrees azimuth were used. sured directional benefit (Ricketts, 2000b;
Two speaker to listener distances 0.5 M (within Valente et al., 2000b). Ricketts (2000b) measured
critical distance) and 1.4 M (beyond critical dis- the directional benefit of 25 subjects with sym-
tance) were evaluated. Results revealed that SRTs metrical, sloping, sensorineural hearing loss using
were significantly reduced with increasing dis- a modified version of the HINT. Directional ben-
tance for both the omnidirectional and direction- efit was measured for four different configura-
al microphone conditions; however, there was not tions of competing noise source(s) in two differ-
an interaction between microphone type and dis- ent reverberant rooms. Three pairs of hearing
tance. That is, directional benefit was not im- aids representing three commercial models were
pacted by distance. These results are in obvious selected for evaluation. The four noise source
opposition to previous findings (Hawkins and configurations included placement of competing
Yacullo, 1984; Madison and Hawkins, 1983). noise speaker(s) as follows.
These studies suggest that aided speech
recognition performance in noisy, reverberant, 1. A single competing noise placed directly be-
environments generally decreases with increasing hind the listener (0/180);
listener to source distance. This decrement occurs 2. Five competing noise speakers placed at 90,
even when the source level is held constant at the 135, 180, 225, and 270 degrees azimuth
listener's ear. The impact that increasing distance (5/B);
has on directional benefit is less clear, however, 3. Five competing noise speakers placed at 30,
and further research that varies source to listener 105, 180, 255, and 330 degrees (5/S); and,
distance and critical distance in an independent
manner is still needed. 4. Five competing noise speakers placed at 30,
Despite the data of Leeuw and Dreschler 105, 180, 255, and 330 degrees, with the
(1991), clinical experience and the data of speakers at 30 and 330 degrees turned to face
Hawkins and Yacullo (1984) suggest that little or perpendicular to the listener (m5/s).
no directional benefit is expected in reverberant
far-field listening conditions (those in which The data from this experiment revealed that the
speaker to listener distance is significantly greater configuration of the competing noise source(s)

Trends In Amplification Volume 5, Number 4, 2001

significantly impacted both directional benefit average attenuation provided in a diffuse field (as
and the rank order of benefit across hearing aid quantified by the DI). While this method certain-
brands (from best to worst). That is, there was a ly is appropriate for some investigations, it could
statistically significant interaction between the not be applied when comparing across direction-
benefit provided by the specific hearing aid mod- al hearing aid models that significantly varied in
els and the competing noise configuration. These their polar attenuation patterns. Furthermore, it
results were interpreted as strong support that di- seems likely that reverberation might also interact
rectional benefit assessed in the traditional test with this design in novel ways in that the intensi-
environment of a single noise source placed di- ty of the reflected sound will be dependent on the
rectly behind the listener could not be used to ac- angle of incidence in combination with the angu-
curately predict directional benefit in more real- lar attenuation as defined by the instrument's
world, multinoise source environments. On aver- spherical directional pattern. Finally, this method
age, directional benefit was significantly poorer requires that both DI and directional pattern data
when multiple noise sources, as opposed to a sin- of the test instrument are known.
gle competing noise, were used. Based on the re- In response to potential limitations of using a
sults of this experiment, it seems likely that data single competing noise source, several investiga-
collected using the commonly used 0/180 (a tors have advocated the use of multiple compet-
source speaker placed directly in front of the lis- ing noise sources to simulate real-word listening
tener [0 degrees azimuth] and a single compet- more accurately (Nielsen 1973; Preves et al.,
ing noise placed directly behind [180 degrees 1999; Pumford et al., 2000; Revit et al., in review;
azimuth]) will overestimate the magnitude of di- Ricketts and Dhar, 1999; Ricketts, 2000b; Valente
rectional benefit in many diffuse noisy environ- et al., 2000a; Voss 1997). There is, however, been
ments. Data from this experiment were also used some discussion as to the most appropriate com-
to argue that using the 0/180 speaker configura- peting noise configuration for assessing direc-
tion in an attempt to rank order the directional tional benefit. One question that has been of re-
benefit provided across directional hearing aid cent interest is the use of correlated versus un-
models in diffuse, real-world environments may correlated noise sources.3 Several investigations
lead to error. This certainly is worthy of note be- have used multiple correlated-noise maskers in
cause the vast majority of studies that have ex- their investigations of directional benefit (eg,
amined directional benefit have used a single Pumford et al., 2000; Valente et al., 2000a; Voss,
competing noise source placed directly behind 1997); while others have argued that uncorrelat-
the listener (Agnew and Block, 1997; Frank and ed maskers are more appropriate (Preves et al.,
Gooden, 1973; Gravel et al., 1999; Hawkins and 1999; Ricketts and Dhar, 1999; Ricketts, 2000b).
Yacullo, 1984; Hawkins and Yacullo, 1984; The choice of correlated versus uncorrelated
Lentz, 1972; Lurquin and Rafhay, 1996; Mueller noise in speech-in-noise testing is an issue of prac-
and Johnson, 1979; Madison and Hawkins, ticality versus realism. From a practical perspec-
1983; Ricketts, 2000b; Valente et al., 1995), al- tive, correlated noise is simpler to implement, in
though other positions have been suggested that the same noise can be electrically split into
(Mueller and Sweetow, 1978; Sung et al., 1975; any number of channels and delivered to the lis-
Wouters et al., 1999). tener. The use of uncorrelated noise, while more
The problem with using a single loudspeaker logistically involved, is more representative of
location for competing noise is that any place- real-world listening situations. In real-world en-
ment for which the competing noise source is vironments, such as a restaurant or party, not
placed at a null of the polar pattern will overesti- only does competing noise arrive at the listener's
mate the benefit provided in a real-world envi- ears from multiple azimuths, but also, the noise
ronment with multiple noise sources at varying
azimuths. Wouters and associates (1999) used an
interesting method in which the loudspeaker was 3Multiple noise sources can either be correlated, uncorre-
placed at an angle for which the attenuation pro- lated or psuedo- (partially) correlated at their source. In the
case of uncorrelated competing noise, all loudspeakers
vided by the directional hearing aid was equiva- output different signals. These signals may have the same
lent to the DI of the instrument. In this way, the long term spectral shape and intensity level, but at a
minimum, are not in phase with each other. In the case of
attenuation provided to the competing source correlated competing noise, a single noise is routed to
should have been approximately equivalent to the multiple loudspeakers.

Ricketts Directional Hearing Aids

originates from different speakers and sources. aids. Consequently, the need for a test environ-
Thus, in such an environment, the competing noise ment that is easily replicable and approximates
is always uncorrelated at the source and may be par- real-world reverberation and competing noise
tially correlated or uncorrelated at the listener's ear. source placement seems apparent.
Recently, Gnewikow (2001) revealed that the In an effort to simplify the question of an ap-
choice of correlated versus uncorrelated compet- propriate test environment for evaluating direc-
ing signals did impact the speech recognition abil- tional benefit, Etymotic Research and Revitronix
ities of ten listeners with normal hearing, as have jointly developed a multiple-loudspeaker lis-
measured by the HINT. The speech stimuli were tening system intended to simulate life-like ad-
delivered to subjects from a single loudspeaker at verse listening conditions (Revit et al., in review).
a 0-degree azimuth, with noise from four loud- This system, referred to as R-Space, was devel-
speakers, equidistant from the listener's head and oped to provide simulated environments that
placed at 45, 135, 225, and 315 degrees. For cor- sound real and allow hearing aids and the hear-
related noise, the same cafeteria noise was pre- ing mechanism to perform as they do in the real
sented simultaneously from all noise speakers. world. A smaller, less expensive system is also
For the uncorrelated condition, four noncoherent being developed by these investigators for use by
sections of cafeteria noise were presented from clinicians. The R-Space system uses an array of
the four loudspeakers. All testing was done in eight loudspeakers and a multichannel audio
both an anechoic chamber and a moderately re- recording with eight discrete signals to simulate
verberant test room with average reverberation realistic acoustic environments at the listening
time (Rt 60) of 450 ms. All loudspeakers were position in the center of the array. Initial investi-
placed at a distance of 1.25 m from the subjects' gations with this device in both anechoic and an
heads. Subject performance across listening con- acoustically treated conference room revealed
ditions is shown in Figure 12. These data revealed that listeners judged the R-Space environment to
a large significant difference in average subject provide a similar acoustic experience to that
HINT performance between the uncorrelated and recorded live through the KEMAR. The similarity
correlated anechoic conditions (4.2 dB). A small- between the R-Space and the live recording was
er, but still significant difference of 2 dB was
noted between the uncorrelated and correlated
conditions presented in the reverberant environ-
ment. Even though these data support a signifi-
cant difference between speech recognition mea-
sured in the presence of correlated versus uncor-
related noise, further investigation is needed in
order to determine if the correlation of the com-
peting noise interacts with directional benefit as
well as performance.
o 49LF iI7v
Unfortunately, there is significant variability (D)n
sL-~ -6 Correlated
across the environments that occur in the real i Uncorrelated
world, and even identification and selection of an z
3 -8 7ff
average environment can be quite challenging.
One approach that has been used to measure real- a,
2 -10
world directional benefit is to actually quantify it
in real-world environments (Killion et al., 1998). -12
These authors examined the directional benefit Reverberant Anechoic
provided by a prototype ITE using a D-Mic in both Environment
indoor and outdoor environments. The nature of
this experimental design, while providing excel- Figure 12. Average speech recognition performance as
lent face validity, has not been standardized. This measured by the HINT of ten normal hearing listeners for
limits control over stimulus parameters (such as both correlated and uncorrelated competing noise stimuli.
number and position of noise sources), making it Data were collected both in an anechoic chamber and a
difficult to compare these results with past and moderately reverberant test room (adapted from Gnewikow,
future investigations of other directional hearing 2001, with permission).

Trends In Amplification Volume 5, Number 4, 2001

slightly better when presented in the anechoic en- with five key words per sentence presented in
vironment. While additional evaluation is obvi- four-talker babble noise. The sentences are pre-
ously needed, the R-Space system appears to have sented at pre-recorded signal-to-noise ratios,
potential for use as a viable research and/or clin- which decrease in 5dB steps from 25 dB (very
ical method for evaluation of real-world perfor- easy) to 0 dB (extremely difficult).
mance of advanced hearing instruments in noisy One concern with using a variable SNR
environments. methodology relates to explaining this data to pa-
tients. Simply stating that there is 3.5 dB of di-
rectional benefit is unacceptable for the average
patient. Fortunately, there are some data relating
3. Clinical Tips and Hints SNR improvement to improvement in percent cor-
rect score. For instance, Soli and Nilsson (1994)
Nearly all speech in noise tests include speech reported that 1 dB SNR improvement on the
material on one channel and competing noise HINT corresponded to an 8.5% improvement in
stimuli on the other channel. Consequently, speech recognition scores. In addition, Killion and
adapting nearly any speech in noise test to the as- coworkers (1998) have addressed this issue using
sessment of directional benefit simply requires IEEE sentences spoken by live speakers. More
separation of the test and competing signals data are needed in this area to address a wide
through the use of two (or more) calibrated loud- range of speech materials and listening condi-
speakers. All of the experimental factors de- tions. While not necessarily scientifically accurate,
scribed above can impact the measured direc- I certainly think that using a rule of thumb, such
tional benefit including reverberation, number as 8% per dB of change, is appropriate for the
and placement of competing noise sources, etc. purposes of counseling patients.
Consequently, designing a clinical test environ- In contrast to the variable SNR methods, the
ment which emulates those found in the real fixed SNR methods have the advantage of pro-
world in order to better approximate actual di- viding straightforward percent correct informa-
rectional benefit is challenging to say the least. tion about improvement that is easy to explain to
However, if the goal of measuring directional our patients. Choosing the appropriate test SNR,
benefit in the clinic is to ascertain whether a par- however, can be difficult. While the most defen-
ticular patient with a specific hearing aid is per- sible position is to select a SNR that corresponds
forming similarly or differently from the average to that which a listener will most often encounter,
patient in the same environment, or if the goal is real-world SNRs vary greatly, and the clinician
to obtain a measure of directional benefit for does not typically know the SNRs experienced by
counseling purposes, the use of the commonly their patients. The work of Pearsons and associ-
available 0/180 test configuration in a sound- ates (1976) provides the reader with some esti-
treated room seems quite appropriate. Moving mates of average real-world SNR conditions.
the testing to an available room with more rever- Their research illustrated that in face-to-face com-
beration could also be considered if a slightly munication, talkers do not raise the intensity of
more accurate picture of benefit in at least one their voice at the same rate that background noise
real-world environment is desired. increases. This study revealed that SNR decreased
While it has been my experience that most from +6 dB when background noise levels were
clinics are more likely to possess fixed rather than 55 dB SPL to -1 dB when background noise levels
variable SNR tests, variable SNR methods have were 75 dB SPL. These findings could be used as
the added advantage of being faster to adminis- real-world guidelines for establishing a fixed SNR
ter. For example, the HINT test can be adminis- speech testing protocol for the laboratory or clin-
tered in approximately three to six minutes per ic. We often use +2 to +4 dB in our laboratory,
condition depending on whether it is desirable to although these SNRs occasionally need to be
use one, or two, 10-sentence blocks, to improve modified for certain patients.
reliability. A total of 6 minutes appears to be very
time efficient; however, Etymotic Research Subjective Evaluation of Directional Benefit
(2001) recently developed the QuickSIN that only
requires 1 minute of test time per condition. The In comparison to the large number of investiga-
QuickSIN is made up of 12 lists of six sentences tions that have examined directional hearing aids

Ricketts Directional Hearing Aids

through objective methods, relatively few studies erence remains unclear, however, since the di-
have examined subjective directional benefit or rectional hearing aids were compared to the sub-
satisfaction. Nielsen and colleagues (Nielsen jects' own hearing aids and the amount of benefit
1973; Nielsen and Ludvigsen, 1978) investigated due strictly to the directional component cannot
user preference for directional versus omnidirec- be independently assessed.
tional hearing aids and found that subjects pre- Preves and associates (1999) examined sub-
ferred directional hearing aids in a sound-treated jective differences across the directional and om-
room and a cafeteria environment, but showed nidirectional modes for subjects fit bilaterally
no preferences in other everyday communication with a single model of ITE hearing aid using the
environments. Mueller and associates (1983) APHAB, paired comparison judgments, and inter-
studied the preferences of a group of listeners view data. Results indicated that the equalized di-
with hearing loss. The subjects rated omnidirec- rectional mode was ranked significantly better on
tional and directional hearing aids as strongly su- the reverberation (RV) and background noise
perior, superior, mildly superior or no preference (BN) subscales of the APHAB when compared to
in different listening conditions encountered the omnidirectional fitting. In addition, when
while wearing the hearing aids during a trial peri- asked to choose a single mode that they would be
od. A majority of subjects reported no preference; required to listen with all of the time, six of the
however, when a preference was present, the sub- ten subjects chose the directional mode over om-
jects preferred the directional aid. While these nidirectional. Finally, paired comparison testing
studies indicate either no preference or a direc- revealed that the majority of subjects preferred
tional preference, the findings are limited in that the equalized directional mode for clarity, quality,
the subjective measures used are not standardized and reduced annoyance, when listening in noise
and the reliability of these measures is not known. over the omnidirectional mode.
Furthermore, these studies were conducted with Most recently Walden and coworkers (2000)
first generation directional hearing aids and the examined the performance of 40 adults with
results may not be able to be generalized to cur- hearing loss fit with: 1) low-threshold compres-
rently available directional hearing aids. sion DSP instruments; 2) linear hearing aids with
Since the development of second-generation input compression limiting (AGO-I), and 3) two-
directional hearing aids, there have been rela- channel analog wide dynamic range compression
tively few published studies that have systemati- (WDRC) instruments. The DSP instruments were
cally examined subjective ratings of directional evaluated with an omnidirectional microphone,
benefit using standardized methodology (Preves dual-microphone directionality, and a noise re-
et al., 1999; Valente et al., 1995; Walden et al., duction circuit in combination with dual-micro-
2000). Valente and associates (1995) used the phone directionality. Each of the hearing aid con-
Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit (PHAB, Cox and ditions was assessed following a two week trial
Rivera, 1992) and the Abbreviated Profile of using the Connected Speech Test (CST), the
Hearing Aid Benefit (APHAB, Cox and Alexander, Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit (PHAB), and sub-
1995) to determine if subjects with hearing loss jective ratings of speech understanding, listening
received significantly more benefit with direc- comfort, and sound quality. Significant direction-
tional hearing aids than the average user of linear al benefit, as measured by the CST, was reported.
amplification. These data were collected at two Concomitant directional benefit in everyday lis-
different sites. The authors reported better PHAB tening situations, as measured by the PHAB, how-
scores for the directional hearing aids on the ever, was not found. These results are in sharp
background noise (BN) and reduced cues (RC) contrast of those reported by Valente and associ-
subscales at one site, and better APHAB scores on ates (1999) and Preves and associates (1999),
the BN and aversiveness (AV) subscales at the and are especially surprising because all three
other site. Additionally, the authors reported a studies reported large and significant directional
general preference for the directional hearing aids benefit measured using objective measures.
in comparison to the subjects' current aids at one Walden and coworkers (2000) have suggested
of the two experimental sites. These data provide several factors that may contribute to lack of sub-
some support for the perceived benefit provided jective benefit observed, even in the presence of
by directional hearing aids over their omnidirec- objective benefit. These factors include the possi-
tional counterparts. The magnitude of this pref- bility that objective laboratory measures may over-

Trends In Amplification Volume 5, Number 4, 2001

estimate directional benefit in the real world due aids will be helpful to the user may also be nec-
to environmental factors (reverberation, number essary to improve our understanding of the ben-
of competing noise sources, etc.), the fact that the efits of directional amplification.
PHAB was not independently administered for
each hearing aid condition, the lack of appropriate
acclimatization, and a possible lack of real-world Summary of the Verification and Validation
experience of some subjects with the difficult SNR of Directional Hearing Aids
conditions of the test environment.
Hearing aid satisfaction is another subjective There certainly are a number of issues related to
measure that can be assessed with directional the testing of directional hearing aids that must
hearing aids. A recent survey by Kochkin (2000a) be considered. Electroacoustic methods include
indicated that 16.2% of individuals who own the common laboratory based methods of direc-
hearing aids never wear them, and 62.3% of tional patterns and DI calculations. There are sev-
those people cite dissatisfaction when listening in eral methods for calculating frequency specific DI,
noise as the cause for their failure to use the aids. and while most methods yield similar values, dif-
Interestingly, previous data from Kochkin (1996), ferences do exist. These differences make it diffi-
which examined whether advanced hearing aid cult to compare hearing aid directivity across in-
features such as programmability, multi-memory, struments based on measurements made in dif-
directionality, and so on impacted listeners' sat- ferent laboratories. Multifrequency DI calcula-
isfaction with hearing aids revealed that the tions are sometimes simplified to a single value
hearing aid receiving the highest satisfaction rat- (AI-DI) using an Articulation Index weighted av-
ing was a dual-microphone BTE. That same year erage. The AI-DI has been advocated as a simple
Kuk (1996b) demonstrated improved hearing way to compare directivity across different in-
aid satisfaction in a group of multiple micro- struments in terms of their potential impact on
phone BTE directional hearing aid users relative speech recognition in noise.
to the average hearing aid user. Similarly, In contrast to laboratory methods, FBR rep-
Schuchman and associates (1999) showed better resents a quick and simple method to examine di-
satisfaction with the use of a directional ITE rectivity in the clinic using commonly available
hearing aid than is reported for the average hear- probe microphone equipment. Due to possible in-
ing aid wearer. More recently, Kochkin (2000b) teractions between nulls in the directional pattern
reported MarketTrak survey results that revealed and loudspeaker placement, however, the use of
78% of hearing aid wearers fit with directional either FBR or behavioral measures with a single
microphone digital instruments were satisfied competing noise source for comparison across
with their hearing aids. This was substantially hearing aid models is not advised.
greater than the 64% that were satisfied users of Behavioral measures of directional hearing
digital hearing aids with omnidirectional micro- aids include quantification of performance and di-
phones. This 14% increase in overall satisfaction rectional benefit. Directional benefit can be mea-
is rather noteworthy when compared to results sured using speech recognition testing at variable,
revealing that users of digital hearing aids with adaptive, or fixed SNRs. SNR varies greatly in
omnidirectional microphones were only 3% more real-world environments, however, data suggest
satisfied than the 61% satisfaction reported by that difficult listening environments have SNRs
all hearing-aid wearers as a group. ranging from approximately +6 to -1 dB.
The majority of these data demonstrate sub- Increasing the number of competing noise
jective directional benefit. These results are not sources, reverberation, room size and distance
nearly as convincing as objective directional ben- from listener-to-talker will all negatively impact
efit data. While these differences may be ex- directional benefit. These factors may combine to
plainable by differences in test instruments and have a significant interactive effect on the direc-
experimental methodology, they certainly high- tional benefit measured across various hearing
light the importance of measuring not only ob- aid models. Traditional 0/180 directional benefit
jective, but also subjective directional benefit. measures continue to be advocated, however,
Jerger (2000) has further suggested that identi- when the goal of testing is to determine general
fying the exact characteristics of everyday listen- benefit compared to average patients or for coun-
ing environments in which directional hearing seling purposes. It is suggested that it is impor-

Ricketts Directional Hearing Aids

tant to examine directional benefit not only ob- Examining the impact of all potential fitting
jectively, but also using subjective measures to factors on directional benefit would be a momen-
obtain a more accurate picture of how much di- tous task indeed. Fortunately, data suggest that
rectional amplification may benefit a user in the magnitude of directional benefit is, at least
everyday listening situations. relatively, predictable from DI (Ricketts and
Dittberner, 2002). Consequently, it is argued that
it is appropriate to examine the impact of fitting
factors on DI, and then draw conclusions con-
cerning directional benefit from these data.
Fitting Factors Impacting Directional Before doing this, however, it is useful to examine
Benefit and Directivity the directivity of modern directional hearing aids.
As noted previously, both the measurement
Our interest in directional hearing aids has re- method and calculation method can impact di-
sulted in the testing of more than 150 adult pa- rectivity results. Consequently, in an attempt to
tients with these devices in our laboratory. These provide an accurate picture of the relative direc-
patients have been evaluated using many differ- tivity of a large number of instruments, the DI of
ent hearing aid models; however, nearly all have several instruments all measured in our laborato-
listened in at least one environment that was in- ry using the same methodology are provided in
tended to simulate a difficult, near field, real- the following.
world listening condition. That is, levels of rever- Specifically, the frequency specific range of
beration were at least moderate (> 400 ms), and DI across ten models of commercial directional
at least four, uncorrelated competing noise hearing aids that are currently on the market are
sources were used. These data reveal that the av- shown in Figure 13 (data are from Ricketts,
erage listener fit with directional hearing aids in 2000a; Ricketts et ai., 2001; Ricketts, unpub-
these difficult listening environments receives ap- lished data). These hearing aids were places in
proximately 3 to 4 dB of directional benefit as categories based on hearing aid style and design.
measured by a variable SNR test, and 20% to First, it is important to note that these DI values
35% as measured using a fixed SNR. In addition are generally much greater than those reported
to these data, significant directional benefit has for first generation directional hearing aids. In
also been reported in children4 (Gravel et al.,
1999; Hawkins, 1984; Kuk et al., 1999). While it
certainly appears that there is a significant ad-
vantage for directional hearing aids over their 6
4000 Hz
omnidirectional counterparts when listening in
noise, it is important for us to consider fitting fac- I
tors that may impact the magnitude of direction- 4-
al benefit. From these data we can better deter-
mine when directional hearing aids may be ap- zi 23

propriate (or not). Knowledge of the impact of

fitting factors on directional benefit and directiv- a2
ity is necessary in order to best decide how to I -

weigh changes in directivity against other fitting

decisions. For example, if a particular patient re-
quired a fitting parameter, or combination of pa- D+O 4Twin ID+O Twin D+O Twin D+O Twin D+O Twin D+O Twin D+O Twin D+O Twin

rameters, that were known to eliminate the dif- BTE BTE ITE ITE BTE BTE ITE ITE BTE BTE ITE ITE BTE BTE ITE ITE
ference in directivity between directional and om- Hearing Aid Type
nidirectional hearing aids, it would be foolish to
also order a directional microphone. Figure 13. The range of calculated DI values across ten
models of commercially available directional hearing aids.
All DI calculations were made from single plane directional
"It is my opinion that directional hearing aids are not appro- pattern data. The individual hearing aids are differentiated
priate for very young children, but may be appropriate for by style (BTE versus ITE) and design (directional + omni,
children who are old enough to orient their heads toward
the sound source of interest. "D + 0" and twin microphone, twin).

Trends In Amplification Volume 5, Number 4, 2001

fact seven of the ten instruments had DI values pathways, or measurement error. If the assump-
that exceeded the highest of those reported for tion is made that similar measurement error was
the first generation directional instruments by at present across all instruments, these data support
least 1 dB (Killion et al., 1998). Another obvious that the within model directivity of some models is
conclusion from these data is that not all modern significantly more variable than others.
directional instruments reveal similar directivity, To date, investigators have reported data re-
either on average, or at specific frequencies. For lated to the effect of a number of fitting factors on
example, DI values range from 2 to more than 4 directivity (eg, Beck, 1983; Mueller and Wessel-
dB at 500 Hz and from 0.2 to 5.5 dB at 4000 Hz. kamp, 1999; Ricketts and Mueller, 1999; Rick-
It is further evident that it is not possible to pre- etts, 2000a). In the following the impact of mi-
dict the magnitude of DI values based on overt crophone port orientation, venting, compression,
design differences. For example, instruments using low-frequency gain equalization, monaural ver-
the directional + omni design revealed AI-DI val- sus binaural fitting, head turn and hearing aid
ues that were the highest measured for ITE instru- style on directional benefit will be considered.
ments (4.1 dB), and the lowest measured for BTE The use of adaptive and automatic directional mi-
instruments (1.3 to 2.1 dB). In addition, the direc- crophones will also be considered.
tivity of all ITE instruments was higher than the
BTE instruments on average; however, the AI-DI Microphone Port Orientation
value of the twin microphone BTE 1 was greater
than both of the twin microphone ITE models eval- Many manufacturers have stressed the impor-
uated. These data support the conclusion that the tance of adjusting the microphone ports of direc-
specific microphone design, rather than the gener- tional hearing aids so that they are in the hori-
al design principles have the greatest impact on the zontal plane. This certainly appears to be valid
achieved directivity. Consequently, relying on gen- since microphone ports in the horizontal plane
eral assumptions such as dual microphone designs are necessary to maintain the desired external
are superior to directional + omni, or directivity is delay. For example, if the sound source of interest
predictable based on hearing aid style can obvi- is directly in front of the listener, and the micro-
ously lead to error. phone ports are placed perpendicular to the hor-
While it is evident that the directivity of mod- izontal plane, the resulting external delay will be
ern directional hearing aids varies across models, reduced to zero. The question is, however, how
there is also evidence that there is significant vari- close to the horizontal plane must the micro-
ance within models. Ricketts (2000a) reported the phone ports be before directivity is affected?
within model AI-DI variability of three commercial, Deviation from the horizontal plane can occur
directional, BTE hearing models. AI-DI values were with ITE hearing aid fittings if the ear impression
calculated for three hearing aids of each model. is not appropriately marked, or if the manufac-
The results of this study indicated AI-DI values var- turer is not able to orient the microphone ports
ied by between approximately 0.5 and 2 dB de- appropriately due to the constraints of an indi-
pending on the model. This variation was signifi- vidual's ear geometry. Port deviation from the
cantly greater than the 0.1 dB test-retest reliability horizontal plane can occur in BTE hearing aids
obtained using single instruments in this same in- because microphone port angle is impacted by the
vestigation. It is assumed that variability in the di- length of the earmold tubing.
rectivity provided by the same hearing aid model Ricketts (2000a) reported that placement of
reflects quality control problems since all models the case of specific BTE hearing aids so that it is in
were evaluated on arrival (before fitting them to contact with the back of the pinna over the entire
patients). In the case of twin microphone instru- length of the hearing aid, resulted in a micro-
ments, it is assumed that this variability was most phone port orientation that deviates from the
likely due to differences in how closely the micro- horizontal plane by as much as 24 degrees. The
phones were matched, problems with the elec- reduction in frequency specific DI across port ori-
tronic components responsible for internal delay entations for ITE and BTE hearing aids reported
and/or signal summation, or measurement error. in two previous investigations are reproduced in
In the case of the directional + omni instruments it Figure 14 (adapted from Mueller and Wessel-
is assumed that the variability must result from kamp, 1999; Ricketts, 2000a). These authors high-
physical differences in the acoustic phase shifting lighted three conclusions:

Ricketts Directional Hearing Aids

These findings suggest that audiologists must be

especially careful when fitting directional BTE in-
struments to insure that instruments are not fit
tightly against the pinna, if maximum directivity
is the goal. However, it might not always be pos-
sible to obtain a perfectly horizontal microphone
1 500 1
port orientation on specific patients, even if care
U ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4000
precision are used in all phases of the hearing
and 2000
aid selection and fitting. In the case of ITE in-
01_ __ _ __ __ __ __ _ struments, this failure may result from the previ-
ously mentioned inability to orient the micro-
phone ports appropriately during the manufac-
turing process due an individual's ear geometry.
ITE (-10) ITE (-20) TE(11 BTE(+11 BTE(+22 BTE(22
When this problem arises it may be necessary to
send the hearing aid back for remake until a sat-
Figure 14. Frequency specific reduction in DI (relative to isfactory compromise is reached. In the case of a
an optimal [horizontal] orientation) averaged across three BTE, the patient simply may not tolerate the po-
BTE or single ITE hearing aid model. Nonoptimal hearing sitioning of the BTE that is necessary to provide
aid angles included + 11, -11, +22, -22 degrees for the the horizontal orientation. A number of patients
BTE instruments and -10 and -20 degrees for the ITE in the laboratory that are past wearers of BTE in-
instrument. Angles for which the rear microphone port was struments complain of discomfort when the in-
lower (relative to a horizontal plane) than the front were strument is placed at its optimal angle. In other
considered negative, and angles for which the rear opening cases the optimal angle results in less than opti-
was higher were considered positive. These data represent mal retention (the hearing aid is floppy).
the average DI values across at least two directional hearing Consequently, it is fortunate that data suggest
aids of each model. (Adapted from Mueller and Wesselkamp, that small deviations from a horizontal micro-
1999; Ricketts, 2000a). phone port orientation do not significantly impact
directivity. In some cases, however, it may be nec-
essary to reach some compromise between listen-
er comfort and directivity, as it is quite obvious
1. Small deviations from the horizontal plane that most listeners with hearing loss will not wear
(approximately ±10 degrees) do not signifi- hearing aids that are uncomfortable. Clinical as-
cantly impact DI for either BTE or ITE style in- sessment of directivity for individual fittings
struments. seems advisable, given the potential trade-off be-
tween optimal microphone port orientations for
2. Deviations of approximately ±20 degrees from directivity versus comfort.
horizontal significantly reduce low-frequency
directivity; however, the DI even in the worst
condition was still significantly greater than Venting
that obtained by omnidirectional fittings. Venting also has the potential for affecting the di-
3. In the case of BTE instruments, the reduction rectivity of a hearing aid. If a vent is present in
in directivity due to a non-optimal microphone the earmold, low-frequency sounds (< approxi-
port orientation can be further exacerbated by mately 1000 Hz), originating from behind the
"sound shadow" due to close proximity of the hearing aid, may simply pass through the vent
microphone ports to the helix of the pinna. without attenuation, and may approach the in-
This additional reduction is quite evident when tensity level of the amplified signal originating
comparing the directivity for the -22-degree from in front, significantly reducing directivity.
and +22-degree conditions (BTE only) shown Studies have shown that directivity is generally
in Figure 14. Positive orientations are used to reduced with increasing vent size (Beck, 1983;
denote conditions for which the front micro- Mueller and Wesselkamp, 1999; Ricketts, 2000a).
phone is lower than the rear, while the oppo- Consequently, it appears that if maximum direc-
site is assumed for negative orientations (rela- tivity of these hearing aids is the goal, no venting
tive to the horizontal plane). should be used. Frequency specific and average

Trends In Amplification Volume 5, Number 4, 2001

AI-DI values across four earmold venting config- Caution may be warranted, however, when
urations are shown in Figure 15 (derived from using an open earmold with some modern direc-
Ricketts, 2000a). The earmold configurations in- tional hearing aids that exhibit directivity mainly
clude three with a full shell, acrylic earmold and in the low frequencies. While somewhat rare,
#13 tubing (1 mm venting, 2 mm venting, no such directional hearing aids do exist (Ricketts,
venting); and a single loose fitting open earmold 2000a). It is evident that applying a large vent to
condition. Prior to testing, the hearing aids were a directional hearing aid that has positive direc-
programmed with linear gain and the gain was tivity only in the low frequencies (when com-
adjusted until no feedback was present with the pared to an omnidirectional instrument) is likely
open earmold coupling. As can be seen the re- to result in a cancellation of the directional effect
duction of directivity with increasing venting is and may result in no directional benefit. It is
concentrated in the low frequencies. These data therefore important for audiologists fitting direc-
revealed that the effect was only significant at the tional hearing aids to know the frequency specif-
lowest test frequencies (500 and 1000 Hz) and ic directivity characteristics of the instruments
no decreases were noted in the high frequencies. that are being fit. It also seems prudent to quan-
The decrease in AI-DI was relatively small (ap- tify the impact of venting on directivity in the
proximately 0.4 dB) as vent size was sequentially clinic. Quantification of the relative effect of fac-
increased from closed to 1 mm, and then again tors such as venting and microphone opening az-
from 1 mm to 2 mm. In contrast, AI-DI values imuth on directivity can be easily completed in
were reduced 0.8 dB when changing from a 2 mm the clinic using FBR measurements.
vent to an open earmold. It should be noted that
the open earmold condition still resulted in aver- Compression
age AI-DI values approximately 4 dB greater than
measured for the omnidirectional condition. It ap- Directional hearing aids vary in their use of dy-
pears then, that listeners will receive significant namic amplitude processing from linear through
directivity from many modern directional hearing multi-channel, low-threshold compression. The
aids, regardless of venting. Therefore, unless evi- potential for interaction between low-threshold
dence to the contrary emerges, it appears that compression and directivity has led some investi-
recommendations for directional hearing aid use gators to explore this topic (Mueller and
are viable regardless of venting needs. Wesselkamp, 1999; Ricketts, 2000a). An interac-
tion between low-threshold compression and di-
rectivity is possible because the purpose of a di-
rectional microphone is to change the intensity of
* No vent (AI-DI=4.0) El 1 mm Vent (AI-D1=36) sounds based on their angle of arrival, and low-
E2mm Vent (AI-DI=3.2) 1 Open EM (Al-DI=2.4) threshold compression hearing aids will vary the
amount of gain applied to signals based on the
intensity level of the signal at the output of the
xo 4
microphone. That is, a compression hearing aid
x will generally provide more gain for low intensi-
> 2 ty sounds than for high intensity sounds.
Consequently, low-threshold compression hear-
ing aids will provide more gain (less compres-
sion) for signals arriving from azimuths for which
2 -2
amplitude is reduced by the directional micro-
phone (primarily the rear hemisphere) than for
500 1000 2000 4000 those signals arriving from azimuths for which
Frequency (Hz) there is little or no amplitude reduction (primar-
ily the front hemisphere). Not surprisingly, this
Figure 15. The average frequency specific DI and AI-DI interaction results in a reduction in the magni-
for eight hearing aids (four each of two different models) tude of traditionally, single source at a time, mea-
calculated for closed earmold (closed), 1 mm, 2 mm, and sured directivity (ie, directional patterns and
open earmold (OM) venting conditions (data from Ricketts, FBR) for low-threshold compression hearing aids
2000a). in comparison to their linear counterparts (Mueller

Ricketts Directional Hearing Aids

and Wesselkamp, 1999; Ricketts, 2000c). By defi- sponse. Currently, several hearing aid manufac-
nition, the amount of gain provided by a linear turers offer fitting options that compensate, to
hearing aid will be constant regardless of the out- some degree, for the change in frequency re-
put of the hearing aid microphone until a satura- sponse that occurs with the use of directional mi-
tion level is reached. Not surprisingly, the presence crophones. Frequency response compensation can
or absence of compression does not effect diffuse be accomplished at either the amplifier, or mi-
field DI measures because, as in the real world, the crophone preamplifier stage, and can be imple-
multiple sources are on at the same time. mented in either twin microphone or directional
The potential impact of compression on di- + omni designs.
rectional benefit and performance has also re- How, and when, to best apply frequency re-
cently been investigated on 47 listeners bilateral- sponse compensation is still questionable. The
ly fit with five different hearing aid models (one magnitude of the negative impact of low-fre-
BTE and four ITEs) in a listening environment in- quency roll-off on audibility for speech recogni-
tended to simulate a noisy restaurant (Ricketts et tion would appear to be somewhat dependent on
al., 2001). Speech recognition performance was the configuration of hearing loss. For listeners
measured using the connected speech test (CST) with significant low-frequency hearing loss, there
presented at a fixed SNR (+1 dB or +4 dB de- is little doubt that even with the greatest port
pending on the test site) and the HINT presented spacing (resulting in approximately 15 dB of at-
using an adaptive SNR. Four of the five hearing tenuation at 500 Hz) the reduction in low-fre-
aids were capable of both linear and low-thresh- quency speech output could significantly reduce
old compression (WDRC) processing, while the audibility, resulting in reduced speech recognition.
fifth model was a linear peak clipping ITE. Results For listeners with little or no hearing loss in the
revealed that compression versus linear process- low frequencies, however, it is likely that the fit-
ing had no impact on the magnitude of listeners' ting will include venting so that the primary, low-
performance or directional benefit. The direc- frequency, sound reception pathway bypasses the
tional benefit results were not surprising given di- hearing aid altogether. Consequently, switching to
rectivity data and the fact that the signal of inter- directional mode may not have as great of an ef-
est and the competing signals were present at the fect on audibility for those listeners with normal or
same time. The lack of significant performance near normal low-frequency hearing.
differences between linear and compression fit- Data from Preves and associates (1999) sup-
tings was also not that surprising, given that gain port the hypothesis that listeners with little low-
for input levels approximating those used in this frequency hearing loss may be relatively unaf-
study was matched across linear and compression fected by the reduction of low-frequency output
conditions. The combination of matched gain and that occurs when switching from omnidirectional
relatively high presentation levels likely resulted to directional mode. In this study, the speech recog-
in similar audibility of speech across the linear nition of ten subjects, eight of which had normal
and compression conditions. A number of inves- hearing through 1000 Hz, was evaluated across two
tigations have reported similar speech recognition ITE directional hearing aid conditions. These con-
performance across linear and compression hear- ditions included a standard directional mode (ie,
ing aid fittings when no audibility advantage is unequalized), and a directional-equalized mode.
provided by the compression condition (ie, Dillon, The results of this study revealed no significant dif-
1996; Souza and Turner, 1998). ferences in speech recognition abilities of subjects
fit with the two microphone conditions.
Low Frequency Gain Equalization Currently, we are examining the question of
frequency equalization in directional mode using
Despite the potential for an increase in internal three groups of ten adult listeners with hearing-
microphone noise, some compensation for the impairment (a total of 30). These three groups
change in frequency response that results from were differentiated by degree of low frequency
activating a directional microphone is sometimes hearing loss. All groups exhibited hearing thresh-
recommended to offset the potential loss of audi- olds at 3000 Hz between 35 and 75 dB HL. Group
bility (Christensen, 2000; Ricketts, 2000b; Wolf 1 exhibited hearing thresholds at 500 Hz of less
et al., 1999). This compensation is commonly re- than or equal to 25 dB HL. Group 2 exhibited
ferred to as a directional-equalized frequency re- hearing thresholds at 500 Hz of between 30 and

Trends In Amplification Volume 5, Number 4, 2001

45 dB HL. Group 3 exhibited hearing thresholds directional benefit for subjects with mild-to-mod-
at 500 of 50 dB HL or greater. An appropriate erate, low-frequency hearing loss (groups 1 and
SAV vent size was selected for all subjects. Speech 2) across the three gain configurations. A signifi-
intelligibility and sound quality in quiet and noise cant difference in directional benefit was mea-
were measured for adult subjects fitted bilateral- sured, however, for the group with the poorest
ly with four hearing aid conditions. These hearing low frequency thresholds (group 3). Specifically,
aid conditions consisted of a commercial hearing failure to equalize the directional frequency re-
aid (Bernafon Smile) set to directional mode sponse resulted in significantly less directional
with: 1) no gain compensation, 2) full gain com- benefit for this group.
pensation, 3) hearing loss-dependent gain com- Based on these data, the following general
pensation, and 4) omnidirectional mode. The recommendations are offered. If significant low-
hearing loss dependent gain compensation fit- frequency hearing loss is present, an equalized re-
ting is part of the Bernafon fitting software and sponse is recommended to insure audibility. For
assigns increasingly more low-frequency equal- patients with normal, or near-normal, low-fre-
ization with increasing low-frequency hearing quency hearing thresholds, no equalization ap-
loss. Both the omnidirectional and directional pears to be necessary to provide optimal speech
with full gain compensation conditions were recognition. In addition, using a frequency equal-
programmed using the National Acoustics ized response when low-frequency thresholds are
Laboratory Nonlinear (NAL-NL1) procedure near normal may reduce sound quality if the level
(Dillon, 1999) and verified using probe micro- of microphone noise becomes audible.
phone measures (Frye 6500-CX). Testing was
performed using a single speech source and five Monaural Versus Binaural Fitting
uncorrelated competing noise sources, in a sim- of Directional Hearing Aids
ulated restaurant environment.
Partial directional benefit data as measured The binaural advantage for speech recognition in
by the Connected Speech Test at a + 2 dB SNR (8 reverberant environments and a background of
listeners in each group) are shown in Figure 16. noise is well documented for both listeners with
These results reveal no significant differences in and without hearing loss (Arsenault and Punch,
1999; Bronkhorst and Plomp, 1989; Bronkhorst
and Plomp, 1992; Byrne, 1981; Carhart, 1965;
Moncur and Dirks, 1967; Peissig and Kollmeier,
U No Equalization L Adaptive Equalization a Full Equalization 1997; Saberi et al., 1991; Yost, 1997). Three stud-
50 -
ies have examined the binaural advantage present
45 -
for listeners fit with directional and omnidirec-

40 -
tional hearing aids (eg, Hawkins and Yacullo,
a 35 1984; Nabelek and Mason, 1981; Ricketts, 2000c).
m 30- Aided binaural advantages that range from 1.5 to
a 25 -
3.4 dB have been reported depending on condi-
tions. One interesting finding is that the magnitude
0 15 of the binaural advantage does not appear to be
B 10 significantly different for directional versus omni-
directional amplification. That is, directional hear-
ing aids have no impact, either positive or nega-
Group #1 Group #2 Group #3 tive, on the measured binaural advantage.
Hearing Loss Group Data from Ricketts (2000c), shown in Figure
17, reveal the magnitude of speech recognition
Figure 16. The directional benefit measured by the performance in directional and omnidirectional
connected speech test for three groups of 8 listeners (24 modes, as measured by the HINT, across monau-
total) differentiated by degree of low-frequency hearing loss. ral and binaural fittings. All listeners exhibited
Group 1 exhibited 500 Hz hearing thresholds of less than or symmetrical hearing losses, and the unaided ear
equal to 25 dB HL. Group 2 exhibited 500 Hz hearing remained unoccluded in the monaural condition.
thresholds of between 30 and 45 dB HL. Group 3 exhibited These data show that while a binaural advantage
500 Hz hearing thresholds of 50 dB HL or greater. is clearly evident, the magnitude of directional

Ricketts Directional Hearing Aids

* Monaural D] Binaural auditory only condition (in good agreement with

DI predictions). Data from Henry and Ricketts
,l! 4
(2001) revealed that for auditory + visual input,
performance for a 20-degree angle was better
3 than when the listener faced the stimulus loud-
-o2 speaker. Listener performance, however, did not
0 1 continue to improve with further increases in
head angle. Instead, performance decreased be-
tween 20 and 40 degrees. These investigations
-1 were based on the assumption that listeners wear-
I -2 ing hearing aids may be able to increase speech
3 recognition in noisy environments after being
Omnidirectional Directional counseled to rotate their heads so that the prima-
Microphone Type ry signal originates from the angle corresponding
to the hearing aid's greatest sensitivity. Unfor-
Figure 17. The avearage speech recognition performance tunately, it is not yet known whether listeners al-
of listeners fit monaurally and binaurally in both directional ready generally turn their heads in an attempt to
and omnidirectional modes (as measured by the HINT). improve speech intelligibility in noise, in the ab-
sence of instruction.
There are also limited data concerning the
magnitude of the negative impact that a nonop-
benefit was not impacted by the number of hear- timal listening angle may have on speech un-
ing aids used. Stated another way, the same derstanding. Lee and associates (1998) report-
amount of directional benefit was present for both ed a 20% reduction in speech recognition for
monaural and binaural fittings. These data are speech presented directly behind adults fit with
viewed as support for the use of directional hear- a directional hearing aid. Only a single angle
ing aids for either binaural or monaural fittings. (180 degrees) was investigated, however, and
only a single noise source was used. In addition,
Head and Body Turn the directional hearing aid chosen is known to
have directivity which, unlike the majority of
Previously it was suggested that the DI of a hear- hearing aids on the market, is concentrated only
ing aid approximates the effective SNR of a lis- in the low frequencies.
tening environment in which the signal of interest
originates directly in front of the listener in the Hearing Aid Style
presence of a diffuse noise field. However, the
majority of hearing aids, including directional As noted previously, the directivity provided by
hearing aids, are not most sensitive directly on- directional BTE and ITE instruments are fairly
axis, but rather, show the greatest sensitivity at similar. As a result similar performance in noise is
angles ranging from approximately 30 to 180 de- expected from listeners fit with these two styles. A
grees (Beck, 1983; Fortune, 1997; Mueller and number of clinicians and authors have remarked
Hawkins, 1990; Ricketts, 2000a). Consequently, that it appears that their patients get more direc-
it is not surprising that it has been demonstrated tional benefit from BTE style instruments. If true,
that DI values could be significantly affected by why would this be the case? Somewhat surpris-
changing the assumed angle of sound incidence ingly the answer becomes apparent when the per-
(Fortune, 1997). formance in noise of listeners fit with different
Recent data have shown that changes in DI styles of omnidirectional hearing aids are exam-
resulting from varying the angle of incidence of ined. Specifically, while it has been shown that
the sound source of interest are also reflected in the directivity of an omnidirectional ITE hearing
behavioral data (Ricketts, 2000c). Specifically, re- aid is approximately equal to that of the open ear;
sults indicated that listeners performed signifi- directivity of BTE instruments, especially in the
cantly better (approximately 2 dB as measured by high frequencies, is significantly poorer (Beck,
the HINT) with a 30-degree head angle than 1983; Ricketts 2000a, Ricketts et al., 2001). The
when directly facing the primary speaker in an reduced high frequency directivity for BTE fittings

Trends In Amplification Volume 5, Number 4, 2001

in comparison to the open ear are not surprising, 100

in that the microphone placement of the BTE in- 90

strument does not take advantage of the natural 80
sound shadow provided by the pinna that is pre- 0

sent with a deeper microphone placement (Beck,

1983). Not surprisingly, behavioral evaluation of 0
* Directional
listeners wearing omnidirectional BTE instru- LO Omnidirectional
ments in noisy environments also generally re-
veals reduced performance when compared to in0m
their ITE counterparts (Pumford et al., 2000;
Ricketts et al., 2001).
Fortune (1997) has reported that, as omnidi- _T
rectional microphone depth is increased from the ITE BTE

position of an ITE microphone to a completely in Hearing Aid Model

the canal (CIC) placement, high frequency DI is
enhanced. The magnitude, and/or frequency Figure 18. A sample percent correct speech recognition
range of the increased directivity, however, is not performance as measured at a fixed SNR for a representative
generally comparable to that provided by a direc- listener fit with ITE and BTE style directional hearing aids.
tional microphone. Specifically, differences in DI
values between ITE and CIC hearing aid fittings
were only significant at frequencies of 4000 Hz
and above.
Given differences in word recognition perfor- fitting factors that will yield to a generally more
mance between different styles of omnidirection- successful fit with BTE in comparison to ITE
al instruments, it is not surprising that the direc- style hearing aids. Potential BTE advantages (in
tional benefit provided to listeners fit with ITE comparison to ITE hearing aids) including, but
style instruments is significantly less than that re- not limited to, greater power, greater headroom,
ported for BTEs, even though subjects' perfor- reduced feedback problems, and reduced ceru-
mance when fit with these instruments in direc- men /maintenance issues must of course, also
tional mode may be very similar (Pumford et al., be considered when making decisions as to the
2000). appropriate style. In addition, one must remem-
As an example of this issue, let's compare the ber that differences in performance in noise
fitting of select ITE and BTE directional hearing when in omnidirectional mode are of little con-
aids on a single patient. A likely outcome using a sequence, if this mode is primarily used in quiet
percent correct speech recognition test at a fixed environments.
SNR is shown in Figure 18. From this example it
is obvious that, while the performance of these Variable and Adaptive Directional Hearing Aids
two hearing aids in directional mode is equal,
they are certainly not equivalent hearing aids in When examining theoretical directional patterns,
terms of directional benefit or performance in it is easy to see how the selection of the best pat-
omnidirectional mode. This scenario can be espe- tern may be difficult for a designer of directional
cially troublesome if the performance parameters hearing aids. If the assumption is made that the
of these two hearing aids are unknown to the fit- listener is primarily surrounded by noise, a hy-
ting audiologists. Specifically, if these two hear- percardioid pattern seems the best choice. In con-
ing aids were simply fit to the patient without val- trast, this choice will be inferior to a cardioid pat-
idation, a much greater wow effect resulting from tern when noise is directly behind the listener and
the large difference between directional and om- inferior to a bidirectional pattern when noise is
nidirectional modes would likely occur for the ITE directly to the listener's side. Because of these po-
than for the BTE. tential limitations a few manufacturers have de-
Caution must be exercised against misinter- veloped directional hearing aids with variable di-
preting these results as a recommendation rectional patterns. This technology is possible
against fitting BTE style hearing aids. Obviously since internal delay is applied electronically in
for many patients, there are a variety of other twin-microphone directional hearing aids and

Ricketts Directional Hearing Aids

these devices can be designed to allow for varying In contrast, data obtained by Gross (2001) re-
the duration of the internal delay (resulting in vealed no difference in speech recognition per-
variable directional patterns). formance for subjects fit with the adaptive and
One of the first commercially available cir- fixed directional modes using the HINT and
cuits of this type was the Gennum FRONTWAVE, Connected Speech test. The test environment in
which was designed to be used with any twin-mi- this study included a panning noise source deliv-
crophone directional system. The second method, ered from five loudspeakers situated from +90 to
introduced more recently, is designed to adap- -90 degrees around the listeners' head. The over-
tively switch between polar attenuation patterns all intensity level was fixed at 65 dBA; however,
in response to the listening environment. all loudspeakers were active at the same time. A
Adaptive directional hearing aid systems were single loudspeaker was randomly selected and the
first introduced commercially in the Phonak Claro level of this loudspeaker was increased by 8 dB
and have since been implemented in the GN while the other loudspeakers were decreased ac-
Resound Canta7 and yet to be released Widex cordingly. The chosen methodology of an 8 dB in-
Diva products. crease of a single speaker in a background of
Adaptive directional hearing aids operate by noise was based on real-world measurements in
automatically varying the physical directional noisy restaurants.
properties until an attenuation pattern that re- In addition to the lack of difference between
sults in the lowest output intensity from the di- adaptive and fixed directional modes across speech
rectional microphone is obtained. The adaptation recognition measures, these authors also reported
time in commercial hearing aids (that time over no subjective preference as measured across scales
which a change in directional pattern occurs) of hearing aid benefit and satisfaction.
ranges from a few milliseconds to more than five In general, the data from these experiments
seconds. While there is no data supporting either suggest that current, commercially available
longer or shorter adaptation time constants, it is adaptive directional microphones provide in-
clear that shorter time constants are necessary for creased speech recognition in noise in compari-
the directional pattern to adapt to a moving noise son to their fixed counterparts in some specific
source position. The adaptive directional circuitry listening environments, and equivalent perfor-
is limited in hearing aids so that directional mi- mance in others.
crophone parameters that result in directional
patterns with nulls in the front hemisphere are Automatic Switching Directional Hearing Aids
excluded from consideration. In this way impor-
tant sound information that arrives from the front Despite advances in remote control and switch
hemisphere is not inadvertently, and undesirably, technology relative to ease of use, the fact re-
attenuated. With the front hemisphere attenua- mains that a number of hearing aid wearers are
tion limitation, the assumption is made that the unable to switch between settings due to physical
lowest output from the directional microphone and/or mental limitations. This switching may be
will correspond to the greatest noise attenuation. especially difficult, or impossible, for very young
Data to date suggest some possible advan- children, and elderly adults. In response to these
tages and some limitations of one existing adap- concerns, at least three manufacturers have in-
tive directional system (Phonak Claro) in simu- troduced instruments that automatically switch
lated real-world environments (Gross, 2001; between directional and omnidirectional modes
Ricketts, 2001). The primary advantage shown depending on the acoustic environment. The first
for this technology has been that listeners fit with such system, the Directions sound processor by
an adaptive mode performed significantly better Audio D, was introduced in 1999. This circuitry is
when there were competing sound sources at the combined with a D-Mic (Etymotic Research) to
listeners' sides, while performing as well, or bet- provide a system that can be programmed to au-
ter, in a number of other noise configurations tomatically switch between directional and om-
(Ricketts, 2001). These data support the hypoth- nidirectional modes without user input. Instead
esis that the adaptive circuitry switches to a more of invoking directional and omnidirectional
appropriate bidirectional type attenuation pat- modes only, this system switches between omni-
tern when sound sources are present at the lis- directional, quasidirectional (45% omnidirection-
tener's side(s). al and 55% directional), and directional modes,

Trends In Amplification Volume 5, Number 4, 2001

depending on the intensity level of the input. Directional Hearing Aids:

While the Directions sound processor was de- When Won't They Work?
signed to switch modes based on sound intensity
level only, other systems switch based on a com- Directional hearing aids certainly are not expect-
bination of environmental factors including in- ed to provide benefit in all environments, so it is
tensity level of the signal, amplitude modulation important that we provide appropriate expecta-
rate and depth, and spectral shape. While having tions regarding these devices during counseling.
intuitive appeal, little is known about patient sat- In terms of noisy environments, we must remem-
isfaction with automatic directional systems. ber that increasing reverberation and speaker to
Research has shown that patients report large dif- listener distance can both negatively impact di-
ferences in the sound quality of omnidirectional rectional benefit. Simply stated, directional am-
versus nonequalized directional modes. It is as- plification does not reduce the need for appropri-
sumed that this difference is due both to directiv- ate and preferential seat selection by, and for, lis-
ity and the change in frequency response. One teners with hearing impairment. We must also
might hypothesize that patients may be bothered keep in mind that the range of SNR over which
by an automatic system in a particular environ- benefit is expected may vary from patient to pa-
ment in which the system repeatedly changes tient (as demonstrated by the previous Lucky and
modes. Whether such problems actually exist, and Amanda example). Consequently, it is important
whether they would be alleviated through the use that we are careful not to overstate the general
of fully or partially equalized directional modes, effectiveness of these devices for specific patients.
is unknown. Personal experience in fitting these It has long been known that directional bene-
instruments leads me to recommend considera- fit is not present, or expected, in quiet listening
tion of automatic directional hearing aids, pri- situations (ie, Frank and Gooden, 1973). A num-
marily for patients who are unable to appropri- ber of investigators have examined whether this
ately switch between modes on their own. lack of directional benefit is revealed in subjec-
tive measures. For example, Mueller and associ-
ates (1983) examined the subjective preferences
Summary of Fitting Factors Impacting between omnidirectional and directional micro-
Directional Benefit and Directivity phones using a questionnaire. Subjects in this in-
vestigation were fit monaurally with a hearing aid
Average directional benefit provided by modern capable of being switched between omnidirec-
directional hearing aids in difficult (near-field) tional and directional modes. While there was a
environments is about 20% to 35% as measured clear preference for the directional microphone
by fixed SNR methods and 3 to 4 dB using vari- in noisy environments, results revealed no clear
able SNR methods. Data to date also reveal that preference for either directional or omnidirec-
microphone port orientation, venting, low-fre- tional modes when listening in quiet.
quency gain equalization, head turn and hearing More recently, Kuk (1996a) surveyed 100
aid style can all impact the magnitude of direc- users of a hearing instrument incorporating mul-
tional benefit obtained by patients. In contrast, tiple microphone technology. In contrast to the
compression and monaural versus binaural fit- data presented by Mueller and associates (1983),
tings appear to have little or no impact on the not only did listeners not show a preference for
measured directional benefit. Given the potential directional amplification in quiet listening envi-
interaction between these fitting factors and di- ronments, many listeners reported a preference
rectivity, it may often be desirable to assess the for omnidirectional amplification. Sixty-five per-
directivity of instruments fit to individual patients cent of respondents stated a preference for the
in the clinic. I think this is especially important omnidirectional mode in quiet environments,
given the fact that directional microphones, like while 25% preferred the directional mode, and
all other parts of a hearing aid, are susceptible to 10% reported no preference. Other interesting
damage. Unfortunately however, this damage findings included a stated preference for omnidi-
may not be revealed by traditional electroacoustic rectional amplification when listening in a car, as
evaluation. Finally, the use of adaptive and auto- well as when listening to nature sounds, warning
matic directional microphones appears warranted sounds, music, your own voice, and while eating,
for some patients/listening environments. but preferred the dual microphones when listen-

Ricketts Directional Hearing Aids

ing to annoying sounds. In addition, 67% of the cant preference for this hearing aid over its om-
users stated they regularly switched between direc- nidirectional counterpart, or their own hearing
tional and omnidirectional modes, with only 15% aids. These results suggest that the performance
reporting constant use of the directional mode. increase achieved by these patients in noise may
The preference of hearing aid wearers' for have outweighed problems associated with the
switchable as opposed to full-time directional use of a directional hearing aid in quiet. It
hearing aid configurations was also reported by should be noted that the directional hearing aid
Wolf and associates (1999). These authors re- used in this study has been reported to have sig-
ported results from a survey mailed to 125 users nificantly lower directivity, especially in the high
of a dual microphone directional hearing aid. Of frequencies, when compared to the majority of
these respondents, 73% reported switching be- current, commercially available, hearing aids
tween directional and omnidirectional mode two (Ricketts, 2000a). It might be speculated that
or more times a day, while 35% reported switch- this reduced directivity may have acted to re-
ing five or more times a day. duce the negative impact of directivity in quiet
Preves and coworkers (1999) reported re- settings. While also likely reducing directional
sults from paired comparison testing indicating benefit in noise, it appears that significant di-
that approximately 80% of listeners stated an rectional benefit was still achieved by wearers of
overall preference for an equalized directional this instrument. Further study is necessary to de-
mode in noise over an omnidirectional mode. termine if the magnitude of directivity affects the
Most subjects, however, also indicated that they negative impact of directional hearing aid use in
would prefer to have the ability to switch be- quiet environments, however.
tween directional and omnidirectional modes.
The authors stated that this preference was re-
lated to the fact that more subjects preferred
the omnidirectional mode when listening in General Summary
quiet. These data revealed a preference for the
omnidirectional mode in quiet even when the Directional amplification represents one of only
frequency response in the directional mode a handful of methods that have been shown to
was equalized. Consequently, this preference consistently improve SNR for listeners across a
could not have been due to differences in fre- wide range of noisy environments. Data sup-
quency response. Potential reasons for the porting the use of these devices to aid the
preference for omnidirectional amplification in speech understanding of listeners with hearing
quiet include, but are not limited to, differ- loss in noisy situations are overwhelmingly pos-
ences in sound quality due to the increased au- itive. It is equally clear, however, that a num-
dibility of microphone noise and/or reduced ber of factors can impact directivity and direc-
audibility for sounds that were not in front of tional benefit. Due to individual differences,
the listener. some patients may not achieve significant di-
Despite evidence that hearing aid wearers de- rectional benefit. Venting and the orientation of
sire the ability to switch between directional and the microphone ports are known to reduce di-
omnidirectional modes, one recent study suggests rectivity. Little or no directional benefit is ex-
that this desire does not outweigh the preference pected in specific listening environments espe-
for directional amplification. Valente and associ- cially those with high reverberation and large
ates (1999) examined the speech intelligibility speaker-to-listener distances. In some situa-
and user preference of 40 listeners with hearing tions, such as listening in quiet and listening to
loss across two hearing aids. These two hearing talkers which are not in front of the hearing aid
aids were identical in all processing features ex- wearer, directional amplification may be unde-
cept that one was omnidirectional and the second sirable or even detrimental. Despite these limi-
instrument was directional only. That is, patients tations, it seems clear that the use of direction-
fit with this second hearing did not have the op- al amplification, combined with appropriate
tion of switching to an omnidirectional mode. counseling and expectations, can lead to in-
Results revealed that subjects not only demon- creased speech understanding in noise and in-
strated better speech recognition in noise with the creased hearing aid satisfaction for many lis-
directional hearing aid, but also stated a signifi- teners with hearing impairment.

Trends In Amplification Volume 5, Number 4, 2001

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