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Agriculture High School

Agriculture Midsayap, Cotabato

Lesson Plan in English for Grade 8

I. Objectives
At the end of the 60 minute period, students should be able to:
a. compare and contrast the story of Ramayana and Mahabharata
b. identify the characters in the story through matching type.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: The Story of Mahabharata
b. Reference:

c. Materials: Laptop, TV, Paper strips

III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities

 Prayer Let`s start this day with a

spiritual blessing. Please
stand and feel the presence (One student will
of the Almighty God. I need volunteer to pray)
someone from the class who
would like to lead the prayer.

 Greetings Good afternoon, class” “Good afternoon,

Ma’am Marebil.”
Good afternoon,,
“you may now take your
 Checking of “Is there any absent from the “None, Ma’am”
Attendance class today?”

Before you take your seats

 Setting of please, pick up some pieces
Standards of paper and arrange your
chairs. I just want to remind “Yes, Ma’am.”
everyone to refrain from
making unnecessary noise
and listen carefully in our
discussion. If you have
B. Review (one student will
“What was our previous volunteer to answer)
“Our previous topic
was all about the
biography of Vyasa”

C. Motivation
“Let us have an activity, this
activity is called message

“I will group you into 3, after

dividing the class into three,
You will form a line, the first
person in the line will be your
representative. I will give to
them the message and they
will relay the message to the
group through action, and
the last person will say the
message that is being “Yes, ma’am.”
relayed. The first group who
can get highest points will be
the winner. Am I

Let’s begin!

The message that you are

going to enact is about
emotions. “The students
will start enacting
“The first word that you will the message”
enact is Angry”


Broken Hearted


D. Presentation of the new


“The activity that we did a

while ago has something to
do with the emotions of the
characters in the story.”

E. Lesson Proper

1. Activity

“Before we start our lesson

let us have an activity first.”
(The students
“This will still be a group will listen)
activity, this activity is called
lucky numbers, there are 8
numbers posted in the board.
Every group should pick 2
numbers. inside the numbers
there are questions that
needs to be answered, If you
pick the number that has
question inside, then you are
going to answer that
question, and if you get the
lucky number that has the
word S_A_F_E, that means “Yes, Ma’am.”
you are not going to answer
any questions. Am I
2. Analysis understood?”

(The teacher will share the

story to the class.)

In the Dvapar Yuga, a king

named Shanthanu ruled
Bharatavarsha (the Indian
subcontinent). He was so
famous that even some Gods
were envious of him. He
married the Goddess Ganga
on the condition that she
would have the freedom to
do whatever she liked. If he
objected to any of her
actions, she would leave him.

They were blessed with a

child, but Ganga threw that
baby into the Ganges river.
She continued this practice
seven times. Next time, as
the patience of Shanthanu
had run out, he objected
when she tried to throw the
newborn baby into the river.
Ganga disappeared with the
child as he had broken his
3. Abstraction marital agreement with her.
However, she returned the
child to him after some years
and the king named the boy
Ganga Datta (the gift of

(The teacher will ask the

following questions in order
for learners to understand
the story.)

When did the Pandava-

Kaurava Rivalry Begins?

Who is the eldest of


Who is the eldest of

4. Application Why did Yudhishtira
Becomes the Crown Prince
and not Duryodhana?

Why did the Kauravas came

to know that the Pandavas
were alive?

Directions: Compare and

Contrast the story of
Ramayana and Mahabharata

IV. Evaluation
Matching Type: Match the column A with the correct answer in column B.

1. It the longest epic poem in the world's history. a. Ramayana

2. A king who ruled Bharatavarsha (the Indian subcontinent). b. Sathiavathy,
3. The sons of Dhritarashtra collectively called as the__. c. Mahabharata
4. They are the family who excelled in almost everything, d. Kaurava’s

Especially in the use of weapons e. Pandava’s

5. He is the eldest of Pandavas. f. Shanthanu

6. He is the eldest of Kauravas. g. Duryodhana
7. This is the game played by the Pandava’s and h. chathuranga
Kaurava’s which involves dice. i. Yudhishtira
8. Because of this event, the Kauravas came
to know that the Pandavas were alive. j. The Marriage of Draupadi
9. The uncle of Duryodhana, who was an expert k. 18
in chathuranga l. Sakuni
10. The war lasted for ____ days, during which all the m. 8
Kauravas died


Each group will dramatize a certain event in the story.

Prepared by: MAREBIL T. LUNESA
Pre-Service Teacher

Prepared for: PAMELA ANN C. GALABIN, T-3

Cooperating Teacher

The Mahabharata: The Longest Epic

The Mahabharata is one of the earliest and the most popular epics of India. It was
written in Sanskrit by Vyasa around the 3rd century. It is an essential and foundational
text addressing Hindu morality (dharma) and history (itihasa).

The Mahabharata is comparable to another ancient Indian epic, the Ramayana,

although it is longer and focuses on a different storyline. The plot of
the Mahabharata revolves around a struggle for political power between two groups of
cousins, the Pandavas and the Kauravas. It is made up of about 100,000 couplets
divided into 18 sections, making it the longest epic poem in the world's history.

It's said to be written by Vyasa, an ancient Indian sage. However, it's possible that the
epic was not written by just one author; it may have been compiled from multiple

Backstory and Beginning of the Mahabharata

In the Dvapar Yuga, one of the four yugas or eras of Hindu cosmology), a king named
Shanthanu ruled Bharatavarsha (the Indian subcontinent). He was so famous that even
some Gods were envious of him. He married the Goddess Ganga on the condition that
she would have the freedom to do whatever she liked. If he objected to any of her
actions, she would leave him.

The Birth of Gangadatta

They were blessed with a child, but Ganga threw that baby into the Ganges river. She
continued this practice seven times. Next time, as the patience of Shanthanu had run
out, he objected when she tried to throw the newborn baby into the river. Ganga
disappeared with the child as he had broken his marital agreement with her. However,
she returned the child to him after some years and the king named the boy Ganga Datta
(the gift of Ganga)

Gangadatta Becomes Bhishma

Shanthanu happened to meet Sathiavathy, a very beautiful woman, who was the
daughter of a fisherman, and he wished to marry her. But her father demanded that to
make her children the heirs of Shanthanu's kingdom. Being the eldest son, Ganga Datta
was the legitimate heir to the kingdom. Moreover, he wanted to be the successor to the
throne. Gangadatta came to know about his father's dilemma, and he took a great oath
that he would neither marry nor be a king. Because of the oath, he came to be known
as Bhishma.

The Pandava-Kaurava Rivalry Begins

Dhritarashtra- Kaurava

Pandu – Pandava’s

Dhritarashtra and Pandu are brothers

(It was here that hostilities quickly developed between the sons of Dhritarashtra
(collectively called the Kauravas, patronymic of their ancestor Kuru) and the sons of
Pandu (collectively called the Pandavas, patronymic of their father).)

Dhritarashtra married Gandhari and Pandu wedded Kunthi. Drithrashtra blessed with
one hundred sons and a daughter, while Kunthi got five sons by the blessing of the
Gods. The real story of the Mahabharata begins from there. The sons of Pandu were
known as Pandavas, who were more than equal to the Kauravas, the sons of
Dhritarashtra. The struggle for power between these two groups of cousins is the
central theme of the Mahabharata.

Duryodhana (Eldest of Kauravas)

The Pandavas excelled in almost everything, especially in the use of weapons.

Duryodhana, the eldest of the Kauravas, was an evil and wicked person who was
always searching for a way to eliminate the Pandavas as he was afraid of their strength,
fame and popularity among the people of the country. His enmity began in his
childhood, as the Pandavas were always victorious both in their studies and in games.
Once Duryodhana tried to kill Bhima, the second son of the Pandavas, by throwing him
into a river, but the plan failed.

(Eldest od Pandavas) Yudhishtira Becomes Crown Prince

WHEN yUDHISHTIRA becomes crown prince the rivalry begins

As per the custom of the country, the next ruler was Yudhishtira, the eldest of the
Pandavas, as he was older than even Duryodhana(His cousin who is a Kauravas). The
king, Dhritarashtra, did not like it, but he could not express that openly since it would be
against the age-old practices and customs of the country. But he covertly encouraged
Duryodhana's moves against Pandavas.
The Pandavas Escape the Fire in Hasthinpur

Bhishma told King Dhritarashtra to appoint Yudhishtira as crown prince. Even though he
disliked it, he had to do it. Then, as per the suggestion of Duryodhana, they were sent to
Hasthinpur away from the palace. They prepared a wicked plot to annihilate all the
Pandavas by setting fire to the mansion specially made of flammable materials. But the
Pandavas saved themselves from the trap. They left the place secretly, and everyone
thought that they all died in the fire.

Panchali Swayavaram: The Marriage of Draupadi

The Pandavas decided to live incognito. In the meantime, one of the Pandavas, Arjuna
participated in a swayavaram ceremony (a ceremony for choosing a husband)
conducted by King Drupada of the Panchala Kingdom for his daughter Draupadi.

Because of this incident, the Kauravas came to know that the Pandavas were alive.
Even though Dhuryodhana wanted to wipe them out, the elders advised giving half of
the kingdom to the Pandavas.

The Game of Chathuranga

The Pandavas conducted a Rajasooyam to confer the title of emperor to Yudhishtira,

which made the Kauravas even more desperate to end the Pandavas. They knew they
could not do it openly, as the Pandavas are peerless in strength and weaponry.

Duryodhana decided to seek the advice of Sakuni, his uncle, who was an expert in
chathuranga (a gambling game involving dice). He told them to invite Yudhishtira for a
game of chathuranga. As Yudhishtira agreed and miserably failed in the game, he lost
his kingdom and all his valuable possessions. He even pledged his brothers and
Panchali in it, without heeding the advice of his brothers. Bhishma and Vidghur also
failed to stop him.

The Pandavas' Exile

When the game was over, Pandavas became the slaves of the Kauravas. Dussasana,
one of the Kaurava princes, dragged Panchali to the court by her hair. All the elders
protested, but the success made him mad. Dussasana did not stop there. He pulled
Panchali's robes off in the court. Panchali prayed to the god Krishna, who saved her
from the extreme distress; no matter how much Dussasana pulled, there was no end to
Panchali's clothing. Panchali took a vow before the court that she would not tie her hair
till she dressed it with Dussasana's blood.

Dhritarashtra intervened, and the Pandavas were forced to go into exile for 12 years.
For the 13th year, they could stay in any inhabited place as long as they remained
hidden to the Kauravas; if they were recognized, they would have to go back into exile
for another 12 years.

Krishna as Envoy

As per the conditions of the game, the Pandavas spent the next 12 years in the forest
and the 13th year incognito. But even after the period was over, the Kauravas were not
willing to have them return to their kingdom, and they were preparing for a war by
enlisting the support of neighbouring kings. Even Krishna, the God incarnate, tried to
mediate the conflict, but the Kauravas were not ready to give even five villages to the

The Great Battle of Kurukshetra

So the great Kurukshetra war became inevitable. In the war, the god Krishna was with
the Pandavas, and his forces were given to the Kauravas, as both of them were his
relatives. The war lasted for 18 days, during which all the Kauravas died. The
destruction caused by the disastrous war was unimaginable. All the elders who were left
after the war, Dhritarashtra, Gandhari, Kunthi and Vidhur, took the path of
Vanaprastham (living the rest of their life in the forests till death).

Bhagavad Gita

The Bhagavad Gita is sometimes referred to as an independent text, but it's also part of

Book VI of the Mahabharata epic. This section is a dialogue between Krishna and
Prince Arjuna that takes place right before the Kurukshetra battle.

On the brink of battle, Arjuna had doubts about the morality of the imminent violence.
Krishna reminded Arjuna of his duties, incorporating some of the core philosophies of
the Upanishads and other Hindu texts. The Gita is looked up to by many Hindus for its
moral and spiritual guidance.

Mahayana (the Great Journey)

Yudhishtira became the king, and he ruled for many years until he abdicated the throne.
All the Pandavas took a mahayana (great journey) in the end, and they entered into

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