Work Power Energy Nsejs Pyqs

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[| WORK, ENERGY AND POWER A certain force acting on a body of mass 2 kg increases its velocity from 6 m/s to 15 m/s. in 2 sec. The work done by the force during this interval is [2008] (A) 27 J (B)3J (C)94.55 (0) 1895 x A loaded bus (mass ™,) and an unloaded bus (mass m;) are both moving with the same kinetic energy. Brakes are applied to both the buses so as to exert equal retarding force. If s) and s2 are the distances covered by the two buses respectively, before coming to rest, then = is [2011] 2 (A)1 (By m cy mi 3. A boy throws a stone (mass 100 g) vertically upwards. It reaches a height of 10 m and then falls to the ground. The work done by the boy is (g = 10 ms~) [2011] 10d (B)20J (C) zero (D)-10 4. A particle of mass 0.5 kg travelling with a velocity of 2 ms~* experiences acceleration of 2ms * for 9s. The work done by the force on the particle during this period is [2012] A) 99. (8) 1013 (C) 1905 (0) 396 J e An object of mass 1 kg is made to slide down a smooth inclined plane of length 20 m. If the kinetic energy possessed by the body at the bottom of the plane is 100 J, then the inclination of the plane with the horizontal is (take g = 10 ms~) [2013] (A) 30° (B) 37° (C) 60° (D) 45° 6. A block of mass 2 Kg placed on a floor experiences an extemal force in horizontal direction of 20 N, frictional force of 6 N and normal force of 20 N. The body travels a distance of 10 m under the combined effect of all these force. If initially body is at rest then what is the kinetic energy of the body at the end of 4m 12013} (A) 260 J (B) 140 J (c)60J (0) 460 J 7. Abody of mass 2 kg moving in the positive X-direction with a speed 4 ms“ collides head on with an another body of mass 3 kg moving in the negative X-direction with a speed of 1 ms”. During collision a loud sound is heard and they both start moving together. The sound energy cannot be greater than [2013] (A) 120 (B) 14 J (C)17.5J (D) 154 eS TaS Pzer teense) 10. = 12. (2015) If a force acting Is conservative only when A) Work donet by this force is zero when the particle moves once around any closed path, , = b (A) car be is at rest (8) car a has come to rest (C) both cars have the same kinetic energy (K. E) (D) the K.E of the system is at a minimum In bringing @ a-particle towards another a-particle, the electrostatic potential energy of the system : [2017] (A) increases (B) decreases (C) remains unchanged (D) becomes zero At any instant of imo, the ftal energy (E) ofa simple pendulum is equal tothe sum of ts kinetic energy (3m) and potential energy (Jue | where, m is the mass, v is the velocty, x is the displacement of the bob and ls a (A) 1.8 Nm" (8)0.8.Nm* energy is 4 mJ. Find k. [2019] (C)0.5 Nev (D) data insufficient A rigid body of mass m is Suspended from point [2019] © using an inextensible string of length L. When : it is displaced through an angle 8, what is the ? change in the potential energy of the mass? a (Refer adjacent figure.) (A) mg L (1 — cos 6) > i (B) mg L (cos 6 - 1) (C) mg L cos 6 (D) mg L (1 ~ sin 8) eeee—™ Gear is a mechanical system used to transfer mechanical and rotary motion from one mechanical system to another. As shown in the figure below the driving wheel A drives the driven wheel B without slipping and thus forms the gear system. The wheel A has 16 teeth and B has 24 teeth. Wheel B has a projection (shown by white ring in Fig. 1 and also in the side view of Fig.2) of radius # cm side view of wheal B fot Foz Along massless, inextensible string can be wound/unwound over this circular projection. A mass m is attached to the free end of this long string. if the wheel A makes 6 revolutions per second in the clockwise direction, without slipping, then in ¥% second the potential energy of the mass m in CGS unit NlOQJs 2022} (A) increases by 32 mg (C) increases by 16 mg ‘An average human adult radiates about 100 W energy mainly in infra-red region of the electromagnetic spectrum. 50 persons are sitting in a hall with an air conditioning system which is 50% efficient. How much electricity must be used to maintain temperature of the hall at 25°C for 4 hours? . MlOQus 2022) (B) 10 units (A) 5 units (C) 20 units (D) 40 units (B) decreases by 32 mg (D) decreases by 16 mg

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