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Teacher: Jamie Alexander, Andrew Briones

Grade Level and or Subject: Kindergarten
Lesson Title: Lines Everywhere
What is the focus of this
lesson? The focus of the lesson will be to introduce students to the
elements of art. We will focus the with Line and how it can be
used in design.

National / State Learning

o Foundations: Observation and Perception:
o Student Expectation - FA.A.K.1B: identify the
elements of art, including line, shape, color,
texture, and form, and the principles of design,
including repetition/pattern and balance, in the
o Creative Expression:
o Student Expectation - FA.A.K.2A: create artworks
using a variety of lines, shapes, colors, textures,
and forms

Goal/s of the lesson

The goal of the lesson is to introduce students to line as an element
of art and how it can be applied in everyday life and design.


Specific learning target(s) /
o The students will Identify the elements of art,
including line, shape, color, texture, and form, and
the principles of design, including emphasis,
repetition/pattern, and balance, in nature and
human-made environments.
o The students will create a work of art using variety of
line types to create different shapes.
PART III TEACHING THE LESSON (over several days)
This is the body of the lesson plan. Here you explain the instructional and learning
activities/actions that will best ensure all learners will successfully achieve the objective/s?
Day One
A. Opening/Introduction (10 Min)
Prior knowledge
To activate prior knowledge the children will gather around the
instructor. The instructor will read aloud the book “Lines That

Anticipatory Set
Engage in discussion with the students about the reading.
1. What happened in the reading today?
2. Did you notice anything interesting?
3. Based on the reading, what are we working on today?

B. Procedures (15 Min)

o Begin Presentation on Lines
o What is a Line?
o What kind of Lines are there?
o Vertical
o Horizontal
o Diagonal
o Zig Zag
o Wiggly
o Spiral
o Where do we see lines
(15 Min) Live Demo

o Drawing
o Write your Name
o Turn the page over
o Draw a Line

o Rotate the page
o Draw another line

o Rotate Page
o Draw Zig Zag Line
o Rotate The page
o Draw curvy line

o Outline the Drawing with Sharpie Marker
o Using Markers color each section made by the lines.
(Students might not finish. Coloring will be continued
on Following Day.)

(5 Min)
o Cleanup

C. Formative Students will be assessed based on the discussion participation.

D. Grouping structure/s: Students will be grouped according to their assigned color-coded
E. Accommodations/
Modifications Accommodations
o computer text-to-speech computer-based systems for
students with visual impairments or Dyslexia, as well as
preferred seating to keep kids close to the board/screen.
o extended time for students with fine motor limitations,
visual impairments, or learning disabilities.
o Making sure tools are available for students with fine
motor limitations and sensory disabilities.

o For visually impaired students, include more tactile
materials. If the lesson involves drawing or coloring in the
lines, you can use hot glue or puffy paint to create an
outline for your child. Textured paper instead of
construction paper may be needed.
o Using markers or paint brushes with larger handles for
children that have difficulty gripping, as well as tools that
keep the marker or brush in the student’s hand.
F. Instructional o Computer
Materials, Equipment o Presentation Screen
and Technology o Projector
o Pencils
o Rulers
o Markers
o Paper

G. Management Plan o Supplies will be distributed via selected Shape from each
colored table.
(Ex. Square assigned to grab supply caddy with supplies
for each table.)
o Triangle assigned to pick up sunflower design from front
o Instructor will handout one sheet of each color needed to
each student.

Day Two : Continued Lesson from Previous Day

A. Opening/Introduction Prior knowledge
( (10 Min)
o Student’s will be engaged in a discussion based on the
prior day’s lesson.
o Who can tell me what we discussed yesterday?
o What is a line?

Anticipatory Set
o Video About lines
“The Lines Song”

B. Procedures o (5 Min) Setup

o Assign a shape to grab caddy for table

o Assign a shape to grab handout for table

o (25 Min) Activity:

o Students will continue to color shapes made from

line activity.
o Instructor will walk around as each step is being
produced by students. Focus on students with
o Students will be encouraged to expand their images
through use of mixed media such as markers,
paints, or glitter during the activity.
o Students will who finish the activity will begin
cleanup of their areas and proceed to the center
reading carpet area where a video with kids’ music
will be playing to continue to grab the students’

o Kids Songs and Nursery Rhymes

o (5 Min) Cleanup
▪ Assigned shape from each table will
put up Caddy
▪ Assigned shape will wipe down table
o (5 Min) Lineup for exit

C. Formative Students will be assessed based on the discussion participation and

assessment participation during the demonstration.
D. Grouping structure/s: Students will be grouped according to their assigned color-coded
E. Accommodations/
Modifications o Accommodations
o computer text-to-speech computer-based systems for
students with visual impairments or Dyslexia, as well as
preferred seating to keep kids close to the board/screen.
o extended time for students with fine motor limitations,
visual impairments, or learning disabilities.
o Making sure tools are available for students with fine
motor limitations and sensory disabilities.

o Modifications
o For visually impaired students, include more tactile
materials. If the lesson involves drawing or coloring in the
lines, you can use hot glue or puffy paint to create an
outline for your child. Textured paper instead of
construction paper may be needed.
o Using markers or paint brushes with larger handles for
children that have difficulty gripping, as well as tools that
keep the marker or brush in the student’s hand.

F. Instructional o Computer
Materials, Equipment o Presentation Screen
and Technology o Projector
o Pencils
o Rulers
o Markers
o Paper

G. Management Plan o Supplies will be distributed via selected Shape from each
colored table.
(Ex. Square assigned to grab supply caddy with supplies
for each table.)
o Triangle assigned to pick up sunflower design from front
o Instructor will handout one sheet of each color needed to
each student.

Day Three :
A. Opening/Introduction Prior knowledge
(5 Min) Discussion
o Who remembers what we talked about last class?
o What were we trying to do with our drawings yesterday?

Anticipatory Set
(5 Min) VTS
Mondrian 1942 self portrait

Piet Mondrian

(Do not name Artist until Presentation)

o VTS Discussion:
o What’s Happening in this image?
o What did you see that makes you say that?
o What more can we find?

B. Procedures o (10 Min) Lecture

o Introduce Piet Mondrian
o Discuss his work with lines

Composition with Large Red Plane,

Yellow, Black, Gray and Blue (1921)
Composition with Red, Yellow and Blue (1942)

o (5) Setup
o Assign a shape to grab caddy for table
o Assign a shape to grab construction paper for table
▪ Students will be issued a white sheet of

o (20 Min)
o The students will begin by writing their names on the
o The students will turn the page over

o The instructor will demo the activity with lines. We

will be creating a series of line drawings similar to
that of Mondrian.
▪ The students will draw a series of vertical
and horizontal lines.

▪ The students will use sharpie to outline the
▪ Student will use markers to color in
squares. (Students might not finish.
Coloring will be continued on Following

o At 15 minutes class will be notified that they have
5 minutes till clean up.
o (5 Min) Cleanup
o Assigned shape from each table will
put up Caddy
o Assigned shape will wipe down table
o (5 Min) Lineup for exit

C. Formative Students will be assessed based on the discussion participation and

assessment artwork participation.
D. Grouping structure/s: Students will be grouped according to their assigned color-coded

E. Accommodations/
Modifications o Accommodations
o computer text-to-speech computer-based systems for
students with visual impairments or Dyslexia, as well as
preferred seating to keep kids close to the board/screen.
o extended time for students with fine motor limitations,
visual impairments, or learning disabilities.
o Making sure tools are available for students with fine
motor limitations and sensory disabilities.

o Modifications
o For visually impaired students, include more tactile
materials. If the lesson involves drawing or coloring in the
lines, you can use hot glue or puffy paint to create an
outline for your child. Textured paper instead of
construction paper may be needed.
o Using markers or paint brushes with larger handles for
children that have difficulty gripping, as well as tools that
keep the marker or brush in the student’s hand.

F. Instructional o Pencils
Materials, Equipment o Rulers
and Technology o Markers
o Paper

G. Management Plan o Supplies will be distributed via selected Shape from each
colored table.
(Ex. Square assigned to grab supply caddy with supplies
for each table.)
o Triangle assigned to pick up sunflower design from front
o Instructor will handout one sheet of each color needed to
each student.


H. Opening/Introduction Prior knowledge
o (5 Min) Setup
o Assign a shape to grab caddy for table
o Assign a shape to grab handout for table

Anticipatory Set (5 Min)

o Revisit work from last class.
o How are we feeling about our work from

I. Procedures o (5) Setup

o Assign a shape to grab caddy for table
o The instructor will pass out work from precious day

o (20 Min)

o Continue working on work from previous day

o Instructor will walk around as each step is being
produced by students.
o Students will be encouraged to expand their images
through use of mixed media such as markers,
paints, or glitter during the activity.
o Students will who finish the activity will begin
cleanup of their areas and proceed to the center
reading carpet area where a video with kids’ music
will be playing to continue to grab the students’

o Kids Songs and Nursery Rhymes

o (5 Min) Cleanup
o Assigned shape from each table will
put up Caddy
o Assigned shape will wipe down table
o (5 Min) Lineup for exit

J. Formative Students will be assessed based on the discussion participation and

assessment artwork participation.
K. Grouping structure/s: Students will be grouped according to their assigned color-coded
L. Accommodations/
Modifications o Accommodations
o computer text-to-speech computer-based systems for
students with visual impairments or Dyslexia, as well as
preferred seating to keep kids close to the board/screen.
o extended time for students with fine motor limitations,
visual impairments, or learning disabilities.
o Making sure tools are available for students with fine
motor limitations and sensory disabilities.

o Modifications
o For visually impaired students, include more tactile
materials. If the lesson involves drawing or coloring in the
lines, you can use hot glue or puffy paint to create an
outline for your child. Textured paper instead of
construction paper may be needed.
o Using markers or paint brushes with larger handles for
children that have difficulty gripping, as well as tools that
keep the marker or brush in the student’s hand.

M. Instructional o Pencils
Materials, Equipment o Rulers
and Technology o Markers
o Paper

N. Management Plan o Supplies will be distributed via selected Shape from each
colored table.
o Ex. Square assigned to grab supply caddy with supplies for
each table.
o Triangle assigned to pick up sunflower design from front
o Instructor will handout one sheet of each color needed to
each student.


A. Opening/Introduction Prior knowledge
(5 Min) Summarize this week’s lessons

Anticipatory Set
(5 Min) Revisit Images from “Lines that Wiggle”
o What happened in the images?
o What story did they tell?
o How did they do this?

B. Procedures (30 Min)

o Students will be asked to present their drawings to
the class and tell us about it.
o Each student will have 2 minutes to describe their

(5 Min)
Students will be asked to begin lining up for exit.

C. Formative assessment Students will be assessed based on the discussion participation

D. Grouping structure/s: Students will be grouped according to their assigned color-
coded seating.
E. Accommodations/
Modifications o Accommodations
o computer text-to-speech computer-based systems
for students with visual impairments or Dyslexia, as
well as preferred seating to keep kids close to the
o extended time for students with fine motor
limitations, visual impairments, or learning
o Making sure tools are available for students with
fine motor limitations and sensory disabilities.

o Modifications
o For visually impaired students, include more tactile
materials. If the lesson involves drawing or
coloring in the lines, you can use hot glue or puffy
paint to create an outline for your child. Textured
paper instead of construction paper may be needed.
o Using markers or paint brushes with larger handles
for children that have difficulty gripping, as well as
tools that keep the marker or brush in the student’s

F. Instructional Materials, Computer

Equipment and Projector
Technology Projector screen
G. Management Plan No Supplies will be necessary for the presentation of projects.
Assessment: Grades will be determined based on participation, level of completion,

Assessment o sign language interpreters for students who are deaf as

Accommodations & well as available text detailing instruction
Modifications o computer text-to-speech computer-based systems for
students with visual impairments or Dyslexia.
o extended time for students with fine motor limitations,
visual impairments, or learning disabilities
o Tools, materials, and clothing will be ready for students
who need them.
o Other Modifications will be made according to students

IEP: Individualized Education Plan

BIP: Behavior Intervention Plan
ELL: English Language Learner
504 plans give kids with disabilities the support they need

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