Fixed-Point Iteration: Objectives

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Name:_________________________ Instructor:__________________

Date Performed: ____________ Date Submitted: _________________

Fixed-Point Iteration
● Define what fixed-point iteration is

● Learn how to obtain solution of one-variable equations using fixed-

point iteration

Instruments/Materials Needed:

1 Computer unit with installed spreadsheet application software

1 standard calculator with ANS (answer) function

1. We will solve the equation x2 – 3x + 1 = 0 by iteration.

Derive an iteration formula from the equation by expressing it as x =


Q1. List all possibilities of the form x = g(x).


Choose one of the forms and see if you can find a number x0 belonging
to some interval [a,b] where there exists a fixed point for g(x).

TAKE NOTE of the theorem stated earlier. Trial and error actually
works in this simple problem, but it will do us well, for the sake of
learning, to show your solution below.
Q2. Among those listed, have you found inapplicable formulas?

Explain mathematically why each formula can or cannot be used.


Let us now generate the sequence. Prepare three columns. The first one
is for n. Write in each cell the numbers from 0 to some definite number,
say 20.

The second column is for xn. Write your chosen number x0 in the first cell,
corresponding to n = 0 on the first column. Set the decimal digits to fifteen
both for the second and third columns.

Compute g(xn) on the third column. Take note of your formula.

The first entry under g(xn) is g(x0). This value will serve as your
xn + 1 = x0+1 = x1, or the second entry in your second column,
corresponding to n = 1. Then the third column will compute g(xn) = g(x1).
This value will then be x1+1 = x2, and so on.
YOUR INSTRUCTOR EXPECTS that you know how to do this simple
task in the spreadsheet and believe that you will not manually copy each
entry as you generate g(xn).

You will notice that the values of xn and g(xn) will approach each other.
Note the value, a, on the space below when xn ≈ g(xn), or when they are
numerically equal.
a = xn = g(xn) = ___________________________.
Now take note of the constant term of your equation, x2 – 3x + 1 = 0.
Divide the constant term by your obtained value. Note your answer on the
spreadsheet and on the space provided.

b = 1 / xn = ___________________________.

Solve the solution of the equation x2 – 3x + 1 = 0 using the quadratic

formula (do it on the spreadsheet) and take note of the values.

Q3. What can you say about the roots that you have just obtained
and the values a and b that you have generated earlier?
Q4. Is it clear to you why we divide the constant term by the value a
= xn to obtain b? Explain why we did it. Is it then applicable in all

Generate the sequence for the other g(xn) and do the same analysis.

Supplementary activities

Without the use of the spreadsheet, show how the roots are obtained
using a simple calculator with a function key ANS (answer).

Find the root(s) of the equation x3 – 2x2 – 5 = 0 in the interval [2,3] using
the iteration method. Then try other intervals. Are you obtaining different
roots or the same real root? Explain through Calculus the number of
solutions that you obtained.
Find the roots of x2 + x – 1 = 0 by iteration. Which of the forms x = g(x) is
not an applicable iteration formula? Explain and show your computation.

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