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Extract 1: Questions 1-12

You hear an interview with a patient called Ivy Simon. For questions 1-12,
complete the notes with a word or short phrase.

You now have thirty seconds to look at the notes.

Patient: Ivy Simons

Reason for consultation: (1) .

Last visit: (2) .

Recent health issues:

 Did have flu.

 Lost over (3) .

 (4) is higher than the last time

Medication. :

 Use the Webster pack

 Karvea to (5) .

 Oroxine for (6) .

 Lipex for (7) _.

 She takes (8) for many years

Support services:

 Tom got a (9) to help with the


 She thinks gardener (10) _.

Lost things include:

 Garden gloves

 (11) .

 Watering can

 Favorite (12) _ _.

Extract 2: Questions 13-24

You hear a consultant talking to a patient called Henry Bunion. For questions 13-
24, complete the notes with a word or short phrase.

You now have thirty seconds to look at the notes.

Patient name: Henry Bunion

Test results:

 Total cholesterol (13) .

 Triglycerides (14) .

 HDL: 1.54

 LDL (15) .

 (16) _ in LDL level compared to last year.

Patient history:

 Dad died at 60 due to (17) .

 Enjoys McDonalds at (18) _.

 Eat (19) _ of meat.

 Not really a big fan of vegetables.

 Put on (20) _ of weight.

Smoking and drinking habits:

 Smokes (21) cigarettes per day

 Tried to cut down drinks

 Probably two or three in a day.

 Drinks little bit more (22) .

 Work actually stressful due to (23) .

 Best way to reduce cholesterol is (24) .

That is the end of Part A. Now look at Part B

Part B

In this part of the test, you’ll hear six different extracts. In each extract, you’ll hear
people talking in a different healthcare setting.

For questions 25-30, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according to
what you hear. You’ll have time to read each question before you listen. Complete
your answers as you listen.
Now look at question 25.

25. You hear a lecture about ADHD

Most estimates suggest that among primary school age children
A. 2 % of children have ADHD
B. 80 % of children have ADHD
C. 5 to 10 percentage of children have ADHD
26. You here an essay published by the public library of open science.
The estimated number of people either landless rural labor or members of small
A. Holes are 6 million in total option.
A. Nearly 7 out of every ten angry people.
B. Not even estimated

27. You hear a lecture on COPD.

The proportion between mortality from COPD and population age
A. Same.
B. population age increase mortality from COPD decreases
C. population age decreases mortality from c o p d increases

28. You hear an interview between a doctor and Mr Marai

The cat had an accident
A. On the way to school.
B. During her gymnastic class.
C. While practicing exercise at.

29. You here a talk about studies on depression.

What is the primary reason for choosing women for research?
A. Recession is a woman.
B. Women has less depression than men
C. Men has less depression than women

30. You here Mr. Norman talking about onset of epilepsy.

The common set a stroke to experience epilepsy for the first time is
A. People aged over 60.
B. Children.
C. People aged over 40.

That is the end of Part B. Now look at Part C.

Part C
In this part of the test, you’ll hear two different extracts. In each extract, you’ll
hear health professionals talking about aspects of their work.

For questions 31-42, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according to
what you hear. Complete your answers as you listen.
Now look at extract one.

Extract 1: Questions 31-36

Asbestosis you here election based on the topic as per doses you now have 90
seconds to read questions 31 to 36 question number

31. Asbestoses is made up of

A. tiny particles invisible to the eye.
B. thin fibers invisible to the eye.
C. fibers and particles visible to the eye.

32. Australia and UK have the highest rate of asbestos related deaths because
A. the amount of asbestos used.
B. the high proportion of dangerous asbestos.
C. both of the above question number.

33. What will occur, if the products containing asbestos are disturbed?
A. Gets trapped in the respiratory system.
B. Causes scaring and inflammation.
C. Tiny asbestos fibers are released into the air.

34. Which are the factors that help to determine how asbestos exposure affects an
A. Indoors and source of exposure.
B. duration size shape and chemical makeup.
C. all of the above question number.

35. Incidence of hospitals are still being noted in patients and the reason is
A. a long time interval between exposure and clinical appearance of disease.
B. long time interval between exposure and acceptance of disease.
C. lack of medical facilities and knowledge on disease.

36. The number of people who are affected annually due to asbestosis are
A. 200,000
B. approximately 200,000
C. 2,000
Now look at extract two.
Extract 2: Questions 37-42
You hear a lecture on anaphylaxis.

You now have 90 seconds to read questions 37 to 42.

37. Which is the common Trigger factor of anaphylaxis in children?

A. allergen’s exposure.
B. food.
C. eczema

38. How is an anaphylactoid reaction different to another anaphylactic reaction?

A. allergy treatment varies.
B. no difference is noted.
C. can occur with no previous exposure to allergens.

39. An Australian survey of patient reported allergy and anaphylaxis font that
A. 1 in 70 children had suffered from anaphylaxis option.
B. 1 in 50 adults have experienced anaphylaxis option.
C. 1 in 70 children had suffered at least 1 episode of anaphylaxis.

40. The likelihood of an individual having anaphylaxis is influenced by

A. age gender lifestyle and food habits
B. age gentle at op source and previous history
C. both a and b

41. Skin contact with foot commonly causes anaphylaxis

A. true
B. false
C. not given

42 Food allergy is common in children and the proportion is

A. about 80 % of anaphylactic reactions

B. 70 to 80 percentage of anaphylactic reactions

C. 20 to 30 percentage of anaphylactic reactions

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