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Hello. Let me introduce myself first.

My name is Pattrarapon Kaerduong you can call me max

also. Today I will be speaking on the topic of MY SEMESTER GOAL and Application that will help me
achieve my goals

For my semester goal I anticipate to have a better skill a speaking. Because I have a dream that I
want to live in England and travel around the worlds. Therefore, speaking skills are extremely
important. It will make it easier for me to communicate with others. So I planned to use “Speak”
application to practice my speaking skill. Speak application can help you to practice conversing
with native speakers in variousแวริ อู situations. especially in everyday conversations Each time
you practice speaking. The app will rate scores how well you speak and it allows you to learn
pronunciation. You just speak according to the sentences in the chat that the app determines It is
enough to make your speaking skills get better. For example.
I planed to use this app 1 Hour per day because I don’t want to study too hard.
There is another application similar to the Speak application that is Duolingo
But the reason that made me choose speak not Duolingo because First some features in Duolingo
is not free. it has Duolingo plus that you have to pay $6.99 to access some features like Practice
Mistakes features.This features can help you to identify mistakes during practice but if you don't
have Duolingo plus you can not use that
Second Duolingo is no features to assess your pronunciation. So you never know Is your
pronunciation correct or not. This is very important in speaking skills.
Lastly Duolingo focus on Vocabulary and grammar more than Conversation There is no
Conversation for you to practice speaking.
if I can achieve my goal I will buy an Ipad for my self. Because If I can achieve my speaking
skills The next skill I want to develop is writing skill . iPads are therefore important for writing
practice and can also help in studying other subjects as well

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