EL 111 Midterm Project Rubric

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Category 20 15 10 5 Score

The presenter was articulate in The presenter was The presenter was The presenter did not
showing the emotions of the adequate in showing the lacking in showing the show any facial
Facial Expression story through their facial emotions of the story emotions of the story expressions in delivering
expressions. through their facial through their facial the story.
expressions. expressions.

The script accurately meets the Most of the script Some of the script Script does not
plot of the story and well- accurately meets the plot accurately meets the plot accurately meet the plot
organized. One idea or scene and pretty organized. and little hard to follow. of the story. Ideas and
follows another in a logical One idea or scene may The transitions are scenes seem to be
sequence with clear transitions. seem out of place. Clear sometimes not clear. randomly arranged.
transitions are used.

Excellent gestures and eye Good gestures and eye Few gestures and little No gestures or eye
Gestures and Eye
contact with the audience. contact with the eye contact. contact.

All speech is clearly enunciated, Most speech is clearly Speech is sometimes Speech is often unclear, too
spoken slowly and loudly enough to enunciated, spoken slowly unclear, soft, and/or too soft, and/or too fast, so
Clarity, Pace & be heard by all members of the and loudly enough to be fast, so some of the most of the character’s lines
Volume audience. heard by most members of character’s lines are not are not clearly heard by the
the audience. clearly heard by the audience.

The presenter’s costume is very The presenter’s costume is The presenter’s costume is The presenter’s costume is
much relevant to the character relevant to the character a bit irrelevant to the very much irrelevant to the
he/she portrayed. Background he/she portrayed. character he/she portrayed. character he/she portrayed.
music works well with the changes Background music included Music included but does not Not enough music included.
in mood/character/emotion/place. and conveys place, convey place, character, Pass the video four or more
Background Sound
Pass the video before or on the character, mood, or mood or emotion. Pass the days after the deadline.
and Timelessness deadline emotion but choices and video two to three (2-3)
timing seem arbitrary. Pass days after the deadline.
the video one (1) day after
the deadline.


EL 111 Reader’s TheaTer

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