Esqueleto Caudal Seriola Lalandi

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Osteological development of the caudal

skeleton in the carangid, Seriola lalandi

Hiroshi Kohno

Laboratory of Ichthyology, Tokyo Universi~ of Fisheries. 4-5-7 Konan,

Minato-ku, Tokyo I08, Japan (e-mail:,jp)
(Received 11 June 1996; in revised form 25 November 1996; accepted 7 Februa~ 1997)

Ichthyological Kohno,H. 1997. Osteological development of the caudal skeleton in the carangid,
Research Seriola lalandi. Ichthyol. Res., 44 (2): 219-221.
9 Ichthyological Society of Japan 19~7 Ke]) words'. --Seriola talandi; ossification; urostyle; ural centrum.

he morphological variety has encouraged re- BL), with a cartilaginous parhypuraI being
T searchers to describe the caudal skeleton of added at 5.03 m m BE (Fig. 1B). In a specimen
of 5.44 m m BL (Fig. 1C), hypurals 1 and 2 were
various fish species (Fujita, 1990). The develop-
mental patterns have also been considered im- fused with each other at their proximal and distal
portant clues for the interpretation of higher- parts, leaving a small hole in the center, and the
level phylogenetic relationships (Kohno and parhypural was also fused with hypurals l and 2
Taki, 1983). Accordingly, there exists a need to at their proximal bases. Hypurals 3 and 4 ap-
continue collecting information on caudal skele- peared first at 5.44mm BL, the latter being
ton development, despite the data already accu- faintly stained and partially fused with the for-
mulated for many species (e.g., works of Pot- mer (Fig~ 1C), although no such fusion was ob-
thoff [see Potthoff and Tellock, t993] and Fujita served in a 5.53 mm BL specimen (Fig. 1D). Hy-
[see Fujita, 1994; Ichiyanagi and Fujita, 1995]). pural 5 was first observed at 6.92 mm BL (Fig.
The present study describes the development of 1E), at which time ossification had started in the
the caudal skeleton in Seriola lalandi, providing parhypural and hypurats I-4. Ossification of hy-
a comparison with Katsuyama (1989) and Tachi- pural 5 was first observed at 7.89 m m BL (Fig.
hara et at. (1993), who described such develop- 1G), the parhypurapophysis (=hypurapophysis
ment in Seriola quinqueradiata and S. dumerili, of Nursall [ 1963]; see Potthoff, 1975) also being
respectively. apparent. With growth, ossification proceeded,
being almost completed by 10.10mm BL (Fig.
Materials and Methods 1I), the proximal parts of the parhypural and hy-
purals 1-5 alone remaining cartilaginous.
Larvae and juveniles used in this study had Two cartilaginous epurals were first observed
been reared in Gotoh Station, Japan Sea Farming at 5.44mm BL (Fig. 1C), with a third being
Association in 1991, the number of specimens added at 5.53 m m BL (Fig. 1D). Thereafter, the
examined being 47 (3.74-11.54 m m body length
number of epurals varied individually from three
[BL], 1-21 days after hatching). These speci-
to four (Fig. 1E-I), although the usual number of
mens were cleared and stained following the epurals in the species is three (Fujita, 1990). Ini-
method of Potthoff (1984), and deposited in the tial ossification of the epurals was observed at
Museum, Tokyo University of Fisheries (MTUF- 7.09mm BL (Fig. 1F). Further ossification pro-
P(L) 803). ceeded with growth, becoming completed by
10.10mm BL (Fig. iI), except for the distal
edges which remained cartilaginous.
No caudal skeleton elements were apparent in A 5.44mm BL specimen had a specialized
specimens of 4.74 m m BL and smaller, a straight neural arch (Potthoff, 1975), neural spines of
notochord being solely observed. preural centra 3 and 4 and haemal spines of
Hypurals 1 and 2 appeared first as cartilagi- preural centra 2-4 (Fig. I C). Ossification of the
nous buds at 4 . 7 8 m m BL (Fig. 1A: 4 . 8 t m m neural and haemal spines began at 7.09 m m BL
220 H. K o h n o

Fig. 1. Development of the caudal skeleton in Seriola lalandi, left lateral view. A) 4.81 mm BL;
B) 5.03 mm BL; C) 5.44 mm BL; D) 5.53 mm BL; E) 6.92 mm BL; F) 7.09 mm BL; G) 7.89 mm
BL; H) 8.70 mm BL; I) 10.10 mm BL. Stippled area, cartilage; open area, ossification, except for
notochord. Scale bars indicate 0.1 mm. Ep--epural; Hs--haemal spine: Hyl-5--hypurals 1-5;
'Na'--specialized neural arch; Nc--notochord; Ns--neural spine: Ph--parhypural; PhP--parhy-
purapophysis; PUl--preural centrum 1; U1, 2--ural centra 1, 2; Unl, 2--uroneurals 1, 2; Us--

(Fig. 1F), except for the specialized neural arch, tochord at 7.15 mm BL, with preural centrum 3
which started ossifying at 7.89mm BL (Fig. doing so at 7.31 mm BL, although the latter had
1G). The neural and haemal spines of preural not developed in a 7.89 m m BL specimen (Fig.
centrum 4 were completely ossified at 8.70mm 1G). Ural centra I and 2 were fused together to
BL (Fig. 1H). In a 10.10mm BL specimen (Fig. form the urostyle at 7 . 3 1 m m BL (Fig. 1G:
11), the base of the haemal spines of preural cen- 7.89 mm BL).
tra 2 and 3 remained cartilaginous, although the A bony uroneural appeared first at 7.12 mm
haemal spine o f preural centrum 3 was de- BL (Fig. 1G: 7.89mm BL), with second being
formed. observed at 8.70 mm BL (Fig. 1H).
Two bony elements, preural centrum 1 +ural
centrum 1 and ural centrum 2, were observed on Remarks
the upper part o f the flexing notochord at
The caudal skeleton o f Seriola talandi ob-
6.92 mm BL (Fig. 1E), a small bony chip of
served in this study developed in the same man-
preural centrum 4 also appearing at the base of
ner as in other Seriola species reported by Ka-
the neural spine. Preural centrum l+ural cen-
tsuyama (1989) and Tachihara et al. (I 993).
trum 1 and ural centrum 2 were clearly observed
Kohno and Taki (1983) and Fujita (1990) re-
in 7.09 (Fig. 1F) and 7.15mm BL specimens.
viewed briefly works describing the development
Small bony chips, representing preural centra 2 -
of the caudal skeleton. The urostyle of perci-
4, were apparent at the bases of the neural and
forms has been considered as being derived from
haemal arches at 7.09 mm BL (Fig. 1F). Preural
a preural centrum and two ural centra (Ahlstrom:
centra 2 and 4 first completely encircled the no-
C a r a n g i d C a u d a l Skeleton D e v e l o p m e n t 22t

pers. comm. in Potthoff [1975]), The present two carangid species--I. Seriota quinqueradiata.
study demonstrated that the urostyle was formed Saibai Giken, 18: 65-82. (In Japanese.)
by fusion of at least two elements, considered to Kohno, H. and Y. Taki. 1983. Comments on the de-
be preural centrum 1 +ural centrum 1 and ural velopment of fin-supports in fishes. Japan. J.
centrum 2 (Fig. 1E). The fusion of two elements ichthyol., 30: 284-290.
to form a urostyle was earlier reported by Kohno Kohno, H., Y. Taki, Y. Ogasawara, Y. Shirojo, M.
et al. (1983) for Pagrus major, such elements Taketomi and M. tnoue. 1983. Development of
being labeled as ural centra 1 and 2. swimming and feeding functions in larval Pagrus
major. Japan. J. Ichthyol., 30: 47-60.
Acknowledgments.- I thank the following persons Nursall, J. R. 1963. The hypurapophysis, an impor-
for their advice and technical support: K. Fujita, B.-I. tant element of the caudal skeleton. Copeia, 1963:
Lee and Y. Narisawa, Tokyo University of Fisheries; 458-459.
and Y. Mizuta and K. Maruyama, Japan Sea Farming Potthoff, T. 1975. Development and structure of the
Association. caudal complex, the vertebral column, and the
pterygiophores in the blackfin tuna (Thunnus at-
lanticus, Pisces, Scombridae). Bull. Mar. Sci., 25:
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