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School GRADE _11_ School Grade Level ICT -11

Logo Daily Lesson Plan

Teacher Learning Area
Teaching Date
and Time


A. Content Stan- Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving and demonstrating
dards competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences.

B. Performance Students consider and set personal learning goals and utilize appropriate technologies that
Standards will demonstrate knowledge and reflection of the process.

C. Learning Compe- a Students practice responsible use of technology through teacher guided online activities
tencies / Objectives and interactions to understand how the digital space impacts their life.
b. Students demonstrate an understanding of the role an online identity plays in the digital
world and learn the permanence of their decisions when interacting online.

D. Specific Objec- a Students demonstrate an understanding of the role an online identity plays in the digital
tives world and learn the permanence of their decisions when interacting online.

ICT.K-2.2.a ICT.6-8.2. ICT.3-5.1

E. Learning Compe -
ICT.3-5.2 ICT.6-8.2.
tency Code



III. LEARNING RE- Adventures in Empowerment Technologies- Learning Modules


A. References

1. Teacher’s
Guide Pages

2. Learner’s Pages 3-4

Materials Pages

3. Textbook Pages

4. Additional Powerpoint Presentation

Materials from Learning Management Systme
Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning

A. Reviewing Previ- What is Educational Technology?

ous Lesson b /Pre-
senting new lesson Educational technology is the combined use of computer hardware, software, and
educational theory and practice to facilitate learning. When referred to with its
abbreviation, edtech, it often refers to the industry of companies that create
educational technology.

How Important Is Technology in Education? Benefits, Challenges, and Impact on


The effective use of digital learning tools in classrooms can increase student
engagement, help teachers improve their lesson plans, and facilitate personalized
learning. It also helps students build essential 21st-century skills.

Virtual classrooms, video, augmented reality (AR), robots, and other technology
tools can not only make class more lively, they can also create more inclusive
learning environments that foster collaboration and inquisitiveness and enable
teachers to collect data on student performance.
B. Establishing pur- What does Empowerment means?
pose of the lesson It is to give power to something or someone, to promote the self-actualization or in this case
is to enhance your knowledge about a certain topic.

What does Technology means?

The Technology we’re talking about is something related in using the internet. The one that
we called “Information Highway” because it became the major source of information, from
small to big issues. And by major, it means communication and platforms for information-
based services.

C. Presenting Exam- The Importance of Empowerment Technologies

ples / Instances of With the help of Empowerment Technologies, Students and other millennial will be able to
the Lesson understand the real value of technology, to teach the proper etiquette of using it; that with
technology, they can make their lives and future a better one.

D. Discussing New WHAT IS ICT?

Concepts and Prac-

Deals with the use of different communication technologies such as mobile phones, tele-
phone, Internet, etc. to locate, save, send and edit information.
It is an ever-changing field that makes the world a smaller place wherein the information is
swiftly exchanging with different communications devices which includes the internet.

Click this link to watch and learn more about ICT:
E. Discussing New
Concepts and The ICT is made up of various parts which includes three (3) important concepts;
Practicing New Skills
1. Information - means valuable context that gives meaning and relevance to many people
such as name of place, birth date, color, money, your name, depending on the context. Tech-
nically, information is referred as data (once processed in a computer) which is accurate and
timely committed and organized for a purpose.

2. Communication - refers to the conveying of information between two or more people in

different places. Technically, communication facilitates the communication between
individuals and groups using smart phones, features phones, tablets, radio, television, and
all computer based technology.

What are the basic types of Communication?

 Verbal Communication (Ex.: Oral and Written)
 Non-Verbal Communication (Ex.: Sign, Symbol and Body Language)
- Verbal communication is about language, both written and spoken. In general, verbal com-
munication refers to our use of words while non-verbal communication refers to communica-
tion that occurs through the means of other than words.

3. Technology - used to accomplish various tasks in our daily lives, in brief; technology are
products and processes used to simplify our daily lives. We apply technology in almost every-
thing we do in our daily lives; we use technology at work, we use technology for communica-
tion, transportation, learning, manufacturing, securing data, scaling businesses and so much
more. Technology is human knowledge which involves tools, materials, and systems.

F. Developing mas-
tery What is Empowerment Technologies? Explain in your own words.
(Leads to formative EMPOWERMENT TECHNOLOGY refers to computer technology that we use almost
Assessment ) every day, which enables us to do task that, in the past require professional help.

G. Finding Practical Conducting Interview to the Teacher

Applications of Con-
cepts and Skills in How do technology enhance your teaching strategy? Write the answer on your
Daily Living answer sheet. (3-5 sentences)

Give one example of technology the teacher used in teaching? Draw and explain the
importance (15 pts).
H. Generalizations /

I. Evaluating Learn-

J. Additional Activi-
ties for Applica-
tion or Remedia-



A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the evalu-

B. No. of learners who

require additional activi-
ties for remediation who
scored below 80%

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the les-
D. No. of learners who
continue to require re-

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

G. What innovation
or localized materi-
als did I use or dis-
cover which I wish
to share with other

Prepared and demonstrated by:

Name of Teacher & Position

Checked by:

_______________ ___________________ ___________________

Teacher Observer 1 Teacher Observer 2 Teacher Observer 3

Attested by:

(Department Head)

Approved by:

(School Principal)

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