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Map 3.14: O10 Tower Her tower contains enough rubble that she won't run ‘out of rocks to throw anytime soon. Any character who tries to allay Moog's concerns by speaking to her calmly and soothingly in Giant can make a DC 12 Charisma (Persuasion) check. If Moog is also bribed with food or treasure, this check is made with advantage. Ifthe check succeeds, Moog stops attacking long ‘enough to hear what the character has to say. She also reveals why she's so unhappy. Ifthe characters promise to reunite Moog with her husband, she is delighted and tries her best to help them in return. Moog knows where Chief Gun lives and can lead the party to Grudd Haug (see chapter 5, “Den of the Hill Giants"). She also knows, that Grudd Haug is full of orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, and ‘ogres. Moog is more frightened of Chief Guh than she is Of the characters and won't voluntarily help them attack Grudd Haug. She prefers to remain a safe distance away from the hill giant den (at least half a mile), but charac: ters can convince Moog to accompany them by claiming that they need her help to identify Hruk and rescue him from the hill giant chief. Even when coaxed into joining the assault on Grudd Haug, Moog won't attack other hill giants. If she comes across her husband, she grabs him, by the hair and leads him far away from Grudd Haug. ‘Moog is chaotic evil, and thus prone to abrupt mood. ‘swings. She loses patience with the characters and at- tacks them if they don’t continually renew their promise to help her and give her food. Whenever Moog awakens after a long rest, she forgets who the characters are and. attacks them, whereupon a character must repeat the Charisma (Persuasion) check to regain her trust. INNER CIRCLES Various special quests in chapter 2 can lead adventurers to Moongleam Tower in the city of Everlund. If the char- acters receive none of these quests, you can still use this encounter by having an agent of the Harpers approach the party and suggest that they visit Moongleam Tower, particularly if they're looking for a faster mode of travel. Moongleam Tower is described in more detail in the “Everlund” section earlier in this chapter. Its resident archmage, Krowen Valharrow, is well aware of “the giant problem” If the characters approach him, Krowen ‘warns them that the giants’ upheaval poses a grave threat to the balance of power in the North. He has it ‘on good authority that the Harpers, the Lords’ Alliance, the Emerald Enclave, the Order of the Gauntlet, and the Zhentarim are all taking steps to protect civilization against the giants’ depredations. Krowen knows that giants and dragons have a long history of conflict, and he suspects that the dragons might somehow be respon- sible (directly or indirectly) for the giants’ uprising. Krowen isn't very adventurous himself, but he's fond of adventurers and uses them to do his dirty work. If the characters explain that they're trying to thwart the giants, Krowen grants the party free access toa secret, network of teleportation circles that he and his fellow Harper wizards use for travel. He also gives the charac- ters a sheet of parchment that shows all six circles and their sigil addresses (show the players figure 3.1). The circlesare located in Everlund, Loudwater, Mirabar, Neverwinter, Waterdeep, and Yartar. The specific loca- (CHAPTER 3 | THE SAVAGE FRONTIER uy

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