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Computer Science 233: Introduction to Computer Science for Computer Science Majors II

Course Overview:

Computer Science 233 is a continuation of the Introduction to Computer Science for Computer Science
Majors I course, with an emphasis on object-oriented analysis and design of small-scale computational
systems and implementation using an object-oriented language. The course covers issues of design,
modularization, and programming style to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of
software development concepts.

Course Topics:

1. Object-Oriented Programming Concepts:

The course starts with an overview of object-oriented programming concepts, including classes, objects,
inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism. Students will learn how to create classes, objects, and
methods, and how to use these concepts to solve real-world problems.

2. Object-Oriented Design:

Students will learn about object-oriented design principles, including abstraction, modularity, and
separation of concerns. They will be introduced to UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams, which
are used to represent the structure of a software system, and will learn how to use these diagrams to
design and analyze small-scale systems.

3. Modularization:

The course will cover modularization techniques that can be used to organize code into manageable,
reusable components. Students will learn about packages, interfaces, and abstract classes, and how to
use them to create modular, maintainable code.
4. Programming Style:

Programming style is an important aspect of software development, and the course will cover best
practices for writing clear, readable, and maintainable code. Topics covered will include naming
conventions, code formatting, documentation, and code commenting.

5. Small-Scale Systems:

The course will focus on the development of small-scale systems, and students will be given the
opportunity to apply the concepts and techniques learned in the course to real-world problems. They
will learn how to design and implement small-scale systems using object-oriented programming
principles and techniques.

6. Programming Language:

The course will use an object-oriented programming language, such as Java or Python. Students will
learn how to use the language to implement the concepts and techniques covered in the course.

Course Goals:

Upon completion of Computer Science 233, students will have a solid understanding of object-oriented
programming concepts and techniques, as well as the ability to design and implement small-scale
systems using an object-oriented programming language. They will have developed the skills necessary
to create modular, maintainable code, and will be able to apply these skills to real-world problems.


Assessment in Computer Science 233 will be based on a combination of exams, quizzes, programming
assignments, and a final project. Students will be expected to complete programming assignments
individually or in pairs and to demonstrate their understanding of the course material through their

Computer Science 233 is an important course for computer science majors who are interested in
learning about object-oriented programming and software development principles. The course covers a
wide range of topics and provides students with the skills and knowledge necessary to design and
implement small-scale systems using an object-oriented programming language. By the end of the
course, students will have a solid understanding of programming concepts and techniques, and will be
well-prepared for more advanced computer science courses.

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