7 Sequence of Service

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Welcoming the guest
Receptionist : Good Evening ma’am, welcome to Baratie Restaurant, How can I help you?

Guest: I have a reservation.

Receptionist: Ma’am, May I have your name and reservation number please?

Guest: it’s Ariana Grande 123

Receptionist: Okay Maam, please have sit while I check your reservation details.

Guest: Okay.

Assisting & seating the guest

Receptionist: Sorry for keeping you waiting ma’am, I will lead you to your table, this way please.

Receptionist: Maam, please be seated, the waiter will be here to take your order.

Guest: Okay, thank you.

Receptionist: Please excuse me.

Presenting the menu

Waiter: Excuse me, Good afternoon maam, Im Aira your waiter for today. Would you like to order now ma’am ?

Guest: Yes please ( Gets the Menu )

Taking orders
Guest: I want onion galette for appetizer, chicken confit, lobster bisque soup, green salad, and for my drinks just
lemon juice.

( Suggestive selling )
Waiter: Would you like to order some dessert ma’am ?

Guest: What will you recommend me?

Waiter: Our best seller ma’am the Chocolate souffles .

Guest: I would like to have that one.

(Repeating order )
Waiter: Repeat order ma’am , onion galette for appetizer, chicken confit, lobster bisque soup, green salad, lemon
juice, and of course the Chocolate souffles.

Waiter: Okay ma’am , will this be all?

Guest: Yes that’s all thank you.

Waiter: Just wait for 5 minutes ma’am and I will serve the appetizer.

Serving Orders
Waiter: Excuse me ma’am, Here’s your onion galette for appetizer.

Guest: Thank you so much.

Waiter: Enjoy your meal ma’am .

( Gets the other food)

Waiter: Excuse me ma’am , here’s your chicken confit, lobster bisque soup, green salad, and lemon juice.

Guest: thank you so much

Waiter: Enjoy your meal ma’am .

Checking Back Guest

Waiter: Excuse me ma’am , Would you like some water ma’am ?

Guest: Yes please.

( Served the water to the Guest)

Guest: Thank you.

Waiter: Enjoy ma’am .

(Guest is done eating and signed for the receipt)

Waiter: Excuse me ma’am , here’s your receipt.

Guest: ( Puts cash in the receipt booklet) Here you go.

Waiter: Thank you so much ma’am .

Bidding Goodbye
(The Guest stands and looks like she’s already leaving)
Waiter: Excuse me ma’am, let me lead you to the door please.

Guest: Thank you so much.

( At the door)
Waiter: Thank you for dining here in our restaurant, Have a great night ma’am .

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