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To assess the intelligent quotient of the subject using Bhatia Battery of Performance Test of Intelligence


Intelligence is a key construct employed to know how individuals differ from one
another. It also provides an understanding of how people adapt their behavior according to
the environment they live in.
Psychological notion of intelligence is quite different from the common sensical
notion of intelligence. Early intelligence theorists also used these attributes in defining
intelligence. Alfred Binet was one of the first psychologists who worked on intelligence. He
defined intelligence as the ability to judge well, understand well, and reason well.
Wechsler, whose intelligence tests are most widely used, understood intelligence in
terms of its functionality, i.e. its value for adaptation to environment. He defined it as the
global and aggregate capacity of an individual to think rationally, act purposefully, and to
deal effectively with her/his environment. Other psychologists, such as Gardner and Sternberg
have suggested that an intelligent individual not only adapts to the environment, but also
actively modifies or shapes it.
Theories of Intelligence
Binet’s theory of intelligence was rather simple as it arose from his interest in
differentiating more intelligent from less intelligent individuals. He, therefore, conceptualized
intelligence as consisting of one similar set of abilities which can be used for solving any or
every problem in an individual’s environment. His theory of intelligence is called Uni or one
factor theory of intelligence.
In 1927, Charles Spearman proposed a two-factor theory of intelligence employing a
statistical method called factor analysis. He showed that intelligence consisted of a general
factor (g-factor) and some specific factors (s-factors). The g-factor includes mental
operations which are primary and common to all performances. In addition to the g-factor, he
said that there are also many specific abilities. These are called s-factors.
One of the theories that Gardner proposed eight abilities that he held to meet the

• Musical-rhythmic
• Visual-spatial
• Verbal-linguistic
• Logical-mathematical
• Bodily-kinesthetic
• Interpersonal
• Intrapersonal
• Naturalistic

Need to measure intelligence

By knowing one person’s intellectual abilities we can Identify the intellectual
deviations, determine the optimum level of work, For diagnosing disabilities in school

subjects, Combination of all informants for Educational Guidance, Diagnosing Subject-

Matter Difficulties, Predicting success in particular Academic Subjects, Measuring special

abilities, Determining the level of ability, Estimating the range of abilities in a class,
Educational and Vocational guidance.
Intelligence tests
Intelligence tests are psychological tests that are designed to measure a variety of
mental functions, such as reasoning, comprehension, and judgment.
Goal: To obtain an idea of the person's intellectual potential. The tests center around a set of
stimuli designed to yield a score based on the test maker's model of what makes up
intelligence. Intelligence tests are often given as a part of a battery of tests.
Contrast between Wechsler’s Intelligence Test and Bhatia’s Battery Test of Intelligence:
The Wechsler Intelligence Test: Developed by Dr. David Wechsler, a clinical
psychologist with Bellevue Hospital, in 1939. Main objective was to measure one's ability to
"adapt and constructively solve problems in the environment," as Wechsler defined.
Bhatia's Battery Test of Intelligence: Constructed by C. M. Bhatia in 1955. This test
was developed to test the Intelligence of Indian Population. The main objective of the test is
to measure the intelligence of children and less educated or illiterate Indians in the age group
of 11 and 16 years.

Intelligent Quotient: It is a total score derived from several standardized

tests designed to assess human intelligence. The abbreviation "IQ" was coined by
the psychologist William Stern.
IQ is a score obtained by dividing a person's mental age score, obtained by
administering an intelligence test, by the person's chronological age, both expressed in terms
of years and months. The resulting fraction is multiplied by 100 to obtain the IQ score.
Intelligence tests are psychological tests that are designed to measure a variety of mental
functions, such as reasoning, comprehension, and judgment.
The frequency distribution for the IQ scores tends to approximate a bell shaped curve, called
the normal curve.
This type of distribution is symmetrical around the central value, called the mean.
About 2 per cent of the population have IQ above 130, and a similar percentage have IQ
below 70. The persons in the first group are called intellectually gifted; those in the second
group are termed intellectually disabled. These two groups deviate considerably from the
normal population in respect of their cognitive, emotional, and motivational characteristics.
The different levels of intellectual disability are: mild (IQs 55 to approximately 70),
moderate (IQs 35–40 to approximately 50– 55), severe (IQs 20–25 to approximately 35–40),
and profound (IQs below 20–25).
Bhatia's Battery of Performance Test of Intelligence
It includes following five sub tests:
 Koh's Block Design Test
 Alexander Pass-along Test
 Pattern Drawing Test
 Immediate Memory
 Picture Construction Test
Individual administration of this test takes less than one hour. Maximum 95 marks can be
obtained in the complete test. Maximum marks for the five subtests in order are 25, 20, 20,
15, and 15 respectively.
Materials Required
• Bhatia Battery Box
• Scoring sheet
• Writing material
• Stop watch

Subject Details

• Name: XYZ
• Age: 18
• Gender: Female
• Education Qualification: College student

Preliminary Setup
• The instructions are given clearly to the subejct.
• Proper rapport is established.
• Extraneous variables (eg: noise) should be controlled.
• Materials required are issued and checked.


The manual for Bhatia Battery is retrieved from the box. There are five subtests
named Koh’s Block Design, Alexander’s Passalong test, Pattern Drawing, Immediate
Memory, and Picture Construction. Each of the five subtests have a different set of
instructions mentioned in the manual.

Bhatia's Battery of Performance Test of Intelligence was constructed by C. M. Bhatia

in 1955. This test was developed to test the Intelligence of Indian Population. The main
objective of the test is to measure the intelligence of children and less educated or illiterate
Indians in the age group of 11 and 16 years. It includes following five sub tests:
(i) Koh's Block Design Test: This battery includes 10 designs from the original 17
designs from the Koh's test. The time for first five designs is 2 minutes and for the remaining
five the time is 3 minutes. The cards with a variety of colored designs are shown to the test
taker and he is asked to reproduce them using a set of colored blocks. Performance is based
not just on the accuracy of the drawings but also on the examiner's observation of behavior
during the test, including such factors as attention level, self-criticism and adaptive behavior
(such as self-help, communication, and social skills).
(ii) Alexander Pass-along Test: It consists of four wooden trays and wooden blocks,
painted red or blue, with eight design cards. The subject is given a design card. The subject is
provided with a tray in which the red blocks are situated next to the blue line whereas the
blue blocks are situated next to the red line. They must make the image using the blocks,
without picking them up, rather using the method of sliding. Each test has a time limit. The
first four of these have to be completed in two minutes and the rest of the four have to be
completed in 3 minutes.
(iii)Pattern Drawing Test: This test is constructed by Bhatia. This test includes eight
cards. Every card has a pattern and the subject is required to draw these patterns in one go
without lifting the pencil. The time for the first four cards in 2 minutes and for the rest of the
four cards it is 3 minutes.
(iv) Immediate Memory: This test has two parts: digit span forward and digit span
backward. The test taker is required to repeat the numbers the examiner says. The number of
digit is increased on every trail. The test is continued till the subject repeats it successfully in
the same order. This is digit span forward. In the backward recall, the numbers are repeated
in the backward position, from the last to the first. This recall is also continued till the subject
successfully repeats the sequence.
(v) Picture Construction Test: This test requires the subject to construct a picture
that is given in parts. The parts are to be meaningfully combined to construct the picture. The
time for first two pictures is 2 minutes and the rest of the three pictures it is 3 minutes.
Individual administration of this test takes less than one hour. Maximum 95 marks can
be obtained in the complete test. Maximum marks for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th test are
25, 20, 20, 15, 15 respectively.

Each of the five sub tests have different set of instructions mentioned in the manual.

Koh's Block Design Test

The subject is shown a 10 cards showing block designs . The subject is instructed that “ A card is being
showed to you and you are being given cubes and trays.You have to replicate design of the card with
the help of given cubes and trays.

Pass-along Test
“You are being shown some cards containing block desings. The red block has been placed near the
blue end and the blue blocks near the red end. You have to move the red blocks towards the red side
and blue blocks to the blue side. The block should not be lifted but may only be moved by sliding.”

Pattern Drawing Test

“Here is the paper and pencil,I shall show a figure to you. Now make a figure like this without tracing
the line again and without lifting the pencil once you have started drawing.”

Immediate Memory Test

“ I will say something and you must listen attentively, repeat it after I have finished.”
Direct- “ Whatever I say you must say it in the same order.”
Reverse- “Whatever I say you must say backwards. If I say AB you have to say BA”

Picture Construction Test

Here are a number of pieces (For eg: 2,4,6,8,12) Here are a number of pieces of a picture, put the
pieces together


• Extraneous variables are controlled.

• Materials should be taken care of.
• Importance has to be given to the stopwatch so as to mention the proper timing.
• The cards are different for all the tests. They have to be given to the subject in the order as set in
the experiment.

Result Table

Test Name Score Total Score IQ

1 Block Test 13
2 Pass-along 14
3 Pattern Drawing 11
4 Immediate Direct - 8 61 109
Memory Test Reverse - 6
5 Picture 9
Construction Test
Interpretation: Average

Discussion and Interpretation

The aim of the experiment is to assess the intelligence of the subject by administering Bhatia’s Battery
of Performance Test of Intelligence. It is a battery of intelligence tests consisting of 5 sub tests i.e.
Koh's Block Design Test, Alexander Pass Along Test, Pattern Drawing Test, Immediate Memory Test
and Picture Construction Test. Hence, it tends to measure intelligence at its different dimensions and
accessing different cognitive capacities involved in intelligence. The subject was very enthusiastic
about performing the test and showed interest in all the five tests. The subject was relaxed and calm
throughout the test.

As shown in Table 1, the participant scored subset scores of 13 out of 25 in Koh’s Block Design Test,
14 out of 20 in Alexander’s Pass along Test, 11 out of 20 in the Pattern Drawing Test, 14 out of 15 in
the Immediate Memory Test, and 9 out of 15 in Picture Construction Test.

The total score of the participant was calculated to be 61. The subjects chronological age is 16. On the
basis of his results, the IQ was found out to be 109 which lies between the range of 90-109 and
therefore interpretation of IQ was “Average”
Majority of the people fall in this category. People with an IQ of 109 can perform their daily life tasks
normally. They are average in academic front and can be creative. It also indicates that the subject has
average reasoning and problem-solving skill .This also indicates average thinking and ability to reach
to conclusions. Person with average intellect usually do well all the daily task but took longer time
toperform high ordered tasks, able to learn a trade in a hands-on manner and perform tasks involving
decisions, able to learn from written materials. Employable in senior positions.


Internet References: › bitstream › 09_chapter5

Book References:

Class XII Psychology. (2005). NCERT.

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