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I often have a thought: "Why in the CIS countries, particularly in Kyrgyzstan, the profession of a

psychologist is considered to be something costly and shameful?" And I want to change it.
I have always been concerned about my future, the future of my country. And that's why education is of
great importance in my life. Only by studying hard, we will be able to conquer the unconquerable peaks. I
realized how important it is to choose the right university and profession, which will help us walk
confidently in the future. And I see AUCA as such a place for myself.
I had an extraordinary mindset from early childhood; I was an active, creative child. Thanks to this, I was
one of the leading students of the class at school, was a member of the school parliament, and took part in
school social project "School without Violence", where we solved problems that schoolchildren often
face: such as recruitment, bullying and family violence. I actively participated in school events, where I
accomplished some achievements. For example, I was a member of school basketball team and took
dancing classes for several years. I often performed at regional and republican competitions, where I often
won championships. But in high school I had to leave it all, because I had to help my family, and I
devoted all my time only to studying and family.
I have been interested in volunteering for a long time, so after moving to Bishkek, I decided to take up
volunteering seriously. And at the moment I am a member of the youth organization "Future of
Kyrgyzstan", where we help children to enroll in their desired universities; we conduct various trainings
with successful people of the Kyrgyz Republic, sports tournaments and generally help the youth of
Kyrgyzstan develop. Being a creative person, I am always very happy to study and discover something
new for myself, for this reason, I have mastered the profession of a makeup artist. And I'm not going to
stop there.
After graduation, I didn't know who I wanted to become, what profession to choose, but I knew one thing
for sure, I wanted to study at AUCA. But at that time I thought AUCA was an expensive educational
institution, or only for the guys with "super minds". And I doubted my abilities, at the same time I did not
want to burden my family financially, because at that time I did not know about NGA, for this reason I
entered Kyrgyz Turkish Manas University which is free. I learned a lot at MANAS, and I am very glad
that it gave me the opportunity to study Turkish language and culture, besides I improved my English
skills. But recently I learned about NGA from my friends, and seeing their desire to study, their
ambitions, their love and dedication to AUCA has completely blown my mind. I pictured AUCA, as a
place where different cultures have mixed up forming a huge family. I realized that I have a chance to
become a part of this family and this time I would not give up my dream.
I want to study psychology to become a first-class specialist, who helps to solve the problem of trust, and
dispel the myth about effectiveness and the cost of the process. But the main reason for my choice is a
desire to help teenagers understand their problems, to find inner strength to change themselves and their
lives; to find ways out of conflicts and solve them; and also to find their potential and self-actualization.
Because teenagers often have no one to share their problems with, and they are afraid to tell their parents,
I went through it myself, after the death of my parents I had to deal with my problems alone, often
quarreled with my brother; unfortunately the anger degenerated into aggression, but I realized my
problem in time and turned to a psychologist, who helped me to get it over.
In conclusion, I want to say NGA will help me to become who I see myself in the future-the pride of my
family, the country and the best role model for younger generation.
Thanks a lot for considering my letter.

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