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Foreign Corporations

What acts of foreign corporation do not constitute as

“doing business” in the PH?
What is a foreign corporation?
-One formed, organized, or existing
under laws other than the PH and whose laws allow 1. Mere investment as a shareholder in a
Filipino citizens and corporations to do business in its domestic corporation and/or the exercise of
own country. (RCC, Sec. 140) rights such as investor;
2. Appointing a representative or distributor in
the PH which transacts in its own name and
for its own account;
What acts of a foreign corporation are included in 3. Publication of a general advertisement
the phrase “doing business” in the PH? through any print or broadcast media;
4. Maintaining a stock of goods in the PH
solely for the purpose of having the same
1. Soliciting orders, service contracts, opening processed by another entity in the PH;
offices, whether called “liaison” offices or 5. Having a nominee Director or officer to
branches; represent its interest in such corporation;
2. Appointing representatives or distributors 6. Consignment by the foreign corporation of
domiciled in the PH or who in any calendar equipment with a local company to be used
year stay in the country for a period totaling in the processing of products of export;
180 days or more; 7. Collecting information in the PH;
3. Participating in the management, 8. Performing services auxiliary to an existing
supervision or control of any domestic isolated contract of sale which are not a
business, firm, entity or corporation in the continuing basis.
PH; and (IRR Foreign Investment Act, Sec. 1)
4. Any other act or acts that imply continuity
of commercial dealings or arrangements,
and contemplate to that extent the What are the principles on the personality of a
performance of acts or works, or in the foreign corporation to sue?
exercise of some of the functions normally
incident to, and, in progressive prosecution
of, commercial gain or of the purpose and
object of the business organization. 1. If a foreign corporation does business in the
(Foreign Investment Act, Sec. 3 (d)) PH without a license, it cannot sue before
the PH courts;
2. If a foreign corporation not doing business
What are the test on whether a foreign corporation is in the PH it needs no license, to sue before
doing business in the PH? the PH courts on an isolated transaction or
on a cause of action entirely independent on
a. Substance Test – whether the foreign any business transaction;
corporation is maintaining or continuing in 3. If a foreign corporation does business in the
the PH the body or substance of the PH without a license, a PH citizen or entity
business for which it was organized or which has contracted with said corporation
whether it has substantially retired from it may be estopped from challenging the
and turned it over another; and foreign corporation’s corporate personality
b. Continuity test – whether there is continuity in a suit brought before PH courts;
of commercial dealings and arrangements, 4. If a foreign corporation does business in the
contemplating to some extent the PH with the required license, it can sue
performance of acts or works or the before the PH courts on any transaction;
exercise of some functions normally incident (Agilent Technologies Singapore v.
to and in progressive prosecution of, the Integrated Silicon Technology Phil. Corp.
purpose and object of its organization. GR 154618)
(Agilent Technologies Singapore v.
Integrated Silicon Technology Phil. Corp.
GR 154618) What is an isolated transaction?
-The court has not construed the term “isolated c. Renew the bond every 2 years or as
transaction” to literally mean one or a mere single act. often as may be required. (RCC,
The phrase isolated transaction has a definite and fixed Sec. 122)
meaning, i.e. a transaction or series of transaction set Who are nominees and alternate nominees?
apart from the common business of a foreign enterprise - Are those designated by the stockholder who
in the sense that there is no intention to engage in shall, in the event of the single stockholder’s
progressive pursuit of the purpose and object of the death or incapacity, take the place of the
business organization. single stockholder as director and shall
manage the corporation’s affairs. (RCC,
(Lorenzo Shipping Corp. v. Chubb and Sons, Inc. . GR
Sec. 124)

How may the OPC take action on any matter?

One Person Corporations

- When action is needed on any matter, it

What is a One Person Corporation (OPC)? shall be sufficient to prepare a written
resolution, signed and dated by the single
- A corporation with a single stockholder. stockholder, and recorded in the minutes
(RCC, Sec. 116) book of the OPC. The date of recording in
the minutes book shall be deemed to be the
date of the meeting for all purposes under
Who may from an OPC? this code. (RCC, Sec. 128)
- Only a natural person, trust, or an estate may
form an OPC. (RCC, Sec. 166) What is the obligation of a single stockholder
claiming limited liability?
What is the rule regarding the bylaws of an OPC?
- Not required to submit and file corporate - He has the burden of affirmatively showing
bylaws. (RCC, Sec. 119) that the corporation was adequately
financed. (RCC, Sec. 130)
What are the rules regarding the officers of the
OPC? When is a single stockholder solidarily liable with the
1. Within 15 days from the issuance of its OPC?
certificate of incorporation, the OPC shall
appoint a treasurer, corporate secretary, and
other officers as it may deem necessary; - Where the single stockholder cannot prove
2. The OPC shall notify the SEC thereof within that the property of the OPC Is independent
5 days from appointment of the officers; of the stockholder’s personal property, the
3. The single stockholder may not be appointed stockholder shall be jointly and severally
as the corporate secretary; and liable for the debts and other liabilities of the
4. A single stockholder who is likewise the OPC. The principle of piercing the corporate
self-appointed treasurer of the corporation veil applies with equal force to an OPC.
shall: (RCC, Sec. 130)
a. Give a bond to the SEC in such a
sum as may be required;
b. Undertake in writing to faithfully In what instance may an ordinary corporation be
administer the OPC’s funds to be converted into an OPC?
received as treasurer, and to
disburse and invest the same
according to the AOI as approved - When a single stockholder acquires all the
by the SEC; stock of an ordinary stock corporation, the
latter may apply for conversion into OPC,
subject to the submission of such documents corporations concerned the opportunity to be
as the SEC may require. (RCC, Sec. 131) heard. (RCC, Sec. 75-78)

When is merger or consolidation deemed effective?

In what instance may an OPC be converted into an
ordinary corporation? -The merger or consolidation shall only be
effective upon issuance by the SEC of a certificate
approving the articles of merger or consolidation. (RCC,
- After due notice to the SEC of such fact and Sec. 78)
of the circumstances leading to the
conversion, and after compliance with all What is the limitation on mergers and acquisitions
other requirements for stock corporation under the PH Competition Act?
under this Code and appliable rules.
-Merger or acquisition agreements that
substantially prevent, restrict, or lessen competition in
- In case of death of a single stockholder, the
legal heirs, within 60 days from the transfer the relevant market or in the market of goods or services
of shares by the nominee or alternate as may be determined by the PH Competition
nominee, shall notify the SEC of their Commission shall be prohibited. (PH Competition Act,
decision to either wind up and dissolve the Sec. 20)
OPC or convert it into an ordinary stock
corporation. (RCC, Sec. 132) What are the effects of merger or consolidation?

1. The constituent corporations shall become a

2. The separate existence of the constituent
What is the procedure for merger and consolidation?
corporation shall cease, except that of the
surviving or the consolidated corporation;
3. The surviving or the consolidated
1. The BOD or BOT of each corporation shall corporation shall possess all the rights,
approve a plan of merger or consolidation; privileges, immunities and powers and shall
2. The plan of consolidation or merger shall be be subject to all the duties and liabilities of a
approved by majority vote of each of the corporation organized under the RCC;
concerned corporations at separate meetings; 4. All real or personal property, all receivables
3. The plan of merger or consolidation shall be due on whatever account and every other
approved by 2/3 of the OCS or members for interest of, belonging to, or due to each
non-stock corporation; constituent, shall be transferred to and
4. An articles of merger or consolidation shall vested in such surviving or consolidated
be executed by each of the constituent corporation without further act or deed;
corporations, signed by the president or vp 5. The surviving or consolidated corporation
and certified by the secretary or assistant shall be responsible for all the liabilities and
secretary of each corporation; obligations of each constituent corporation;
5. The articles of merger or consolidation shall and
be submitted to the SEC for approval. A 6. Any pending claim, action or proceeding
favorable recommendation from the brought by or against any constituent
appropriate government agency in certain corporation may be prosecuted by or against
cases shall be obtained; the surviving or consolidated corporation.
6. If the SEC is satisfied that the merger and (RCC, Sec. 79)
consolidation consistent with the RCC and
existing laws, it shall issue a certificate
approving the articles and plan of merger or FOREIGN INVESTMENTS ACT
consolidation; and
7. If, upon investigation, the SEC has reason to 1. Applicable Law
believe that the proposed merger or - It shall NOT apply to banking and other
consolidation is contrary to or inconsistent financial institutions which are governed
with the provision of this Code or existing and regulated by the General Banking Act
laws, it shall set a hearing to give the
and other laws under the supervision of the Investment shall mean equity
Central Bank. participation in any enterprise organized or
- The recent amendments to FIA under RA existing under the PH LAW
11647 created the “Inter-Agency
Foreign Investment an equity
Investment Promotion Coordination
investment made by a non-PH national in the
Committee,” which shall be the body that
form of foreign exchange and/or other assets
will integrate all promotion and facilitation
actually transferred to PH and duly registered
efforts to encourage foreign investments in
with the Banko Central ng Pilipinas.
the country.
- Section 2. Declaration of Policy. - It is Export enterprise – an enterprise
the policy of the State to attract, promote wherein a manufacture, processor or service
and welcome productive investments enterprise exports 60% or more of its output,
from foreign individuals, partnerships,
corporations, and governments, or wherein a trader purchases products
including their political subdivisions, in domestically and exports 60% or more of such
activities which significantly contribute to purchases.
national industrialization and Domestic market enterprise – an
socioeconomic development to the extent enterprise which produces foods for sale, or
that foreign investment is allowed in
such activity by the Constitution and renders services to the domestic market
relevant laws.  entirely or if exporting a portion of its output
- fails to consistently export at least 60%
2. PH National
1. A citizen of the PH; Foreign Investment Negative List
2. A domestic partnership or association
This shall mean a list of areas of
wholly owned by citizens of the PH; or
economic activity whose foreign ownership is
3. A corporation organized under laws of the
limited to a maximum of 40% of the equity
PH of which at least 60% of the capital
capital of the enterprises engaged therein.
stock outstanding and entitled to vote is
Revisions shall not be made more often than
owned and held by citizens of the PH;
once every two years.
4. A corporation organized abroad and
registered as doing business in the PH 4. Registration of Investment
under the Corporation Code of which 100%
of the capital stock outstanding and a. Non PH national may do business in
entitled to vote is wholly owned by the PH without need of prior approval
Filipinos; unless the business is wholly or partly
5. A trustee of funds for a pension or other nationalized.
employee retirement or separation b. Wholly or partly nationalized means
benefits, where the trustee is a PH national participation of non-PH national in the
and at least 60% of the fund will accrue to enterprise is prohibited or limited to a
the benefit of PH nationals. smaller percentage by exiting law.
a. The rules that implement the SRC c. Corporations must secure a license to
defines beneficial owner as “any do business from the SEC, if it wants to
person who, directly or indirectly, do business on the PH. On the other
through any contract, arrangement, hand, single proprietorship must
understanding, relationship or register with the Department of Trade
otherwise, has or shares voting and Industry.
power” d. Non-PH nationals may also invest in a
domestic enterprise up to 100% of its
3. MEANING OF FOREIGN INVESTMENT capital, unless partly or wholly
nationalized. The SEC or the DTI, s the maximum of 40% of the equity capital of the
case may be shall not impose any enterprises engaged therein. Revisions shall not be
limitations on the extent of foreign made more often than once every two years.
ownership in an enterprise additional to
a) The Foreign Investment Negative List has two
those provided in FIA.
component Lists: A and B
e. A non-PH national intending to engage
in the same line of business as an (1) List A (FOREIGN OWNERSHIP IS LIMITED BY
existing joint venture, in which he or his MANDATE OF THE CONSTITUTION AND SPECIFIC
majority shareholder is a substantial LAWS) shall enumerate the areas of activities reserved
partner, must disclose the fact and the to PH nationals by mandate of the Constitution and
names and addresses of the partners specific laws:
in the existing joint venture in his
application for registration. I. Mass Media except recording and
internet business;
5. Export and Domestic Enterprises II. Practice of Profession, except in cases
specifically allowed;
Export enterprise – an enterprise wherein a
manufacture, processor or service enterprise III. Retail Trade enterprise with paid-up
exports 60% or more of its output, or wherein capital of less than P25,000,000
a trader purchases products domestically and IV. Cooperatives, except investments of
exports 60% or more of such purchases. former natural born citizens of the PH
- Register to BOI and submit reports as
proprietorship shall order the non- HEALTH and MORALS and PROTECTION OF SMALL AND
complying export enterprise to reduce sales MEDIUM SCALE ENTERPRISES) shall contain the areas
to the domestic market to not more than of activities and enterprises regulated pursuant to law.
40% of its total production.
b) The different percentages of allowed foreign
equity as summarized in the Negative List are set forth
Domestic market enterprise – an enterprise
elsewhere in this Part III of this Book. It should also be
which produces foods for sale, or renders
noted that a recent special law, RA 10881, lifted the
services to the domestic market entirely or if
ceiling for foreign ownership in certain enterprises; thus
exporting a portion of its output fails to
the ff may be 100% owned:
consistently export at least 60% thereof.
12th regular foreign investment negative list
Foreign Investment in Export Enterprise - Non-
(1) Adjustment Companies
PH nationals may also invest in a domestic
enterprise up to 100% of its capital, unless (2) Investment Houses – Foreign nationals may
partly or wholly nationalized. become members of the BOD to the extent of the
foreign participation in the equity of said enterprise.
Foreign Investment in Domestic Enterprise -
(3) Lending Companies – A lending company,
Non-PH nationals may also invest in a domestic
more than 40% of whose capital is owned by foreign
enterprise up to 100% of its capital, unless
nationals, may bid and take part in any sale of such land
partly or wholly nationalized. Or when excluded
as a consequence of such mortgage avail of
under the Constitution or the Negative List
enforcement proceedings, take possession and transfer
their rights to qualified PH nationals for a period nor
6. Foreign Investment Negative List
exceeding 5 years from actual possession.
This shall mean a list of areas of economic
activity whose foreign ownership is limited to a
(4) Financing Companies – Subject to the power - In addition to the foregoing, any person, firm
of the SEC to adjust, financing companies shall have a or juridical entity involved shall be subject to forfeiture
paid up capital of (1) not less than P10,000,000 in case of all benefits granted under the FIA.
of financing company located in MM and other first
class cities; (2) P5,000,000 in other classes of cities and
P2,500,000 in municipalities. PUBLIC SERVICE ACT
7. Investment Rights of Former Natural-Born Critical Infrastructure refers to any public service
Filipinos which owns, uses, or operates systems and
assets, whether physical or virtual, so vital to the
- Former natural born citizens of the PH shall Republic of the Philippines that the incapacity or
have the same investment rights of the PH citizens in: destruction of such systems or assets would have
a detrimental impact on national security, including
(1) Cooperatives; telecommunications and other such vital services as
(2) Rural Banks; may be declared by the President of the Philippines;

(3) Thrift Banks and Private Development Banks; Foreign State-owned Enterprise refers to an entity
in which a foreign State:
(4) Financing Companies.
(i) directly or indirectly owns more than fifty-
- Investments rights shall not extend to percent (50%) of the capital taking into
activities reserved by the Constitution, including (1) the account both the voting rights and beneficial
exercise of profession, (2) in defense-related activities ownership;
unless specifically authorized by the Secretary of
National Defense, (3) activities covered by the Retail (ii) control, through ownership interests,
Trade Act, (4) Security Agency Act, (5) Small Scale the exercise of more than fifty percent
(50%) of the voting rights; or
Mining Act, (6) Rice and Corn Industry Act, (7) Cockpits
Operation and Management. (iii) holds the power to appoint a majority
of members of the board of directors or any
Land Ownership of Former Natural-Born Filipinos
other equivalent management body;
- Any natural born citizen who has lost his PH
citizenship and who has legal capacity to enter into a National Security refers to the requirements and
conditions necessary to ensure the territorial
contract under the PH laws may be transferee of a integrity of the country and the safety, security,
private land up to the maximum area of: and well-being of Filipino citizens;
(1) 5,000 SQM in case of Urban Land;
Investments by an Entity Controlled by or Acting
(2) 3 hectares in the case of Rural Land to be on Behalf of the Foreign Government, or Foreign
State-owned Enterprises. - An entity controlled by or
used by him for business or other purposes. acting on behalf of the foreign government or foreign
8. Administrative Sanction state-owned enterprises shall be prohibited from
owning capital in any public service classified as
- A person who violates any provision of the FIA public utility or critical infrastructure: 
or of the T and Cs of registration or of the rules and
Provided, That the prohibition shall apply only to
regulations issued pursuant thereto, or aids or abets in investments made after the effectivity of this Act: 
any manner any violation shall be subject to a fine by
the SEC in the amount not exceeding P100,000. Provided, further, That foreign state-owned
enterprises which own capital prior to the effectivity of
- If the offense is committed by a juridical this law are prohibited from investing in additional
entity, it shall be subject to a fine in an amount not capital upon the effectivity of this Act: 
exceeding ½ of 1% of total paid-in capital but not more
Provided, finally, That notwithstanding the
than P5,000,000. The president and/or officials
immediately preceding clause, the sovereign wealth
responsible therefor shall also be subject to a fine not funds and independent pensions funds of each state
exceeding P200,000.
may collectively own up to thirty percent (30%) of the proposed merger or acquisition transaction, or any
capital of such public services. investment in a public service that effectively results
in the grant of control, whether direct or indirect, to a
HERBOSA CASE – full beneficial ownership of the foreigner or a foreign corporation.
stocks coupled with voting rights is essential. (In
the book) FIA The Philippine Competition Commission (PCC) may
be consulted on all matters relating to mergers and
Reciprocity Clause. - Foreign nationals shall not be acquisitions.
allowed to own more than fifty percent (50%) of
the capital of entities engaged in the operation The NEDA shall promulgate rules and regulations to
and management of critical infrastructure unless implement the provisions of this section.
the country of such foreign national accords
reciprocity to Philippine Nationals as may be Section 24. Investments by an Entity Controlled
provided by foreign law, treaty or international by or Acting on Behalf of the Foreign
agreement. Reciprocity may be satisfied by according Government, or Foreign State-owned
rights of similar value in other economic sectors. The Enterprises. - An entity controlled by or acting on
NEDA shall promulgate rules and regulations for this behalf of the foreign government or foreign state-
purpose. owned enterprises shall be prohibited from owning
capital in any public service classified as public utility
HOW IS IT EFFECTED? or critical infrastructure: 

Section 19. Unlawful act. - It shall be unlawful for Provided, That the prohibition shall apply only to
any public service: investments made after the effectivity of this
Act: Provided, further, That foreign state-owned
"x x x enterprises which own capital prior to the effectivity of
this law are prohibited from investing in additional
"(c) To refuse or neglect, when requested by the capital upon the effectivity of this Act: 
Postmaster General or his authorized representative,
to carry public mail on the regular trips of any public Provided, finally, That notwithstanding the
land transportation service maintained or operated by immediately preceding clause, the sovereign wealth
any such public service, upon such terms and funds and independent pensions funds of each state
conditions and for a consideration in such amounts as may collectively own up to thirty percent (30%) of the
may be agreed upon between the Postmaster capital of such public services.
General and the public service carrier or fixed by the
Commission in the absence of an agreement between In the interest of national security, an entity controlled
the Postmaster General and the carrier. In case the by or acting on behalf of the foreign government or
Postmaster General and the public service carrier are foreign-owned enterprises shall not make any date or
unable to agree on the amount of the compensation information disclosure, nor extend assistance, support
to be paid for the carriage of the mail, the Postmaster or cooperation to any foreign government,
General shall forthwith request the Commission to fix instrumentalities or agents.
a just and reasonable compensation for such carriage
and the same shall be promptly fixed by  the The NEDA shall promulgate rules and regulations to
Commission in accordance with section sixteen of this implement the provisions of this section.

"(d) To refuse or neglect, when requested by the

Administrative Agency to urgently use, deliver or
1. Public Service Act
render the public service for the purpose of avoiding
further loss on human, material, economic, or 1.01 Public Service Commission
environment during a state of calamity."
Declaration of Policy. - The State recognize
Section 23. Powers of the President to Suspend the role of the private sector as one of the
or Prohibit Transaction or Investment. - In the main engines for national growth and
interest of national security, the President, after development.
review, evaluation and recommendation of the
relevant government department or Administrative It is hereby declared the policy of the State to
Agency, may, within sixty (60) days from the receipt encourage private enterprise and expand
of such recommendation, suspend or prohibit any the base of investment in the country, with
the goal of providing efficient, reliable and 1.03 Meaning of Public Utility and Public
affordable basic services to all.  Service
Public Service – includes every individual,
- The Commission shall have jurisdiction co-partnership, association, corporation, or
and supervision over all public services, joint-stock company, whether domestic or
including public utilities, and their franchises, foreign, their lessees, trustees or receivers
equipment, and other properties, and in the appointed by any court whatsoever, or any
exercise of its authority, it shall have the municipality or province, or other
necessary powers and aid of public force. department of the Government of the
Philippines, that now or hereafter may
- Public services, including public utilities own operate, manage , or control in the
owned or operated by government entities or PH, for hire or for compensation, any
GOCCs shall be regulated by the Commission in common carrier, railroad, street railway,
the same way as privately-owned public traction railway, subway, freight and/or
services. passenger motor vehicles, with or without
fixed route, freight or any other car
1.02 Government Agencies that Replaced the service, express service, steamboat or
Public Service Commission. steamship line, ferries, small water craft,
- All reference to the Public Service such as lighters, pontines, lorchas, and
Commission shall pertain to any others engaged in the transportation of
Administrative Agency to which the powers passengers or cargo, shipyard, marine
and duties of the PSC were transferred by railway, marine repair shop, public
subsequent laws, such as but not limited to: warehouse, wharf, or dock not under the
(1) Civil Aeronautics Board; jurisdiction of the Insular Collector of
(2) Civil Aviation Authority of the Customs, ice, refrigeration, canal,
Philippines; irrigation, pipe line, gas, electric light heat,
(3) Department of Energy; power water, oil sewer, telephone, wire or
(4) Department of Environment and wireless telegraph system, plant or
Natural Resources; equipment and broadcasting stations,
(5) Department of Information and when owned, operated, and managed or
Communications Technology; controlled for public use or service within
(6) Department of Transportation; the PH, whether the owner or operator be
(7) Energy Regulatory Commission; an individual, co-partnership, association,
(8) Land Transportation Franchise corporation or joint stock company, either
Regulatory Board; domestic or foreign, or a trustee or
(9) Land Transportation Office; receiver appointed by any court
(10) Local Water Utilities Administration whatsoever, or any municipality, province,
(LWUA) or other department of the Government of
(11) Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) the PH, or any other entities.
(12) Metropolitan Waterworks and
Sewerage System (MWSS); Public Utility – refers to a public service
(13) National Telecommunications that operates, manages, or controls for
Commission; public use any of the following:
(14) National Water Resources Board; (1) Distribution of Electricity;
(15) Philippine National Railways; (2) Transmission of Electricity;
(16) Philippine Ports Authority; (3) Petroleum and Petroleum Products
(17) Toll Regulatory Board Pipeline Transmission Systems;
(4) Water Pipeline Distribution System and
Wastewater Pipeline Systems, including
sewerage pipeline systems; 1.06 CPC and CPCN
(5) Seaports; and - The former is any authorization to operate
(6) Public Utility Vehicles. public service issued by the PSC for which
no franchise, either municipal or legislative,
The ff. are public utilities and are subject to the
is required by law. The latter requires prior
requirement at least 60% of their capital stock must be
legislative or municipal franchise.
owned by Filipinos.

- Not all public services are public utilities. No 1.07 Prior or Old Operator Rule
other person shall be deemed a public utility - The law contemplates that the first licensee
unless otherwise subsequently provided by will be protected in his investment and will
law. Public Services that are not classified not be subjected to ruinous competition.
as Public Utility shall be considered business - The PSC will not issue a CPC to a second
affected with public interest. They must still operator when a prior operator is rendering
from the Commission secure the certificate sufficient, adequate and satisfactory
or franchise to operate service, and who in all things and respects is
- It follows, however, that a public service complying with the rules and regulations of
that is not a public utility is not subject to the commission.
the constitutional provision requiring
Filipino ownership of 60% of its OCS. 1.08 Grounds for revocation of CPC
(1) The holder violates or continuously
1.04 Conditions Must Concur in the Grant of refuses to comply with any order or rule or
CPC (and Necessity) regulation of the Commission;
(1) The grantee must be a corporation (2) The holder is a mere dummy;
or entity 60% of which is owned by (3) The holder ceases operation or
Filipino citizens if the public service is a abandons service.
public utility;
1.09 Notice and Hearing Required
(2) The grantee must have sufficient 1) Issuance of the CPC;
financial capability to undertake the 2) Fixing and determination of fair and
service; and reasonable individual rates;
3) Fixing of standards and qualifications;
(3) The service will promote public 4) Fixing of standards for measuring
interest in a proper and suitable quantity;
manner. 5) Establishment of rules to secure
accuracy of all meters and all measuring
1.05 Is a CPC property in the hands of the appliances;
holder thereof? 6) Order to compel operators to furnish
proper, safe and adequate service;
- No. It is a mere license or a privilege and 7) Allowing extension of facilities;
being neither a franchise nor a contract, it 8) Fixing and determination of proper and
confers no vested or property right or adequate rates of depreciation of the
interest to the holder. property of any public service;
- However, in its purely private aspect, it has 9) Imposition of Administrative Fines for
value and may be considered property that violations of conditions in the CPC.
can be levied upon by a judgment creditor No notice and hearing required
of the holder.
1) To investigate any matter concerning utilities is that the rate be reasonable and
any public service as regards matters just.
under its jurisdiction
2) To require any public service to furnish 1.13 Acts requiring the approval by Successor
safe, adequate, and proper service; Agencies the PSC Include;
3) To enforce compliance with any 1) fixing of rates;
standard rule and regulation; 2)establishment, maintenance and
4) To prohibit any public service from operation of new units and extension of
operating without having first secured a facilities or service;
CPC; 3) abandonment of station;
5) Require to pay actual expenses incurred 4) issuance of stocks without par value;
by the Commission in any investigation; 5) sale, alienation and mortgage,
6) To require any public service to keep encumbrance, lease, by public service of its
books, records, and accounts; properties, franchises, certificates,
7) To appraise the value of the properties privileges or rights or any part thereof –
of the public service; the need for approval will only be required
8) To examine and test measuring for properties of public service that are
appliances; used and useful in the delivery of the
9) To grant special permits to make extra required public service;
or special trips in territories not specified in 6) Merger or consolidation by the public
the CPC; service of its properties, franchises,
10) To investigate accidents that may certificates, privileges, or rights with those
occur on the property of the public service; of any other public service;
11) To compel compliance with the laws 7) Sale, alienation or transfer of the capital
and regulations stock of the public service that will make
the transferee the owner of 40% of the
1.10 Franchise subscribed capital; and
- Includes authorizations issuing directly from 8) Sale, alienation or transfer of the capital
Congress in the form of statute, but also stock of the public service to any alien if
those granted by administrative agencies to the result of that sale in itself or with
which the power to grant franchises has connection with another previous sale shall
been delegated by Congress. be the reduction to less than 60% of the
capital belonging to PH Nationals on the
1.11 Bases for Regulation of Public Utilities operation of a public utility as require by
- Founded upon the police power of the state the Constitution. Such sale, alienation or
and statutes prescribing for the rules for the transfer shall be void and of no effect and
control and regulation of public shall be sufficient cause for ordering the
convenience. cancellation of the certificate.

1.12 Regulation Rates

- The State protects the public against 2. Foreign Equity Public Utilities
arbitrary and excessive rates while - Section 11 of Art. XII of the Constitution
maintaining the efficiency and quality of provides that, “No franchise, certificate or
services rendered. any other form of authorization for the
- In fixing rates, the only standard which the operation of a public utility shall be
legislature is required to prescribe for the granted except to citizens of the PH or to
guidance of the administrative authority in corporations or associations organized
fixing the rate to be imposed by public under the laws of the PH at least 60% of
whose capital is owned by such citizens,
nor shall such franchise, certificate or Congress when the common good
authorization be exclusive in character for requires;
a longer period than 50 years.” 5. The State shall encourage equity
- It likewise provides that “participation of participation in public utilities by the
foreign investors in the governing body of general public;
any public utility enterprise shall be limited 6. The participation of foreign investors in
to their proportionate share in its capital, the governing body if any public utility
and all the executive and managing officers enterprise shall be limited to their
of such corporation or association must be proportionate share in its capital;
citizens of the Philippines.” 7. All the executive and managing officers of
- The SC clarified that the limit imposed by the public utility that is a corporation or
the Constitution on foreign equity applies association must be citizens of the PH;
only to the operation of a public utility and 8. In times of national emergency, when the
not to ownership of the facilities. For public interest so requires, the State may,
example, a corporation may own rail racks, during the emergency and under
rolling stocks like coaches, rail station reasonable terms prescribed by it,
terminals and power plant without being a temporarily take over or direct the
public utility. operation of any privately-owned public
- A common carrier may lease its vehicle like utility or business affected with public
an airplane from another corporation which interest;
does not have a franchise. Ownership of the 9. The State may, in the interest of national
assets only does not require 60% Filipino welfare and defense, upon payment of just
equity. compensation, transfer to public
ownership utilities and other private
3. Non-Exclusivity and Period enterprises to be operated by the
- The franchise shall not be longer for a Government;
period of more than 50 years. However, the 10. The State shall regulate or prohibit
franchise can be renewed. monopolies when the public interest so
requires; and
4. Constitutional Limitations the limitations 11. Combinations in restraint of trade or unfair
imposed on public utilities under Art. XII of the competition are not allowed.
Constitution are as follows: (Secs. 1, 6, 11, 17,
18, 19 and 22)

1. No franchise certificate, or any other form

of authorization for the operation of a
public utility shall be granted except to the
citizens of the PH or to corporations or
associations organized under the laws of
the PH at least 60% of whose capital is
owned by such citizens;
2. No franchise, certificate, or authorization
shall be exclusive in character;
3. No franchise, certificate or authorization
shall be for a longer period than 50 years;
4. A franchise or right shall be granted only
under the condition that it shall be subject
to amendment, alteration, or repeal by the

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