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0> Chapter ,

Tfh e rmove
wa t m. e nt o f sol ve nt (water) molecttles fr . ,o , , o lur io e
I OTT_\~ so lu1ion of highcc w,ou, """'""'"non
.er'.co ncentration througl .
o( lo s~os1s 1s affected by the ext: a slellJJ P..~ rmeab lc 1n c1nb rao c.._i,,,--calk d os 111 65is . [n Jiving lsyys 1
;:~: •s~~:;i:''

so u t10n f 1ower w ater con e . env1ronm e 11 t · If a ce IJ 1s

rna . 111
. an cnv1ronrnen
. t of fia , r-ch e ce ll .mto thn1
1 e so0Iubon
o uts·d . T.hi e.ntrat1 o n\, , th e move
. mcnl of watt , ,,. oJ« ulc< " k cs P! ;fG..---C.- ro•'If ,he cell. If, ,,,
·lS PIaced in a hynot· 5.
pro cess
l . " call ed ·
exos mos,.s 0 1 plas molysis ifhis Je,ds to ' hriok•ge , of w• ,a. molecule,
r:: om c so u t10u (so l r· f '- . . ) I , m ovc rri e n Th .
ta es n lace fr,on th . u ,o n o w ghe1 w,uoc co ncc nt"tlOD , t" . ·mb ibicion . "mulu
•= "f h' e ou!Slde so Iut1011
in swelling . .into th e ce ll. Th is process is ca lled e n d os roo'". o <-• ) no osrnosis . takes place
k o t e cell. If the c 11 . 1 d . . . ncentrauon ,
in ei"th d. . e IS Pace rn an isotonic solution (same co

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er irectton.
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• • •••••••
• • • • •• •••••••
• •• •
• • • • • ••••••
• • • • •
• ..+ Direction of osmotic water movement Hypertonic solution
Isotonic solution
Hypotonic solution {normal)
(dilute) Figure 1.3 Direction of osmotic water movement

Transportis the movement of ;ons and electrolytes that takes place across the membrane by utilizing ener~
produced by the cell. For example, movement ofions into the cell or out of the cell.
In general, molecules move from an area of their higherconcentration to an area of their JOWer concentration witho t
the expense of energy by diffusion or osmosis. Active transport occurs when molecules move across a cell membrane fro,
, region of their lower concentration to a region of their higher concentration. In order to get molecules move against tb

concentration gradient, work must be done, hence energy is required.

Bulk Transport
d e movement o macronutrients sue as proteins and polysaccharides that can pass through on
bulk involves th · es Pf ace Y ut ·zmg t eh energy produced
• by the cell. There are two processes tl
rupture plasma membrane This tak I b ili . h
1ransport and those are exocytosis and endocytosis.

. ,,rncess throu gh wh·ich materials
Th1s i.s useful
of the prote·i.n release of the secretorymove
d fro m ms1
. .d e to outside
. the cell is known as exocytosis.
Endo 1.ns and oth"materials formedan excretory
. h maten·als from the cell. For example, release
cy\os,s 111 t e cell to outside the cell

The · Pinosome and

process th
froin th e ext rough wh·ich phagosome
sub~tances, d::~a\ envi.ronin.materials move into th collectively known
cells, Pathoiens,
ent isetc. e cell bY engulfing
kn own as endocytosis F £oo d an d other substances
. or exampl e, en gu lfing o f fo reign as endosomes

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