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Troy Dulles

Behavioral Dynamics
OGL 220
Chapter 3- Personality

INSTRUCTOR: Layne Gneiting

Chapter Summary

● This chapter was all about how individual personalities influence human
relations. This means how being an individual and having your own personality
is unique to you and everyone else has their own as well. Combining all
personalities is what influences human relations.


● “Although punishment may be an effective way to stop a behavior immediately, it

has not been found to be an effective way of changing behaviors in the long run
(pg 70).
○ This quote stood out to me because it shows some of the problems we
have in society that can seriously impact someone's personality for their
● “As you can see, the field of personality psychology is broad and varied, ranging
from optimistic to pessimistic, from unconscious motivations to behavioral
explanations, from psychological needs to traits” (pg 83).
○ This stood out to me because each and every person has their own
personality and that's why it can range drastically.

Human Code

● This chapter shows a lot of the strengths and weaknesses of humans; the ones
that stand out especially to me are personality and individuality. Strength being
personality for everyone is unique and no one can take that from you, and being
an individual can definitely be seen as a weakness in some eyes of society.

Hacking the Human Code

● You can use this knowledge to hack beyond someone's personal firewall by
connecting with the person on purely a personal level and complimenting their
individuality. This would give you the ability to connect with anyone given the


● I experimented with observational learning; this is learning from what you see
others do. I tried to care less about what others were doing and focused more on
myself. It was hard to do considering we are taught to care about what others
think and to conform with society instead of sticking out.

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