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orllADMN. / HH/ 82 12.o4.2023

Sub.: Holiday Home Facility for Executives

1.O The l{oliday Home Facility for Flxecutivcs has bccn revicwcd and the modified
list of empanellcd hotcls as approvcd by thc Compctcnt Authority are as

Location Name of Hotel Remarks
Blackout dates:
lSth to 18tt August,2023,
I Shimla Clarkes I Iotel
23,a l)ecember, 2023 to
05th .Ianu ary, 2024
2 Blackout dates:
Goa O Hotel 23'd December, 2023 to
02"a Januarv,2024.
3 Blackout dgtes:
Gangtok Lemon'l'rce Ilotcl 25th ])ecember, 2023 to
02"d .Janu ary, 2024.
4 PAN India
Lcmon Trcc Group of-llotcls
(Rcd l-ox, Kcys IIotcl, Aurika, Lcmon'l'rce
rate List
Prcmicr and Lemon Trcc)

2.O The following guidelines will be applicable for availing thc I{oliday F{ome
l.'acility at the above locations:-


(i) An exccul,ivc can avail up to O2(two) rooms for sclf and dcpendent family
members only for a maximum pcriod of O3(three) nights' stay.
(ii) 'l'he Floliday l{ome llacility can be availcd by an exccul.ivc only once in a
Financial Year for one dcstination only.
(iii) In case both husband and wife are serving executives, the facility can be
availed against only one of thcm.


(i) It will be cxecutive's responsibility to ascertain confirmation of booking before

making travcl arrangcmcnts.
(ii) Allotment of rooms u,il1 be subject 1o availability and confirmation by thc
respective hotel(s). 'lhcreforc, il. is rcquested to cnsurc confirmation of booking
prior to travel. Company will not bc responsiblc for non-confirmal.ion of
booking from the hotel(s) as wcll as for making any othcr arrangcmcnts.

Pagc I of 2

(i) The request for room booking should bc mailcd at lcas1. 15 days prior to the
check-in date in duly filled up prescribcd format (Annexure-Il).
(ii) Booking request and a-11 other matters related to the lloliday l-Iome l.-acility at
Gangtok will be handled by IIR l|stablishment Department, III'IQ, I)uliajan.
I{ence, booking for Gangtok location must bc to c-mail II):
m pchaliha(rio ilindia. in an d sam suz. zaman(r,;o ilindia. in

(iii) Booking and other matters related to Iloliday IIome Facility in other locations,
viz., Shimla, Goa and Pan India I-emon Tree Ilotels will be handled by
Corporate Office, Noida. Request for bookings of these locations must be
mailed to kavita or parveen kumar(@;
(iv) Request for cancellation of rooms should be madc at least O5(five) days prior
to the chcck-in date. lletcntion charges levied, if any, by thc hotel due to delay
in rcccipt of cancellation rcqucst will bc rccovcrcd fr:om thc cxccutive.


(i) A nominal charge of Rs.100/- per night pcr room will be recovered from the
executive. For stay beyond the permissible period of 03(three) nights, the
actual room charges billed by thc rcspcctivc hotel will be rccovcred from thc
(ii) The room charges that will be borne by thc Company in rcspcct of Iloliday
I{ome Iracility at Lemon Trec IIotels (except Gangtok)will bc up to Rs.6,000/-
only (inclusive of all taxes) per night per room. In case room charges at Lemon
Tree l{otels in Pan India I-ocation (except Gangtok) are above lts.6,00O/-, the
differential amount will be recovered from thc personal account of the
(iii) In Lemon Tree hotel, Gangtok (Room Category I), I{otel Clarkes, Shimla and O
I-Iotel, Goa, hotcl chargcs will be borne by Company as pcr rates providcd in
Annexurc I & III.
(iv) Charges towards food, cxtra pcrson, cxtra bcd chargc and any othcr facilitics
, availed at the hotel, which are not covcred in thc packagc, must bc scttled by
the executive directly at the time of checking out.
(") It is mandatory for the executives to check and sign thc bills at the timc of
Rate list of hotel in Shimla and Goa are enclosed as Annexure-Il I
d, )u"l'z
CGM (Admin. & Coordn.)


1. This circular supcrscdcs all our carlier circulars regarding Iloliday llomc
I,-acility for cxccutives.
2. On tllackout I)ates, hotels will not acccpt our booking rcquest.

Pagc 2 of 2
OIL INDIA LIMITED Special Corporate Rates
O1't April 2023 to 3l't March 2024

A. Below are the Standard Inclusions applicable for all Lemon Tree hotels listed herein below:

1. Complimentary 24x7 W.i-Fi on two devices per room. At all Aurika Hotels & Resorts Wi-Fi is
available on four devices per room
2. Complimentary two bottles of water per room per day.
3. Various multi-device and high-speed packages are available at a nominal additional charge at all
hotels, except those located in Jammu & Kashmir viz. Lemon Tree Hotel Jammu, Lemon Tree
Hotel Katra & Lemon Tree Hotel Srinagar.
4. Usage of the fitness center (where available) and swimming pool (where available).

2023-24 lnclusions
s. Room
No City Hotel Category Single Double MAP + wifi
Categorv 1 s000 6000 MAP + wifi
Lemon Tree Premier, The Catesorv 2 6000 7000 MAP + wifi
L Atrium,Ahmedabad Category 3 7000 8000 MAP + wifi
Category 1 4500 5500 MAP + wifi
Lemon Tree CatcgorV 2 5500 6500 MAP + wifi
2 Ahmedabad Hotel,Ahmedabad Catcgorv 3 6500 7499 MAP + wifi
Category L 4000 5000 MAP + wifi
Category 2 5000 6000 MAP + wifi
3 Lemon Tree Hotel, Alwar Category 3 6000 7000 MAP + wifi
Category 1 3500 4500 MAP + wifi
Category 2 4500 5500 MAP + wifi
4 Alwar Red Fox, Alwar Category 3 5500 6500 MAP + wifi
Category 1 5000 6000 MAP + wifi
Categorv 2 6000 7000 MAP + wifi
5 Aligarh Lemon Tree Hotel,Aligarh Categorv 3 BAR BAR MAP + wifi
Category 1- 5500 6500 MAP + wifi
Lemon Tree Hotel Category 2 6000 7000 MAP + wifi
6 Au ra nga bad Aura ngabad Category 3 7000 8000 MAP + wifi
CatcgorV 1 4500 5500 MAP + wifi
Categorv 2 5500 6500 MAP + wifi
7 Baddi Lemon Tree Hotel,Baddi Category 3 6500 7499 MAP + wifi
Category 1 6000 7 499 MAP + wifi
Lemon Tree Premier, Category 2 7000 8500 MAP + wifi
8 Ulsoor Lake,Bengaluru Category 3 8000 9500 MAP + wifi
Lcmon Tree Category 1 5500 6500 MAP + wifi
Hotel,Elcctronic City, CategorV 2 6500 7499 MAP + wifi
9 Bengaluru Categorv 3 ?4gg 8500 MAP + wifi
Lemon Tree Category 1 5000 6000 MAP + wifi
t0 Bengaluru Hotel,Wh itefeild,Begaluru Catcgory 2 6000 7000 MAP + wifi

;llt.rllLll tirs,Ton

Kcys Selcct Hotcl, Hosur Categorv 1 4500 5500 MAP + wifi
LL Road Cat 2 5500 6500 MAP + wifi
Keys Select Hotel,Aures, Category 1 4500 5500 MAP + wifi
L2 Whitefield Category 2 5500 6500 MAP + wifi
CategorV 1 3700 4200 MAP + wifi
13 Bhiwadi Redfox hotel, Bhiwadi Categorv 2 4200 4700 MAP + wifi
Catesorv 1 6500 7499 MAP + wifi
Lemon Tree Premier, Category 2 7499 8500 MAP + wifi
t4 Bhuba neshwar Bhubneshwar Category 3 BAR BAR MAP + wifi
Categorv 1 5000 6000 MAP + wifi
Lemon tree Catesorv 2 6000 7000 MAP + wifi
15 Chandlgarh Hotel,Cha nd igarh Catcgorv 3 7000 8000 MAP + wifi
Category 1 5750 6750 MAP + wifi
Lemon Tree Hotel, Category 2 5750 7750 MAP + wifi
t7 Guindy,chennai Categorv 3 BAR BAR MAP + wifi
Categorv 1 6000 7000 MAP + wifi
Lemon Tree Category 2 7000 8000 MAP + wifi
18 Hotel,Shimona,Chenna i Category 3 BAR BAR MAP + wifi
Keys Select CategorV 1 4500 5500 MAP + wifi
L9 Chen nai Hotel,Kattima, Chennai Category 2 s000 6000 MAP + wifi
Category 1 4500 5500 MAP + wifi
Lemon Tree Hotel, Category 2 5500 6500 MAP + wifi
20 Coimbatore Coimbatore Category 3 BAR BAR MAP + wifi
Catcgorv 1 5500 6s00 MAP + wifi
Lemon Trce Cateeorv 2 6500 7499 MAP + wifi
21 Hotel,Dehradun Category 3 7499 8000 MAP + wifi
Category 1 4000 5000 MAP + wifi
Category 2 4500 s000 MAP + wifi
22 Dehradun Redfox, Dehradun CategorV 3 5000 5500 MAP + wifi
Catcgory 1 1499 9000 MAP + wifi
Lemon Trec Premier, Category 2 8500 L000 MAP + wifi
23 Aerocity Category 3 BAR BAR MAP + wifi
Categorv 1 5750 7000 MAP + wifi
Categorv 2 6750 8000 MAP + wifi
24 Redfox, Aerocity Category 3 BAR BAR MAP + wifi
Category 1 4250 MAP + wifi
Category 2 4750 5250 MAP + wifi
25 Delhi Redfox, East Delhi Catceorv 3 5500 6000 MAP + wifi
Category 1 5000 6000 MAP + wifi
Lemon Tree Hotel, Category 2 6000 7000 MAP + wifi
26 Gangtok Gangtok Category 3 BAR BAR MAP + wifi
Catcgorv 1 5500 6500 MAP + wifi
Lemon Tree hotel, EDM, Category 2 6500 7499 MAP + wifi
27 G hazia bad Kaushambi Catcgory 3 / 49<) 8500 MAP + wifi
Lemon Tree Premier, Citi 99tu!9ty _t _
6500 7499 MAP + wifi
28 Gurugram Center, Gurgaon Categorv 2 7499 8500 MAP + ivifi

rrtl.llKir tipdfox EEEU EEilH HEHH

Cat 3 8500 9500 MAP + wifi
Category 1 6500 7499 MAP + wifi
Lemon Tree Premier 1, Cat 2 7499 8s00 MAP + wifi
29 Leisure Valley, Gurgaon Catcgory 3 8500 9500 MAP + wifi
Categorv 1 6500 7499 MAP + wifi
Lemon Tree Premier 2, Category 2 7499 8500 MAP + wifi
30 Leisure Valley, Gurgaon Category 3 8s00 9s00 MAP + wifi
CategorV 1 s000 6000 MAP + wifi
Lcmon tree Hotel, Udyog Category 2 5500 6500 MAP + wifi
31 vihar Category 3 BAR BAR MAP + wifi
Category 1 5500 6500 MAP + wifi
Lemon Tree Hotel, Sohna Categorv 2 6000 7000 MAP + wifi
32 Road Cateeorv 3 7000 8000 MAP + wifi
Category 1 6000 7499 MAP + wifi
Lemon Tree Premier, Category 2 7000 8500 MAP + wifi
33 Hitech City, Hyderabad Categorv 3 BAR BAR MAP + wifi
Categorv 1 5500 6s00 MAP + wifi
Lemon Tree Hotel, Category 2 6s00 7499 MAP + wifi
34 Banjara Hills, Hyderabad Category 3 BAR BAR MAP + wifi
Category 1 5500 6500 MAP + wifi
Lemon Tree Hotel, Categorv 2 6500 7499 MAP + wifi
35 Gachibowli, Hyderbad Catcgorv 3 BAR BAR MAP + wifi
Cateeorv 1 5000 6000 MAP + wifi
Redfox, Hitech city, Category 2 5000 7000 MAP + wifi
36 Hyderabad Hyderabad Category 3 BAR BAR MAP + wifi
Cateeorv L 5000 6000 MAP + wifi
Catesorv 2 s500 6500 MAP + wifi
37 lndore Lemon Tree Hotel, lndore Category 3 5500 7 499 MAP + wifi
Category l" 4500 5500 MAP + wifi
Lemon Trec Premicr, CategorV 2 5500 6500 MAP + wifi
38 Jaipur Category 3 BAR BAR MAP + wifi
Category 1 3250 4250 MAP + wifi
Category 2 4250 5250 MAP + wifi
39 Jai pu r Redfox, Jaipur Category 3 BAR BAR MAP + wifi
CategorV 1 5000 6000 MAP + wifi
Lemon Tree Hotel, Categorv 2 6000 7000 MAP + wifi
40 Jammu Jammu Category 3 BAR BAR MAP + wifi
Category 1 5000 6000 MAP + wifi
Category 2 5000 7000 MAP + wifi
4t J ha nsi Lemon Tree Hotel, Jhansi Category 3 BAR BAR MAP + wifi
Category 1 s000 6000 MAP + wifi
Categorv 2 5250 6250 MAP + wifi
42 Kat ra Lemon Tree Hotel, Katra Categorv 3 BAR BAR MAP + wifi
Category 1 4500 5500 MAP + wifi
43 Kochi Keys Select Hotel,Kochi CategorV 2 5500 6500 MAP + wifi
44 Kol kata Lemon Trec Premier, Catcgorv 1 5500 6500 MAP + wifi

iltl"ilLil f*.ron EEUU EEHU EHfrU

Kol kata Cat 2 6500 7499 MAP + wifi
Category 3 BAR BAR MAP + wifi
CategorV 1 5000 6000 MAP + wifi
Lemon Tree Hotel, Category 2 6000 7000 MAP + wifi
45 Lucknow Lucknow CategorV 3 7000 8000 MAP + wifi
Catcgory 1 4000 5000 MAP + wifi
Keys Select Category 2 4500 5500 MAP + wifi
46 Ludhiana Hotel,Ludhiana Catcgory 3 BAR BAR MAP + wifi
CategorV 1 8500 9999 MAP + wifi
Categorv 2 8400 9400 MAP + wifi
47 Lemon Tree Premier Cateeorv 3 9400 10400 MAP + wifi
Category 1 5500 6500 MAP + wifi
Keys Select, Hotel Nestor, Catcgory 2 5000 6000 MAP + wifi
48 Mumbai Mumbai Categorv 3 5500 6s00 MAP + wifi
Category 1 6450 7450 MAP + wifi
Catcgory 2 7450 8450 MAP + wifi
49 Noida Sandal Suite, Noida Categorv 3 BAR BAR MAP + wifi
Categorv 1 6000 7500 MAP + wifi
Le mon Trec Premier, Category 2 6500 7499 MAP + wifi
50 Patna [)atn a Category 3 BAR BAR MAP + wifi
Category 1 5500 6500 MAP + wifi
Lemon Tree Premier,City Category 2 6500 7499 MAP + wifi
51 Center, Pune Catesorv 3 7499 8500 MAP + wifi
Catcgory 1 4250 5250 MAP + wifi
Lemon Tree Category 2 5250 6250 MAP + wifi
52 Hotel,Hinjewadi, Pune Categorv 3 BAR BAR MAP + wifi
Cateeorv 1 5500 6500 MAP + wifi
Lemon Tree Hotel, Viman Cateeorv 2 6500 7499 MAP + wifi
53 Nagar, Pune Category 3 BAR BAR MAP + wifi
Catcgorv 1 4500 5500 MAP + wifi
Keys select hotel,Pimpri, Categorv 2 5500 6500 MAP + wifi
54 Pu ne Pune Catcgory 3 BAR BAR MAP + wifi
Category 1 5000 6000 MAP + wifi
Category 2 6000 7000 MAP + wifi
55 Siliguri Lemon Trcc Hotcl, Siliguri Catcgorv 3 BAR BAR MAP + wifi
Cateeorv 1 3500 4500 MAP + wifi
Catcgory 2 4500 5500 MAP + wifi
56 Tiruchirapplli Redfox, Trichy Category 3 BAR BAR MAP + wifi
Categorv 1 4500 5500 MAP + wifi
Keys Hotel, Categorv 2 5000 6000 MAP + wifi
5l Thiruvanathapuram Thiruvanatha puram Category 3 BAR BAR MAP + wifi
Category 1 3500 4500 MAP + wifi
Lemon Tree Hotel, Categorv 2 4200 5200 MAP + wifi
58 Vadodara Vadodara Categorv 3 5200 6200 MAP + wifi
Category 1 5000 6000 MAP + wifi
59 Vishakhapatnam Keys Hotel, Vizag Categorv 2 5500 6500 MAP + wifi
iu r"L l Iil b;
l: iifox EEEE

MAP + wifi


cGM (A&C)


Sub: Requiqiliqrf fof Holiday Home Acgommodation


Please arrange to provide Lloliday Ilome Accontrnodation at

per the following details (all fields below are to be filled mandatorily):

Name of Executive / Dependents Relationship Age


No. of Rooms

Arrival Date/Tirne

Departure Date/Time

I)epartment Cost Centre

Name/ Signature of Executive

Dcsignation & OIL ID


Mobile No.

Oil India Limited Special CorPorate Rates
m Ol"t Ja

03.01 .2023 to 31 .O3.2023 Iis.7,840.00

O1.O4.2023 to 3 1.O5.2023 Rs.7,500.00
o1.06.2023 to 30.09 .2023 Rs.5,6O0.00
O1.1O.2O23 to 3 l.lO.2O23 IRs.6,720.00
01.11 .2023 to 22.12.2023 I1s.7,840.00

The above rate is on CPAI (inclusive of breakfast & taxes)'


Oil India Limited Special Corporate Rates
From Ol"t April. 2O23 to 31"t March. 2024

Single/ I)oublc Occupancy:Rs.8400/- (inclusivc of brcaklast & taxcs)

Room catcgory : Superior rooms without vicw ('lwin bcd)

Taxes are subject to change.

Only for two adults.

Complimentary lealCoflcc makcr in thc room.

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