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Republic of the Philippines


Palompon, Leyte

P.E. 102


Organizers of the Gme:

Daguil, Joyce A.

Delgado, Noemie L.

Jordan, Mariel

Marentes, Hannah

Mainit, Adelyn

Pasceo, Dharyll M.

Mateials needed: calamansi, bottles

Flick the Calamansi Relay Mechanics:

In playing the game the team must composed of 8 members. A bottle of soft drinks with a calamansi on top will be
placed 2-3 meters away from the player. Each player must turn 7 times while covering their right eye and they need
to run or walk towards the calamansi and try his/her best to flick the calamansi until it will fall down. When the
calamansi fall that’s the time for the next player turn.

Benefits of playing this game:

 Exercised the joints of hand

 Bond With Friends
 It will test the player’s ability to stay focus
 learn cooperation and teamwork skills
 students show that the game can have a positive impact on the players' skills and its hand-eye coordination
skills as well.

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