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Hypermedia is nothing but multimedia, but this time packaged as an educational

computer software where information is presented and student activities are

integrated in a virtual learning environment.
-Link Media or Interactive items, elements are link together by buttons and navigation
menu. Simply stating by clicking one item would take you to another resource which
can be a different website, an image and so on
MULTIMEDIA- Multimedia is a term used to describe the integration of multiple forms of
media such as text, graphics, audio, and video into a single presentation or application.
 Hypermedia is a term used to describe a type of media that includes hyperlinks to
other content. This means that when you are viewing or interacting with
hypermedia, you can click on links within the content to access related information.
The most common example of hypermedia is the World Wide Web, where you can
click on links to navigate between web pages and access different types of media
such as text, images, audio, and video.
 For example, let's say you're reading an article on the web about the history of the
internet. Within the article, there might be hyperlinks to other articles or resources
that provide more information about specific topics mentioned in the article. By
clicking on these hyperlinks, you can access additional content and explore related
topics in more depth.
For example, an online course might include hyperlinks to additional resources or
interactive simulations that allow students to explore concepts in more depth. Hypermedia
can also be used in entertainment contexts to create immersive experiences for users.
For example, a video game might include hyperlinks to additional content such as
character bios or background information on the game's world. Overall, hypermedia is a
powerful tool for creating interactive and engaging content that allows users to explore
topics in more depth and access related information.

Most educational IT applications are hypermedia and these include:

 Tutorial software packages: allows you to create interactive learning tools which help people to
learn. Typically, tutorial software can create step-by-step "guides" which highlight areas of the
screen, so that the user can follow along and understand the process better.
 Knowledge webpages; or the world wide web where we can get information
 Simulation instructional games; and
 Learning project management.
The presentation of information-learning activities in hypermedia is said to be sequenced in a
non-linear manner, meaning that the learner may follow his path of activities thus providing
an environment of learner autonomy and thinking skills.

This fact makes it therefore important to understand hypermedia in the educational context in
order to ensure their successful integration in the teaching-learning process

The flight simulator used to train pilots is an example of a highly developed hypermedia
program. Observe that it simulates an environment that allows student pilots to practice
authentic (as is needed to be done in the real world) tasks while reducing the load of the
cognitive mode of learning.

Learner Control
This means the learner makes his own decisions on the path, flow or events of instruction. The
learner has control on such aspects as sequence, pace, content, media, feedback, etc. that
he/she may encounter in the hypermedia learning program.

Learner’s Wide Range of Navigation Routes

The learner controls the sequence and pace of his path depending on his/her ability and
motivation. He/she has the option to repeat and change speed, if desired. Of course, at the
start, the learner may choose the leaning activities he/she prefers. Meanwhile, the teacher
has the prerogative to determine suitable learning objectives.

Variety of Media
Hypermedia includes more than one media but does not necessarily use all types of media in
one presentation. Since only virtual learning activity takes place, it is important from the
standpoint of the teacher to optimize the learning process by identifying the characteristics of
media application, as well as the advantages and limitations of such an application

In use of hypermedia the following instructional events will prove useful to the teacher:
- Get the learners’ attention
- Recall prior knowledge
- Inform learners of lesson objectives.
- Introduce the software and its distinctive features
- Guide learning, eliciting performance
- Provide learning feedback
- Assess performance
Enhance retention and learning transfer

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