Preventative Environmental Management Plan 2009

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Environmental awareness was conducted every

morning before each Shift starts. This covered
February - March 2009, the significant Environmental Aspects and
Educate employees about the importance of Paul Q1 2009 29 - 30 April 2009 Impacts of Unilever Boksburg. More awareness Completed
segregating waste and how they can participate (SHEQ Open Day) was raised during SHEQ Open day which
covered all employees on site. Face to Face was
and posters were also used to promote
environmental awareness.

Develop a map of non-hazardous waste sources and A Waste flow Diagram has been developed
Paul/ Ntombenhle Q1 2009 12-Jan-09 showing all sources of Waste on site and how Completed
loads generated waste gets collected.

WASTE REDUCTION Label all bins across site (i.e Recycling, General Waste
and Hazardous Waste Bins) to ensure effective waste Paul Q1 2009 12-Jan-09 All Bins across site have been labelled as
Hazardous, Recycling or Hazardous Waste Bins. Completed

The Unilever Boksburg SCC Canteen gives excess

Identify a piggery where canteen food waste can be Paul Q2 2009 2-Jun-09 food to Mr Hennie Graaff (one of the employees Completed
sent in order to reduce waste going to the landfill site on site and owner of a small pig farm).

Implement a composting system for garden waste Ntombenhle Q3 2009 9-Sep-09 A Composting area has been built at North Yard Completed
where all Garden waste is sent

Improve efficiencies of packaging machines Muzi Q2 2009 Done Completed

Implement a system to separate wrappers from tubs

during rework process Muzi Q4 2009 In progress In progress
Environmental awareness was conducted every
morning before each Shift starts. This covered
Give training / provide info stressing importance of February - March 2009, the significant Environmental Aspects and
Impacts of Unilever Boksburg. More awareness
water Paul Q1 2009 29 - 30 April 2009 was raised during SHEQ Open day which Completed
(SHEQ Open Day)
covered all employees on site. Face to Face was
and posters were also used to promote
environmental awareness.

Measure consumption and make an accurate water

balance to identify saving opportunities Jon Q1 2009 Jan-09 Done Completed

WATER USE REDUCTION Review and minimise use of water through hoses Muzi Q3 2009 Q3 Done Completed

Review CIP cleaning schedules and quantities of Meryl Q2 2009 Q2 Done Completed
water used

Collect steam condensate waters Jon Q4 2009 In progress

Adopt a "dry floor policy" to decrease water

consumption Muzi Q4 2009 In progress

Rain water harvesting from factory roofs Jon/ Ntombenhle Q2 2010

Environmental awareness was conducted every

morning before each Shift starts. This covered
the significant Environmental Aspects and
Provide training regarding the need to minimise February - March 2009, Impacts of Unilever Boksburg. More awareness
Paul Q1 2009 29 - 30 April 2009 Completed
wastewater COD (SHEQ Open Day) was raised during SHEQ Open day which
covered all employees on site. Face to Face was
and posters were also used to promote
environmental awareness.

Control spillages and other direct raw material Q1 2009 -
wastages at source Muzi Ongoing Q1 Done Completed

Review CIP programmes and investigate opportunities for

savings Muzi Q2 2009 Q2 Done Completed

Optimise waste water treatment plant operations Ntombenhle Q4 2010


Develop a map of wastewater COD sources and loads Ntombenhle Q2 2010


Construct an energy balance for each energy stream Jon Q1 2009 Q1 Done Completed
(electricity, natural gas, fuel oil, etc)

Establish energy commitee coordinating energy Jon Q1 2009 Q1 Done Completed

saving projects within site
Give training on energy awareness / to stop unnecessary
running equipment Jon Q2 2009 Q2 Done Completed

When acquiring new equipment, consider energy Jon Q1 2009 - Q1 Done & ongoing. Major equipment is globally Completed
consumption Ongoing specified

Conduct a Steam/Compressed air leakage study and

take corrective actions Energy Team Q3 2009 Q3 Done Completed

ENERGY USE REDUCTION Review setpoint control on equipment such as air

conditioning units Energy Team Q3 2009 Q3 Done Completed

Assess if the operation of individual equipment is Energy Team Q4 2009 In progress In Progress
right for the duty.

To utilise natural light, consider use of some

transparent roofing sheets in production halls and Energy Team Q4 2009 In progress In Progress

Measure light intensity and decrease unnecessary

illuminations Energy Team Q4 2009 Survey done. Actions to be agreed In Progress

Use photocell/motion sensors to control lighting in Energy Team Q4 2009 Survey done. CAPEX to be agreed In Progress
appropriate places.

Identify a Community or school where Unilever will
ENVIRONMENTAL raise Environmental awareness Paul Q3 2009 1 - 7 September 2009 Arbor week celebration Completed

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