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Magnetism is a special power that some objects have, like a magnet.

When two magnets are close to

each other, they can either pull towards each other or push away from each other. This happens
because magnets have invisible lines of power that go in and out of them, which we call magnetic fields.
These magnetic fields are what make the magnets attract or repel each other.

Magnets also attract certain objects like iron, nickel, and cobalt. This is because these objects have tiny
magnetic fields in them too, and the magnet's field can make them all point in the same direction.

You can have a lot of fun with magnets too! You can use them to pick up objects, create cool patterns,
and even make electricity. Magnets are a really cool and powerful force in the world around us!

Not all metals are magnetic, but some of them are. Here is a list of the common magnetic metals:

1. Iron

2. Nickel

3. Cobalt

4. Steel (a combination of iron and other elements, including carbon)

5. Some alloys (a mixture of two or more metals), such as Alnico (aluminum, nickel, and cobalt) and Rare
Earth magnets (made from a group of 17 elements, including neodymium and samarium).

It's important to note that not all forms of these metals are magnetic. For example, while iron, nickel,
and cobalt are magnetic, they are not magnetic in all forms. Additionally, the strength of their
magnetism can vary depending on factors like their purity, temperature, and the presence of other
elements or alloys.

Gold is generally not magnetic. This means that gold does not attract or repel other metals or magnets.
However, there are some very rare instances where gold can exhibit very weak magnetic properties, but
these are typically only seen in very specific laboratory conditions and are not relevant to everyday uses
of gold.

In general, gold is known for its attractive color, malleability, and conductivity, but not for its magnetic
properties. Sure, here is a worksheet on magnetism for a 3rd grader:

1. What is magnetism?

a. A type of metal
b. A force that attracts or repels certain materials

c. A type of animal

2. Which of the following materials is not attracted to a magnet?

a. Paper clip

b. Iron nail

c. Wooden pencil

3. True or False: All metals are magnetic.

4. What is a magnetic field?

a. The area around a magnet where its force can be felt

b. The temperature at which a magnet can be used

c. The sound a magnet makes

5. Can a magnet be cut into smaller pieces?

a. Yes

b. No

6. What happens when you place two magnets close together?

a. They attract each other

b. They repel each other

c. They do not do anything

7. Which pole of a magnet attracts the north pole of another magnet?

a. North pole

b. South pole

8. What is a compass?
a. A type of magnet

b. A tool that uses magnetism to point in the direction of North

c. A type of map

9. True or False: The Earth is a giant magnet.

10. What are some objects that are commonly made of magnetic materials?

a. Refrigerator doors

b. Cars

c. Bicycles


1. b

2. c

3. False

4. a

5. a

6. a or b (depending on the orientation of the poles)

7. b

8. b

9. True

10. a, b, and c

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