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Assignment Topic: Tick Pyemia in Lambs

Name: Beesham Kumar

Group No: 2k17-Av-48 And 49

Subject: Med 302

Submitted To: Dr. Mohammad Ismail Memon



Tick pyemia is mainly a staphylococcal super infection of lambs already infected with
Anaplasma phagcytophilum the causative agent of tick-borne fever. This results in the formation
of crippling abscesses in joints and other parts of the body. Diagnosis is based on clinical signs
isolation of bacteria from lesions and PCR, Penicillins or tetracycline can be used for treatment.

Tick pyemia affects lambs 2 to 12 weeks old and is characterized by debility crippling lameness
and paralysis pyemic abscesses are common in joints but may be found in virtually any organ.
The disease cause significant economic loss through debilitation and death. The disease is
enzootic in many regions of the UK and Ireland where the tick Ixodes ricinus is common, and it
is likely to be present in other parts of Europe where the same lick is found.


Staphylococcus aureus: Is regarded as the main cause of the pyemia abscesse, because it has
been isolated consistently from superficial and deep-seated lesions and it is rare to find other
bacteria. The bacteria are belived to gain entry into the bloodstream either by direct inoculation
during tick feeding from local superficial wounds or through the infected umbilicus. However
there os clinical and experimental evidence that I -ricinus does not simply act as a vector directly
injection staphylococci into the bloodstream.

The main role of I- ricinus is as a vector of the rickettsial agent Anaplasma phagocytophilum
which in turn crealse factors favorable to development of pyemia in lamb affected with tickborne
fever have severe leukopenia and their peripheral blood neutrophils are less capable of
phagocytizing and killing S-aureus. Experimental studies have shown that lambs with tick-borne
fever were more susceptible to experimental infection with S aureus during the as many as 30%
of lambs with tick-borne fever may develop staphylococcal infections.

The epidemiology of the disease is closely related to the biology of I-ricinus. The disease is
limited to areas populated by I-ricinus and to seasons of the years climatically favoring high tick
populations and activity.

Clinical findings of tick pyemia in lambs:

Abscesses form in various parts of the body, mainly in the joints, tendon sheaths and muscles
resulting in lameness hence the common use of the term as crippled lambs. In some outbreaks >
30% of lambs may be affected they are usually dull and lame and often condition. Internal
abscesses without joint lesions many results in no clinical signs other than the loss of condition
but when lessons are present in the CNS, they may be ataxia paraplegia or other nervous signs.
The crippling disease lasts for days also appear as an acute septicemia. On occasion there may be
sudden deaths resulting from multiple internal abscesses without other visible signs. As many as
50% of affected lambs may die and the survivor recover slowly.


Apart from the joints and other superficial structures, abscesses are commonly found in the liver,
lungs and kidneys they may also be present in the pericardium and myocardium. The diaphragm,
thymus and adrenal glands are less commonly affected. Ticks are often found attached to an
inflamed area.

Diagnosis of tick pyemia in lamb:

Based on clinical signs, isolation of S-aureus from lesions and PCR.

History and clinical signs are valuable indicators of tick pyemia. The restrictions of the disease to
tick infested area, its occurence during seasion of tick activity and demonstration of a
phagocytophilum or specific DNA by PCR in the blood of affected lambs or other sheep in the
flock are diagnostic features. Isolation of S-aureus from lesions and the absence of other bacteria
will help to confirm tick pyemia. The loss of condition and ill-thrift without lameness may be
difficult to recognize as tick pyemia and the acute condition can be confused with other
septicemic diseases. Tick pyemia may also resemble other suppurative infection of the newborn
including navel ill and joints ill due to infection by other bacteria such as streptococci and
tureperella pyogenes.

Treatment and control of tick pyemia in lambs:

Penicillin’s or tetracycline can be effective.

Prevention is by tick control.

Treatment of clinical case of tick pyemia with Penicillin’s or tetracycline can br effective,
provided the lesions are not too advanced.

Control of tick infestation is the most effective prevention. This can be achieved either by
resulting lambs and erves to low ground, tick free pastures for the first few weeks of life or by
dipping ewes before lambing and administering acaricide as dips or smears on lambs. In young
lambs pour on preparation of cypermethin or smears applied before lambs are moved from
lambing field to hill pastures reportedly control tick effectively.

Administration of long acting oxytetracycline at the time of risk can help prevent both tick borne
fever and tick pyemia during the first weeks of life. A single injection at age can significantly
reduce mortality and morbidity in young hill lambs on tick infested pasture and improve weight
gains and conditions in remainder. Prophylactic treatment with a long acting antibiotics may
prevent development of tickborne fever for as long as 3 weeks, without pyrexia and
immunosuppression, so that the incidence of tick pyemia and other infections such as
pasturellosis and colibacillosis are reduced. Although treatment with oxytetracycline may inhibit
the development of immunity, if the lambs eventually develop tickborne fever, they are several
weeks older and apparently less susceptible to tick pyemia. Deliberate exposure of lambs by
injection followed by treatment with oxytetracycline, could provide some immunity before the
lambs entre tick infested areas, however strains specific to the area must be used because some
strains of A phagocytophilum have no cross-immunity.

The End

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