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ThirNh Ph6 Thrj DfC, TPHCM

update_Payment Approval and Request Process

CAp nnAtQuY trinh thanh todn
n Overview/ TOng quan
! Payment Request Process/
I Timelines/ Lich thanh todn

Overview I Tdrtg quon

Gffi'*d t* r.girrutior, thi, guideline has been prepared as a reference'
nhau t* cdc nhd
Tdo doim ptat Viet iluqc yAu cdu thanh todn cho cdc hdng hda vd dich vU khdc
tQ ka rcdn vd
:fr;:;;"iZ'iai' foiiiri,si rrnoan iiinn todn duqc tt u, t iie, tudn thri thgys
ludt thuA lian quan,;;;;dd"-riii a"qt soqn thdo nhu m1t tdi li€u tham khdo'

BeforeanypaymentcanbeapprovedrJh"documentationprovidedbythevendor/suppliershould with this

be assessed according to this policy.
If til.1.;r.entation-is not prepared in accordance
may not be approved'
;;;., it should b-e revised or payment
cdp' c'ng
tha ctwqc chdp thuQn, tdi ti€u do nhl.cuns
Tru6c khi biit k) khodn thanh todn ndo c6 bi theo hudng ddn
cdp phdi duqc ddniii'i iir" ,ninn
rari""A. ttZr.,it.iti".khing duqc chudn
srha d,i nrii',ie' thanh todn cd
it'c *t'a"g duqc chiip thu,n'
ndy, thi tdi liQu aa ifriiiiq,

ciiu Thamh todn

Payment Request Process/ Quy trinh Yiiu

1. Obtain an invoice with payment details'

you are purchasing from a legitimate vendor
For purchases of goods, please ensure
can provide a valid receipt/invoice' ! , - --^\ ^-^.r*o .,,o hqrre the con
+he email conversation
(e.g. bloggers), ensure we have
For individual services purchases
ig'eedrates and their tax code or ID'
with the payee that conLins details o" ift"!it-
,. l


ThirNh Ph6 ThIJ DfC, TPHCM

1. Liiy h6a don vdi cdc chi tiiSt thanh todn'

nhd cung cdp

bdo riing bgn ilang mua hdng tdt m1t
o OAf vai viQc mua hdng h6a, hdy ddm
/ bianlai hw lQ'
ii pnap cd tha
lon viat blog)' hdy ddm bdo chilng '
o rc
Oai vdi cdc giao dich mua dich uu rians fi!au: lgudi
thinh todn trong d6 c6 th6ng tin chi fiAt
t6i cd cuQc trd chuyQn qua email;n
'"6 "S"y'nhqn
**i ia aa inOiit uA" ffudc vd md-sd thud hoqc ID cila ho' -4

thread to the head department to col
2. send an email with the attached invoice/contract/email
apProve' and cc the Finance teams
(,,andsharedocuments MA:
,.t Gl
on Google Drive


purchasing goods or services.

should rrur. urrilav been obtained before is updated'
AccruIals" spreadsheet
o For marketing costs, ensure that the "Marketing (It is applied to Marketing
The unique *rrriu" indicated in the payment request form.
pavmg{ request signed bv
o 3:trH:'Lents into 1 pDF file in the foltowing order:
requester & head department-
p.;;;J;pprorJdby C',OICOO - attached documents'
minutes" ')
(invoice, .on tutt, t"teipt of goodi' liquidation

hda don / hqp ding / tiAu di email diin

trudng b0 phdn
2. Gui email yAu cdu thanh todn kim theo
iaiie-iiye{ ua cc cho nh6m Tdi chinh (, p .
aii{iiiig,iithanh roiiiaonle biAu mdu md kii todn cung,);
ciip vd chia s0 tdi hAu ffAn Google Drive

duqc duyQt ir"a, iii tiai nann mua hdng
h6a hoq.c vu
piir va ,ni,itiiiip ,ii, n/1, dd^";l;';i;s b-amg tinh;'ri'h tav tiap thi" duqc cQp nhQt'
o (t'ta duqc dp dqtng cho
o ID duy nhdt phdi duqc chi ,o oolr[\'r;;'*i;;a; cdu thanh ioan'
nhdn-viAn TiiiP thi)
o Scan tdi heuinanh t file PDF theo thti ttt:
ph6n bi'
+ yau cdu thanh todn do ngudi yau cdu & truhng b0

+ Di xutit duqc CEO / COO PhA duYQt

bian bdn nhdn hdng' biiin bdn thanh ly' nghiQm
+ Tdi liQu dinh kdm (h6a ilon, hqp d6ng,

m flT Vl,0T
,nr"n Ph6 ThrJ Dr}c, TPHCM

3. Submit a PaYment request form

3. Gui bidu mdu YAu cdu thanh todn

be considered "complete" and

All above requirements must be met for a payment request to
ready for payment.

fiitcd cdc y\u ciu trAn phdi dwqc ddp ung dA mil yAu cdu thanh todn duqc coi ld "hodn tdt" vd
shn sdng di! thanh todn.

Timelines I Liih ihunlh todn vd g*i DNTT Ivt
The requester sends Payment Request according to the GG Form
link provided by the
accountant (full documents and signatures) :g
ctip @Ay dit
Ngudi di xurit/y1u cdu sd gwi DNTT theo link GG Form md kA tudn cung
ch*ng t* vd chit b!')

2) Accountant payable (AP) will check the documents every Tuesday moming

Kd rcdn thanh todn (AP) sd ki6m tra chtlng tb vdo md} sdng th* Ba hdng tudn

3) Ap sends a list of payment request with complete documents according to item 2to the
chief Accountant and BoD for approval at2pmevery Tuesday
Ap gthi danh sdch DNTT dd dAy dit c(*ng t* theo mttrc 2cho Ki! todn trahng vd
Wt vdo 14h chiiu th* Ba hdng tudn
4) After being approved by BOD, AP will send a list of payments to the corporation fbr
approval of the next step at 13:00 every Wednesday

dodn phA duy€t

Sau khi duqc BOD phA duyQt, AP sd gt)ci.ctanh sach thanh todn cho tQp
budc fiAp theo vdo 13h thtb Tu hdng tudn

5) Approved completed applications will be paid every Friday

Nhtcng h6 so hqp l€ duqc phA duyQt hodn tdt sd iluqc thanh todn
vdo thrb Sdu hdnSy tudn'
cONG TY TNHH ruAr vtEr

mfrrvl(?T *"..gryff {flSHBffi ii6,,;b;sNdilvt,ieaY}tfltfiT'Bhffi

next week.
giri sau thu Ba hodc kh6ng hW lQ sd ilwqc gift lqi kidm tra vd thanh toctn
Nhttng hO so
tudn ti€P theo.

The process will be applied from July l'2022 until further notice'

tic 01/07/2022 dAn khi cd th6ng bdo moL

Quy trinh duqc dp &tng

Invalid documentd chrhng t* khdng hW te

. Approved comPleted
Send list PR to C.A & afplications will be.
. Send paYment request BOD aPProvel gtri danh
. Send a list of PaYments oaid/ Nhitng h6 so hgP
onGG fonnl G*i dA
. sdch DNTT cho Kd todn 'lQ.drqc
nghi thanh todn theo
AP checkthe truonsvd BOD Phi duY€t to the corPoration for Ph? duYQt hodn
documents/K/ thanh
ro dn
vdo |Zh chiiu th* Ba hang approvel gui danh sdch ilit ta diq" thanh todn
todnkidm tra chbng ti vdo tudn thanh todn cho taP vdo th* Sdu hdng tudn'
ndi sdng th* Ba
dodn phA dq'Qt vdo l3h
:[r I thu Tu hdng tudn


ruAr vtEr GRoUP

hanrr Ph6 Th0 Drlc, TPHcM

HCM CitY,0l JulY 2022

TP. HCM, NgdY 01 thdng 07 ndm 2022

lflp / Preparer Ngudi review / Reviewer

+/ TY \.2'
t#- rvrlr 1
Ho Huu Phuc


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