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ADHD: A Growing Concern in Academic

It is not uncommon for students, even at the college level, to have difficulties and

challenges in learning. While attending college, students encounter a variety of difficulties. As a

result, issues that students encounter can include issues with balance, a new way of life, or even

money. As a result, maintaining a balance between being a student, doing some part-time work,

and maintaining their social life is essential. Like others, they are away from home for the first

time and must learn how to manage their independence and homesickness. College students will

also need to learn how to deal with the challenge of being exposed to different financial

circumstances. College students will encounter various difficulties, but because these difficulties

have solutions and coping mechanisms, they will help them succeed.

In recent years, there has been a growing problem among college students that is causing

them difficulty in learning. College students with ADHD have difficulty paying attention to

lectures and completing assignments because they constantly fidget in class and cannot focus on

a particular task for long periods. Some people with this condition may resort to taking

stimulants for their symptoms. Stimulants are medications that increase the levels of dopamine in

the brain. Dopamine is a chemical that helps control a person's level of arousal and helps the

brain maintain focus.

Many students are still not getting the treatment they need because their university does

not provide the necessary resources for these students. Universities should offer specialized

support services for students who have been diagnosed with ADHD so that they can get the help

that they need. People with ADHD must seek treatment as soon as possible to help manage their

symptoms and lead an everyday life. Treatment for this condition involves taking medication and

sometimes undergoing therapy.

The three factors - the environment, the teacher, and the strategies used to address ADHD

in the school setting are critical components of an effective ADHD treatment program. By

addressing all three of these components, teachers can help ensure that their students succeed in

the classroom and reach their full potential.

 The environment is often referred to as the "third teacher" because it is as important as the

teachers and parents in shaping children's behavior. Studies have shown that colorful and

welcoming classrooms tend to be more positive and productive than those that are drabber

and boring. In addition, studies have shown that students who are comfortable in their

learning environment tend to be more successful than students who are uncomfortable or

distracted in their classroom. Therefore, the teacher needs to make room as welcoming and

comfortable as possible to help their students succeed.

 Teachers play an essential role in the treatment of ADHD. They play a critical role in helping

the students develop and maintain the skills necessary to succeed in the classroom. For this

reason, teachers need to understand the nature of ADHD to identify its symptoms in the

classroom. They also need to understand how the different treatments work to select the most

appropriate treatment for each student. Once they have made a diagnosis, they must work

closely with the parents to ensure they provide the appropriate treatment level for each

student. This will help ensure that the students get the most out of the treatment and that they

are canceled in the classroom.

 Strategies used by teachers to manage the symptoms of ADHD are often referred to as the

"fourth teacher." Teachers need to be aware of the different strategies that can be used to help

manage the symptoms in the classroom so that they can select the strategy that is most likely

to be successful in that situation. If the child can pay attention in class for a short period, it
may not be necessary to use medication to prevent her from losing focus during other parts of

the day.

Some of the proposed solutions for college students with ADHD are as follows:

1. Peer tutoring: Because it offers many of the same supports as one-on-one instruction, it is one

of the more successful options for students with ADHD. It makes it easier to develop social

and academic abilities. Peer tutoring is most effective when participating students receive

training (Piffner, 2011). Tutors must be trained to prepare the session's materials and provide

their partner's constructive criticism (Greenwood & Delquadri, 1995).

2. Frequent Redirection: Learning partners can be assigned to each other to assist one another in

remaining on track.

3. Checking With Chimes: Set random reminders on an electronic device, such as a smartphone

or kitchen timer, to remind pupils to keep an eye on their focus. When the tone plays, the

student records or indicates if she is paying attention to the lesson. A simple yes-or-no list is

adequate. The student could then use computer software, a tablet, a smartphone, graph paper,

or a poster board to monitor her performance.

4. Proximity Control: Students with ADHD can better maintain attention when their teachers

are close. For example, when delivering instructions and supervising seatwork, the teacher

may approach the student more closely.

The solutions mentioned above are only a few suggested solutions for helping students

with ADHD. With a close look, said solutions are not necessarily dependent on financial help but

instead focus on the interaction of the teachers and the students themselves with others. The

implementation of these solutions is relatively simple and is not pricey. Such solutions can be

done with the cooperation of faculties and the school. With these in mind, universities can assist
students with ADHD and not overly compromise the school budget. Other than the solutions

mentioned, of course, medical assistance is also needed. The university should look for

specialists or foundations that offer treatments rather than going to private hospitals to reduce

medical costs. The treatment regimen for students with ADHD frequently includes medication.

Medical professionals can only prescribe medication for ADHD. Teachers should talk to parents

about the behaviors they see in the classroom, but they should not diagnose them with conditions

like ADHD or suggest medications to treat them.

When implementing these solutions, it is essential to remember the following: These

strategies do not replace necessary accommodations. They should be used in addition to required

accommodations to ensure student success in the classroom. Depending on the severity of the

disability, these strategies may need to be implemented at different times during the school day.

Some teachers may find that implementing the strategies independently rather than as a group is

best. This may be especially true if the teacher works with only one student who has a diagnosis

of ADHD.

Before implementing any of these strategies, it is vital to make a connection between

behavior and the actual reason behind it. Sometimes simply moving a student closer to the front

of the class may make them more attentive. Alternatively, they may need a different environment

to remain focused. For example, a student who needs to be exposed to a significant amount of

noise may be more focused in a quiet room. However, that same student may need a quieter

setting during group work activities that require lots of discussions. By addressing the specific

needs of each student, you will be able to provide them with the most effective learning

environment possible. Various resources are available to support parents and teachers as they

implement these strategies in their classrooms. These resources include fact sheets, handouts,
online tutorials, checklists, and activity sheets. There are also several videos available that

demonstrate how to implement some of the strategies mentioned above. Some of these resources

are free, while others require a subscription.

Implementing these solutions includes the following benefits:

 Individualized Learning Plan allows students with mild to moderate levels of ADHD to

manage their time more effectively and improve their academic performance and overall

behavior in the classroom. An individualized learning plan should include suggested

accommodations and behavioral interventions for students having trouble managing their

behavior. By providing students with clear instructions, expectations, and strategies, we set

them up for success and help them meet their individual goals.

 The teacher-student relationship is essential to student success and is vital to address when

working with students with ADHD. Establishing a positive and respectful relationship

between teacher and student is one of the most critical factors in academic success for

students with ADHD. An effective teacher helps students build their self-confidence and

encourages them to participate actively in their learning. Students with ADHD tend to

struggle with organization and time management, which can further exacerbate poor

communication and discipline issues in the classroom. Positive feedback can help to

encourage students to continue working on their assignments and develop positive study

habits that will help them be successful in school. Providing students with clear and

consistent communication about classroom rules will help them to understand what is

expected of them and improve their adherence to those expectations.

 Students who receive early intervention for their ADHD are more likely to have a better

long-term outcome than those whose condition is not diagnosed until later in life. Early
diagnosis can lead to earlier intervention and effective treatment, which can help to prevent

more severe or debilitating problems later in life.

 The use of medication can be beneficial in treating ADHD, but it can have side effects that

warrant close monitoring by a physician. However, in many situations, medication alone is

not enough to alleviate the symptoms of ADHD.

With the following benefits that this article proposes, it is not only beneficial to the

college students that will be receiving treatments and solutions but also help the university

produce more students that are future assets of not only their alma mater but potentially the

world. Giving the necessary attention to this growing academic concern of the students is vital to

the growth of the school, and the students, and potentially raising awareness among the public.
Works Cited

 Greenwood, C. R., & Delquardri, J. (1995). Classwide peer tutoring and the prevention of

school failure. Preventing School Failure, 39(4), 21-25.

 Piffner, L. J. (2011). All about ADHD: The complete practical guide for classroom

teachers (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Scholastic.

 What is the link between ADHD and dopamine? - Medical News Today.

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