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0 |KPLILL 1.


Directions: Complete te sentences with the present perfect of the appropriate verb from te list.
Use each verb only once. Include any words in rarentheses.
cost grow ride ,wzm
dri ve improve save mz n
veat know start write
forget make .. sweep
1. A: How about more pie?
B: No, but tanks. I can't swallow another bite. I (already) 3 3 3 i_e,. "\._
too much.
2. Our football team is having a great season. They all but one of their
games so far this year and will probably win the championship.
3. Jane is expecting a letter from me, but 1 (not)
Maybe I'll call her instead.
to her yet.
4. Jack is living in Spain now. His Spanish used to be terrible, but it
greatly since he moved there.
5. Our baby (not) _to talk yet. Nfiend's baby, who is several
months older, can already say a few words in English and a few words in French.
6. A: I hear your parents are coming to visit you. Is that why you're cleaning your apartment?
B: You guessed it! I (already) the foor, but I still
ned to dust the frniture. Want to help?
7. A: I understand Tom is a good fiend of yours? How long (yo a)
~.==a. him?
B: Since we were kids.
8. Everyone makes mistakes in life. 1 lots of mistakes in my life.
The important thing is to learn from one's mistakes. Right?
9. A: I (never) ____@____ ______ on the subways in New York City. Have you?
B: I've never even been in New York City.
10. A: (,cu,e..r) @__@@_@_ in the Atlantic Ocean?
B: No, only the Pacifc-when 1 was in Hawaii. I even went snorkeling when I was there.
11. Little Freddie a lot since I last saw him. le's going to be tall just
like his father, isn't he?
12. Let's stop at the next moteL \
that's enough.
500 miles so far today, and
13. Alex spoke Arabic when he lived in Lebanon as a young child, but now he
almost all of his Arabic. He remembers only a few words.
14. Maintaining this old car for the past fve years us much less than
we would have spent if we had bought a new one. We _@________ a lot of
money by not buying a new car, haven't we?
0 FF/1ICc 2. since CnO for (ChCiI 3- )
Iirecticns:Write either since or ]cvin the blanks.
1. I haven't seen my brother

6 months. I haven't seen my sister -
2. My wife and I have moved three times we got married.
3. We've lived here _three years, but we're going to move again soon.
4. The Smiths have lived here a long time. They've lived here
5. 1ly sister's husband got a job on a fshing boat in Alaska. He's been there
eleven weeks, but he should be coming home soon.
6. The International Olympic Games have continued almost without interruption
189. 6.
7. The world has enjoyed Beethoven's music nearly 200 years.
8. They have been married !ast summer.
9. The frst sections of the Great Wall of China have endured
They hve endured more than 2,200 years.
a long time.
l 0. Overall, Ed hasn't learned very much the term began. He needs to study
11. The clock on the campus tower hasn't moved 3:13 on March 2, 1966.
Nobody has been able to fx the dock that time.
12. Argentina won the World Cup in 1986 for the second time _______ the cup was frst
awarded in 1930. Soccer is a popular sport there.

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