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1. Describe the two ways of economics. (6p.

2. Name the 3 types of markets and an example for each. (6p.)
3. Situation: Pizza and beer, with the price of beer increasing. (8p.)
a. How does the supply and demand curve shift?
b. What happens to the equilibrium price and the equilibrium quantity?
4. Explain "ex ante moral hazard" using the example of fully comprehensive car
insurance. (8p.)
5. There are several pizzerias with different offers. (10p.)
a. What kind of market is this?
b. What is the individual demand curve?
c. Are the pizzerias price takers? I.e. The pizzerias are merging. What kind of
market is that then?
What is the individual demand curve?
How's the profit?
6. Explain framing and give an example.
7. Explain the "screening" and name 2 examples based on employer and new
8. What is a public good?
9. Name 5 market entry barriers. (6p.)
10. What is the difference between simultaneous and sequential play? Give an
example of each.
11. Explain the balance of terror and how it relates to the prisoner's dilemma.
12. How should demand fall if someone consumes 38 beers a month and the price of
beer is €2.50 is increased to €3.00?
13. 500 sausages cost a total of 1000€. Each additional sausage costs €1.59 (marginal
costs) and the Market price is €1.60. How should the butcher behave? ( 14p).
14. Explain adverse selection using the example of car insurance.
15. How does the market price change when the demand for meat falls?
16. Give 3 reasons for the emergence of the monopoly and 3 examples.
17. Name 3 reasons for a leftward shift in the supply curve.
18. Explain 3 characteristics of a market with monopolistic competition using
19. Name one difference and one thing in common between markets with
perfect and monopolistic competition. In which market form would
a provider give the customer a gift and what benefit does he hope to
gain from it?
20. The state wants to increase the supply of e-cars by 10% by offering suppliers a
price increase open from 20%.
a. Is that feasible if the current elasticity is 0.4?
b. How high would the price increase have to be at least in order to
achieve the goal of a 10% increase in supply?
21. Explain the prisoner's dilemma using companies as an example.
22. What is opportunity cost? Name 3 examples when buying a car.
23. Name 3 market forms for imperfect competition and an example for each.
24. Recognize the Nash equilibrium and the dominant strategy using a payoff matrix.
25. Given price elasticity of 0.6 and a 15% drop in demand. What is the
increase in the price of petrol, given the petrol price of €1.40?
26. Dissect the economists into their possible functions.
27. Explain the information economy using signaling.
28. What is the significance of scarce goods in economics?
29. What are games with perfect and imperfect information?
30. Prisoner's dilemma, what kind of market is this?

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