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Name of the Teacher Date Level of the class Length of lesson

Natasha Viljoen 25/04/2023 Pre intermediate A2 60 minutes

Lesson Type:
Fours skills- reading

Lesson Topic:
Reading a text

Lesson Aims: Lesson Outcomes:

By the end of the lesson, students will be better able to… By the end of the lesson, students will have…
Demonstrate their comprehension of the text via completing
To understand a piece of writing through utilizing reading various activities example 1 ‘filling in the gaps’ to reproduce the
techniques which increase the levels of intensity and difficult original text and example 2 answering and discussing questions
reading? E.g. “reading for gist” to “reading for detail” with a partner regarding the details of the passage. 3 matching
sentences to the appropriate definition.
Anticipated difficulties: Suggested solutions:
1. Encourage learners to notice how the past tense is used in the
1. Students should have a grasp of how to use the past Tense/ but still make example text/ before they write their own text.
mistakes with it. Students often make errors with question forms

2. adults can be shy in the classroom and may be hesitant to speak out 2. encourage your adult learners to speak, the first step is to make sure they
in a foreign language in front of a room full of stranger know each other. Help your students become familiar with each other and
they will feel more comfortable speaking with their classmates

3. Adult learners have lives and responsibilities outside the classroom. 3. There is nothing you can in this situation, so there’s no point getting upset
They may not be able to prioritise language learning as much as they about it. Encourage your students to come to class as often as possible
would like to. As a result, they may be absent from class more than but be understanding when they can’t. Give them homework which they
other students, or they may not do their homework. will enjoy doing and which fits into their lifestyles.

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Authentic Text (insert reading text here or link to the listening recording)

While we might all enjoy the warm glow of helping out others or giving up a little of our time for charity, it could be doing us some physical good too.
Newspapers started writing about Betty Lowe when she was 96 years old. Despite being long past retirement age, she was still volunteering at a
cafe at Salford Royal Hospital in Greater Manchester, UK, serving coffee, washing dishes and chatting to patients. Then Lowe turned 100. “Still
volunteers at hospital”, the headlines ran. Then she reached 102 and the headlines declared: “Still volunteering”. The same again when she
turned 104. Even at 106, Lowe would work at the cafe once a week, despite her failing eyesight.

Lowe told the reporters who interviewed her that the reason she kept working at the cafe long after most people would have chosen to put their
feet up was because she believed volunteering kept her healthy. And she was probably right. Science reveals that altruistic behaviours, from
formal volunteering and monetary donations to random acts of everyday kindness, promote wellbeing and longevity.

Studies show, for instance, that volunteering correlates with a 24% lower risk of early death – about the same as eating six or more servings
of fruits and vegetables each day, according to some studies. What’s more, volunteers have a lower risk of high blood glucose, and a lower
risk of the inflammation levels connected to heart disease. They also spend 38% fewer nights in hospitals than people who shy from
involvement in charities.

And these health-boosting impacts of volunteering appear to be found in all corners of the world, from Spain and Egypt to Uganda and
Jamaica, according to one study based on the data from the Gallup World Poll.

During the pandemic, many people have volunteered to help those who have been worst hit by lockdowns (Credit: Paul Hennessy/Getty Images)
Of course, it could be that people who are in better health to begin with are simply more likely to be in a position to pick up volunteering. If you
are suffering from severe arthritis, for example, the chances are you won’t be keen to sign up to work at a soup kitchen.

“There is research suggesting that people who are in better health are more likely to volunteer, but because scientists are very well aware of
that, in our studies we statistically control for that,” says Sara Konrath, a psychologist and philanthropy researcher at Indiana University.

Even when scientists remove the effects of pre-existing health, the impacts of volunteering on wellbeing still remain strong. What’s more, several
randomised lab experiments shed light on the biological mechanisms through which helping others can boost our health.

In one such experiment, high school students in Canada were either assigned to tutor elementary school children for two months, or put on a
waitlist. Four months later, after the tutoring was well over, the differences between the two groups of teenagers were clearly visible in their
blood. Compared to those on the waitlist, high-schoolers who were actively tutoring the younger children had lower levels of cholesterol, as well
2 Lesson Plan
as lower inflammatory markers such as interleukin 6 in their blood – which apart of being a powerful predictor of cardiovascular health, also plays
an important role in viral infections.
Participants assigned to conduct simple acts of kindness, such as buying coffee for a stranger, had lower activity of leukocyte genes that are related to
Of course, in pandemic times, volunteering may be more of a challenge. However, Konrath believes that doing so online could also bring health
benefits, if our motivation is to really help other people. She also recommends virtual volunteering with friends, since research shows that the
social component of volunteering is important for wellbeing.

But it’s not just the effects of formal volunteering that show up in the blood either – random acts of kindness do as well. In one study in California,
participants who were assigned to conduct simple acts of kindness, such as buying coffee for a stranger, had lower activity of leukocyte genes
that are related to inflammation. That’s a good thing, since chronic inflammation has been linked to conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis,
cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.

Please include a rationale for why you have chosen this authentic material (approximately 100 words):
Volunteering has become a big part of our daily lives and therefor it would be a good topic to cover in class and the students will find
that studies on the subject of volunteering useful if they ever want to be apart of a group or just do individual volunteering.
Volunteering comes in all different ways, sitting with sick people, caring for animals that doesn’t have a home, helping hand out food
(cooked and non-cooked foods) to people that are in need, covering this subject and teaching about volunteering will make it a fun
topic for students. As a volunteer myself I know the ins and out as to what happens when you are a volunteer and the benefits it gives
a person.

Stage Name Stage Aim Time Interaction Teacher’s procedure Students will…

Example: Example: Example: Example: Example: Example:

Warmer To engage the 10 T-S Show pictures of 3 different sports – Students will identify the lesson topic
learners in the minutes football (team), tennis (one vs one), Learners will use their previous
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lesson, to activate marathon running (individual) knowledge to make links to the topic
the learner’s prior S-S Ask students to discuss the
knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of
topic each type of sport

Warmer to To introduce students 5 T-Ss T shows a picture of the topic to Ss looks at the picture and guess
to the topic.
introduce text minutes the class and Ss has to guess the the answers and tells T their
Ss-Ss topic of the reading they are answers.
going to do in groups.
T gets answers from students.
Presentation of To provide context for 15 S-S T puts the reading text on the board and Students looks at the text that has been
the target language distributes a word guessing activity and put on the board and gets the correct
relevant through a guessing
minutes wants Ss to put a tick if they think the answers, they do the task individually
vocabulary activity, and to
Ss-Ss word is going to be in the reading text and then they share it with the class.
practice the target and a cross if they this it is not.
language with
Practical To clarify the meaning 15 S-S T distributes reading text to students to S gives details about the Skimming and
of reading for gist. read “gist reading” scanning text features: titles, headings,
activity minutes T monitors the students while they are subheadings, captions, visual elements
exploring the reading so that she can see if they and graphic information • Predicting,
text skill. understand it or not. using the information gained from
“reading for skimming and scanning.
Activity To clarify the 15 T-S Discuss and explain the following S gives details about the Detailed
meaning of reading aspects in the Resource Worksheet: understanding of the text features: titles,
focusing on minutes • Guidelines to assist you (the learner) in headings, subheadings, captions, visual
for “reading for
detailed reading for understanding of the text. elements and graphic information •
understanding Predicting, using the information gained
of the text. from focusing on the detailed
understanding of the text.
Review For the students to be 10 T-Ss T asks student to check whether they Ss check it and talk about their
aware of the new were right about the vocabulary findings and about the text that was
vocabulary vocabulary.
4 Lesson Plan
items. covered.
Lesson Rationale (700-1000 words):
You should cover: why you have structured the lesson in the way that you have, what each activity will contribute towards the learning aims and how this will be
achieved, other activities that you considered including and why you chose not to use them, what you would do if any of your activities didn’t work in the way you have

 why you have structured the lesson in the way that you have. I have 10 adult students, they are aged between 18 and 25. The class is monolingual;
the students are all French thus I have structured the lesson the way I have so the class will have different types learning abilities as well
has goals for learning English, all the students are French that’s why this lesson has been structured in a manner that allows each
student to have their respective goals and needs met. The topic that has been chosen for this lesson is Four skills- reading. I have given
worksheets; this will help the students be more relaxed with each other and more focused in class and this lesson places an emphasis
on the different types of Reading that one can come across, which will be informative for students that have not been exposed to
these different types of pronunciations and vocabulary. This lesson has been structured in a manner that builds a safe learning space
for the students were interacting with one another and engaging with the teacher is highly prioritized. This has been ensured by
creating a warmer that allows the students to not only get familiar with the content that they are being taught, but also become
familiarized with one another and feel comfortable enough to engage in the lesson as a unit, as opposed to feeling like they are on
their own and have to participate in the class because they are expected to. By getting the students to speak up in class will allow the
students to work together and form comradely prior to the actual learning of the content material in the lesson. This will
consequently improve the engagement received during the lesson.
 what each activity will contribute towards the learning aims and how this will be achieved: Pictures makes the abstract topic more concrete and it makes
the target topic more meaning full for the visual learners, moreover, this activity helps vocabulary of the students and the group work, and increases the
interaction between the students. word guessing activity provides students with possible vocabulary items that they can see in the text and it gives them
a chance to understands the topic in general without reading it, sharing their ideas with the whole class provides them with the feedback both from their
fellow students and the teacher.
 other activities that you considered including and why you chose not to use them: I have considered the other topics and decided that four skills - reading
is the most suited for the group I’m teaching, I have also considered using Gap fills and games and spot the difference pictures but I felt that it was not
age appropriate for the class I am teaching. Teaching adults is not the same as teaching kids, although you can use most of the same structures for all age
groups, I don’t want the students to feel like I am treating them like a child. That’s why I chose to do worksheets for the age-appropriate students.
 what you would do if any of your activities didn’t work in the way you have planned: I will then put a video presentation of the topic on and help
them by reading it together, and sounding out the words they have trouble with and in the Practical activity exploring the text skill. “Reading
for Gist” I will help as needed, they might have trouble with some of the words as they don’t use some of the letters in their L1, to which I will
then focus my attention more on the words they are struggling with and pronunciation of the words. If needed I will spend more time one on

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one with each student and practice the meaning of gist reading and reading for detail. It teaches them how to use reading for gist and how to do
detailed readings, this can be very difficult for some of the students therefore I am doing the lesson in the way I am, to help the students in a
group manner and individually. if students struggle to think of anything to say in the group discussion, we will brainstorm some ideas on the
board first, in order to give them some inspiration, the point of the Reading topic is to make the lesson plan fun and exciting and would
encourage the students to want to learn.

Bibliography (if needed):

All images from google images

Worksheet’s teacher made

Materials (include all physical copies of the materials you plan to use in your lesson, referenced):

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