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Wayne Michael Camerino

12 – Pollux

Device Related Fields of Engineering Related Applications of

Engineering Knowledge
Nose pads Rubber engineering, Design Helps raise glasses position
engineering which in turn straightens neck
posture compared to without
Electric Fans/Air Conditioners Chemical engineering,
Electrical engineering, Provides cool air
Mechanical engineering
Sound system Sound engineering, Software
engineering, Electrical Provides sound

1. Which among the items you listed down gave you the most surprising discoveries?

Nose pads. I have never heard of Rubber engineers and how important they are to

2. Identify the roles of the different fields of engineering you listed as the fields related to
that item. Feel free to use keywords from the applications of engineering knowledge.

Rubber/Polymer engineers fabricate new polymers, working with prototypes, and

designing material processing equipment. Design engineers research opportunities for
new products and create prototypes. They design manufacturing processes and
products with various criteria in mind, including cost-effectiveness, user experience and
environmental standards. Chemical engineers study the exchange of heat of chemicals.
Electrical engineers are the ones builds the hardware. Mechanical engineers manage
the design and build parts. Sound engineers manages the sound quality and intensity.
Software engineers manages the software and the system of the device.

3. How do you think these fields work together in producing the item?

Depending on what item they work on, they usually work together if need be.

4. What is the relevance of the identified item to everyday life?

Nose pads are essential for me, I had to go on a week without them because they
accidentally got removed from my glasses and stiff neck was my best friend. It was not
fun in any way plausible. Air conditioners and electric fans is what keeps me alive during
class hours, and because a ceiling fan is positioned directly under my crush then that
also gives me a reason to go near her, two birds in one stone. Sound systems like
speakers helps me listen to music and play games.

5. How did that item make life better for its intended users?

Nose pads raises my glasses and prevents it from slipping. Air-conditioner helps cool
down the temperature. Speaker helps deliver sound.

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