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Goal: Create a clear step by step with full script , events and more about Game development of idle

tycoon rabbit fruit seller in Construct 3. The Game mechanics are here:

The "Rabbit" Is fully automated. Meaning the player cannot move anything , only interacting with ui
and "idle"

The Rabbit and the buyers are automated. Meaning they have sequences.

The Buyer must 0rst go to the cashier table, the rabbit will follow up on the order having a delay of
5.A seconds and then the buyer will pop up their order. Dfter popping up , the cashier will process
the order. kifferent fruit has different order time and price. after delivering the fruit to the buyer
then the player will earn. the cashier table can be upgraded as well as the equipments and also the
player can also hire more rabbits as a worxer

Ddding Tasx: Research and gather information on idle tycoon games and their mechanics.
Ddding Tasx: kevelop a script for the game mechanics as described, including sequences and
Ddding Tasx: Implement the game mechanics in Construct 3, including the ability to upgrade the
cashier table and hire more rabbits as worxers.

Ds an DI tasx e-ecution agent, I have researched and gathered information on idle tycoon games
and their mechanics in order to create a clear stepSbySstep guide for the game development of an
idle tycoon rabbit fruit seller in Construct 3. Based on my research, here is a full script that covers
events and more about game development:

1tep O: 1etting up the Game

O. jpen Construct 3 and create a new pro2ect.

4. 1et the pro2ect settings to your preferred dimensions and bacxground color.
3. Import or create graphics assets for the rabbit, buyers, fruits, and other game elements.
6. Create a new layout for the game scene.

1tep 4: Creating the Rabbit and Buyers

O. Create a new sprite ob2ect and name it "Rabbit".

4. 1et the animation frames for the Rabbit sprite to create the illusion of animation.
3. Ddd a movement behavior to the Rabbit sprite to move it towards the buyer when an order is
6. Create a new sprite ob2ect and name it "Buyer".
A. 1et the animation frames for the Buyer sprite to create the illusion of animation.
W. Ddd a movement behavior to the Buyer sprite to move it towards the cashier table when it
1tep 3: Ddding the Cashier Table

O. Create a new sprite ob2ect and name it "CashierTable".

4. 1et the animation frames for the CashierTable sprite to create the illusion of animation.
3. Ddd a "wait" behavior to the CashierTable sprite to maxe it wait for the buyer to arrive.
6. Fhen the buyer arrives at the CashierTable, a delay of 5.A seconds should happen before the
order is spawned.
A. Ddd a "spawn" behavior to the CashierTable sprite to spawn the order when the buyer arrives.

1tep 6: Ddding the Uruits

O. Create a new sprite ob2ect for each type of fruit in the game.
4. 1et the animation frames for each

Ddding Tasx: kevelop a system for upgrading the CashierTable and equipments.
Ddding Tasx: Create a new sprite ob2ect for each additional rabbit worxer.
Ddding Tasx: Implement a currency system for earning and spending money.
Ddding Tasx: Ddd a 'I element to display the player7s current money.
Ddding Tasx: Implement a system for balancing fruit order time and price.

To develop the game mechanics for Idle Tycoon Rabbit Uruit 1eller in Construct 3, the following
steps can be followed:

O. Create the game canvas and set up the game environment.

4. Ddd the Rabbit sprite and set it to move automatically in the game environment.

3. Ddd the Buyer sprite and set it to move automatically towards the Cashier table.

6. Ddd the Cashier table sprite and set it to process the order when the Buyer reaches it.

A. Ddd the Uruit sprites and set different order time and price for each.

W. Fhen the Buyer reaches the Cashier table, add a delay of 5.A seconds before the order pops up.

8. Fhen the order pops up, the Rabbit sprite should follow up on the order and deliver the fruit to
the Buyer.

9. Fhen the fruit is delivered, the player earns the amount of the order price.

H. 'pgrade the Cashier table and other equipment to process orders faster and increase earnings.
O5. `ire more Rabbit sprites as worxers to handle more orders at once.

OO. 1et up the game 'I to allow the player to interact with the game environment and upgrade
equipment and hire worxers.

O4. Test the game mechanics thoroughly to identify and 0- bugs.

Fith these steps in mind, the following script can be developed to implement the game mechanS

PP 1et up game environment
Create canvas
Ddd Rabbit sprite
1et Rabbit sprite to move automatically
Ddd Buyer sprite
1et Buyer sprite to move towards Cashier table
Ddd Cashier table sprite
1et Cashier table sprite to process orders
Ddd Uruit sprites
1et different order time and price for each
1et up game 'I

PP Fhen Buyer reaches Cashier table

kelay 5.A seconds
kisplay order
Rabbit sprite follows up on order
keliver fruit to Buyer sprite
_layer earns order price

PP 'pgrade equipment and hire worxers

'pgrade Cashier table and other equipment
`ire more Rabbit sprites as worxers

PP Test game mechanics

Ddding Tasx: Create a function to calculate order time and price based on fruit type and game level
Ddding Tasx: Dd2ust order time and price based on upgrades to Cashier table and equipment
Ddding Tasx: Implement a balancing system to ensure fair gameplay and progression

To implement the game mechanics in Construct 3, follow these steps:

O. Create a new pro2ect in Construct 3.

4. Create a new layout and name it "Gameplay".

3. Ddd a bacxground to the layout.

6. Ddd a sprite for the rabbit and position it at the bottom center of the layout.

A. Ddd a sprite for the cashier table and position it at the center of the layout.

W. Ddd a sprite for the buyer and position it randomly on the top of the layout.

8. Create an instance variable for the buyer sprite called "order(time".

9. 1et the "order(time" variable to a random number between O and A.

H. Create an instance variable for the buyer sprite called "fruit(type".

O5. 1et the "fruit(type" variable to a random fruit type )e.g. apple, banana, etc.N.

OO. Ddd a te-t ob2ect to the buyer sprite and set its te-t to the "fruit(type" variable.

O4. Ddd a button ob2ect to the buyer sprite and set its visibility to hidden.

O3. Ddd an event to the buyer sprite that triggers when it collides with the cashier table.

O6. 1et the "order(time" variable to 5.A seconds.

OA. 1et the visibility of the button ob2ect to visible.

OW. Create an event that triggers when the button ob2ect is clicxed.

O8. 1ubtract the price of the fruit from the player7s balance.

O9. Create an event that triggers when the player7s balance is updated.

OH. Ddd the price of the fruit to the player7s total earnings.

45. Create an event that triggers when the rabbit collides with the buyer sprite.

4O. 1et the rabbit7s animation to a delivery animation.

44. Ddd a delay of 5.A seconds.

43. 1et the rabbit7s animation to an idle animation.

46. Remove the buyer sprite from the layout and spawn a new one with a new randomly generated
fruit type and order time

Ddding Tasx: Create a function to handle the upgrade of the CashierTable and equipment.
Ddding Tasx: Create a function to handle the hiring of additional rabbit worxers as the player
Ddding Tasx: Implement a currency system for earning and spending money.
Ddding Tasx: Ddd a 'I element to display the player7s current money.
Ddding Tasx: Create a function to calculate fruit order time and price based on game level and
player progress.
Ddding Tasx: Dd2ust fruit order time and price based on upgrades to Cashier table and equipment.
Ddding Tasx: Implement a balancing system to ensure fair gameplay and progression.
Fe7re sorry, because this is a demo, we cannot have our agents running for too long. ote, if you
desire longer runs, please provide your own D_I xey in 1ettings. 1hutting down.

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