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Personal Ethics

Karma & Karma Yoga,

Flexibility and Purity of Mind,

The theory of Karma is the central
theme of Bhagvad Geeta which when
translated into modern day management may
provide fresh approach into

‘doing’ the ‘right’ things at the ‘right’

Karma Yoga taught in the Bhagvad Geeta
Performance of one’s assigned duties towards family,
friends, society, nation, and humanity to the best of one’s
abilities, without hankering after rewards.
Therefore, Sri Krishna says to Arjuna, ‘Your only duty is
to act (right to work) and not to hanker after the fruits (or
the results) thereof.’ Neither the purpose of our actions nor
the work should bind and blind us. To work is to worship
with total non- attachment and selfless attitude.
In the ‘Slokas’ of Gita, several references to
the magnitude of self – sacrifice and working
sincerely for the benefit of the greater good can
be identified.
“All living bodies subsist on food grains,
which are produced from rains. Rains are
produced by performance of yajna
(sacrifice) and sacrifice is born of
prescribed duties.”
Hindus believe in reincarnation.
The basic belief is that a person’s fate is determined
according to his deeds or actions. These deeds or actions,
in Hinduism, are called ‘Karma ‘.
A person who does good Karma in this life will be
rewarded with a better life in the next incarnation. A
person who does bad Karma will be punished for his sins,
if not in this incarnation then in the next.
The method prescribed by Sri Krishna

“Do all work as worship to God. Do

everything to the best of your ability, suited to
your intrinsic nature and prevailing
Flexibility and Purity of Mind

Flexibility of mind refers to the ability of mind

to cope up or adjust with the situation of varied
How to cultivate purity of mind?
Four traditional methods of mind purification is:
1. Jnana Yoga (Path of Knowledge): Discrimination
enables to distinguish lower self from higher self and find
out (rediscover) our Real Nature God reveal thyself in my
heart and actions.

2. Raja Yoga (Path of Mind Control): If operates with

the mind, aims at perfections of mind control, then enter
into concentration and trance of Samadhi, we have
training of whole mental system a pre-condition of
3. Bhakti Yoga (Path of Devotion): Self surrender to the Lord and
emotionally one can reach the goal of pure consciousness or

4. Karma Yoga (Path of Action): Selfless action purifies our mind-

intellect. Purer mind can concentrate, contemplate and meditate to
approach perfection or divinity i.e. pure consciousness.
For it is character through which leadership is exercised, it is
character that sets the example and is imitated in turn. Leader lacking
in character and integrity which are the part of values no matter how
knowledgeable, how brilliant, how successful – he destroys people
the valuable asset of company.
Thank You with your cooperation
Best of Luck For your Exam

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