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Data Communications Q. What is data communications? Explain the basic components of communication network? Data Communication Data communication is a process of transferring data electronically from one place te another. Data can be transferred by using different medium. The basic components of date communication are as follows. © Message * Sender © Receiver . smission Mediuny + Encoder and Decoder Sending Device Figure: Data Communication 1. Message The message is the data of information to be communicated, It may consist of text, number, picture, sound, video or a combination of these. 2. Sender Sender is the device that sends the message, It is also called source or transmitter, The sender can be a computer, fax machine or mobile phone etc. The computer is usually used «1s sender in data communication systems. 3. Receiver Receiver is the device that receives the message. It is also called sink, The receiver must be capable of accepting the message. The receiver can be a computer, printer, fax machine or mobile phone etc. A computer is usually used as receiver in data communication systems. 4, Transmission Medium ‘Transmission medium is the path through which the messages are transferred. It is used to carry messages from one place to another. It is also called communication channel ‘The transmission medium is a physical cable or wireless connection 5. Encoder and Decoder The encoder is a device that converts digital signals in a form that can pass through a transmission medium. The decoder is a device that converts the encoded signals into digital form, The receiver can understand the digital form of message. Sender and receiver cannot communicate successfully without encoder arid decoder. Q. What is signal? Discuss its different forms. Signal Signal is an electromagnetic oF light wave that represents data. Signals are used to transfer data from one device to another through a communication medium Forms of Signals Different forms of communication signals are as follows: Digital Signals Analog Signals 1. Digital Signals Digital signal is a sequence of voltage represented in binary form. The digital signals are in the form of electrical pulses of ON and OFF, These signals are in discrete form. Digital signals are faster and efficient. They provide low error rates. They also provide high transmission speed and high-quality voice transmission. All data communication between the computers is in digital form. Computers understand and work only in digital form. The following figure represents a high voltage as a Land a low voltage as a 0. 1 +) Signal value tio La ia Tame t 1 Teyele Figure: Digital Transmission 2, Analog Signals Analog signal is a continuous electrical signal in the form of wave. Lhe wave is known as cartier wave. Telephone line is most conmonly used media for analog transmussion of data. Light, sound, radio and microwave are also examples of analog sigivals Characteristics of Analog Signals Two characteristics of an analog wave are as follows + Frequency: The number of mes a wave repeats during « specitic time interval is known as frequency * Amplitude: The height ot wave within a given period of me is known ay amphtude Frequency: Amplcade Figure: Analog Digital Lransmussion Q. Explain different data types with examples? Data can be represented in different ways, Different types of data are as follows, 1. Text Test data consists of words, sentences and paragraphs, Text processing, refers to the ability to manipulate words, lines and pages, Test is normally stored as ASCH code without formatting Examples Some examples of text data are Usman Khalil, Pakistan, Islam ete 2. Numeric Data Numeric data consists of numeric digits from 0 to 9. It may als contain decimal point plus sing "+" or negative sign "=" The numeric type of data may eilher be positive or negative. The use of "+" with positive numbers is optional Examples 10, #5, -12, 13,7, 32.5 ete 3. Image This type of data includes chart, geaph, pictures andl drawings. This form of data is nore comprehensive, Itcan be transmitted as a set of bits. The bits are packed as by tes 4. Audio Sound is a representation of audio. Audio data includes music. speech ar any type of sound 5. Video Video is a set of full-motion images played at a high speed: Video is used to display actions and movements Q. How is data represented in computer? Computer works with binary numbers. Binary number the computer is represented as electrical pulses. The binary d cates the presence of electrical pulse, The binary digit 0 indicates the absence of electrical pulse. The binary digit is known as bit. It is an abbreviation of binary digit, It is the smallest Unit of memory. A collection of four bits is called nibble. 4 collection eight bits ts culled byte One byte can store single character. Q. What is meant by encoding of data? Explain different coding schemes to represent data in computer. Data Encoding Computer works only with binary numbers. It stores all types of lata inthe form binary digits. The data is converted to binary form before #t is stored inside the computer The process of converting data into binary form is known as encoding, Data can be converted into binary form by using different coding schemes Types of Coding Schemes Different types of coding schemes are as follows, 1. BCD Code BCD stands for Binary Coded Decimal. It is 4 4-bit code. It means that each decimal Ligit is represented by 4 binary digits. It was used by early computers, 2. EBCDIC Code EBCDIC stands for Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code. It is an 8-bit code. Itis normally used in mainframe computers. It can represent 256 characters 3. ASCII ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It was published in 1968 by ANSI (American National Standard Institute). It is the most widely. used coding scheme for personal computers The 7-bit code can represent 128 characters. Its hot enough to represent some graphical characters displayed on computer screens. An &-bit code can represent 256 characters. The extended 128 unique codes represent graphic symbols. ASCIL EBCDIC 4. Unicode Unicode is a Lo-bit code, It can represent 65536 chatacters It has started to replace ASCIL cade. It can represent the characters of all languages inthe worl Q. What is data transmission mode? Explain its types with example. Data Transmission Mode Vhe way in which date ¢ transmitted from one place to nether is called data lransmission mode. Types of Transmission Modes There are three types of data Lansmission modes 1 Simplex mode 2. Haltduples mode 3. Full dupley mate 1. Simplex Mode In simplex mode, data can tlow only in one direct directions. [t operat chan, n Te cannot be movest am both in a muanner similar toa one-way street The siirection ot flow never cs. A device with simples mole can cither send or receive data It cannot periorm both A} —48 Figure: Simpler mode Example An example ma teastitional television broadcast The syztal rs soa trot the tansmitter to TV antenna. There is no return signal 2. Half-Duplex Traffic In half-duplex mode, data can flow in both directions but not at the same Gane Its transmitted one-way atone tine A device with halt-duples mode can send or receive att but not at the same time, That is why the speed of hall-duplex mode is sles |-————+! Figure: Half Duples Example Internet sur ng is an example of half-duplex communication, The user issues for a web page. The web page is downloaded and displayed before the user issues another request 3, Full-Duplex Mode In fullduplex mode, ata can travel in both directions simulta mode is a faster way of data transmission as compared to half dupley. Tine is not wasted 1m changing the direction of data tlow expuest wously. Full duples —— Figure Pll Dupes Example A telephone is a full-duplex device. Both persons can talk at the saane time. Another example of full-duples communication is automobile tratfic on a two-lane road. The traffic can move in both directions at the same time Q. Discuss different types of data transmission. There are two types of data transmission. These are as follows: 1. Parallel Transmission 1. Parallel Transmission A method of transmission in which groups of bits are sent at the same time over nultiple wires is called parallel transmission. It is usually uni transmitted over a separate line. Sertal Transmission The internal transfer of data in a computer uses a parallel mode. The data transmission between computer and printer is done using parallel ansmuission. Parallel transmissi« faster because all bits are sent at the same time. Paralle! Data Tranemission bio be bie ee be bio bite bits a its bre bie? er Sender media Receiver 2. Serial Transmission A method of transmission in which data is sent one bit at a tine ay called serial transmission, The character bits are sent sequentially. Serial transmission 1s slower than parallel transmission as data is sent sequentially one bit at a time Telephone lines use this method of data transmission, Each individual bit of information travels along its own communication path ‘SERIAL OATA TRANSMISSION SENDER MED RECEIVER Q. Explain asynchronous and synchronous transmission. sees topes data transmirsstan areas falls 1 Asenchronous transansston yi ar nuas tranisnassion 1. Asynchronous Transmission asynchronous transmission, dana is transmuted character by character There are irregular gaps between characters nv this thansanissiet Its cteaper te anplement beat date isnot saved before His sent It sises special start sigatal [ve sictual transmitted at du isuminany, of each message The Stitt signal as sent aster the chatacters about Vostart bit fas a vale ot 0 fb calles space state he Valuer of Mandicates thats Chara ter as abut te be transterted It alerts the receiver ate it guts ready to recent Iharacter Hi start bit Wasa vale Tat at the bie 1 ntle [eis alse called mark state - | tart 2. Synehronous Transmission the synchronous mote, the saved ata-us transmits ho fach block ay consistot many characters, Ituses a clock to.control the tiny: bony sent A lane amount of uMtormiation can be tansnutted at a single time with thas t pe ot transmission ry yachronsus transmission is much fister that asenclironons because there is ne gap betweon characters. This transmission is suited for rer munis ation believer inypuiter anit elated like printers etc Q. What is bandwidth? Explain baseband and broadband. Bandwidth The amount of data that san be thansterres! th . nication median 4 st oF time is called bandwidth [he bandwidth ot f casurest a bits per . «Bytes per second The handdwwaslih of analog syginals 8 Fr evelessccunds 1 Meri Baseband Baseband is 4 commuriations te tinge ay shicis diital stray moet on toamstission ine without change an motulason Le meat fiyutal sip Hansautted over transmission tite Tt transmits only one signal ata tame T cunmonty called baseband signals Broadband Broadband is a technique to transmut large amounts of data such as voice and video over long distance. It can send data by modulating each signal onto a different frequency. It transmits several streams of data at the same time using FDM (Frequency Division Multiplexing) technique. FDM divides the bandwidth of a communication line into smaller frequency bandwidths. Each part of the communication line can be used for transmitting dats separately, Broadband is faster than baseband, Q What is communication media used in computer networks? What are different types of communication media? Communication Media / Communication Channel the path through which data is transmitted from one place to another 1 called communication media or communication channel ‘There are difterent types of communications 1. Guided Media In guided media, communication devices are directly connected with each other by using some physical media like wires, It is also called bounded media sti, Examples Some examples of bounded media for communication are as follows: + Twisted Pair * Coaxial Cable + Fiber Optics 2. Unguided Media li unguided media, communication devices communicate with each other through or space using broadcast radio signals, microwave signals and infrared signals. Unbounded media is used where it is impossible to install cables, Data can be transferred all ever the world using this media. Its also called unbounded media Examples Some examples of unbounded media for communication are as follows: + Microwave + Communication Satellite + Mobile Communication Q Briefly describe different guided media. Different guided media are as tollows: 1. Twisted Pair ‘Twisted pair is the most commonly used physical transmission medium. It is used in local area network to counect computers and other devices. Twisted pair consists of a pair of copper wires. The pair of wites is covered by a plastic insulation and it ts twisted together. Twisting of wires protects them from interference by external electromagnetic waves “Twisted pais | ‘of Copper Wires Figure: Twested pate Characteristics of Twisted Pair Different characte: sties of twisted pair are as follows: + Tisan inexpensive transmission medium, This easy to install + Ttcan transfer data to a short distance, 2, Coaxial Cable Coaxial cable consists of copper wire covered by an insulating, material. The insulated copper wire is covered by copper mesh. The mesh protects the data signals from interference by external electromagnetic waves. Coaxial cable contains 4 to 22 coaxial units called tubes, Coaxial cables are used by the cable TV network and telephone companies wake INSULAT ON COPPER MESH Figure: Coaial cable Characteristics of Coaxial Cable Different characteristics of coasial cable are as follows, «tis more expensive transmission medium than twisted pair + It provicles higher data transfer rate than twisted pait cable + Itcan be installed very easily 3. Fiber Optics 'A fiber optic cable transmits data as pulses of light through tiny tubes of glass A typical fiber optic consists of very narrow strand of glass called core. The strands are thin like haman hair, The core is the center of the fiber where light travels. There is a concentric layer of glass around the core called cladding, It reflects the light back into the core, The cladding, has a protective coating of plastic called jacket Figure: Microwave system 2. Communication Satellite ation over Large slistances. Communication Satellites are used in wireless comay Wollites and earth-based stations. The satellites are placed This communication uses the around the globe about 22,200 miles above the earth, satellite receives microwave signals from earth-based station. It amplifies the signals and retransmuts them back to different eart: th station to satellite iS called uplink The based station. The transmission frome. transmission from satellite ty carth station ts called downlink volume of data can b An important advantage of satellite is. that a lary communicated at once. The cisadvantage is that bad weather can severely affect the uiabity fof satellite transmission 3. Mobile Communication Mobile on is radio-based network [transmits late to andl from mobile computer tis widely used all over the world Q. Write a note on modem. Describe its working and features. Modem Modem stands for modulator/demodulator. It is a commonly used communication device, Modem sends ar receives data from one computer to another on the Internet through telephone lines. The sending and receiving computers both must have modems Working of Dialup Modem Computer stores information in the form of digital signals. However, the information transmitted over the telephone lines is in the form of analog signals. The modem receives data from computer in digital form and converts it into analog form. This process is called modulation. It sends analog signals to other computer using telephone lines. The modem on receiving computer receives data in analog form. It converts the analog data back into digital form. This process is called demodulation Senaing ‘computer Figure: Working of modem Features of Modem Some important features of moclem are as follows: ‘+ Speed: Speed is the rate at which the modem can send data in bps. Typically modem, speeds are 300 bps to 56k bps. + Self-Testing: Modem can test the di analog connection with remote modem * Voice over Data: Modem provides the facility of voice conversation while data is being transmitted. Both the source and destination modems should have this feature ‘+ Error Control: Modems use different methods to control errors for transimitted data, al connection with computer, It can also test Q. Write a note on modem. Describe its working and features. Modem Modem stands for modulator/demodulator. It is commonly used communication device. Modem sends and receives data from one computer to another on the Internet through telephone lines. The sending and receiving computers both must have modems. Working of Dialup Modem Computer stores information in the form of signals. However, the information transmitted over the telephone lines is in the form of analog signals. The modem receives data from computer in digital form and converts it into analog form. This process is called modulation. It sends analog signals to other computer using telephone lines, tal ‘The modem on receiving computer receives data in analog form. It converts the analog, data back into digital form. This process is called demodulation, Modem —oigitat Pie Figure: Working of modem Features of Modem ‘Some important features of modem are as follows + Speed: Speed is the rate at which the modem can send data in bps. Typically modem speeds are 300 bps to 56k bps. + Self-Testing: Modem can test the digital connection with computer. It can also test analog connection with remote modem. * Voice over Data: Modem provides the facility of voice conversation while data is being transmitted, Both the source and clestination modems should have this feature + Error Control: Modems use different methods to control errors for transmitted data, Q. What are different ty pes of modems? Dinterent types ot miotenis in terins of plicit a I. External Modem the system unit ay an External moder is attou ti line. His connected to the telephone wall jack b hore bo computer using setial cable ( COML oF COM part Sternal paver supp 2. Internal Modem Internal modem is a circuit b cannot be Internal 9 of moter. It Foul to setup than ot able [tas al 3. Wireless Modem, Wireless modem transmits the data sqynals theowst aie instead 6! avn as tadivtrequeney modem It iy designed te work with cellular techeohoy Short Question: QU. Define data co: Data communication is a process of transferring data clectronically from one place te another, Data can be Wansferrel by using, different medium Q2. List out difterent elements of data communication The basic olements of date communication are miessaye. Sender, rocen eranectiun at Encoder and Decoder Q3. Wh. is the role of sender in data communication? Senster iy the device that sends the message. It alse ealledt outs oF transmitter The sender can be a computer, fay machine or mobile pli sender im data communication systemts Qa. What is the role of receiv Receiver is the device that rwcerves the message. Itis alse called sink, Lite receiver must be capable of accepting the message. The receiver can be a computer, printer, as machine or inobile phone ete A computer is usually used as receiver in data ceuuimunie.ition systems QS. Differentiate between » ne ete The computer is usually ased as ver in data communication? nder and receives, Sender is a atewice that sends the daty message lt is alse called swutce Sender is pormally a computer, Receiver 1s a device Uhat receives message It can be computer, printer ov another computer related device, The receiver must he «pall 6. How are messages transferred Fransmission medium as the path through which the messages are te used to carry: messa teceptinys tlhe ress data communication? stented 1s > from one place to anther Iti also called communication channel The transmssion mexiuds asa physical cable or wireless conte tote QS. Detine the term Encoder and Decoder Focoder is a device that converts digatal signals ura torny th sinission medium. Decoder is a «levice that converts the vn EtG pass threnagh a uy led sina ite atiital form, Sender and recerver cannot e mmunicate successtully without cn QS. How media is important in communicaion? Communication network cannot eXist without a mediune The mourn as used te Connect the source and receiver ant provide path te sent Q9. Whatis signal? Wal is an electromagnetic or light wave that nessates events data Sy Hom one device to another throuyh a commraiation niedian Q.10. What is digital signal? Vagal signal is a sejuences of voltage represented iu) binary form Diyutal syavals are the torn of electrical pulses of ON aid OFF, These siytials te ins lise rete toniny Dapatal saga ate taster and efficient. AIL QUE. What is Analog signal? Analog, signal sa Continuous lect ical sigutal wy the t F wave. Sour wave is an es. Commitimication between computers are i digital teria volts and its frequency isin Herts (Hz) ple oF analog signal Analog, sigtial is ineasused i Q.12. Write are two characteristics of analog signal Two characteristics of an analog wave are frequency and amplitude. The number ot times 4 wave repeats during a specific time interval is known as frequency. The height of wave within a given period of time is Known as amplitude Q.13. Differentiate between analog and digit A example of analog signal, Digital signal is a sequence of voltage represented in binary foro ‘smission speed and is popular? walog signal is a continuous electrical signal in the form of wave Sound wave 15 an error rates, higher tea Digital signals are popular. They provide lower higher quality voice transmission QI4. How is data represented in computer? ‘Computer works with binary numbers, Binary number may be 0 or 1. The data inside: the computer is represented as electrical pulses, The binary digit I indicates the presence of electrical pulse The binary digit 0 indicates the absence of electrical pulse Q.15. Define bit and byte. A binary digit 1s calle! bit It takes one storage location in memory, A collection of eight bits is called byte. Its used to store single character Q.16. Write different encoding characters used to represent data in computer, The process of converting data into binary form is known as encoding Data can be converted into binary form by using different encoding, techniques. These are BCD Code, EBCDIC Code, ASCH and Unicode Q.17. What is ASCII code? ASCII is the most widely used coding scheme for personal computers. The 7-bit code can represent 128 characters. It is not enough to represent some graphical characters displayed on computer screens. An 8-bit code can represent wcters. The extended 128 unique codes represent graphic symbols, QB. Why does ASCII code only provide 256 character combinations? is an 8-bit code and 2" # 256 QA9. What is Unicode? Unicode is a 16-bit code. It can represent 65536 characters. It has st ASCII code. It can represent the characters of all languages in the world Q.20. Why Unicode is superior to ASCII code. ASCII code uses 8 bit. It is limited to 256 different characters. Unicode uses 16 bits. It allows over 65,000 codes. It can represent all major languayes Q21. What are transmission modes? The way in which data is transmitted from one place to another is called data transmission modes, Simplex, half duplex and full duples are modes of data transmission Q.22, How does data flow in simplex mode? In simplex mode, data can flow only in one direction. It oper nilar to a one-way street. The direction of flow never changes A device with sinyples mode can either send or receive data, Traditional television broadcast is an example of simplex mode, Q.23. How does data flow in half duplex mode? In half-duplex mode, data can flow in both directions but not at the same time. [ts transmitted one-way at one time. A device with half-duples mode ca but not at the same time. So, the speed of half-duplex mode is slow. Internet surting, is an) example of half duplex transmission. 56 cha Mb to replace send or receive date Q24. Compare si In simplex mode, data can flow only in one direction. Radio and television broadcasting are the examples of this mode. In hall-duplex mode, data can tlow in both directions but not at the sante time, 25. How does data flow in full duplex mode? 1 full-duptes mode, data can travel in both slirections simultaneously. Full duplex ode is faster way of data transmission than half duples. Line is not wasted in changing the direction of data flow. Telephone conversation is an esansple of full duplex mode 2.26. What do you know about parallel data tra A method of transmission in which groups of bils are sent at same tine over multiple wires is called parallel transmission. It is usually: unicirectional. Each bit is transmitted over a separate line, Data transmission between computer and printer is a parallel transmission What is serial data transmission? A method of transmission in which lata is sent one bit at a time is called! serial sion Telephone lines use this method of data teansinission, Each individual bit of information travels along its own communication path Q28. Differentiate between serial and parallel transmission. Parallel transmission is faster because all bits are sent at the same time Serial sion is slower than parallel transmission because data is sent sequentially one bit ata lume, Each individual bit of information travels along, its own communication path Q.29. How is data transmitted in asynchronous transmission? In asynchronous trans tte! character by character, There a irregular gaps between characters. [Cuses flow control instead of clock to synchronize data bouseen source and destination. Itis cheaper because data ts not saved before itis sent Q.30. How is data transmitted in synchronous transmission? In synchronous transmission, saved data is transmitted block by block. Fach block may consist of many cba It uses a clock to control timing of bits being. sent, Synchronous, transnuission is much faster than asynchronous because there is no gap between characters Q31. Which transmission mode uses a special start signal and how? nplex and half duplex mode. ission, data is transi me The asynchronous transi sion uses @ special start signal. A start bit has a value of 0 The value of 0 indicates that a character ts about to be transferred. [alerts the receiver ani it gets ready to recetve the character. If start bit has a value 1, it indicates that the line is idle. Q32. Compare asynchronous and synchronous transmission, In asynchronous transmission, data is transmitted une character at a U receiver are not synchronized with each other, Synchronous transmission sends of characters at a time, It allows sender and rece: 1 other Synchronous transmission is typically more efficient than asynchronous communications Q.33. Differentiate between bounded & unbounded communication, In bounded media, communication devices are dirvetly connected via physical media uke wires, Coaaial cable and fiber optics are examples ot bounded media. In unbounded media, communication devices communicate through air or space using, bro. siyals ete, Microwave and satellite are examples of unbounded media Q.34. Name some bounded media, The sender block ver to be synchronized with east radio, Some examples of bounded media are wire pairs, coasial cable andl fiber optics, Q.35, Name some unbounded communication media, aples of unbounded communnation met communication satellite (36, What is wire p Wite pair is a communnation media macle up of copper ire pain as usually ma. sh copper, The pair of wires as twisted together Itis used tor short distance digital comumanication, Hs speed is Shit bits per second ana listance oot Hil meter Q.37. What is coaxial cable? Coal cab Consists of a copper wu core covered by misudating material Ute htt rot trom chectromay JL tor lonypatistance telephone Hines and local area nebssoarhs insulated copper sire is caverad by « the cab waves [tis QS. What is fiber optics? Fiber optics use binary method of data transter His muate up of a thin yoy tiber Its thinner tars hair, Data tea 3%. Write two advantages ate of hber optics is very tast_ There is no chasice of data boss: ul two disadvantages of Fibber uptics cable the Sate that at provides taster data transumisscin atid Detter security ther Sagal during; taunsnassin fhe disadvantages are that itis difficult te nal very castly QAW. Define retraction Ai inportant charistenstic of fiber optics i8 refraction Refraction i. sbanae teristic of a material to pass or tetlost ligt QaL. What is the role of core and cladding in optical fiber? He com carties the Tight signal, Cladding reflects the signa Pack ante thie cate with) perfect unternal reflection so that te Q4A2. Write a short note on microwave trans Micromates are fixtie saves thatare aseal to provide hitieg transmitted throtyh the ait font one gricrowave station to another samuhir tee saddie spittals Microwave uses hin olsaght tansmisions QAB. How does microwave system work? Evight transmission It moans that the siytnaky travel an st wave stations are placed wathies 20 to W nsth From previous station and tanstor to tlhe next st Macrossaves uses line: wt cannot bend Mier to each bach st QU. What is the disadvantage of microwave system? io A disadvantage of aucrowave is that tas hinuted te be als must be transmuted nt ae steanht line Sr mountains, between micros ase stations sight transinissiony Hus means that Microwave st teh as built QB, What is communication satellite? Station ft amy abwttt 22.200 miles above the ation satellite i a space station. Le recees ancroavave sqgeals tony earthy wsmits then back ti eatth Beas establishes! an sp Quip, Write one advantage and one disadvan The adlvant disadvanta ¢ of communication via satellite As that a satellite can alloss Lony ye the ight cost te put a communteations satelite in ozbit QUT. Which The unit ot measure ts distince sureless communications seul to measure the transmission rate of miudems? ts por Secand (bps) Q48, Define modulation, Why The process of converting, digital signal into analog, signal is called modul Computer stores data in digital form, Since a modem transmits data using, telephone bt it is converted {rom digital to analog form. Q49. Define demodulation. Why is it neces The process of converting, analog si on receiving computer receives d necessary? ary? int digital signal is called demodulation, The ta in analog, terms, The incoming analog date ts. ital format to be used by the computer Q.50. How does a modem allow computers to communicate over telephone lines? Modem translates computer data into si QI. What is baseband? Baseband is a comms converted back into di snals compatible with the telephone system ications technique in which clugital signals transmission line without change in modulation, It transmits up to a couple of miles. It does not require complex modems, Digital signals are commonly called baseband signal. Q52. What is broadband? Broadband is a technique to transmit large amounts of data over long distance: I ca send data by modulating each signal onto a diflerent frequency. It transmits several str of data simultaneously using FDM (Frequency Division Multiplexing) technique Q53. Compare broadband and baseband transmis In broadband transmission placed on the data is carried on high-frequency carrier waves. Several channels may be transmitted over a single cable. It allows one medium to be used for a variety of transmission needs, Baseband transmission does not use a along chai rier wave. It sends by voltage fluctuations. It cannot transmit multiple channels on ane cable but it is less expensive than broadband as if can use less expensive cable and cannectors Q54. How does FDM work? PDM stands for Frequency Division Multiples communication eH divides the bandbeulth of a ne into smaller frequency bandwidths. bach part of the communication ine can be used for transmitting data separately Q.55. How is external modem attached to the computer? External mosiem is attached to the systeny unit as an ester device throughs telephone in ty COME of COM2 port. It This moden is. 60 scted to computer using, serial cable requires external pusver supply, It is easy to setup. Q56. What do you know about internal modem? Internal modem is a circuit board that is inserted inte an exp motherboard. It cannot be moved from ane compute than other types of modem Q57. What do you know about wireless modem? Wireless modem Uansmits Uie data signals through air instead of cable, It is alse known as radio-frequency modem, It is slesignes! 10 work with cellular technology ans wireless local area networks. Q.58. What is start signal? Write its different states. Asynchronous transmission uses a special start signal. [Lis transmuted at the start of wach message. Its sent when the character # about to be tar sion slot onthe another easily. [Lis dithicult to setup: ited A start bit fas a value of 0 Itis Called space state, Ifthe start bit has the value fat inclicates that the line ts ile (Q59, What is meant by encoding of data? Computer works only with bin la tn the form bers. Te stores all types of oh binary digats. The data is converted to binary form before 1 is stored inside the computer The process of converting, data inte bi wary form is known as encoding, Data can be converted! into binary form by using different coding schemes, ALOU el este The process of transferring data electronically from one place to ai a Data processing b. Data Communication Data sequencing i Data Sener All of the following are elements of data communication system EXCEPT a. Sender b Recewer &. Medium A. Voltage What is required to send data, instructions or information? other is call a. Sending, dev b. Receiving device © Botha & b . None Physical path that connects the source and receiver is known as: a Communication Channel b. Decoder © Encoder . Selt-tostin, ‘The electromagnetic or light waves representing data are called: a Information b Signal © Sender ML None The number of times a wave repeats during a specific time interval is called: a Pulse b. Amplitude © Frequency Oscillation, The height of wave within a given period of time is known as 2 Frequeney bb. Amyplitusie © Oseillation, ut Pale The chart, graph, pictures and freehand drawing are examples of a Image data b Audie sata © Nunieric alata The music and speech represent: a Image best Numeric we Which of the following type of data is used to display actions and move a. Audi b Video ec Tmage a Tent Which type of data consists of words, sentences and paragraphs? atest b Audio © Numeric a Which of the following coding scheme uses 4-bit code? a ASCH, b EBCDIC © BCD A Unicode: Which of the following coding scheme used by IBM? a ASCII b EBCDIC © BOD a Univede How many characters ASCH 7-bit code ean represent? a 128 b 256 © 500) dod 15. How many characters in ASCII 8-bit code can represent? a, 128 characters b. 236 ¢. 500 characters, Bed cha 16. Unicode is a: a. le-bit code b, 32-bit code ©. 64-bit code .152-bit code 17. How many characters can Unicode represent? a, 65536 characters. b_ 10000 characters © 15000 characters dl. None 18. Communication mode a. LAN b. Internet © Full-duplex 4. All 19. Transmission permitting data to move only one way at a time is called a. Half-duplex b, Simplex. ¢. Full-duplex dL Start/stop 20. An arrangement in which data can be received and sent simultaneously is called: a. Simples b. Full-duplex ¢. Half-duplex d. Multi-duplex 21. A telephone conversation is an example of: a. Full-duplex transmission b, Half-duplex transmission. ¢. Simplex transmission, di. Asynchronous transmission 22, Television and radio broadcasts are examples of: a. Full-duplex transmission b. Half-duplex transmission ¢ Simplex transmission . None 23. Internet surfing is an example of: a, Simplex b. Halt duplex Pull duplex @ None 24. Which transmission allows data to travel in both directions but only one direction at atime? a Simplex b, Halt Duplex, ¢. Full Duplex d. Reverse Duplex 25. Full-duplex communication is made possible by devices called: a. Multiplexer b. Modem © Keyboard dl. Mouse 26. Which of the following is the fastest communication mode? a. Half duplex b, Full duplex © Simple ul None 27. The internal transfer of data in a computer uses: a Parallel mode b. Serial mode ©. Both and b a None 28. Which of the following devices uses parallel transmission? a. Printer b. Keyboard © Mouse None 29. Most data transmitted over telephone lines uses: a. Serial transmission b, Parallel transmission ¢. Both a and b a None 30. Which of the following is comprised of individual electrical pulses that represent the bits grouped together into bytes? a. Communications device b. Digital signal ¢. Analog signal d. Sending device u 3. 30, 38, 39. a0. an a3 a 45. |. Which transi Analog signal is measured in: b Lert © Daguts light and radio waves are examples of: 2. Digital sig © Simple siguvals a None Data is transmitted block by black in 4. Synchronous transinassioas b Digital transmasseon © Asynchronous t Al Analey sion type tra and receiver not synchronized with each other? data one character at a time, with the sender 2 Synchronous b Ethernet © Asynchronous, Note This type of transmission is sometimes called starYstop transmission. Asstichroneus b. Batermittent © Synchronous, oh Pulse Starystop bits are not required in this type of transmission. 1 Agynehronvus Pulse © Intermittent a1 Synchronous Which data transmission type uses a clock to control the timing of bits being sent? a Synchronous b. Asynchronous © Parallel at None Which of the following technique uses modulation? a Bandwidth b Broadband © Baseband A. None A communication technique to transmit Large volun of dats ever lung distance is: a. Basel 1b Broadband © Baritavistle aN. The communication channels can be divided inte: a bse types b Bour types eo seven pes A. None Which of the following transmission media is used in LAN? A Satellite b. Mecresway © Coaxial cable sl. None An important property of fiber optic cable is: a Noise b Retloctian © Interteronce a Attenuation The diameter of fiber optical cable is 4625. cm b 625 nuaens © 025m lds mim Which of the following can severally affect the quality of satellite tansinission? a Bad weather Db Mosuistainns © Light rays. Al Mow The lime taken bya data signal to reach to moon and then back te earth + abbot a 2 aninutes, b Devt <2 thous ee _______ 46. Mict a. Modlens © Transmission Med 47. Which of the following con glass to transmit beams of light? a. Hwisted pair b. Coasial cable © Fiber-optic cable None 48. Which of the following transmits vo radio waves? wave transmission, coaxial cables and fiber optics are examples of: © and data through air as high-frequency a Twisted pair b Consial cable © Fiber-optic cable AL Microwave 49. All of the following are guided communications media EXCEPT Losisted pair b. Fiber-optic cables Coastal cables: dh Satellite 50. Select unguided media: a bwsisted pair b Coastal Satellite al Fiber optic 51. Which of the following is not a communicaion media? a Lwsisted Pair bur ©. Microwave al Modem 52. Which of the following is comprised of two separa are twisted together? © insulated copper wires that a. Biber optics b, Twisted-pair wire inne dl. Coasial cables 53. Which conymun ny medium requires line-of-sight? a Microwave: b. Fiber optic © Tesisted pair A Coasial 54. Modem stands for: a Modilication/demodification by, Modulation /semestulation, © Mode/ Modelos dl None 55. Which is the correct measurement of a modems data transfer rate? a Kbps b. Gbps bps AL Mbps. 56, A communications signal in the form of a continuous wave is called: a Digital b. Modulation © Analoy dL None 57. The process of converting from analog to digital signal is known as: a. Modulation b. Data routing, sequ Al Demodtulation 58. Which kind of signal is mostly required by telephone lines? a Digital b. Analog © Both A None 59. Conve al signal to an analog signal is called: a. Modul b, Denoduhation ©. Conversion a None 60. Signals produced by a computer to send over phone line must be convert a. Modems b. Analog, signals © Digital signals AL Microwaves, ee 61. Modulation needs to be done: a. Prior to sending a sligital si b. Prior to receiving, a signal fron te telephone li ¥ needs to be increased nal over the telephone line © Whenever a signal's frequen ML Whenever a signal’s amplitucte needs to be manipulated 62. A modem’s rating of 56K refers to its: a, Memory size b. Transmission speed ©. Modem Size al None, 63. Which is an advantage of synchronous over asynchronous transmission? Simplicity b. Speed © No error checking, Al Two-way communications 64. A moder a Derives its name from modulator-demod: b Converts digital signals into analog signals nals into clypital signals & Converts analog, si aL All of the above 65. Which of the following feat res is provided with a modem? a. Speeds b. Self-testing, ©. Fransmission rate aL All 66. Bps is short for a. Baud per second b. bytes per second Bits per second a. binary packets a second. 67. A modem allows computers to access other computers through all of the following, types of connections EXCEPT a. Wireless b. Telephone line: ©. Offline dl Cable. 68. Which modem is used to transmit data signals through air instead of cable? a. Internal modem b. Wireless modem ¢ External modem d. None 69. Which type of modem can be added to the system unit through expansion slot? a. External modem D. Internal modem © Wireless modem di. None 70. Which of the following is not a common communication code? a. Unicode: b EBCDIC ¢. Bilateral code ASCII 71. Communication between a computer and keyboard involves: simplex b Elalf-duples, © Full shuples alt 72. BCD stands for: 4 Binary coded decimal b. Base coded decimal © Byte coded decimal Ul Bielirectional cowed decinsa 73. IBM stands for a, International Business machine b. Internet Business Machine © Internet Bulletin Machine di International Binary Machine 74. BCD Code is a __ bit code. be 15 32 75. code is 7-bit or &-bit code. a. BCD b. EBCDIC ASCH d. None 76. EBCDIC is a bit code. a +bit b.e-bit P-bit 48-bit 77. EBCDIC stands for: a. Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code b, Extended Bit Code Decimal Interchange Code ¢ Extended Bit Case Decimal Interchange Code d. Extended Binary Case Decimal Interchange Code 78. ASCII stands for: 4, American Stable Code for International Interchange b. American Standard Case for Institutional Interchange © American Standard Code for Inform change «i. American Standard Code for Interchange Information 79. Example of non numerical data is: a. Employee address b. Examination score ©. Bank balance . Student Roll No 80. The term baud is measured of: a. Speed at which data travels over communication line b. Memory capacity. © Instruction execution time tion Int All 81. A large number of computer in wide geographical connected by: a. Twisted pair b. Coaxial cable © Communication Satellite None Tb eat Za ab ae a ia 2 Bb wa 7a] 18 a }20 bf ata 2b 25a 26 ba 29a 31a 9b 3 a8 ae ab aa 7 4d [50 ea 33a F 36 e457 59 a a [eb 63d [6s boo bo 2 [7a ed 6 2 [wo ase 4 Ww Fill in the Blank: In transmission. a stat Pot and a stop bit tranm: a charactor byt Data communication stats can bean * hor Modean is at clovtionts device Uhat converts digital spnal nite arsabogy stgttals, a6 hich scaled Lhe tansmmssiny volves the concurtent Hess ot bits of lata throu Separate commutnicatien lines ASCII bits cod A telowtsnan broads ist sath example Lransmnisston In troostnission data ts transmuitteyl by character by character the dlata is transmitted r6 both ditections sintuitaneusly on same channel tier ter very hi lack ob attenaation and purity of the signal wf frequencies that can titer fink atone time is called Tabor optic is Sport higlecapacity date tansnusae than cable be au The numt of transferring, data cle tronically trom X That creates ayie te be transmitted 1 Messayat bs Lansisitted fhony one place toranother throuth ty " und parallel TZ (even PP Sang - asynehrenows tall dupkey rasta TE Data Communication | 12 Sender LE Medium An internal modem is. circuit board that can be adleshe te seotent unit of computer In full transmission, the Banned capacity is shares’ by both conmnnunse ation bev aces at lume Normally, modern trassanssion sa Hansmtission OF signals across commuaication medicuny as called sipgnabiny e Voice channel has a banglowidth of 1-208 KEL Syehronous tranmission is much faster than asyehroncus

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