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Ref No.

VIQ REQUIREMENTS Action Required /Comment

1.20 Port of the last Port State Ensure proper CAPA is in place which has been disc
Control inspection: filed along with last PSC report. Kindly remove all PS
excpet the last one.
Date of departure from the "if the last dry-docking/repair period was unscheduled, have vali
last class-credited
drydock/repair period:
reason along with CAPA ( should there be any break down/incident
1.25 Date of the last class Survey Latest class status report to be available on board. If
Status Report or memoranda then inspector may like to see commu
regarding the issue.
& 3.12
What was the Operator’s
defined maximum level of blood alcohol content?
Inspector would like to check record keeping for issuance of Alcohol
to the on board crew. Is the record of issuance maintained? Master

What was the recorded frequency of unannounced "Can master explain company p
drug testing to carry out Drug & alcohol test
1.32 there is reason for suspicion, A
required by shore authorities et

What was the recorded frequency of
unannounced alcohol testing:
Monthly random tests to be planned in such
manner that all staff on board is covered at least once in last four months and watch keepe
the procedure followed just to ensure its been
actually done on board.
"Are all the statutory certificates listed below, where "Please check and confirm all c
applicable, valid and have the annual and has updated VIQ appndx-1 with
2.1 intermediate surveys been carried out within the CSR, CoR, SMC, SEQ & form-
required range dates?" supplement, SafeCon, IOPP an
Manning, CoF, NLS, CLC and M
2.3 Do the operator’s procedures manuals comply with ISM Code requirements?
"Keep print out of standard company policies
such as D&A, UKC, Bunkering and safety and environment policy. Also keep IMS A, B & C
2.4 Does the Operator’s representative visit the vessel The ship manager vessel visit i
at least bi-annually? marine manager is once a year
MIR and keep these ready.
"Is a recent operator’s audit report available
and is a close-out system in place for dealing with non-conformities?"
Non-conformity close out dates will be cross
checked by inspector along with number of NC's issued during the Audit report. Ensure Clo
2.6 Does the master review the safety management "Master's Review of Safety man
system and report to the operator on any Office reply for should be availa
deficiencies? to be done twice a year."
2.7 Are class survey reports adequately filed? Keep Class file uptodate and also hav

Class Survey Status report.

2.8 "Is the vessel free of conditions of class or "the vessel must obtain Class S
significant recommendations, memoranda or from office one day prior inspec
notations?" CoC/Memos, please discuss w
office and have a valid answer.
Has the vessel been enrolled in a
Classification Society Condition Assessment programme (CAP)?
Applicable for vessels more than 15 years of age.
Keep the CAP report/Class Statement handy. Also have last thickness measurement repor
3.1 Does the manning level meet or exceed that
required by the Minimum Safe Manning Document?

"Do all personnel maintain hours of rest
records and are the hours of rest in compliance with MLC or STCW requirements?"
ISF watchkeeper monthly records to be filed and
rest hours must be updated at least upto one day before arrival. Monthly office response ne
3.4 Are all personnel able to communicate effectively in English is official language/all c
a common language? officers and crew (even on walk
"Have all deck officers attended either a
Bridge Resource Management, or Bridge Team Management course?"
"Check the certs and keep handy with officers
certificate, kindly check the course duration on certificate XXXX days."
3.6 Has the Master attended a ship handling course Company requirement is to hav
where applicable? done every five years by Maste

"Where the vessel carries chemicals, has a
formal programme of regular and appropriate medical examinations for personnel been imp
"This system is in place should vessel carries
chemicl cargoes, a toxicological examination is carried out when the crew signs off."
3.9 Does the officers’ matrix posted for the vessel on Ensure time with operator/time
the SIRE website accurately reflect the information vessel type is correctly reflected
relating to the officers on board at from office.
the time of the inspection?
"Are those officers who have immediate
responsibility for cargo transfer, in possession of the Certificates of Specialized Training as
All deck officers shall have advanced training
certificate . Whether flag state issues Management DCE?
3.12 What was the Operator’s defined maximum level of Check D& A policy and keep a
blood alcohol content? reference.
to 3.16
what was the recorded
frequency of unannounced drug testing and ancohol testing? Last Done Dates.
Unnounced D&A test - annual and unannounced alcohol test is one
month. Kindly ensure all ranks alcohol checks are done every three months. Keep the D&A
4.1 Is the vessel provided with Keep IMS Vol.B 5 & 6 ready/ be aware of navigatio
adequate operator’s navigation
instructions and procedures?

"Has the Master written his
own Standing Orders and are Bridge Orders being completed and have the deck officers co
Night orders should be daily at sea/anchor. Standing orders must
contain ECDIS alarm setings/CATZOC consideration.
"Are deck log books and engine Ensure appropriate enteries are done. GPS/range
movement (bell) books correctly lines/buoys/prominent marks duirng coastal naviga
4.3 maintained and is an adequate
record being kept of all the

navigational activities, both at

sea and under pilotage?"
Are the vessel’s manoeuvring The manouevring characteristics should be as per Bridge Pro
characteristics displayed on
the bridge?
Guide A4. Poster size at least A3. 2/O
4.5 Are procedures in place for the Arrival/dep checklist IMS Br-3. Also ensure vessel
testing of bridge equipment anchorage to berth is also covered under BR-3.
before arrival and departure?

Are records maintained of fire
and safety rounds being completed after each watch?
Entries in the deck log book after watch. 2/O
"Are checklists for pre-arrival,
pre-departure, watch handover,
4.7 Pilot-Master exchange and pilot Keep all bridge checklists up to date and filed in on
card effectively completed?"

Does the operator provide
guidance on minimum under keel clearance and squat?
Have a copy of pilocy ready. Ensure UKC calculations are done
separaetly and included in the passage plan. CATZOC safety factor shall also be menioned
Has the Bridge been adequately Watch Level should be clearly written in DLB/Move
manned at all stages of the must be well aware of various watch levels.
4.9 voyage and at Anchor and were
lookout arrangement adequate?

Is navigation equipment
appropriate for the size of the vessel and in good order?
All navigation equipment must be in good working order. If any of
the equipmnet is not workinh/malfaunction kindly inform the office immediately.
If a bridge navigational watch The BNWAS shall be on exceot when vessel is alo
alarm system (BNWAS) is fitted switching on and off must be recorded.
4.12 is it operational at all times when
the vessel is at sea?

"Are the Standard Magnetic
compass and Gyro compasses operational, properly maintained and adjusted?"
"Check the dimmer of Mag compass, no bubbles in compass bowl.
Alignment of all gyro repeaters, lat and speed settings, off course alarm testing."
4.14 Are auto to manual steering A block diagram near the steering stand and in the
changeover procedures clearly
"Are auto to manual steering
changeover recorded during periods of river transits and when navigating through restricted
Clear entries in DLB/movement for changeover in line with vessel
entering channel/coastal/2hours notice/speed reduction.
4.16 Are regular gyro and magnetic Regular checks of compass error and close to dev
compass errors being taken and curve by Master/Shore not more than a year ago.
are they being recorded?

Is there a documented
procedure for the operation of VDR operating procedures available near the VDR including

the VDR and are the Deck
Officers familiar with procedure to retain the VDR data in the event of an
up. Master and OOWs are well aware of back up procedure and
when to do the back-up.
4.18 "Has a system been established All charts/ENC/NP/e-NP/ADP must be kept up to d
to ensure that all Charts, nautical show the latest edition and correction applied. The
publications (Paper and be in good condition (free of tape and torn edges).
Electronic) and other publications must be in colour.
are on board, current and
maintained up to date and is it
being implemented?"

Are Master and deck officers familiar with The full bridge team to be confident of
the operation of the ECDIS system fitted
on board?
navigating on ECDIS irrespective whether
ECDIS is primary means or not.
4.20 Were the charts used for the previous voyage Largest scale chart for the region mus
"If the vessel is equipped with an
Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) are the Master and deck officers
All deck officers must be in possession of
IMO generic and type specific ECDIS training certificate.
"If the vessel is provided with an Electronic "Our fleet is provided with second ECD
Chart Display and Information System back-up, kindly check that form-E refle
4.22 (ECDIS) does it meet the requirements of the IHO DPCClast check in last six mo
SOLAS and is an approved backup system ECDIS service reports in last one yea
4.23 Has the vessel been safely navigated and in compliance with international
"Keep vesel movement record ready for
inspector review either in ECDIS or on paper Master
regulations? charts. PFI, use of traffic separation zone,
avoiding danger marks, parallel index, no go area, call Master and heavy traffic warnings."
"Is the echo sounder recorder marked Ensure echo sounder on/off is mentio
4.24 with a reference date and time on each passage plan and recorded in movem
occasion it is switched on?" also. OOW shall know how to test the
"Was a comprehensive passage plan
"Passage plan meeting, all sections of BR-
12 done, relevant speed as per passage leg, UKC calculations, Parallel Indexing, CATZOC
available for the previous voyage and did areas, contingency anchorage, abort point,

it cover the full voyage from berth to
high traffic area, reporting points, PFI,
methods of position fixing, lat/long of waypoints, charts number, corrections, T&P correction
"Was position fixing including the use of "Proper PFI and position plotting, Rad
parallel indexing satisfactory throughout the position (record dist/bearing as well),
4.26 previous voyage and the frequency of plotted methods of position fixing must be use
fixes in accordance with the passage plan?"

4.28 Has the GPS been adjusted to the correct datum?

"OOW shall know the datum and how to
apply correction for it. The GPS must be kept on WGS 84 at all times, only corrections need
4.29 Is there an adequate system for dealing "Navtex and EGC warnings for the cu
with navigation warnings and are they being area must be plotted and a file mainta
charted? warnings should also be attended on
well. T&P notices must be corrected b
details maintained in separate T&P file
ECDIS, AIO must be turned on and N
warnings to be manually corrected if it
connected to the ECDIS."

"Has a safety officer been designated,
trained to undertake this role and is there "C/O is safety officer, C/O and 2/E must evidence
performing duties associated with this
officers rounds are taklen and recorded."
5.2 "Are the ship’s officers familiar with the Keep all officers/crew trained in all LS
operation of fire fighting, lifesaving and other deck officers to know how to start emg
emergency equipment?" fire pump/emg steering and LB engine

"Is personal protective equipment such
as boiler suits, safety footwear, eye and ear protection, safety harnesses and chemical prot
All crew to present well dressed/equipped
with PPE. Safety helmets and ear plugs in ER are must.
5.4 Are all hand torches approved for use in gas- Completely remove all non IS torches
hazardous areas? disposed them as garbage.
"Are regular safety meetings held, are
the minutes recorded and does the operator provide shore management responses?"
SHEQ meetings office response must be
available. Master

"Is there a procedure for the reporting, Ensure all near miss reports/incidents
investigation and close-out of accidents, reports are properly responded from o
incidents, onconformities and near misses? Is
5.6 this procedure being followed up with proper
reporting, recording, investigation and close
out of action items?"
"Is a completed ISGOTT Ship/Shore Safety Check List
(SSSCL) available and are its provisions being complied with?"
"Please check if items marked A are
signed. The repetitive checks must be done as per agreed interval, signed by both ship and

5.8 Are smoking regulations posted and being adhered to and are smoke
rooms adequately identified?

5.9 "Are external doors, ports and windows kept closed in port?"
"All accomodation doors must be
closed only (not locked) including CCR deck doors, none of the accom door to be locked at
5.10 "Is the accommodation space atmosphere being maintained at a
higher pressure than that of the ambient air??"

5.11 "Is all loose gear on deck, in stores and in internal spaces properly secured?"
Take proepr rounds on deck prior inspection and ensure deck/stores C/O
are neatly arranged with no loose
5.12 Is there a procedure for familiarisation for new personnel?

5.13 Are drills for emergency procedures being carried out? Ensure IMS drill matrix i
5.14 Are lifeboat and fire drills regularly held?

5.15 Is regular training in the use of life-saving equipment being undertaken?

All crew must be able to demonstarte
LSA handling. Vessels fitted with davit launched LR must have training for LR launching ev
5.16 Are ship security records related to port calls being maintained?

5.17 Are ship security records related to the ship security plan being maintained?
"Keep security files up to dat, have
security drills and trainings records available."
5.19 Is an adequate deck watch being maintained to prevent
unauthorised access?

5.20 Has the vessel adequate enclosed space entry procedures?

"Thoroughly check enclosed space
entry permits (esp Team leader, SHEQ Officer and stand by crew), see all ballast tanks/hol

5.21 Are pump room entry procedures being complied with?

5.22 Are pump room spaces adequately ventilated?

"The ventilation must be of suction
type, if there is only one fan then sufficient spares must be carried/alternative arrangements
5.23 "Are pump room fire and flooding dampers clearly marked as to their
operation and in good order?"

"Are permanent arrangements provided for lifting an
incapacitated person from the cargo and, if applicable, the ballast pumproom, including pro
Kindly ensure stretcher is rigged and
kept ready for immediate use. Please C/O use Manila rope.
5.25 "Are spaces adjacent to cargo tanks, including "There should be a procedure for th
pipe ducts, regularly monitored for spaces adjacent to the cargo tanks
accumulations of gas?" If monitoring is made by use of porta
method, frequency of checking and
should be established."

"Where a fixed system to monitor

5.26 flammable atmospheres in non-cargo spaces is fitted, are recorders and alarms in
"Switching on/off of the system must be recorded. In
the event of failure of the main system, manual checks must be made. Records should be r
5.27 Are portable gas and oxygen analyser Ensure Gas meters are maintained
appropriate to the cargoes being carried and are requirements. Monthly calibration an
they in good order and is there a record of calibration must be done.
regular testing and calibration?
Are officers familiar with use and calibration
5.28 of portable oxygen and hydrocarbon analysers?
Ensure test/calibration quick reference steps are
available on placard. Junior deck officers must be aware of calibration and usage of gas me
5.29 Is span calibration gas available for the types of Check the expiry date of span gas/m
fixed and portable analysers on board? display in CCR.

"On vessels fitted with an inert gas system,

5.30 are instruments capable of measuring hydrocarbon content in an oxygen deficient

atmosphere available and in good order?"

IR sensing of HC vapours in the instrument (RX-415

works on this principle) or MSA tankscope must be available.
5.31 "Where toxic gases may be encountered, are Inventory of dragger/Kitagawa tubes
appropriate toxic gas detection expired tubes). Appropriate tubes w
analysers available and in good order?" (as per toxicity levels in MSDS of cu
must be available.
"Are hot work procedures in accordance
5.32 with the recommendations of ISGOTT Section 9.4 and OCIMF guidelines?"
Ensure all stages of HW permit are completed and
permit is filed along with RA and office correspndence. Master

Is electric welding equipment in good order and check electrical cable to the welding
are written safety guidelines available on site? in good condition. Welding return lea
5.33 as near as practicable to the welding
shock poster available in ER worksh

5.34 Is gas welding and burning equipment in good order?

"carefully check the lines from cylinder to fixed piping in
the storage area, only a short length of briaded lines are allowed. Ensure flashback arresto
"Are spare oxygen and acetylene cylinders "Proper marking for ""in use"", ""emp
stored apart in a dedicated storage and is the there for all oxygen and acetylene b
5.35 storage in a clearly marked, well- ventilated acetylene bottles must be kept in se
position outside the accommodation and engine ventilated compartment. Colour cod
room?" acetylene lines."
5.36 Are ship-specific life-saving equipment training manuals available?
"Chcek the SOLAS training Manual, have
pics/instructions of existing and current LSA on board. At least two manuals (and up to date
Are ship-specific life-saving equipment "All LBs must be manouevered in th
maintenance instructions available and are months (applicable to free fall LB as
5.37 weekly and monthly inspections being carried rescue boat, then it should be lower
out? The abandonship srill must be carrie
exercise. LB monthly inspection mu
recorded in Deck Log Book."
5.38 Are muster lists and lifejacket donning instructions displayed?
"the muster list must be updated, key responsibilities
are to be mentioned with back-up key persons." 3/O
"Is there a maintenance and test schedule for Ensure last annual and five yearly s
lifeboat, Rescue boat on-load release gear, davit and done by LB maker authorized w
5.39 launched liferaft automatic release hooks, and
free-fall lifeboat release systems, where fitted."

5.40 "Are lifeboats, including their equipment and "All survival craft must be ready to board

launching mechanisms, in good order?"

Emg lighting should be in order and tested." 3/O

5.41 Are lifeboat and liferaft operating instructions "Posters and sign should be provide
displayed? crafts, legible and under the emg lig
5.42 "Is the rescue boat, including its equipment

"the RB engine must be able to start without delay,

sufficeint fuel shall be stored. All RB equipment must
and launching arrangement, in good order?" be kept ready in or in the vicinity of RB."

5.43 Are liferafts in good order? Check the corrrect type of LR is pro
serviced in last one year. Proper lau
available for davit launched LR.
"Are hydrostatic releases, where fitted,
correctly attached and in good order?" Check the HRU expiry date.
"Are lifebuoys, lights, buoyant lines, quick "Lifebuoys in proper shape (not brok
release mechanisms and self-activating smoke in good condition. Ensure no non int
5.45 floats in good order?" kept on vessel. Check all IS lights a
are free to release, MOB signals are

5.46 Are lifejackets in good order?

"Check LJs are provided on bridge/ER/Fwd store. The
lights are working and not expired, no obvious signs of crack/damage."
5.47 Are immersion suits in a good order? Immersion suit should be tested eve
proper test certificate must be issue
ten year old then annual test is requ
5.48 "Are pyrotechnics, including line throwing apparatus, in date and in good order?"
the LTA should be rigged (rocket and lines should not
be stowed apart) and in ready to use condition. The LSA signals table should be displayed
5.49 Are the locations of life saving appliances "All LSA shall be marked with IMO s
marked with IMO symbols? device is stowed at same location th
shall also be marked."
5.50 Are ship-specific fire training manuals available?

The training manual should have details of ship specific FFA equipment.
5.51 Are ship-specific fire safety operational booklets This training manual should have de
available? and their operations and maintenan
Are ship-specific firefighting equipment

5.52 maintenance instructions available and are weekly and monthly inspections being
carried out?

Ensure all weekly/monthly checks are carried out and recorded.

Are records available to show that samples "the first periodical control of foam
5.53 of foam compound have been tested at regular performed not more than 3 years a
intervals? ship, and after that, every year. Ha
test cert ready for inspection."
"Is a fire control plan exhibited within the

5.54 accommodation, is a copy also available externally and is equipment correctly

marked on it?"

Fire control plans must have updated crew list and cargo stowage plan.
5.55 "Are fire mains, pumps, hoses and nozzles "fire hoses should be pressure teste
in good order and available for immediate use?" No leaks in the hoses, nozzles can

5.56 Are isolating valves in fire and foam system lines clearly marked and in good order?
Try out all valves and the physical condition must be
good. 3/O

5.57 Is the International shore fire connection readily Clear marked location and known to
available externally and is the location clearly
Ensure all fire detectors are tested in a month as
5.58 Are fixed fire detection and alarm systems in required by IMS and records maintained.

good order and tested regularly?

Engineers must know the fire zone isolation process and
maintain records.
5.59 "Are the main deck, pump room, engine room "Ensure proper servicing records are
and other fixed fire extinguishing systems, where and foam analysis report (for oil tank
fitted, in good order and are clear operating powder agitation and analysis test."
instructions posted?"
Is the emergency fire pump in full
5.60 operational condition and are starting instructions clearly displayed?
Emg fire pump should be able to start without delays and
deliver sufficient pressure. Ensure all engineers are aware of starting procedure. Priming pu
Are portable fire extinguishers in good order with Annual servicing must be done (alt
operating instructions clearly marked? vessel) annually. Have sufficient ch
5.61 extinguishers and 50% for remainin
extinguishers must be pressure tes

5.62 "Are firemen's outfits and breathing apparatus in good order, fitted with fully

"The outfit should be in good condition/physically and not damaged, properly stowed and re
pressurised air cylinders and ready for
immediate use?"
SCBA bottles must be fully charged, the access to outfit
must be clear with no obstruction. Annual inspection by shore and hydrotest every five year
5.63 "Are emergency escape breathing devices All EEBD must be in good physical
(EEBD’s) in the accommodation, pump room and pressure and are available at desig
engine room in good order and ready for Annual servicing by shore. Training
immediate use?" specifically.
Are accommodation ventilation fan

5.64 emergency stops clearly marked to indicate the spaces they serve and is there eviden
of regular testing and maintenance?
"Try out ER vents, must be closing fully. Routine
greasing and testing is must. Ensure all vent/flaps are marked. Check the rubber packing."
5.65 Are fire flaps clearly marked to indicate the Funnel flaps must be closing fully.
spaces they serve and is there evidence of
regular testing and maintenance?
"Are Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)

5.66 on board for all the cargo, bunkers and other products being handled, and are all
officers familiar with their use?"

"MSDS for cargo, bunker, paints, chemicals and greases

available and provided near the storage. "
and C/E
5.67 Is a gangway provided? Ensure gangway is properly rigged
across the gangway to avoid falling
walkway surface should be free of
5.68 "Are accommodation ladders, gangways, pilot ladders where fitted, in good order?"
"Proper marking on accomodation ladder about number
of persons, max inclinationa nd max load at the bottom plate. Pilot ladders must be in good
"Are all means of access satisfactory, Ensure non IS lifebuoy light in use
5.69 including the provision of a safety net, lifebuoy the gangway for immediate use. Th
and line?" checked by OOW for proper rigging
board must be clearly displayed wit

No tipping line is allowed with Pilot ladder. If the vessel

5.70 Are pilot boarding and access arrangements uses combination ladder then the accom

must be resting firmly with the ship side. Have Pilo
embarkation/disembarkation checklist done.
5.71 Are safe access to the bow arrangements "Ensure the catwalk gratings/railings
satisfactory? railings are ready to use at all times
5.72 "If a helicopter landing or winching area is provided, does it meet ICS guidelines?"
NA for gas tankers in the fleet. Other vessels please
check ICS guide to helicopter/ship operations booklet for compliance. The vessel should be
5.73 "If the bridge wing is used as a winching area, is "If this is the case, ensure that the R
a thorough risk assessment conducted?"

Are the Engine Room (Part I) and Cargo
(Part II) Oil Record Books (ORBs) correctly completed?
"CE/CO and Master must personally check the ORB
entries, ensure IMO guidelines for making an ORB-1 entries are available with ORB. Manua
and C/E
6.2 "Do the sludge and bilge tanks designated in Check and advise if any discrepanc
Form A or Form B of the IOPP Certificate and
those listed in the Oil Record Book Part I,
Are the Oil Record Books free of any
pollution incidents or violations? Check and advise if any entries.
6.4 Have disposals of slops and dirty ballast been Check and ensure that entries are d
adequately recorded and were they in filed.
accordance with MARPOL?
"If the disposal of engine room oily water or
sludge to a cargo or slop tank has taken place, has the event been recorded in both Oil Rec
"NA for Gas tankers. Oil tankers, please advise office if
any such operation taken place in past and recorded."
and C/E
6.6 "Is an approved MARPOL Shipboard Oil "Ensure the contact list is updated in
Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP) or plans are attached."
Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan
(SMPEP) provided?"
"Does the plan include a description of
equipment, its location, a plan for deployment and specific crewmember duties for handling
"The oil pollution equipment inventory must be updated
every three months, ensure current inventory is attached to SMPEP/SOPEP and available
"Is the IMO Coastal Contact List up to date, is the "the NOCP list is updated at eve
Master aware of port contact procedures and has a ensure up to date list is available
6.8 contact list been made for this port?" contact numbers should be prep
readily available to the Master a
control room."
Is there a USCG approved Vessel Response
Plan (VRP)? Applicable only if the vessel is trading to US

6.10 Name of the OPA-90 Qualified Individual (QI) Applicable only if the vessel is tr
"Is the vessel in possession of an approved
6.11 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Management Plan?"
Not applicable to gas and product tankers. Only for
crude tankers.
6.12 "Are officers aware of the requirements of MARPOL "only for oil tankers, have specia
with respect to the disposal of bilge water and cargo common places."
6.13 Is the condition of scupper plugs satisfactory and are scuppers effectively plugged?
Scuppers on gas carriers will only be required to be
plugged when bunkering or if carrying a MARPOL Annex 1 cargo. The scuppers on poop d
6.15 Are means readily available for dealing with small oil "For oil tankers, the wilden pump
spills? and bonded to ship structure. Th
have a fixed discharge connectio
are operating ok and have no oil
of excessive pressure in the slop

"Is the vessel free from any visible bulkhead,

6.16 valve or pipeline leakage liable to cause pollution?"
For oil tankers. C/O
"Are cargo system sea and overboard valves "For oil tankers, sea chest and o
suitably lashed, locked or blanked and are they closed and sealed. Record of ov
6.17 thoroughly checked to ensure that they are fully check/seals must be maintained
closed prior to commencement of cargo transfer?" Book."

"If cargo sea suction valves are fitted, are

6.18 adequate pollution prevention measures in place, are valve-testing arrangements
"for oil tankers, pressure/vacuum gauge should be
fitted at the cargo sea chest section between inboard and outboard valves. This must be te
provided, are they in good order and regularly
monitored for leakage?"
monthly and recorded."
6.20 "Are adequate manifold spill containers and gratings Ensure the drip trays are clean a
in place under the cargo manifolds, fitted with residues.
suitable drainage arrangements and are they
6.21 Are bunker pipelines tested annually?
"Bunker lines must be tested to 100% of MAWP
annually and 1.5 times of rated pressure twice within any five year period. The test must be
6.22 "Are unused cargo and bunker pipeline manifolds "All ship’s cargo and bunker pipe
fully bolted and are all drains and vents and unused securely blanked at the manifold
gauge stems, suitably blanked or capped?" blank (i.e.same ASA), all bolted.

6.23 "Are suitable spill containers fitted around all fuel, diesel and lubricating oil tank vents?
"The height of any savealls around bunker tank
vents should not be greater than the vent heads themselves. The vent heads should be cle
Containers should be empty of water and free of oil. Drain plugs should be in place in port."
6.24 Is a suitable containment fitted around hydraulic and Ensure all save all plugs are in p
other deck machinery? obvious leaks in the system.
Are the arrangements for the disposal of oily
6.25 water in the foc's'le and other internal spaces adequate?
Ensure bilge wells are clear and sealed. The seal
numbers should be included in seal log.
6.26 "Are pump room bilge high level alarms fitted, Ensure weekly test done and rec
regularly tested and the results recorded?"
"Are adequate arrangements provided for
6.27 pipeline draining and the disposal of pump room bilge accumulations?"
PR bilges must be free of any residues. C/O
6.28 "If an ODME is fitted, is it in good order and is there "ODME monthly test must be do
evidence of recent testing?" print outs should be available, C
demonstrate the ODME operatio
must be working."
6.29 "If the ODME has not been operational, was the fact recorded in the Oil Record Book?
"The date and time when the failure occurred and
the date and time when the system was made operational again, together with the reason f
6.30 Does the operator have an approved ballast water Ensure Ballast Water Record Bo
and sediments management plan and are records
being maintained of all ballast water exchanges?

Can the vessel check or sample segregated

6.31 ballast prior to deballasting and are they free from oil.
"The ballast sampling points must be used (the
bolts are not painted/not opened up for long time) by sampler or visual (if possible) prior de
6.32 Are the engine room bilge oily water pumping and "A direct connection to overboar
disposal arrangements in good order? acceptable. OWS must be worki
must ab able to demonstrate the
ppm alarm and three way valve
retreival procedure must be know

6.33 "Are emergency bilge pumping arrangements "The emergency bilge suction valve sh
ready for immediate use; is the emergency
readily accessible and clearly marked as to its
bilge suction clearly identified and, where fitted, purpose, the seal records shall be maintain
is the emergency overboard discharge valve
provided with a notice warning against accidental opening?"
all ER bilge suction valves. These valve shall be
secured with plastic Epic seal which can be easily removed in case of an emg."
6.34 Are dedicated sludge pumps free from any "Piping to and from sludge tanks
connection to a direct overboard discharge? connection overboard, other tha
6.35 Is the oily water separator in good order?
"Inspectors should confirm that the oily water
separator piping has not been altered, physically by-passed or has been fitted with connect
6.36 Are specific warning notices posted to safeguard A poster prohibited the O/B valv
against the accidental opening of the overboard express authority of CE and/or M
discharge valve from the oily water separator?

"If the oily water separator is not fitted with an

6.37 automatic stopping device, do entries in the Oil Record Book Part 1 indicate that it has
been used in a Special Area?"

"This is very critical, please ensure OWS is not

used in special areas if auto stop is not fitted." C/E

6.38 Are the arrangements for the disposal of "There should be preventive me
steering compartment oily bilge water adequate? accidental discharge from steeri
notice must also be posted near
option is to have the discharge i
Does the vessel have a garbage management

6.39 plan and garbage record book and is the garbage record book being correctly
"the garbage record book shall have proper entries
and receipts for shore disposal must be readily available. Be careful with Cooking oil dispos
6.40 Does the vessel have adequate garbage storage Ensure garbage bins are adequa
and disposal facilities?
Has the vessel a Ship Energy Efficiency
Management Plan (SEEMP)? Ensure SEEMP is kept ready for inspector s
7.2 Is the hull free from visible structural defects that Have a quick check on Class Sur
warrant further investigation?
"Are procedures in place to carry out regular
inspections of cargo and ballast tanks, void
Ballast tanks are inspected six monthly and cargo
tanks are inspected DD to DD or as required during
spaces, trunks and cofferdams by the vessel’s grade change. Kindly ensure proper inspect
personnel and are records maintained?"
reports are available in IMS standard form.
"Is the vessel provided with operator’s policy "CCR must have basic informatio
statements, guidance and procedures, including permissible loading rates, venting
8.1 information on maximum loading rates and venting schematic diagram, cargo pumps
capacities with regard to safe cargo operations?" information, precautions against s

"Is a written procedure provided for the safe
handling of heavy weather ballast in cargo tanks on segregated ballast tankers?"
Ensure proper ORB entires are done if heavy
weather ballast was taken on board.
8.6 Are there records indicating that the operational Annual checks must be done by C
accuracy of the load computer is tested regularly? survey. Monthly checks are requi
Compare the data with test condi
loadicator manual.
Is the stress and stability information included
with the cargo plan and are any limitations understood by the cargo watch officers?
"A copy of stability condition for arrival, 25%, 50%,
75% and dep must be available with cargo plan and OOWs must be aware of the limitations
Is the vessel free of inherent intact stability "if the vessel has U shape tanks t
problems? vessel stability is posted in CCR
8.8 aware of it. The cargo plan shall a
this criteria, do not have two U- s
worked out at same time."
Are Damage Stability Verification Guidelines
available and can the Master demonstrate that There should not be any condition where sta
the vessel is normally loaded in accordance
with the Stability Information Booklet (SIB)?
codition is not complying/result not good. C/O

8.10 Is the Master aware of the worst damage stability The worst damage stability condi
condition in the stability book? and senior deck officers must be

"Do the operator’s operating manuals include

8.11 procedures for restoring stability in case of unstable conditions developing during carg
operations, where applicable?"
"Usually this is not applicable on our tankers. The
procedures listed in the Operating Manual must be identical to those posted and practiced (
8.12 "Where applicable, are officers aware of the Ensure all deck officers are awar
dangers of free surface effects and of the possibility
of structural damage caused by
sloshing in cargo tanks?"
8.13 Are cargo and/or ballast tanks free of sloshing or other restrictions?
8.14 "Are all officers familiar with the cargo system, This should include bypassing lin
including emergency discharge arrangements?" pumps with different permutation

8.15 8.15 Are all officers familiar with the carriage requirements for the cargoes on board?
"All officers must know the toxicity hazard,
elecrtostatic and handling high density cargoes. Basics of : cargo load/discharge operations
8.16 Has a cargo plan been prepared and does it Ensure the plan is prepared on co
contain a detailed sequence of cargo and ballast verified by the Master. All officers
transfer and has it been signed by the watch sign the plan.
8.17 Are cargo operations being carried out and logged in accordance with the plan?
"The log must include details of all major events
including starting and stopping of main cargo and ballast pumps, tanks being worked and a
8.18 "Are all officers aware of the emergency
procedures for dealing with leakage, spillage or fire
involving the cargo?"
8.19 Is the verbal communication between the ship and the shore adequate?
Have proper entires in the SSSCL and cargo log
about ship/shore communication. C/O

8.20 "Are the cargo, ballast and stripping pumps, The requirement is to provide an
eductors and their associated instrumentation and requirement for temperatures to b
controls including temperature monitoring, in good temperature trip to operate Cargo
order and is there recorded evidence have temporary cooling fitted.
of regular testing?" Ensure these alarms are checked
"Are the cargo lines, vapour lines and inert
8.21 gas lines in good order and is there recorded evidence of regular testing?"
"A vessel's 'Oil Transfer System' should be tested to
100% of their rated working pressure (Sometimes referred to as Maximum Allowable Worki
8.22 Is the cargo pump emergency shutdown system in These must be tested duirng pres
good order and is there recorded evidence of pipelines and/or duirng pre-arriva
regular testing?
Are the cargo and ballast system valves in
8.23 good order and is there recorded evidence of regular testing?
The PMS schedule of cargo and ballast tanks must
be followed and available for inspector quick check. C/O
8.24 "Are the cargo system ullage gauges, vapour locks All checks carried out on these sy
and UTI tapes in good order and is there recorded on company checklists. UTI must
evidence of regular testing?"
Are the remote and local temperature and

8.25 pressure sensors and gauges in good order and is there recorded evidence of regular

Ensure all pressure and temp gauges are checked regularly and records maintained.
8.26 Are the cargo tank high level and overflow alarms in High Level and High High Level a
good order and is there recorded switched on during all cargo oper
evidence of regular testing? must be checked and recorded d
"Where fitted and in use, is the condition of

8.27 the cargo tank heating system satisfactory, is it regularly tested and is any observation
free of oil?"

Ensure steam lines are pressure tested and test

certificate is available. There should not be oil layer on the hot well surface.
"If fixed tank gauges are not fitted, are sufficient Ensure all UTI/MMC/Portable tap
portable tapes provided to simultaneously gauge and annual calibration and check
8.28 each tank being worked, if used with vapour locks should be available.
are they calibrated?"

8.29 "If the vessel is handling volatile or toxic cargoes, is it operating in a closed condition?
The closed ullage system shall be operating
normally. C/O

8.30 Is the vessel provided with an approved vapour Keep VECS ready for Inspector s
control system?
"Do tank hatches, tank cleaning apertures and "Ensure no oil weeps around the tank dome
8.31 sighting ports appear to be liquid and gas
manholes/hatch covers and ullage ports. Clean
these prior inspection."
8.32 Is the cargo venting system in good order and being "The condition of p/v valves, mas
operated correctly? vapour lines, vacuum valves and
good with no obvious signs of lea

8.33 Are SOLAS secondary venting requirements being complied with?

Secondary means must be provided or else tank
pressure sensors are fitted. Cargo tank pressure sensors must be working and alarms set f
"If stop valves are fitted which permit isolation of "Where the arrangements are co
individual tanks from the common venting tanks, either stop valves or other
8.34 system, are they provided with positive locking be provided to isolate each cargo
arrangements and are the keys under the are fitted, they shall be provided w
control of the person in overall charge of the cargo arrangements which shall be und
transfer?" responsible ship's officer. There s
indication of the operational statu

"Are the P/V valves in good order, inspected

8.35 and cleaned as part of a regular planned maintenance routine and are there records to
support this?"
PV valves should be checked for free movement
prior each cargo operation and records must be maintained.
8.37 Was the inert gas system in use and operating Applicable during discharging.
satisfactorily at the time of the inspection?
8.38 Is a log kept of inert gas operations? The vessel can keep a soft copy of log
past data should be available.
8.39 "Are records maintained of equipment Deck Seal and NR valve must be
maintenance, including the overhaul of the non- condition and records manitained
return valve?" and checks.
"Is an operator’s policy provided that complies
with IMO guidelines in case of failure of the
8.40 inert gas system and do the master, chief officer and the officers standing cargo watch

C/O Standing orders must include a para on emg discharge procedure/shore supply of IG.
8.41 "Is the inert gas system including instrumentation, "Ensure no alarms in the IGS, P
alarms, trips and pressure and oxygen recorders, in recorder/graph is in good condit
good order?"
8.42 Is the Oxygen content of the inert gas delivery at or below 5%?
O2 high level alarm must be working proeprly and
content shall be less than 5%. 2/E

8.43 Are the vapour spaces in the cargo tanks being Cargo tanks must be under posi
maintained at positive pressure?
8.44 Is the oxygen content in the cargo tanks below a maximum of 8%?
C/O to enusre no ingress of fresh air/O2 in the cargo
tanks. C/O
8.45 Was the fixed oxygen analyser calibrated this should be done not more tha
immediately prior to use of the inert gas system?

"Do the readings on the local, bridge and cargo

8.46 control room oxygen and pressure recorders, where fitted, agree?"

Check local/CCR and bridge IG pressure readings and must coincide.

8.47 Is the liquid level in the deck seal correct and clearly the glass should be clean and w
visible? easily.
8.48 Does the P/V breaker appear to be in good order?
"Anti freeze must be added to achieve desired level,
the gauge glass must be cleaned." 2/E

8.49 Can double hull spaces be inerted? Ensure connections/chute are m

"If crude oil washing is being carried out are

8.51 the tanks being Crude oil washed in accordance with IMO requirements?"
Approx. 25% of cargo tanks shall be crude oil washed
for sludge control on rotational basis during every discharge. The tank dedicated for heavy
8.52 Is an approved Crude Oil Washing Operations and for crude oil tankers.
Equipment Manual provided?
"If the vessel is crude oil washing, has a crude
8.53 oil washing plan and checklist been completed and is it being followed?"
"Ensure all OOWs have gone through the COW plan,
COW checklists are followed correctly and checks carried out."
8.54 Is the person in charge of COW operations suitably "C/O must personally be presen
qualified? case of fresh C/O, Master must
8.55 Do records indicate that the crude oil washing system was pressure tested prior to use

This should be part of pre-arrival COW checklist and a proper record should be maintained
8.56 Do records indicate that oxygen readings of the Ensure previous COW checklists
tanks to be crude oil washed have been checked by filed/available for review.
portable meter and found to be within maximum
permissible limits?
8.57 Are crude oil washing line pressure gauges working?
Confirm working condition and have annual
calibration/checks on all pressure gauges on COW line.
8.58 "Is the tank cleaning heater, where fitted, effectively "If applicable, kindly ensure have
isolated from the crude oil washing line?" by blank or spool piece removal

Are any hydrant-type connections on the crude

oil washing lines securely sealed? Ensure these are blanked as not used usua

8.60 Are records maintained of previous COW "These are available in ORB-2, e
operations? done and cross checked by Mas

8.69 Are the manifolds in good order? Ensure manifold details in HVPQ are c
meeting OCIMF standard requirements.
8.70 Are manifold pressure gauges fitted outboard of the MF valves must not be leaking a
manifold valves on both sides of the vessel and are pressure test. The gauge covers
they in good order? constant checks must be done o

8.71 Are manifold blank flanges of an equivalent rating to that of the manifold pipelines?
Same ANSI standards blank should be used and fully bolted.
8.72 "If the vessel is fitted with vapour return manifolds, "check the vapour manifold is m
are they in good order?" valves exrcised regularly. Painte
length and marked as VAPOUR
availbale at m/f face."
"If the vapour return manifolds are designed for
8.73 use at single buoy moorings, do they comply with requirements?"
8.74 "Does the vessel’s piping system appear to be free "Strictly no alterations of any typ
of unauthorised inter-connections between cargo, temporary."
bunker and ballast systems?"
"On vessels with pump rooms, are they free of
8.75 evidence of significant leaks from machinery, pipework, valve glands and instrumentat
"The PR bilges must be kept dry at all times, check
and arrest if any leakages from COPs, Stripper pump, valves, glands etc."
8.76 "Are bulkhead seals gas tight and, if required, well AUS pump seals must be well lu
lubricated?" bulkhead penetration.
8.77 Is the cargo pump room gas monitoring system in good order and regularly checked?
"LEL alarm to be set at 10%, all sample points must be
clearly identifiable and checked regularly with span gas/records must be available."
8.78 "Are pumprooms clean, tidy and free of combustible A final round into the PR prior ve
materials and are the bilges free of Cargo Product?" C/O.

8.79 Is the level of lighting in the pump room adequate?

A quick round in the PR by responsible engineer after
vessel is made fast. This is to avoid last minute surprises such as bulbs fused because of v
8.81 "Are all cargo cranes and other lifting equipment Five yearly load test and annual insp
properly marked and has equipment (SWL >1 MT). Ensure SW
periodical testing and inspection been carried available at block as well. The safey
out? " wotking in good condition/the hook n
soft rope. Is emg stop of crane prop
aware of it.
Are winches associated with lifting
equipment in good order? Usually NA for our fleet.
and C/E
8.83 "If the ship has a single centreline mounted CE must be aware of it and inventory
crane at the manifold, does it carry a full set of
spare hydraulic hoses for the crane?"
8.84 Are operator’s procedures provided for ship Approved STS plan must be readily availa
to ship operations?
Inspector sighting. Master

8.85 Are sufficient closed fairleads and mooring bitts

8.86 Are ship-to-ship transfer checklists completed?
"All five checklist of each operation must be completed, signed and filed properly."
8.87 "If a ship-to-ship transfer was in progress during
the inspection, was it conducted in accordance
with the recommendations of the OCIMF/ICS
STS Transfer Guide?"
"Is the vessel provided with operator’s
policy statements, guidance and procedures, including information on maximum loading rat
"CCR must have basic information displayed e.g.
permissible loading rates, venting capacity, pipeline schematic diagram, cargo pumps perfo
8.2 Is information readily available on maximum The poster should be available in CC
loading rates? must be aware of the max rate.
8.3 Is information on cargo loading limitations available?
Max limit - 98% at reference temp/Posters available in
CCR. Have reference temp definition displayed in CCR. All deck officers must know the def
8.4 "Are legible and up to date pipeline and/or This is usually available in CCR area
mimic diagrams of the cargo, inert gas and of it.
venting systems as applicable, available in the
cargo control area?"
Is there a Procedures and Arrangements
Manual available where dual code cargoes are carried?
A copy must be kept ready with Master for Inspector
8.6 Is the Cargo Record Book correctly completed "Kept with Master, ensure entries are
and up to date? cargo operations are done/up to date
"Have stability calculations and, where
applicable, stress calculations, been
"Cargo plan is to draw on company form and have at
least five stages (arrival, 25, 50, 75% and final) stress
performed for the current cargo operation?" and stability calculations done."
Is the stress and stability information included If vessel has stability issue with rega
with the cargo plan and are any limitations during loading/discharging then it m
8.8 understood by the cargo watch officers? cargo plan and OOWs must be awa
to this effect should be displayed in

8.9 Are damage stability guidelines available? "the booklet shall be kept ready Additionall
loadicator will have damage stability and calculations."
8.10 Is the Master aware of the worst damage Please check and mark it in the boo
stability condition in the stability book? as well.
8.11 Is the vessel free of inherent intact stability problems?
"Please see 8.8, ensure instructions are
available/posted in CCR should the vessel has inherent stability problems."
8.12 "If a loading computer or programme is in Ensure monthly checks on the test co
use, is it class approved?" done/not on the stability booklet cond
Are there records indicating that the
8.13 operational accuracy of the load computer is tested regularly?
Class must check and verify the conditions during
annuals and special surveys. The test condition must be fed manually instead of retrieving
8.14 "Are longitudinal stresses, where applicable, "usually NA for our vessels, confirm t
maintained within design limits throughout?" allowable range at alltimes."

8.19 Are all officers familiar with the cargo system?

A basic understanding of cargo system within the deck team is essential.
8.20 Are all officers familiar with the carriage "IGC, SIGTTO guidelines, min cargo
requirements for the cargoes on board? associated with cargo, X, Y, Z and O
high density cargoe-VCM, self- reac
"Is the chief officer familiar with the term
8.21 ‘reference temperature’ and has it been determined for this cargo?"
Have Reference Temp definition as poster available in
CCR for easy reference. C/O

8.22 "When an unfamiliar gas cargo is to be carried, Crago plan must be prepared on com
is there a procedure to review the safety 17. The C/O must be aware of Gas C
aspects and handling procedures?" specific requirement for uncommon c
8.23 Is a cargo compatibility chart available? Is the SIGTTO compatibility chart available


8.24 Has a cargo handling plan been prepared which Crago plan must be prepared on com
provides a detailed sequence of cargo and
ballast transfer?
Has the cargo plan been signed by the
8.25 watch officers to indicate their understanding of it?
"Ensure cargo meeting is done and recorded in log
book, cargo plan must be signed by all OOWs and approved by Master."
8.26 Are cargo operations being carried out and Gas Log must be completed as accu
logged in accordance with the plan? as possible.
8.27 "If the cargo is required to be inhibited, is the required information available?"

"Have the inhibitor certificate (for Butadiene, VCM, Isoprene) from load port positively."
8.28 "Are all officers aware of the emergency C/O must include standard instruction
procedures for dealing with leakage, spillage or orders/all OOWs must be aware of th
fire involving the cargo?"
"Do officers understand the principles

8.29 involved when cargo and booster pumps and cargo heaters, where fitted, are lined
up in series?"

Basics of cargo operations/all OOWs to quickly glance through GCM relevant chapter.
8.31 Is the verbal communication between the ship Proper entries in SSSCL.
and the shore adequate?
"If refrigerated cargoes are carried, is a

8.32 means of hydrate control provided and is a supply of freezing depressant maintained

NA for fully pressure vessels. C/O

"Are the Cargo, booster, ballast and stripping
pumps, eductors and their associated
8.33 instrumentation and controls, where fitted, in CE to ensure all test/checks records
good order and is there evidence of regular
"Are the Cargo heater and/or vaporiser,
8.34 where fitted, in good order and is there evidence of regular testing"
"the last pressure test of cargo heater must be
stencilled, also ensure cold work permit and RA is done during the pressure test."
8.35 "Are the Cargo, Vapour and Inert Gas lines in "Routine pressure tests are not requ
good order?" in yard (during DD) should be suffici
procedures require pressure testing
[liquid and vapour] lines are pressur
tested once a year to normal workin
work permit and RA is issued for pre

Is the Cargo pump emergency shutdown system

8.36 in good order and is there evidence of regular testing?
Keep a proper record in C/O file of ESD testing and
manifold valve closing time.
8.37 Are the Cargo and ballast system valves in good order Ensure PMS is up to date and
and is there evidence of regular testing?
"Are the Cargo system tank pressure,
Annual calibration of all pressure and temp gauges
8.38 temperature, and level gauges in good order and must be done on board and certifica
is there evidence of regular testing?"
standard pressure and temp calibrator are to
tested/checked ashore annually.
8.39 "Are the Remote and local temperature and pressure "Same as 8.38, also enusre re
sensors and gauges, in good order and is there local) are done duirng cargo o
evidence of regular testing?"
Are the Cargo tank high level and overflow
8.40 alarms in good order and is there evidence of regular testing?
"These are tested prior each cargo operation as part
of pre-arrival checks, have records of such testing."
8.41 Are pump and booster pump mechanical seals free of Check during the operation for
oil leaks?
8.42 Is an emergency discharge method available? "by pressurising the cargo tank, C/O
of this method and line up."
8.43 Are tank domes and associated fittings in good order "there should not be any obvio
and free from corrosion? must be maintained in good co

8.44 "Is the cargo system, including fittings on the Carry out soap bubble test prior ever
tank domes, free of leaks?" operation and enusre no leaks.
8.45 Are sample lines provided for both liquid and vapour Ensure lines are caped after u
and are they valved and capped? hose is available on board and
8.48 "Where cargo or vapour lines are isolated from the structure, are joints electrically bon
Check the electrical bonding strips/wires are intact
and available at all joints. C/O

8.49 Are cargo and vapour line expansion arrangements in Chcek the MARVS line bellow
good order? deterioration/failure.
8.50 Are liquid and vapour lines free to move inside their clamps?
U clamps must be in good condition and regularly attended.
8.51 Are pipeline drains and stub pieces valved and Kindly have a quick check on d
capped and in good order?
8.52 Are cargo line and system relief valves in good order?
Ensure no leaks in relief valves. Five yearly checks
are done in yard and certificates are available. C/O

8.53 Are cargo pipelines free of screwed-in connections? Screwed couplings are not allo
Is the cargo tank high level alarm system
8.54 independent of both the gauging devices and the "Overflow alarm must be able to set
overflow-control alarm system?
should be checked during pre-arrival and recorded."
8.55 "Are there records of the calibration of key cargo Have calibration certs handy/a
instrumentation, including temperature and pressure file-2. Also ensure remote and
gauges?" checked and recorded.
8.56 "If slip tubes are fitted, are they for use only in emergencies?"
A stencil must be posted for emg use only at the tank
dome. The slip tubes cannot be used if carrying toxic cargo. C/O and OOWs must be aware
8.57 Is the high level alarm system operated during both "NA for our vessels, however e
loading and discharging operations? high-high level alarms are on d
"Are the cargo tank high level alarms

8.58 independent of the gauging system and in the case of IGC vessels, also independent
high level shut-down (overflow control) system?"

Same as 8.54. C/O

8.59 "If the high level and/or shut-down systems can be "the overriding system must be
overridden by a key switch, is there a written notice should be posted in CC
procedure detailing under what circumstances and by overridden under exceptional c
whom the system may be overridden?" dierct supervision from Master
Are the compressor and motor rooms clean and
free of combustible material? Ensure proper cleanliness in these spaces

8.63 "Are the bulkhead seals between the compressor Ensure no oil leakages in the shaf
room and the motor room gas tight and well and vent fans.
8.64 Is the compressor room free of gas leaks? all cargo lines must be drained and shou

8.65 "Is the compressor room well-lit and are electrical "No busted lights, ask junior engin
fittings suitable for use in gas- hazardous areas after berthing. "
and in good order?"
8.66 Is the compressor room ventilation system maintaining negative pressure?
"the vent fan should be running at all times duirng cargo
operations, no abnormal noise. The Cargo compressor

room entry permit must be issued at the commencement C/E of cargo operation and remai

the operation. The compressor room door must be kept closed at all times."
8.67 Is the motor room ventilation system The motor room should also be ru
maintaining positive pressure and operating operation and the room door must
"Monthly and yearly schdeule must be done and records
8.71 Is the gas detection equipment in good order? available, ensure no alarms in the syste
must be run in Auto scanning mode."
8.72 Are fixed gas detector sample points fitted at the All our vessels have sensors at low
appropriate level for the cargo being carried?

"Is the inert gas system and/or storage and

8.82 associated pipework, where fitted, in good order?"
"N2 gen is in good working condition, tested monthly as
per PMS and records maintained."
8.83 Are suitable arrangements provided to prevent the The relief valve settings change p
backflow of cargo vapour into the inert gas C/O and instructions posted in CC
"Have the safety relief valves been tested,
8.84 are the test certificates on-board and are officers aware of their settings?"
"Relief valve settings can be changed only under direct
supervision of Master, have a notice posted in the CCR. Proepr records must be maintaine
8.85 Are there adequate procedures for the changing of Covered in 8.83.
the relief valve set pressure?
"If the cargo tank safety relief valve settings
can be altered, are the appropriate settings
8.86 being used for the cargo carried and are the current settings prominently displayed in
Confirm MARVS setting for cargo as per CoF. C/O
8.87 Is the cargo vent system in good order? "All drain lines valves must be clos
should be working, tested and rec
8.88 "Are vent outlet protective or flame screens "check that vessel is using ordinary flam
fitted as required and are there records of
their regular inspection?"
unless required protective screen for a designated cargo
as required by CoF ( Isoprene, Pentanes and Pentene) Ch -19 Column-i. C/O to be aware o
8.89 "Is there a liquid sensor in the liquid pressure relief Flush tank high alarm must be wo
valve collecting tank or, if not fitted, in the vent recorded.
"Are fire extinguishing systems on the vent
8.90 masts, where fitted, in good order and operational?"
"N2 injection is available, check the connection/fittings
from bottle to vent mast."
8.91 Is the emergency shutdown (ESD) system fully Checks are done during pre-arriva
operational? deck crew must be aware of ESD
Are personnel aware of the requirements for
the ESD system? All deck crew to be aware of ESD activation
8.93 Are there at least two remote positions where the Ship design.
ESD system can be manually activated?
8.94 Is the ESD system designed to fail-closed?
Emergency shut-down valves should be of the fail-
closed (closed on loss of power) type and be capable of local manual closing operation.
8.95 Is the ESD system tested prior to cargo transfer All ESD points must be tested in ro
and are records maintained? maintained.
"Are all manifold valves and
tank filling valves, if they form part of the emergency shutdown system, tested and timed to
Manifold ESD valve close timingis checked and recorded (must be less
than 30 sec). Cargo pumps and compressor should also shut down if ESD is activated.
8.97 Are fusible plugs fitted on the Fusible elements should not be painted over as this
liquid domes and in the vicinity at which they will operate.
of the manifolds and are they in
good order?
Are manifold pressure

8.101 gauges fitted outboard of the manifold valves and are

they in good order?

Pressure gauges must be in good condition with valves open. All gauges cover should be r
8.102 Are pressure gauges also fitted "No pressure on the offshore side, deck duty to che
to the offshore manifolds and
regularly checked during the
discharge for manifold valve

Are manifold pressure

gauges fitted with valves or
8.103 cocks and do the connections provide

protection against inadvertent unscrewing?

Check the design/connection. C/O
8.104 Are all flange connections fully Ensure the proper size blank is fitted on all unused
Are manifold blank flanges

8.105 of an equivalent rating to that of the manifold


Same as 8.104. C/O

8.106 Are the manifold valves and ensure stencils and colour coding.
lines clearly marked as to
whether they are liquid or
Are the manifolds fitted with

8.107 drain lines and purge points and are they valved and

All drain lines must be closed and lashed. C/O

8.109 "Are liquid spill arrangements "few vessels still have portable spill tray, ensure this
adequate, taking into account manifold. The drip/spill tray is properly cleaned/dry a
the lowest temperature cargoes immediate use."
which the vessel is certified to

Is suitable protective

8.110 equipment available for all crew members engaged in

cargo operations?
SEQ must be as per IGC and kept ready for immediate use. 3/O
8.111 Are there at least two complete SEQ must be checked annually by shore and month
sets of safety equipment on
board and are they in good
"If the vessel has a cargo

8.112 capacity greater than 5,000 m3, is the additional

firemen's outfit carried?"
"All vessels comply, however have a quick check." 3/O
8.113 Is the safety equipment these are usually kept at designated place/ the area
correctly located? accesible.
8.114 "Where required in vessels "All vessels comply, however have a quick check."
of a cargo capacity of 2,000
m3 and over, are the two additional sets of safety equipment on board?"
"Where required are emergency No cannister/filter type respiratory protection is not a
escape sets provided for all vailable on the vessel.
8.115 personnel, plus two sets in the

Is the safety equipment

required by the IGC Code
8.116 examined by an expert annually and are records available?
Monthly inspection by ship staff/3/O and annual shore servicing. 3/O
8.117 Is the safety equipment Monthly inspection by ship staff/3/O and records ma
inspected on board monthly and
are records available?
"Are decontamination

8.118 showers and an eye-wash, where required, provided in

suitably marked locations?"

Ensure there is sufficient pressure in the eye-wash and emg shower.

Must be checked everytime during pre-arrival checks. 3/O
8.119 Is the chemical dry powder "Annual service report must include agitation and po
system in good order? hoses should be laid on the deck, DCP monitor mus
boxes to be opened."
Is the water spray system in
good order? Monthly tests are done and records maintained.

8.121 Are the cargo space smothering PMS done for CO2 system in compressor room.
systems in good
"Are all cargo derricks,
cranes and other lifting

8.123 equipment properly marked and has periodical testing

and inspection been carried out?"
The lifting appliance register must be up to date.
Rockig test report from the CE/Surveyor must be available.
8.124 Are winches associated with
lifting equipment in good
Are certificates available for
all mooring ropes and wires?
"All mooring ropes shoould be tagged/marked and
respective certificate is identified, available for quick checks."
9.2 "Do all mooring ropes and "ensure only one type of mooring rope is used at one
where fitted, mooring wire tails, no mixed moorings. Mooring tails should have 25% h
meet OCIMF guidelines?" MBL than the mooring wire. All mooring lines and tai
follow standard EPIC mooring policy for maintenance
replacement as required. "

If one or more bow
stoppers are fitted is a certificate attesting to the safe working load provided?
Bow chain stopper should be permanently marked
with SWL and appropriate serial number/this is subject to priodical survey every five years.
9.4 "Are there records of the Same as 9.1 and 9.2.
inspection and maintenance of
mooring ropes, wires and

Is there a policy in place for
the testing of winch brakes and are the results recorded?
the mooring winch brake should be tested for 60% of
mooring rope MBL annually. If the brake holding capacity is too less than 60% of rope MBL
9.6 Are moorings satisfactorily "Moorings should be regulary tended, all lines must h
deployed and tended? equal load and properly secured."
Are mooring lines secured
to bitts and turned up correctly?
The recommended method of turning up a rope on
bitts is to take one or two full turns around the leading post before figure of eighting. Moorin
9.8 "Are all powered mooring lines "Our vessels do not have powered mooring winched
correctly reeled on drums, nevertheless Each OOW and C/O to confirm that al
secured on brakes and are properly secured prior leaving the mooring statio
winches out of gear."
On split drum winches are
all the lines made fast with no more than one layer on each tension side of the drum?
Mooring rope/wire must have single layer on split
drum with at least four and half tunrs on split drum. C/O

9.10 "If mooring tails are fitted to "The SWL of mooring link should be at least equal to
wires, do they have proper mooring line, the eye of the tails must have a protect
connecting links and are they sheathing. Tonsberg have a straight pin and the tail s
correctly fitted?" be connected to it; Mandal has a
curved roller and the wire should be connected to it;
links can be connected in either direction."
"Are all mooring lines
stowed neatly to minimise tripping hazards and are mooring areas clear and unobstructed?
Good housekeeping in the mooring station/snap
back zone markings not required. Ensure a stencil/notice is available stating that Mooring A
9.12 "Are mooring winches, "Ensure winches are maintained in good conditions,
including winch foundations in rendering markings are proper and brake rendering t
good order?" done annually."
"Do brake linings, drums
and pins appear to be in good order?"
"Proper mooring winch maintenance is done, check
lining thickness regularly and have record of routne tests."
C/O and C/E
9.14 "If mooring winches in a gas "NA, all our vessels are hydraulic powered."
hazardous area are electrically
powered, are motors Ex ‘d’
rated and have insulation tests
carried out and results
"Are mooring wires, ropes
and synthetic tails in good order?"
"Splicing of ropes is accepted however ensure there
are minimum five tucks. A careful check is required for mooring wires condition; If there are
Ensure mooring line routine/PMS is carried out records maintained."
9.16 "Are pedestal fairleads, A simple check and see if all rollers are moving
roller fairleads and other rollers easily with hand.
well-greased and free to turn
and are bitts and chocks free of

9.17 Is mooring equipment marked with its SWL? Check and confirm that all SWL mark

weld bead and painted in contrast colour.

9.18 "Are windlasses, anchors, locking bars and cables in Anchors should be properly ho
good order and operating effectively?" in the anchor chain.

"Except whilst alongside, when locking bars
should be in place, were the anchors cleared and ready for immediate use during port entry
Anchors not in use should be properly
secured by brake and guillotine C/O

9.20 Are bitter end securing arrangements unobstructed Have proper markings for bitte
and outside the chain locker?
9.21 Are the chain locker doors securely battened down?
Ensure chain lockers are properly sealed at
all times. C/O
9.25 Are emergency towing arrangements readily "For vessels > 20000 dwt, ens
available for deployment at both ends of the vessel? kept ready, buoy light is ok, the
instructions are available and r
drills/exercise are carried out.
9.26 Does the vessel have on board Emergency Towing Procedures?
"Three sets of Emergency Towing Booklets
must be available on vessel and located at Fwd station, cargo space/ship office and at bridg
10.1 "Are instructions for operating the digital selective Check the GMDSS Console/th
calling (DSC) and satellite must be posted and easily
communications equipment in an emergency clearly accesible/near emg radio light
Are the vessel’s call sign and Inmarsat ship
station identity clearly marked on the radio installation?
A quick glance. 2/O
Can officers demonstrate a satisfactory "designated emg radio operato
understanding of how to operate the equipment in an is aware of communications in
10.3 emergency? to send designated/undesigna
DC Power supply ok."

10.4 Are officers aware of the function of the ship security alert system and how it operates
Do not show the SSAS button location and
mention any other details to the inspector/the purpose of SSAS must be only told.
10.5 Has a qualified person been designated to handle "Designated emg radio operat
distress communications? confuse with 2/O as he is resp
during normal times including

10.6 Are the periodical tests of communications equipment being carried out as required?
"All GMDSS equipment to be tested as
required e.g. daily, weekly, annually and records maintained. The MF/HF DSC test must be
10.7 Is the Radio Log being maintained correctly? "ensure all details are correctly
departure tests, receipt of distr
messages and subsequent ac
batteries, on/off load, details o

10.8 "If applicable, is the emergency radio battery log up to date?"

Ensure battery load/drain test is done once a
year when vessel is not at sea as described in procedures.
10.9 Is there a maintenance programme in place to ensure "we have duplication of equipm
availability of the radio equipment? based maintenance system, d
based contract."
Is the communications equipment in good
order? As per form R.

"Is the satellite EPIRB fitted, armed and labelled "Annual tested by shore techn
correctly and inspected in accordance with the along with Cargo Ship Safety R
10.11 manufacturer’s requirements?" performance report handy. Th
expired and renewed every tw
Are radio emergency batteries in good order
and fully charged? Have proepr checks/test records.

10.13 Are Lists of Radio Signals the latest edition and "3/O is responsible for maintai
corrected up to date? date, all NPs are moved into e
are corrected on back-up com

Is the vessel equipped with sufficient

10.14 intrinsically safe portable radios for use on deck?
"Sufficient walkie talkies must be available,
check antennae are not broken/poor condition. Have a quick check to ensure that these are
Are survival craft portable VHF radios and Search "At least three walkie talkie mu
and Rescue Locating Devices in good order and charged at all times and have
10.15 charged? batteries with seals intact and
SART annual tests are done a
freefall LB, one SART should
be permanently kept inside the
11.1 Is the vessel provided with adequate operator’s instructions and procedures?
"Ensure all standard posters, FO change over
procedures, UMS, Emg gen/black out etc. are C/E posted and ER staff is aware of it."
11.2 Are the duties of the watch-standing officers and A generic work flow and work
ratings clearly defined? to be posted in ECR.
If the machinery space is certified for
unmanned operation is it being operated in that mode?
"Discuss with office if your vessel is UMS and
not operating in UMS mode, other vessels - NA."
11.4 "If the machinery space is being operated manned, Usually NA for our vessels.
are there sufficient engineers on board?"

Has the Chief Engineer written his own
standing orders and have the watch engineers countersigned the standing and night orders
"CE standing orders must be specific and
counter signed by all engineers, generally posted in ECR. Night orders to be written daily ir
"Are there documented procedures that address "Refer IMS- B UMS section, U
engine room entry requirements when operating in be complied and filed. Bridge m
11.6 the UMS mode, and are the personnel on-board everytime whenever ER is ma
aware of these requirements?" record of informing bridge mus
the bridge."
11.7 "Is the dead man alarm system, where fitted, in good order and used as required?"
"The alarm must be tested, in good condition
and records maintained." C/E

11.8 Is the engine room log book adequately maintained? "All details must be completed
e.g. bunkering, internal transfe
maintenance; CE to sign the E

11.9 Are there procedures to restart essential equipment?

"ensure posters are available and engineers

are aware of : rgeain power from emg to main C/E swicthboard, charging air reservior for A
restart ME, AE and boilers."
"Does the operator subscribe to a fuel, lubricating "All machinery LO/hyd oil anal
and hydraulic oil testing programme, and is there a every four months and reports
procedure in place to take into account the results?" follow-up post analysis must b
11.10 while informing the office and r
The record should also include
manual collection of oil (if done

11.11 Are detailed bunker transfer instructions available?

"The bunkering plan must be prepared on the company form
and adhered to, duties should be clearly identified and well understood by the ER team. Do
11.12 Is the vessel able to safely comply with the boiler must be certified to use the low
SECA/ECA legislation or other local area.
requirements regarding use of low sulphur
fuels in boilers?
11.13 Are written instructions provided to control the change from residual to

the FO change over procedures must be available and used as whenever vessel trades in/
change over must be maintained in the ER log book with
position and time.
11.14 Is a planned maintenance system being "CE, other engineers and deck officers to
followed and is it up to date? over due items, critical spares inventory is
be able to pull out the maintenance histor

Is a comprehensive and up to date

11.15 inventory of spare parts being maintained?
"All spares inventories must be kept up to date including critical
spares, if any spares are pending notify office."
11.16 Is an engineer’s call alarm fitted and is it in "Routine checks must be done on Engine
good order and tested regularly and the Inspector may wish to test the alarm."
results recorded?
"Are emergency escape routes
11.17 effectively marked, unobstructed and adequately lit?"
"The escape route must be marked appropriately espcially at
the bottom/lower levels, use bright and flourescent colour for marking."
11.18 Is the level of lighting in all areas of the Carefully check the lights and their covers
engine room satisfactory? cracked and broken covers are not accep
11.19 Do records indicate the regular testing of emergency equipment?
"Apart from ER weekly/monthly/quarterly checks ensure emg
equipment the emergency fire pump, main fire and foam pumps, emergency air compresso
Is the fuel system fitted with valves that
are capable of being closed from outside
11.20 the machinery space and are they QCV must be tested regularly and record
regularly tested and in good order?

Are engine room emergency stops

11.21 for ventilation fans clearly marked and do records indicate that they
have been regularly tested?

Proper marking must be done; routine checks and records to be maintained.

Are diesel engine high and low External high pressure fuel delivery lines
11.22 pressure fuel delivery pipes adequately fuel pumps and fuel injectors shall be pro
jacketed or screened? system capable of containing fuel from a

"Are diesel engine exhausts and

11.23 other hot surfaces in the vicinity of fuel, diesel, lubricating and hydraulic
oil pipes protected against spray?"
Check the surrounding areas. 2/E
11.24 "Are hot surfaces, particularly diesel There should not be any leak or oil soake
engines, free of any evidence of fuel,
diesel and lubricating oil?"
Are purifier rooms and fuel and
11.25 lubricating oil handling areas ventilated and clean?
"Ensure purifier rooms/area clear of any oil leaks and oily rags,
the nevtilation must be running at all times."
"If the vessel class notation allows UMS For UMS vessels only. Main engine beari
operation, are main engine bearing oil mist detector must be in good condition
11.26 temperature monitors, or the crankcase oil
mist detector, in good order?"

"Where hydraulic aggregate pumps

11.27 are located within the main engine compartment, is an oil mist detector

Depending upon the size of the main engine. 2/E

11.28 "Are the main switchboard, "Ensure protective measures are in place
alternators and other electrical equipment design to protect water directly falling ove
satisfactorily protected from water spray?" and other electrical equipments."

"Is deck insulation provided to the

front and rear of medium power (i.e.
11.29 220V and above) electrical switchboards and is it in good order?"
Where necessary non-conducting mats or gratings shall be
provided at the front and rear of the switchboard. The starter boxes inside the ER do not re
11.30 "Are gauge glass closing devices on oil Ensure these are not locked in open posit
tanks of a self-closing, fail-safe type and
not inhibited?"
11.31 Are self-closing sounding devices to double bottom tanks in good order and closed?

Ensure self-clsoing springs are in good working condition and not locked in open condition.
11.32 Is all moving machinery provided with effective guards "Guards must be in place a
where this presents a hazard? machinery must be protect
11.33 Do engine room machine tools have adequate eye protection available?
"Ensure grinder/lathe machines have proper
eye protection, posters available and posted in workshop."
11.34 Are records maintained for the regular inspection and Ensure Annual inspection a
testing of lifting devices? available for ER overhead

Is an inspection and maintenance programme in

11.35 place for other lifting equipment such as wire slings?
Strictly follow IMS procedures and follow Form
TE 05F-Chain Blocks/Slings/Pad Eyes. All slings/chain blocks must be marked and tagged.
11.36 "Is all loose gear in the machinery spaces, stores and "Ensure no loose items, sp
steering compartment properly secured?" workshop properly secured
Are machinery spaces and steering compartments
11.37 clean and free from obvious leaks and is the overall standard of housekeeping and fa
maintenance satisfactory?
"There should not be any obvious leaks, the ER
must be kept in good presentable condition. The garbage bins should be emptied out, glory
11.38 "Are bilges free of oil, rubbish and sediment?" Bilges must be dry and free
11.39 Is the bilge high level alarm system regularly tested and are records maintained?

"both bilge alarms must be working, tested and records maintained."

11.40 "Are seawater pumps, sea chests and associated "No soft patches are allowe
pipework in good order and free of hard rust and leakage(s) must be attende
temporary repairs, particularly outboard of the ship-side repairs carried out."
"Are the following, where applicable, all in good
order and do they appear to be well maintained? The main engine; AE, emg gen, Boilers, a
11.41 heating equipment, IG/N2 plant, sewage plant, bilge pumping arrangement (OWS), p
11.42 Are engineers familiar with the procedure for taking over Engineers should be aware
the controls for manoeuvring the vessel from the bridge and the procedure involved
in an emergency? depicting change-over proc
11.43 Are concise starting instructions for the emergency "all engineers and deck officers m

generator clearly displayed?

start the emg gen in manual mode, clear and C/E
simplified instructions should be available. A
spare starting mortor should be available if the starting relies on single motor."
11.44 Is the emergency generator reserve fuel tank provided "the fuel should be availab
with sufficient fuel? cont run, have the marking
operation of valve should b
good condition."
"Where an emergency generator is not fitted, are
11.45 engine room emergency batteries in good order and fully charged?"
NA 3/E
11.46 Is all electrical equipment including junction boxes and No cuts/temporary repairs
cable runs in good order?
11.47 Are switchboards free of significant earth faults?
No low insulation and earth fault alarm on
110/220/440 V. CE to check and confirm that low alarm settings should be 5 megaohms for
11.48 Has the emergency steering gear been tested within the Emg steering drill must be
past three months and are the results recorded? and maintain records.

Are emergency steering gear changeover

11.49 procedures clearly displayed in the steering compartment and in the wheelhouse?
The change over procedure and block diagram
for local and remote steering must be available on bridge and in steering gear room. Ensure
11.50 Are officers familiar with operation of the steering gear in The inspector shall ask any
the emergency mode? demonstarte operation of lo

11.51 Is the steering gear emergency reserve tank fully charged?

the oil should be fill upto the min required
marking. C/E
11.52 Are the arrangements for the provision of heading few vessels require gyro re
information adequate? down to steering gear room
Ensure all officers are awa
and necessary tools are ke
should be checked and alig

11.53 Are communications with the bridge satisfactory? Check the normal and voice opera
are working in good condition.
11.54 Is the rudder angle indicator clearly visible at the The Marking must be clear
emergency steering position?
11.55 Is access to steering gear unobstructed? No obstruction in access to steeri
11.56 "Is the steering compartment fitted with suitable "CE must check the overal
handrails, gratings or other non-slip surfaces?" gear room, it has to be nea
12.1 "Is the general condition, visual appearance and cleanliness of the hull satisfactory?"
"The hull should be free from oil staining,
extensive coating breakdown or excessive marine growth. Excessive marine growth a nd co
12.2 Are hull markings clearly indicated and correctly placed? "All marking including draft
TUG push, vessel name an
visible. "
12.3 "Is the general condition, visual appearance and cleanliness of the weather decks sat
12.4 Do decks in working areas have clearly identified non-slip
"Is the general condition of service pipework
satisfactory and is it free from significant corrosion and pitting and soft patches or other tem
Overall condition of all pipes especially
underside must be checked for corrosion and wastage. Pipeline securing arrangement shou
12.6 "Are pipe stands, clamps, supports and expansion
arrangements satisfactory?"
"Are all deck openings, including watertight
doors and portholes, in good order and capable of being properly secured?"
Vent head flame screens must be in good condition.
The WT doors and other opening rubber packing must be in good shape and not painted ov
12.8 "Are fuel, ballast and other space vents and air Ensure good cosmetic condition.
pipes in good order and does visual evidence
indicate regular maintenance?"
Are all vents and air pipes clearly marked to
indicate the spaces they serve? C/O to check all marking/stencils are properly

12.10 "Is the general condition, visual appearance and the superstructure and accom de
cleanliness of the superstructure satisfactory?" FW prior arrival port.

12.11 Is deck lighting adequate? No busted/fused lights.

12.12 "Is the general condition of electrical equipment, "Ensure cables, glands and pene
including conduits and wiring, satisfactory?" no wear and tear."

12.13 Are light fittings in gas-hazardous areas Ex 'd' rated and in good order?
All bolts are in place for light fittings/no fused bulb.
4E to quickly check all lights on deck soon after the berthing.
12.14 "Are internal spaces and storerooms clean, free "Good housekeeping in common
from debris and tidy?"
12.15 Is the forecastle space free of water?
"no oil/water in the fwd stores, bilge alarm should be
tested and records available. A simple diagram of reductor for fwd space should be made a
valves to be identified and marked. A warning poster
of Do not operate without C/O permission must be available near the overboard valve. The
12.16 Are alleyways free of obstructions and exits clearly
"Are accommodation, public spaces,
including smoke rooms, mess rooms,
12.17 sanitary areas, food storerooms, food

"Galley, mess rooms, ship office, hospital, store

rooms and CCR must be tidy and neat. The galley

handling spaces, refrigerated spaces, galleys filter must be cleaned and no fatty deposits."
12.18 Are laundries free of accumulations of clothing that No extra clothes in the laundry/dr
could constitute a fire hazard? and other items must be kept nice
12.19 "If fitted, is the Ship's Hospital clean and tidy and ready for use?"
The hospital should not be used as an additional
cabin/store room. All medicines must be checked and expired medicines should be marked
12.20 Is the level of accommodation lighting satisfactory? No broken shades/light covers. F
12.21 Is the condition of electrical equipment in the accommodation satisfactory?
No naked wire/cable penetration in the
accomodation. 4/E

12.22 Are personnel alarms in refrigerated spaces in Check and esnure all reefer room
good order and operational? condition.
Rank in charge
ace which has been discussed with office and Master
ort. Kindly remove all PSC inspection reports

s unscheduled, have valid

be available on board. If any conditions by class Master

or may like to see communication with office


master explain company procedures as to when

y out Drug & alcohol test on board (e.g.. When
s reason for suspicion, Accident/incident, if Master
d by shore authorities etc)"

months and watch keepers every month. Inspector will often ask the steward or OS regarding colour
e check and confirm all certificates are valid and
dated VIQ appndx-1 with dates e.g.
CoR, SMC, SEQ & form-E, SRC & Master
ment, SafeCon, IOPP and supplement, Min Safe
ng, CoF, NLS, CLC and MLC. "
e requirements?

Also keep IMS A, B & C, GCM/TM, EPM handy at the time of inspection. The drill plannedr should b

ip manager vessel visit is twice a year and Master

manager is once a year. Take dates from IA/last
d keep these ready.

Audit report. Ensure Close-out from office is received.

r's Review of Safety management system and Master

eply for should be available in OM, the review is
one twice a year."
le uptodate and also have latest

ssel must obtain Class Survey Status Report Master

fice one day prior inspection. If there are any
emos, please discuss with
nd have a valid answer."

ess measurement reports available.


W requirements?"

onthly office response needs to be filed with rest hours records.

h is official language/all communication with Master

and crew (even on walkie talkie) must be in

ny requirement is to have ship handling course Master

very five years by Master and by C/O.

s for personnel been implemented?"

e crew signs off."

time with operator/time in rank and time on Master

type is correctly reflected. Obtain a fresh matrix

Specialized Training as applicable to the type of cargo being carried?"

D& A policy and keep a print out for reday Master

Done Dates.

e months. Keep the D&A log book and last drug and alcohol shore test report handy.

dy/ be aware of navigation details in the IMS. Master

have the deck officers countersigned them as being read and understood."

s are done. GPS/range bearing/clearing

ks duirng coastal navigation are recorded.

ould be as per Bridge Procedure

Br-3. Also ensure vessel movement from 2/O

covered under BR-3.
up to date and filed in one file. 2/O

r shall also be menioned duirng the UKC calculation.

arly written in DLB/Movement book. All OOWs

ous watch levels.


xceot when vessel is alongide. An entry 2/O for

be recorded.

nd adjusted?"

larm testing."

steering stand and in the steering gear room. 2/O

gating through restricted Waters?"

s error and close to deviation card. Last deviation 2/O

more than a year ago.

near the VDR including back-

DP must be kept up to date. 2/O should be able to 2/O

correction applied. The paper charts if used must
of tape and torn edges). Block corrections on chart

e confident of

chart for the region must be used. 2/O

Master and deck officers able to produce appropriate documentation that generic training and type-s
rovided with second ECDIS as
ly check that form-E reflects it. Have
Clast check in last six months. Keep Master
e reports in last one year."


separation zone,
heavy traffic warnings."
sounder on/off is mentioned in 2/O
and recorded in movement book
hall know how to test the depth

rallel Indexing, CATZOC considerations, call Master, no go

orage, abort point,

rrections, T&P corrections."

nd position plotting, Radar/observed
rd dist/bearing as well), at least two
osition fixing must be used. " 2/O

es, only corrections need to be applied when chart is on different datum."

EGC warnings for the curent 2/O

plotted and a file maintained. These
uld also be attended on ECDIS as
ces must be corrected by pencil and
ained in separate T&P file. On
must be turned on and Navtex
e manually corrected if it is not
the ECDIS."

O and 2/E must evidence to show that they are effectively have safety officer course certificate. Safe

ers/crew trained in all LSA/FFA esp Master

to know how to start emg gen/emg
g steering and LB engines.

esses and chemical protective equipment etc. provided and as required, being worn?"

emove all non IS torches and C/O and C/E

m as garbage.

ement responses?"

ar miss reports/incidents
operly responded from office Master and closed out.
signed by both ship and shore representative."

"Strict compliance to no-smoking policy,

allow smoking only in designated area.
There shall not be any mechanical lighter
on the ship, check the condition of ash- C/O
tray, should be self closing/sealing type in
good condition."

com door to be locked at security kevel-1."

Ensure AC is put on part recirculation C/E

fresh air flap is to be kept t aorund 25%
perly secured?"
es C/O

Keep new-joiner familarisation forms Master

handy/emg items must be completed 24
Ensure IMS drill matrix is followed. Master
"If more than 25% crew is changed LB
drill needs to be done within 24 hours of
vessel sailing out from the port. LBs must
be launched every three months into
water and this must be accomapanied by
abandon ship drill. For free fall LBs, the Master
same rule applies except that free fall
alunching mechanism must be tested
every six months. The rescue boat must
be launched into water every month and
records available."


ning for LR launching every four months.

Last ten port of calls records to be C/O

g maintained?

"Master or C/O to receive the C/O

inspector at gangway, ensure smart
gangway watch is maintained. "

see all ballast tanks/hold spaces/FW tanks and other enclosed space inspection reports must tally a

"PR entry permit must be filled up prior

commencing cargo operations, routine
Pumpman checks or any other repairs. C/O
Record of entry/exit must be maintained.

alternative arrangements should be provided in case the fan fails."

"the high level suction flaps should be C/O
operable from PR top, normally closed."

pumproom, including provision of a suitable stretcher or harness and is the equipment in good order?

uld be a procedure for the regular monitoring of all C/O

acent to the cargo tanks for accumulations of gas.
g is made by use of portable instruments, the
quency of checking and adequacy of records

orders and alarms in

de. Records should be reviewed to ensure that these have been conducted. Manufacturers’ instruct

meters are maintained as per IMS minimum C/O

ts. Monthly calibration and annual shore
must be done.

ion and usage of gas meters.

expiry date of span gas/maintain inventory and C/O


an oxygen deficient
dragger/Kitagawa tubes to be verified (with no C/O
es). Appropriate tubes with correct range
city levels in MSDS of current/previous cargoes)

F guidelines?"

rical cable to the welding machine is not taped and

dition. Welding return lead should be connected
practicable to the welding arc. Have the electric C/E
er available in ER workshop.

Ensure flashback arrestors are fitted at both end."

rking for ""in use"", ""empty"" and ""full"" should be

oxygen and acetylene bottles. Oxygen and
ottles must be kept in separate clean and C/E
ompartment. Colour coding for oxygen and

manuals (and up to date) must be provided on board vessel."

st be manouevered in the water every three

plicable to free fall LB as well). IF dedicated
, then it should be lowered every month. 3/O
onship srill must be carried out during LB launching
B monthly inspection muct be
Deck Log Book."
annual and five yearly service reports are 3/O available
y LB maker authorized workshop.

must be ready to board at all times,

d sign should be provided in the vicinity of survival 3/O

le and under the emg lighting."

the vicinity of RB."

orrrect type of LR is provided on board and 3/O

ast one year. Proper launching instructions are
r davit launched LR.

date. 3/O
n proper shape (not broken/cracked), life lines are
dition. Ensure no non intrinsically safe lights are
sel. Check all IS lights are working. MOB buoys 3/O
elease, MOB signals are not expired."

suit should be tested every three yearly and a 3/O

certificate must be issued. If the suit is more than
then annual test is required.
nd in good order?"

ble should be displayed on brdige.

all be marked with IMO symbols, if more than one 3/O
owed at same location then the number of devices
e marked."

pment. 3/O
g manual should have details of ship specific FFA 3/O
erations and maintenance.

ly inspections being

eriodical control of foam concentrates should be 3/O
not more than 3 years after being supplied to the
fter that, every year. Have the foam concentrate
ady for inspection."

ipment correctly

plan. 3/O
should be pressure tested in last six months. 3/O
n the hoses, nozzles can act in spray/fog mode. "

ed and in good order?

ed location and known to deck watch. 3/O

and records maintained. The OOWs and C/O

per servicing records are available, DCP- annual 3/O
nalysis report (for oil tankers). The DCP must have
ation and analysis test."

ng procedure. Priming pump/alternative arrangement must be working. If fuel oil tank provided then

vicing must be done (alternatively by shore and

nually. Have sufficient charges (100% for first ten
ers and 50% for remaining). The portable 3/O
ers must be pressure tested every ten years.

itted with fully

d, properly stowed and ready for immediate use. 3/O

hydrotest every five years. The air quality check every year."
must be in good physical condition with full air 3/O
nd are available at designated location.
vicing by shore. Training EEBD must be marked

erve and is there evidence

eck the rubber packing."

s must be closing fully. C/E

andled, and are all

ngway is properly rigged and net (if used) is spread C/O
gangway to avoid falling into the water. The
urface should be free of oil/grease.
itted, in good order?"

ladders must be in good physical condition with no damages and repairs. The Pilot ladder rope shou

n IS lifebuoy light in use and a lifebuoy is kept near

ay for immediate use. The safety net must be
y OOW for proper rigging. The gangway notice C/O
t be clearly displayed with standrad notes.

n ladder then the accomodation ladder

catwalk gratings/railings are in good shape, the C/O

ready to use at all times."
eet ICS guidelines?"

ce. The vessel should be provided with this booklet.

e case, ensure that the RA is sent to office for C/O review."

ailable with ORB. Manual collection must be recorded under Code C 11.4."

advise if any discrepancy. C/E

ny entries.

ensure that entries are done in ORB and receipts C/O


recorded in both Oil Record Books, was the receiving tank free of cargo and have the transfer arran

contact list is updated in Appnedix-5, all necessary C/O


mber duties for handling small spills?"

P/SOPEP and available at SOPEP locker."

CP list is updated at every quarter end, kindly

up to date list is available. Also a list of specific
numbers should be prepared for the port and be Master
available to the Master and displayed in the cargo
he vessel is trading to USA. Master

ble only if the vessel is trading to USA. Master

oil tankers, have special area poster in CCR and Master

n places."

s effectively plugged?

The scuppers on poop deck and forecastle deck must be plugged during vessel port stay.

tankers, the wilden pump must be tested/working C/O

ded to ship structure. The wilden pump must
ixed discharge connection. Check dump valves
rating ok and have no oil/IG coming out because
ssive pressure in the slop tank(s)."

tankers, sea chest and overboard valves must be

and sealed. Record of overboard valves
eals must be maintained in Deck or Cargo Log C/O

sting arrangements

valves. This must be tested

the drip trays are clean and free of cargo C/O

period. The test must be hydrostatic test, the cold work permit and RA must be issued for the test. H

’s cargo and bunker pipelines not in use must be C/O and

y blanked at the manifold with same specs of C/E
e.same ASA), all bolted."

ubricating oil tank vents?"

ent heads should be clearly labelled to indicate the space that they serve.
ould be in place in port."

all save all plugs are in place and there are no C/E
leaks in the system.

weekly test done and record available. C/O


monthly test must be done and recorded. Proper C/O

s should be available, C/O should be able to
trate the ODME operation. All data feed to ODME
in the Oil Record Book?"

ogether with the reason for the failure should be recorded in the Oil Record Book. Inform office imme
Ballast Water Record Book is correctly C/O filled.

sual (if possible) prior deballasting and recorded in the ballast record book, an entry that water was c

t connection to overboard discharge is not C/O

ble. OWS must be working properly, CE and 2E
able to demonstrate the OWS operation with 15
rm and three way valve functioning. Data
procedure must be known to CE and 2E."

ncy bilge suction valve should be C/E

ecords shall be maintained for

of an emg."
to and from sludge tanks shall have no direct C/E
ion overboard, other than the standard discharge

been fitted with connections to by-pass the unit and it should be verified that that the sensing equipm

r prohibited the O/B valve operation without C/E

authority of CE and/or Master.

Part 1 indicate that it has not

should be preventive measures to stop C/E
tal discharge from steering gear room floor. A
must also be posted near the valves, the other
s to have the discharge in ER bilges."

k being correctly

ul with Cooking oil disposal entry, it must be disposed off either to shore or ER waste oil tank and bo

garbage bins are adequate and kept neat/tidy. C/O

ept ready for inspector sighting. Master

uick check on Class Survey Status Record. Master

y ensure proper inspection

ust have basic information displayed e.g.

ble loading rates, venting capacity, pipeline
c diagram, cargo pumps performance curves and C/O
on, precautions against staic electricity."

last tankers?"
hecks must be done by Class during annual C/O
Monthly checks are required on board by C/O.
e the data with test conditions given in the
r manual.

o watch officers?

e aware of the limitations. A quick comparison of actual condition with planned condition should be d

ssel has U shape tanks then ensure a note about

ability is posted in CCR and all deck officers are
it. The cargo plan shall also take into account C/O
ia, do not have two U- shaped tanks being
ut at same time."

e any condition where stability

st damage stability condition should be marked Master

or deck officers must be aware of it.

s developing during cargo

e posted and practiced (Q8.8 above, refers)."

ll deck officers are aware of this phenomenon. C/O

uld include bypassing lines in PR and using C/O
ith different permutation and combination.

the cargoes on board?

oad/discharge operations, sampling, IG usage, SOPEP/Oil Spill response ad emg stop."

he plan is prepared on company format and C/O

y the Master. All officers must be briefed and

nce with the plan?

nks being worked and any deviations from the original plan."



irement is to provide an alarm. There is no C/O

ent for temperatures to be displayed or for a high
ure trip to operate Cargo pump bearings must not
mporary cooling fitted.
hese alarms are checked and recorded.

ular testing?"

aximum Allowable Working Pressure - MAWP) at least annually. 'Oil Transfer Systems' should be te

ust be tested duirng pressure testing of cargo C/O

and/or duirng pre-arrival checks.
s carried out on these system must be recorded C/O
any checklists. UTI must have annual shore

ded evidence of regular

cords maintained. C/O

el and High High Level alarms must be set and C/O
on during all cargo operations. These
checked and recorded duirng pre-arrival.

d and is any observation tank


ll UTI/MMC/Portable tapes are proeprly working

ual calibration and checks are done. A certificate
e available. C/O

g in a closed condition?"

CS ready for Inspector sighting. C/O

s around the tank domes,

dition of p/v valves, mast risers, vent stacks, C/O
nes, vacuum valves and flame screens must be
h no obvious signs of leaks."

working and alarms set for over and under presserization. The high alarm settings should be set at 1

he arrangements are combined with other cargo C/O

her stop valves or other acceptable means shall
ded to isolate each cargo tank. Where stop valves
, they shall be provided with locking
ments which shall be under the control of the
ble ship's officer. There shall be clear visual
n of the operational status of the valves."

and are there records to

e during discharging. C/O

keep a soft copy of log however

al and NR valve must be in good working C/O

and records manitained of routine maintenance

ers standing cargo watches understand this?"

dure/shore supply of IG. C/O

no alarms in the IGS, PMS done. Check the C/O
r/graph is in good condition."

anks must be under positive pressure. C/O

uld be done not more than 24 hours prior starting IGS. 2/E

de. 2/E
s should be clean and water level must be seen 2/E

connections/chute are maintained in good condition. C/O


ank dedicated for heavy weather ballast must be COW duirng every discharge.

e oil tankers. C/O

ust personally be present and supervise the COW; in C/O
fresh C/O, Master must also be present during the

essure tested prior to use?

rd should be maintained. C/O

previous COW checklists are properly done and C/O
ailable for review.

cable, kindly ensure have a positive segregation either C/O

k or spool piece removal."

lanked as not used usually. C/O

are available in ORB-2, ensure ntries are properly C/O

d cross checked by Master prior signing."

old details in HVPQ are correct and

es must not be leaking and checked during pre-arrival C/O

e test. The gauge covers shall be removed and
t checks must be done on off shore manifold.

e manifold pipelines?
he vapour manifold is maintained in good condition, C/O
xrcised regularly. Painted yellow atleast one meter
nd marked as VAPOUR, A a cylinderical stud shall be
e at m/f face."
no alterations of any type is allowed, not even C/O

glands and instrumentation?"

mp seals must be well lubricated and ags tight at ER C/O

d penetration.
and regularly checked?

ust be available."

ound into the PR prior vessel arrival into the port by C/O

bulbs fused because of vibration etc.

oad test and annual inspection by Class for C/O and

SWL >1 MT). Ensure SWL marking is
block as well. The safey locking latch must be C/E
ood condition/the hook needs to be secured with
emg stop of crane properly marked and crew is

aware of it and inventory maintained. C/E

an must be readily available for


filed properly." C/O


on maximum loading rates and venting capacities with regard to safe cargo operations?"

gram, cargo pumps performance curves and information, precautions against staic electricity."

hould be available in CCR and all deck officers C/O

re of the max rate.

ficers must know the definition.

ly available in CCR area/ensure OOWs C/O are aware

aster, ensure entries are done as and when C/O

ions are done/up to date."
ns done."
s stability issue with regards to U shape tanks
ng/discharging then it must be included in the
and OOWs must be aware of it. A separate poster C/O
t should be displayed in the CCR.

be kept ready Additionally, the

ck and mark it in the booklet for future reference Master

hly checks on the test condition are C/O

the stability booklet conditions.

ally instead of retrieving stored condition.

or our vessels, confirm that stresses are C/O withn

nge at alltimes."

sential. C/O
TO guidelines, min cargo temp, ESD, hazards C/O
with cargo, X, Y, Z and OS category of cargoes,
y cargoe-VCM, self- reactive, polymerisation,
must be prepared on company form LPG- C/O
must be aware of Gas Carrier Manual and
irement for uncommon cargoes.
mpatibility chart available/posted in

must be prepared on company form LPG- 17. C/O

st be completed as accurately and detailed C/O

tion available?"

oad port positively." C/O

clude standard instructions in his standing C/O
OWs must be aware of these.

where fitted, are lined

M relevant chapter. C/O

es in SSSCL. C/O

depressant maintained
e all test/checks records are available. C/O

pressure test."

essure tests are not required/pressure test done C/O

ng DD) should be sufficient. However as our
require pressure testing, kindly ensure cargo
vapour] lines are pressure
a year to normal working pressure. Ensure cold
and RA is issued for pressure testing."

e PMS is up to date and this routine is done/attended. C/O

e on board and certificates available. The C/O

e as 8.38, also enusre regular checks (remote and C/O

are done duirng cargo operations and recorded."
during the operation for any leaks. C/O

sing the cargo tank, C/O must be aware

should not be any obvious signs of corrosion, these C/O

be maintained in good condition and appearance."

ap bubble test prior every cargo C/O

usre no leaks.
e lines are caped after use and clsoed loop sampling C/O
s available on board and used.
are joints electrically bonded?"

the MARVS line bellows for any material C/O


have a quick check on drain lines. C/O

ed couplings are not allowed except dia of 25 mm or C/O

arm must be able to set off the ESD,

calibration certs handy/available as per trading cert C/O

Also ensure remote and local readings are cross
ed and recorded.
nd OOWs must be aware of this limitation.

or our vessels, however ensure that high level and C/O

igh level alarms are on during cargo

ssels, also independent of the

verriding system must be known to all deck officer, a C/O

should be posted in CCR that system can be
dden under exceptional circumstances and under
supervision from Master."

anliness in these spaces. C/O

o oil leakages in the shaft bearings of compressors C/O


must be drained and should not be under

d lights, ask junior engineer to quickly check the lights 2/E

hing. "

ve pressure?

rgo operation and remain valid through out during

ll times."
r room should also be running duirng the cargo C/E
and the room door must be kept closed.

re no alarms in the system. The system

ssels have sensors at low level/NA. C/O

valve settings change procedures must be known to C/O

nstructions posted in CCR.

ir settings?"

cords must be maintained if carrying out change in relief valve setting."

n 8.83. C/O

rominently displayed in the cargo control position and at the valves?"

ines valves must be closed, the flush tank alarm C/O

working, tested and recorded."
sel is using ordinary flame screens C/O

umn-i. C/O to be aware of specific screens availablity on board."

k high alarm must be working properly/tested C/O and
e done during pre-arrival and recorded/OOWs and C/O
must be aware of ESD locations.

aware of ESD activation points. C/O

gn. C/O

ual closing operation.

oints must be tested in rotation and records C/O


tem, tested and timed to close within 30

n if ESD is activated.

t be painted over as this might affect the temperature C/O

auges cover should be removed during pre-arrival checks. C/O

e side, deck duty to check at regular intervals." C/O
k is fitted on all unused lines and fully bolted. C/O

coding. C/O

ble spill tray, ensure this is placed below the C/O
is properly cleaned/dry and must be ready for

ually by shore and monthly by ship staff. 3/O
signated place/ the area must be clear and readily 3/O

ave a quick check." 3/O

iratory protection is not allowed. Remove if still


staff/3/O and records maintained. 3/O

include agitation and powder analysis. The DCP 3/O
deck, DCP monitor must be in state of readiness, all

aintained. C/O

in compressor room. C/O


oring rope is used at one lead, C/O

tails should have 25% higher
All mooring lines and tails must
g policy for maintenance and


survey every five years. The vessel must also have manufacturer’s type-approval certificate.


s than 60% of rope MBL then adjust the brake rendering at slihghtly lower than BHC. The 3rd layer o

y tended, all lines must have C/O

igure of eighting. Mooring rope should never be secured to a warping drum.

owered mooring winched, C/O

nd C/O to confirm that all items
eaving the mooring station."

side of the drum?

ould be at least equal to C/O

ails must have a protective
straight pin and the tail should
as a
ould be connected to it; Boss
her direction."

clear and unobstructed?"

le stating that Mooring Area is a Hazardous Zone.

ned in good conditions, brake C/O

er and brake rendering test is
aulic powered." C/E

es condition; If there are more than three broken wires in any strand, or five in any adjacent strands

rollers are moving C/O

onfirm that all SWL marking is

rs should be properly housed and no kinks C/O

anchor chain.

ate use during port entry?"

proper markings for bitter end. C/O

essels > 20000 dwt, ensure the equipment is C/O
eady, buoy light is ok, the deployment
ctions are available and regular
exercise are carried out. "

ce/ship office and at bridge."

the GMDSS Console/these instructions 2/O

be posted and easily
ble/near emg radio light.

nated emg radio operator is 3/O, ensure he

re of communications in case of emg. How
d designated/undesignated distress alert? 2/O
ower supply ok."

stem and how it operates?

st be only told.

gnated emg radio operator is 3/O, do not 2/O

se with 2/O as he is responsible for GMDSS
normal times including maintenance."

carried out as required?

MF/HF DSC test must be done with shore station on various frequencies with ACK BQ."
re all details are correctly filled in, e.g. pre- 2/O
ure tests, receipt of distress/urgency
ages and subsequent action, checks on the
es, on/off load, details of GOC, test results

ave duplication of equipment and shore 2/O

maintenance system, display the shore


al tested by shore technician and cert issued

with Cargo Ship Safety Radio survey, have
mance report handy. The HRU must not be 3/O
d and renewed every two years. Chcek self-

s/test records. 3/O

s responsible for maintaining these up to 3/O

all NPs are moved into eNP, ensure these
rrected on back-up computer also."

to ensure that these are EX type."

ast three walkie talkie must be available, fully

ed at all times and have three spare
es with seals intact and not expired. Check 3/O
annual tests are done and available. If
l LB, one SART should
manently kept inside the LB."
nd procedures?
staff is aware of it."
eric work flow and work responsiblities chart C/E
posted in ECR.

y NA for our vessels. C/E

tanding and night orders as read and understood?

ders to be written daily irrespective whether vessel is at port or at sea."

IMS- B UMS section, UMS checklist must

mplied and filed. Bridge must be informed
ime whenever ER is manned/unmanned. A C/E
of informing bridge must be maintained at
nd used as required?"

etails must be completed in the log book 2/E

unkering, internal transfer and major
enance; CE to sign the ER log book daily."

arging air reservior for AE ,

achinery LO/hyd oil analysis to be done
four months and reports obtained. The
-up post analysis must be delignetly done,
nforming the office and records maintained. C/E
ecord should also include ORB entry for
al collection of oil (if done) ."

ood by the ER team. Do not plan for bunkering more than 85% of the tank capacity. The bunkering

e certified to use the low sulphur fuel wihtin the SECA C/E

esidual to

enever vessel trades in/out of SECA. A proper record of C/E

eers and deck officers to be well versed in PMS, no C/E

ritical spares inventory is to be updated. CE should
t the maintenance history of chosen equipment. "

must be done on Engineer's call and recorded, 2/E

sh to test the alarm."

he lights and their covers; no missing/fused lights and 2/E

en covers are not acceptable.
mergency air compressor, emergency generator, emergency generator switchboard, emergency ste

ted regularly and recorded. 2/E

aintained. C/E
ssure fuel delivery lines between the high pressure 2/E
uel injectors shall be protected with a jacketed piping
of containing fuel from a high pressure line failure.

d hydraulic

be any leak or oil soaked lagging. 2/E

only. Main engine bearing thermometer or crankcase

must be in good condition.
st detector

e measures are in place if not part of ship 2/E

water directly falling over switchboards, alternators
al equipments."

s inside the ER do not require insulation mats.

not locked in open position. 2/E

good order and closed?

ocked in open condition. 2/E

uards must be in place and moving parts of 2/E
achinery must be protected, have warning signs
n available?

sure Annual inspection and checks records are 2/E

ailable for ER overhead crane and pad eyes.

t be marked and tagged. No broken chains and all locking pins should be in place.

nsure no loose items, spares in the ER and in 2/E

orkshop properly secured."
d of housekeeping and fabric

uld be emptied out, glory holes to be cleared."

ges must be dry and free of oil and water. C/E

records maintained?

." 2/E
o soft patches are allowed, please check carefully. Any
akage(s) must be attended on C/E priority and permanent
pairs carried out."

AE, emg gen, Boilers, air compressors (main and emg), purifiers and FO
g arrangement (OWS), pipework including fuel, LO, SW, sewage, drain and air pipes, reefer, hydrau

gineers should be aware of local manouevring C/E

d the procedure involved in change over. Poster
picting change-over procedures must be
eers and deck officers must be able to

ngle motor."
e fuel should be available for at least 18 hours of 2/E
nt run, have the marking done. Remote control
eration of valve should be verified and working in
od condition."

o cuts/temporary repairs in the cables. 2/E

ould be 5 megaohms for 440 V and lower voltage at 2 megaohm.

mg steering drill must be done every three months C/E

d maintain records.

d in the wheelhouse?

eering gear room. Ensure there is no oil leakage in the system.

e inspector shall ask any of the officer/engineer to Master

monstarte operation of local/emg steering.

w vessels require gyro repeater to be brought 2/O

wn to steering gear room in case of emg steering.
sure all officers are aware of this arrangement
d necessary tools are kept ready. The heading
ould be checked and aligned.

e normal and voice operated phone

e Marking must be clear and in good condition. C/E

uction in access to steering gear room. 2/E

E must check the overall condition of steering 2/E
ar room, it has to be neat and tidy."
of the hull satisfactory?"

ve marine growth a nd coating breakdown not acceptable."

l marking including draft marks, plimsol mark, C/O
UG push, vessel name and IMO number be clearly
ible. "
of the weather decks satisfactory?"

soft patches or other temporary repairs?"

curing arrangement should be intact.



shape and not painted over. Proper open/shut marking must be in place.

ood cosmetic condition. C/O

king/stencils are properly done. C/O

rstructure and accom decks must be washed with C/O

arrival port.

ed lights. 4/E
cables, glands and penetration are in good order, 4/E
and tear."

ood order?
ousekeeping in common areas, neat and tidy." C/O

space should be made available,

he overboard valve. The overboard valve should be sealed."


d and no fatty deposits." and pantries clean, tidy and in a hygienic

clothes in the laundry/drying room. The detergent C/O

r items must be kept nicely.

icines should be marked and kept separate.

n shades/light covers. Fused tubes/bulbs must be 4/E

n satisfactory?

nd esnure all reefer room alarms in good working C/E

regarding colour of the Gas measuring meter or
plannedr should be readily at the time of inspection."
aining and type-specific familiarisation has been undertaken."
e certificate. Safety
eports must tally and have separate enclsoed space entry permit. One permit - only one space."
ent in good order?"

facturers’ instructions for the maintenance of the system should be followed."

nk provided then sufficient oil to run the pump for 15 hours. Separate QCV must be checked and wo
ladder rope should be end to end with no splicing/knotting at the below end."
the transfer arrangements been approved by Class?"
ued for the test. Have the certificate handy."

nform office immediately if ODME malfunctions."

y that water was clean."

he sensing equipment has not been interfered with. A demonstration should be requested to determ
te oil tank and both entries should be done."
dition should be done and recorded."
ems' should be tested to 1.5 times their rated working pressure at least twice within any five-year per
should be set at 10% above normal pressure valves and low alarm should be set for alarm above ze

C. The 3rd layer of mooring rope should be taken into account while using the brake rendering force
adjacent strands in a length of wire 10 times the diameter, the damaged part requires removal.
y. The bunkering checklist needs to be completed properly e.g. one checklist per grade of oil, repetit
d, emergency steering,, emergency stops, engineers alarms and bilge ejectors are tested and in goo
es, reefer, hydraulic, ventilation fans, stern tube sealing, burners, uptakes, exhaust manifold."
mit - only one space."
must be checked and working.
be requested to determine how the oil content alarm is tested to prove satisfactory operation and fa
e within any five-year period. Pipelines should be marked with the date of test and the test pressure.
be set for alarm above zero pressure.
he brake rendering force calculations for mooring winches without split drum. Keep the brake rende
rt requires removal.
t per grade of oil, repetitive checks must be done, H2S/benzene checks, max transfer rate and pres
ors are tested and in good working condition. Kindly ensure records are maintained."
xhaust manifold."
sfactory operation and familiarity of the crew with the equipment. Failure of Oil Filtering Equipment s
st and the test pressure. Pressure testing should be a hydrostatic test, pressure testing using compr
m. Keep the brake rendering cert handy.
ax transfer rate and pressure, communication with barge. A proepr RA must be prepared as well in a
Oil Filtering Equipment should be recorded in the Oil Record Book, Part I"
sure testing using compressed air or inert gas is not acceptable. Also ensure RA and cold work perm
t be prepared as well in accordance with company guidelines. A diagram for oil transfer must be rea
e RA and cold work permit is issued for the test."
r oil transfer must be readily available at manifold and with bunkering plan."

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