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Socio-Demographic Information & personal information

1. Age:

a. 18-20year ( )
b. 121-22 year ( )
c. 23-24 year ( )
d. 28-above ( )
2. Religion:

a. Hindu ( )
b. Buddhist ( )
c. Christian ( )
d. Muslim . ( )

3. Have you ever donated blood?

a. one time ( )
b. two time ( )
c. three or more time ( )
d. never ( ) ?

a. higher secondry ( )
b. graduation ( )
c. post graduation ( )
d. All ofabove ( )
5. Where did you get the information about blood donation?

a. Television ( )
b. Internet ( )
c. Radio ( )
d. Red Cross ( )
6. What is your blood group ?

a. A positive ( )
b. B positive ( )
c. AB positoive ( )
d. O positive ( )
e. other ( )

Part II

Knowledge regarding Blood Donation

1. What do you understand by blood donation?

a. Giving blood voluntarily ( )

b. Giving blood for test ( )
c. Receiving blood ( )
d. Giving blood to self ( )

2. Which are the types of blood group?

a. A, AB, O ( )
b. A, B, AB, O ( )
c. A, B, O ( )
d. A, B, AB ( )

3. Who can donate blood?

a. A fit and healthy person ( )

b. Person having disease ( )
c. Children ( )
d. all of above ( )

4. Among these persons, who cannot donate blood permanently?

a. Person with HIV/AIDS ( )

b. Person suffering from jaundice ( )
c. Person suffering from anemia ( )
d. Persons who have undergone surgical procedure ( )

5. From which age can a person start donating blood?

a. 12 years ( )
b. 17 years ( )
c. 25 years ( )
d. 30 years ( )
6. What should be the minimum weight to donate blood?

a. 20-30 kg ( )
b. 45-50 kg ( )
c. 31-40 kg ( )
d. 51-60 kg ( )

7. To donate blood, one should have hemoglobin more than

a. 12 gm ( )
b. 16 gm ( )
c. 18 gm ( )
d. 20 gm ( )

8. Blood Pressure accepted for blood donation is

a. Minimum70/40 mm of hg – maximum 90/60 mm of hg ( )

b. Minimum 110/70 mm of hg – maximum 160/90 mm of hg ( )
c. Minimum 140/90 mm of hg – maximum 180/100 mm of hg ( )
d. All of above ( )
9. A female donor can donate blood after …...... days of menstruation

a. 4 days ( )
b. 5 days ( )
c. 7 days ( )
d. 14 day ( )

10. One donation can help save life of how many people?

a. 1 people ( )
b. 2 people ( )
c. 3 people ( )
d. 4 people ( )

11. A healthy person can donate blood every…… days.

a. 45 days ( )
b. 90 days ( )
c. 130 days ( )
d. 60 days ( )
12. How much time does it take to donate blood?

a. 10- 15 minutes ( )
b. 4- 6 hours ( )
c. 50- 60 minutes ( )
d. after 6 hour ( )

13. How much blood is extracted normally from the body during each donation?

a. 250-300 ml ( )
b. 200-300 ml ( )
c. 300-400 ml ( )
d. 600-700ml ( )

14. Where can a person donate blood?

a. Blood bank ( )

b. Hospitals ( )
c. Camps ( )
d. All of the above ( )

15. After donating blood, what is he/she given to eat?

e. Heavy diet ( )
a. Soft drinks/juice ( )
b. Normal Saline ( )
c. Nothing is given ( )
16. After blood donation, what happens to the amount of blood in our body

a. Amount of blood decreases permanently ( )

b. It gradually returns to the normal level within a month ( )
c. It takes more than a year to return to normal level ( )
d. All of above ( )

17. What happens to the person after he/she donates blood?

a. Can carry on with normal daily works after some time. ( )

b. Have to take rest for some days. ( )
c. Is admitted to hospital ( )
d. Suffers from HIV AIDS ( )

18 .Blood donation is essential in ?

a. Emergency condition ( )
b. In surgery ( )
c. In severe anemia ( )
d. All of these ( )

19. A person of which of the following blood group is called universal donor ?

a. A+ve ( )
b. B+ve ( )
c. O+ve ( )
d. AB+ve ( )
20. A person of which of the following blood group is called universal recipient ?

a. A+ve ( )
b. B+ve ( )
c. O+ve ( )
d. AB+ve ( )
21.which of the following help in the clotting of blood ?

a. vitamin B1 ( )
b. vitamin B2 ( )
c. vitamin D ( )
d. vitamin k ( )
22.Before blood donation blood test to be done is ?

a. CBC ( )
b. HIV test ( )
c. All of these. ( )
d. none of these. ( )
23.Total volume of blood in a aduld human being is ?

a. 5-6 liter ( )
b. 3-4 liter ( )
c. 10-11 liter ( )
d. 8-10 ( )

24. Which agency regulates blood donation?

a. american medical association ( )

b. u.s. health and human services ( )
c. Food and drug administration (FDA) ( )
d. american red cross ( )
25.which part part of the blood can be transfused ?

a. whole blood ( )
b. platelets ( )
c. red blood cells ( )
d. all of the above. ( )

26 .On which day every year is World Blood Donor Day Celebrated?

a. 15 January ( )
b. 16 June ( )
c. 14 June ( )
d. 21 April ( )
27.Who is the Organizing Committee of the World Blood Donor Day?

a. World Health Organisation (WHO) ( )

b. United Nations (UN) ( )
c. The Pan American Health Organising (PAHO) ( )
d. United Nation Development Program (UNDP) ( )
28. Why are transfusions given?

a. To increase the amount of blood ( )

b. To increase the blood's ability to carry oxygen ( )
c. To decrease the risk of bleeding ( )
d. All of the above ( )

29 .What are the common risks of donating blood?

a. Contract common viruses ( )

b. Bacterial infection ( )
c. Low blood pressure ( )
d. None of the above ( )
30 .The full form of VBD system?

a. Voluntary Blood Donation ( )

b. Valuable blood donation ( )
c. Victim blood donation ( )
d. None of these ( )


Please read the statement given below and give your responses by placing a tick mark against
the statement in the column of your choice.

ITEMS Strongly Disagree Uncertain Agree Strongly

disagree agree

Donating blood is a good work.

Blood donation helps to save life.

Blood donation is a safe process.

Blood donation is the essential and

integral part of health care system.

Blood donation does not cause any

harm to our health.

A person feels worthful and

satisfied after donating blood.

A healthy person can donate blood

four times a year

Blood donors are true heroes.

Blood donation decreases the

blood in our body.

Regular blood donations lead to

obesity (weight gain).
Blood donation makes us weak.

Donating blood more than once is

bad for health.

Blood donation is very painful.

Donating blood decreases the

immune system of the body.

A person cannot take part in sports

and other physical exercises after
blood donation.

Donating blood makes us suffer

from HIV/AIDS.

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