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Temenos T24™

T24™ Data Migration Tool – Service Mode

Reference Guide
Temenos T24™

T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

Information in this document is subject to change without notice.

The procedures and steps given in this document are only suggestive and should not be taken as recommended
This document is based on testing done on a Unix Machine and does not cater for jBASE NT Systems.
This is not a Temenos Qualified Document.

Date Version Changes By

14-Aug-04 1.0 Temenos
Model Bank
28-Aug-07 1.1 A new Composite Screen – To Temenos
facilitate efficient working with DM Model Bank
Tool is created, Field Level
Validations are done in DM
Mapping Definition and DM
Service Control and hence new
screen shots are attached.
02-May-12 1.2 New fields added to DM Service Temenos Data
control for capturing error details. Migration
New option in DM Mapping
Definition - Read Replacement for
Multi Company.

2 Aug 2012
Temenos T24™

T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

Sequential Load Gap

Development in Multithread.
14-AUG-12 1.3 Upgrade from R11 to R12 Gpack

About this Document

This document aims at explaining the functionality of a non-core T24™ Data Migration Tool that is
used for Data Load into T24™ from any legacy system.

3 Aug 2012
Temenos T24™

T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

Table of Content
About this Document ............................................................................................................................... 3
Table of Content ...................................................................................................................................... 4
1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 6
2. Product Overview ............................................................................................................................. 6
3. Tables ............................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 DM.INFORMATION.................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 DM.DATA.TRANSLATION ......................................................................................................... 7
3.3 DM.PREREQUISITE .................................................................................................................. 8
3.4 DATA.MAPPING.VERIFICATION ............................................................................................ 10
3.5 DM.MAPPING.DEFINITION ..................................................................................................... 11
3.6 DM.SERVICE.CONTROL ........................................................................................................ 13
3.7 DM.SERVICE.SCHEDULER .................................................................................................... 14
3.8 DM.AA.MAPPING .................................................................................................................... 14
3.9 DM.DATA.COMPARE .............................................................................................................. 15
3.10 DM.EXTRACTOR................................................................................................................... 16
3.11 DM.MAPPING.EXTRACT ...................................................................................................... 18
4. How does it work ............................................................................................................................ 18
4.1 Menus .......................................................................................................................................... 19
4.1.1 Migration Pre-Requisite Check ..................................................................................................... 19 Check Migration Table Record Count ................................................................................ 21
4.1.2 Client System to T24 Migration .................................................................................................... 24 T24 Data Loading .................................................................................................................. 24 Data Migration Load Preparation ....................................................................................... 25 Data Mapping Definition ..................................................................................................... 36 DM Service Control ............................................................................................................ 41 Service Control ................................................................................................................... 47 Application backup ............................................................................................................. 49 AA.MAPPING ..................................................................................................................... 54 T24 Recon Data Extract ....................................................................................................... 57 DM.PREREQUISITE .......................................................................................................... 58 T24 Data Extract for Reconciliation ................................................................................... 62
4.1.3 T24 to T24 Migration .................................................................................................................. 107
5.1 DM Tool Additional Features ..................................................................................................... 108
5.1.1 DM.REF.TABLE .................................................................................................................. 108
5.1.2 DM.AA.CUSTOMER.PROXY.............................................................................................. 109

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

5.1.3 T24.AA.INT.ACT.DEFAULT ................................................................................................ 111

5.1.4 DM.AA.CUSTOMER ........................................................................................................... 114
5.1.6 SC.PERF.DETAIL Load and SC.PERF.DETAIL.CONCAT updation ................................. 119
5.1.7 Data Compare ..................................................................................................................... 127
5.1.8 DM Scheduler...................................................................................................................... 136
5.1.9 DM.DATA.TARNSLATION .................................................................................................. 143
5.1.10 Handling BYTE Length in ORD ......................................................................................... 146
5.1.11 DM.AA.LENDING.BAL.EXTRACT .................................................................................... 149
5.1.12 DM.AA.LENDING.SCHEDULE.EXTRACT ....................................................................... 150
5.1.13 DM.DC.BATCH.UPDATE .................................................................................................. 150
5.1.14 Mnemonic duplication: ...................................................................................................... 152
5.1.15 AA - Product Proofing and Publishing ............................................................................... 154
5.1.16 TDM.DATA.STRUCTURE.EXTRACT ............................................................................... 156
5.1.17 ENQUIRY DM.ENQ.ISSUE.LOG ...................................................................................... 157
5.1.18 UTF8 conversion ............................................................................................................... 157
5.1.19 DM.CLEANUP ................................................................................................................... 160
Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................ 160
DM.CLEANUP process flow: ........................................................................................................ 161
Record count before run the routine ............................................................................................ 161
DM.CLEANUP Process: ............................................................................................................... 162
6 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 165

5 Aug 2012
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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

1. Introduction

The T24 Data Migration tool was originally written using the EB.PHANTOM option. Phantom
processing in T24 is gradually moving from EB.PHANTOM to TSA.SERVICE. The Data
Migration tool too has been modified to be run as a Service. The original functionalities of
 Multi threaded transaction takeover
 Takeover performance reporting, have been preserved in the latest version.

2. Product Overview

The T24™ Data Migration tool will be used during the pre-Live in any site implementations. It
basically covers the following functionalities.

 Used the Standard OFS module to perform the Load. The Option is given to use
either OFS or standard jBase WRITE function to perform the Load.
 Validations done on the data, prior to update.
 Accepts data in any layout and format, that includes double byte characters (Provided
the jBase used for the implementation is 4.1 or higher)
 Required less manual intervention during mapping of the incoming file to T24™
applications, which is a one time setup.
 Supports load of Local Tables too that are site specific
 Perform all standard T24™ validations and also includes any special cases to perform
local validations for the data being loaded.
 Supports scaling, using the multi threading capabilities of TSA.SERVICE. However,
this is dependent more on the hardware capabilities.
 Stop/Resume options in case the Server/T24™/Database connectivity is lost in the
middle of the load. In this case, the operation will be resumed from where it was
paused. Standard TSA.SERVICE transaction management capabilities are available.
 Exception Handling is done to report any erroneous data present in the Data file. This
report also includes detailed description of the error that is raised during the load.
 Supports Sequential Load of Data in multithread. For example, In Drawings Table,
where data is to be loaded in sequence of the ID.
 Supports Read Replacement for Multi Company.

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

3. Tables

The T24™ Data Migration tool package consists of the following Tables

Counting the number of records for every application, before and after migration, is a vital part
of Data Migration .The information of the number of counts per application is available in a
Live file DATA.MIG.COUNT. This application keeps track of the changes in the load count.
The entire operation can be successfully complete using the Browser

No. Field Name Description

@ID Id must be SYSTEM.

1.1 CLIENT.NAME The name of the client for which the migration is to be done

2.1 DESCRIPTION. The descriptions of your report set / interface.

The migration type that is going to be done (E.g. TM0, DR1,
This is an optional filed, where a valid &SAVEDLISTS& name
4 SELECT.LIST can be given.

5 MNEMONIC Specify the company Mnemonic

This is a multivalue set where we should provide the Application
6.1 APPLICATION Names for which the count is to be done
This is an associated multivalue set where the number of
7.1 LIVE.COUNT records in LIVE file will be populated.
This is an associated multivalue set where the number of
8.1 NAU.COUNT records in NAU file will be populated.
This is an associated multivalue set where the number of
9.1 HIS.COUNT records in HIS file will be populated.

10 OVERRIDE Overrides that are generated, if any.

The data provided by the Client will contain values that correspond to the Legacy Data
Format which cannot be loaded into T24 without any TRANSLATION. Hence a valid
TRANSLATION must be done so that the Data is converted into a T24 Data format and can
be loaded. The application DM.DATA.TRANSLATION is used for converting legacy data into
T24 format.

No. Field Name Description

The id of this application is free format text, 25
@ID characters long
1 APPLICATION The application for which the conversion carried out.

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

The source directory of the data file consisting of

2 SOURCE.DIR Legacy ID is provided in this field
3 SOURCE.FNAME The Datafile name consisting of Legacy ID is given.
The name of the output directory where the
converted file will be available after the conversion is
over. Any error log generated will be available as
mentioned above.
By default DATA.IN can be provided or modified as
per the user.
The name of the converted data file with T24 Ids
5 TARGET.FNAME must be given here.
The Field Marker that is used in the datafile to delimit
field values. By default ‘|’ is defaulted which can be
modified as per the user.
The Value Marker that is used in the datafile to
delimit field values. By default ‘::’ is defaulted which
can be modified as per the user.
The Sub Value Marker that is used in the datafile to
delimit field values. By default ‘!!’ is defaulted which
can be modified as per the user.
Any Concat file name that will be used for the
conversion can be provided in this field. This is a
multivalue field.
The positions in the datafile where the conversion
has to be done and replaced with T24 Ids. This is a
10.1.1 POS.CONVERT sub value field associated with Mapping Table field.
The positions in the data file where the conversion
11.1.1 values are defined .This is a sub value field
POS.VALUE associated field.
A subroutine can be attached to this field that will be
used for conversion logic. This is an associated sub
value set with Position Check field. This is a sub
12.1.1 POS.ROUTINE value field associated field.
The number of agents that will be required to run the
conversion can be mentioned in this field. Default
13 NO.OF.SERVICE value is 16

This table is used to create folders and for copying of data files to the respective folders and
creating the DM.SERVICE.CONTROL (DSC) that are necessary for the load of Data to T24. Using the
application DM.PREREQUISITE we can create necessary folders and moves the data files to their
respective paths. We will also be able to create folders for placing reconciliation extracts from T24.

No. Field Name Description

A 3 digit number followed by an asterisk (*), followed
@ID by a valid user name that must be present in the

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

USER table
1 DESCRIPTION Free text Description.
The task that will be done when the application is
verified. Either creation of DSCs or Only creation of
2 PROCESS Directories or Both can be specified here.
The prefix that will be used to identify the
DM.MAPPING.DEFINITION for creation of the
The directory name where the data files are stored
and under this directory will other folders get created
which will be used as Path Name in
defaulted, which can be changed to any other
4 DIRECTORY.NAME directory as and when needed.
This is an optional filed, where a valid
5 SELECT.LIST &SAVEDLISTS& name can be given
This is an Associated Multivalue set which will hold
the DMD name for which the
DM.SERVICE.CONTROL will be created followed by
a dot (.) and a two digit sequence number. (The
format is mandatory). The folders that need to be
created for the data file will be based on the input to
6.1 DMD.NAME this field.
This is an Associated Multivalue set .The data file
that will be used for the load will be selected
automatically based on the input in the previous field.
The data file must be present in the Directory that
has been specified in the field Directory Name. The
format of the data file must be as follows.
<>.<2 digit
E.g.: CUSTOM.01.201203031653.txt
We need to specify if Reconciliation Folders are to be
12 RECONCILIATION created or not. By default, the value “No” is defaulted.
The Directory name must be specified here where
the reconciliation folders will be created. By default
13 RECON.DIR RECON.OUT is populated in this field.
This is a multivalue field that is used to provide the
Names of the folders that need to be created under
the Directory specified in the field Recon Dir.
This is a multivalue field that contains DM Extractor
Id. The value entered must exist in the
16 FILE.CONV.REQD File conversion will be done if this field is set to YES.
This field specifies whether the file load is from
17 FILE.LOAD.TYPE Server or Local host
Conversion type is specified here. Values entered
18 CONVERSION.TYPE here are NT or Unix

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide


Verifying the correctness of the Data Mapping Table and the DM.MAPPING.DEFINITION is a
vital part of Data Migration, without which the data load, could go wrong.
DATA.MAPPING.VERIFICATION verifies, whether the Data Mapping Table and the
DM.MAPPING.DEFINITION are in synchronisation.
This application also produces an output file in the specified DMV directory with the status of
the Verification.

No. Field Name Description

The id of this application is free format text, 12
characters long.

A meaningful ID, indicating the application name e.g.,

CUSTOMER should be provided.
1 DESCRIPTION Free text Description.
Name of the T24™ Table to which the Data is been
3 DMD.NAME DMD Name to be specified.
The Directory name where the DMV status result will
4 DIRECTORY.NAME be stored.
This field gets updated on verification of the record
with PASS or FAIL status
If the fields in DMD and the one in save list are same
without any mismatch then it would be updated as
This is the name of the file where the core fields are
given for comparison. This file is to be placed in
This is the name of the file where the local fields if
any are given for comparison. This file is to be placed
This is an associated Multivalued field which gets
updated with the fields in the CORE.LIST i.e the Core
8.1 CORE.FIELDS fields upon verification.
The Delimiter used to identify each multi-value field in
the data. Value allowed only when IN.DATA.DEF is
9.1 CO.FIELD.STATUS set to DELIM. This is an associated Multivalued field
This is a Multivalue field which gets updated with the
fields in the LOCAL.LIST i.e the local fields upon
10.1 LOCAL.FIELDS verification
This field specifies the Data file name. The file has to
11 DATAFILE.NAME be placed in DMV directory.
This field becomes mandatory on providing value for
the field DATAFILE.NAME.Values allowed is
13 FIRST.POSITION This field becomes Mandatory on specifying

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide


specifies the position from where verification has to
be done for the file.
This field becomes Mandatory on specifying
specifies the position till where verification has to be
14 LAST.POSITION done for the file
The number of records in datafile will be updated
If there is any error then the error message will be
16 ERROR.DESC populated on verifying the record.

This application allows the user to define the format of the data in the incoming tape.
The following provides the list of fields, positions and the associated description.

No. Field Name Description

The id of this application is free format text, 12
characters long.

A meaningful ID, indicating the application name e.g.

first six characters of the application name,
CUSTOMER and the Load process, should be
1 GB. DESCRIPTION Free text Description to describe the Load.
Name of the T24™ Table to which the Data is been
to specify if the load is via OFS module or jBASE
3 LOAD.TYPE Write function or the replacement of a few fields.
A value ‘VALIDATE’ or ‘PROCESS’ will just
validate/process the contents of the data if it fits into
T24™ table. Value is allowed in this field only when
The following FUNCTIONS are allowed to be
specified to be used by the OFS to process the
5 OFS.FUNCTION transaction. (I, R, A, D). “I” is taken as default.
The Type of T24™ files to be updated. Values could
be $NAU, LIVE or $HIS. Value is allowed only when
the LOAD.TYPE is set to WRITE or
The T24™ Application’s Version to be used when
loading through OFS. Value is allowed in this field
7 OFS.VERSION only when LOAD.TYPE is set to OFS
To define the way in which the fields are read. Either
9 FM.DELIM The Delimiter used to identify each fields in the data.

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

Value allowed only when IN.DATA.DEF is set to

The Delimiter used to identify each multi-value field in
the data. Value allowed only when IN.DATA.DEF is
10 VM.DELIM set to DELIM
The Delimiter used to identify each sub-value fields in
the data. Value allowed only when IN.DATA.DEF is
11 SM.DELIM set to DELIM
When a particular character in the incoming data
needs to be converted, the character to be converted
12 ESC.SEQ.FR must be provided here.
Works in conjunction with ESC.SEQ.FR, this is the
character to which the ESC.SEQ.FR character will be
13 ESC.SCR.TO converted.
Either ‘AUTO’ (which system takes care to generate
the ID) ‘DATA’ (hardcoded ID in the coming file itself)
14 ID.TYPE ‘ROUTINE’ (A routine attached that forms the ID)
The Routine that forms the ID for each record loaded.
15 ID.ROUTINE Value allowed only when ID.TYPE is set to ROUTINE
The position in which the ID of each record can be
found. Value allowed only when ID.TYPE is set to
The Length of the ID in each record in the data file.
Value allowed only when ID.TYPE is set to DATA
Note – This field is used in reference with
ID.POSITION to get the data for the ID from the raw
17 ID.LENGTH file
The field name in the T24™ table to which the data is
updated. 65 characters long (Associated multi-value
18.1 APPL.FIELD.NAME set till 22.1).
The starting position of the data that will be updated
in the T24™ field (Associated multi-value set till
24.1). Associated multi-value set till 22.1). Value
19.1 FIELD.POSITION allowed only when IN.DATA.DEF is set to POSITION
The length of the data that will be updated in the
T24™ field (Associated multi-value set till 24.1).
Associated multi-value set till 22.1). Value allowed
only when IN.DATA.DEF is set to POSITION
Note – This field is used in reference with
FIELD.POSITION to get the data for the field from the
20.1 FIELD.LENGTH raw file
Either ‘ROUTINE’ – indicated the data will be formed
from the routine for this field (or) ‘CONSTANT’ – a
21.1 FIELD.ATTRIB static value that will be updated for the field
The Static value that will be updated for the field.
Value allowed only when FIELD.ATTRIB is set to
The Post update routine , used a s a user exit routine
that will be triggered for every record that is been
The OFS source record to be used when loading
data into T24. Two OFS Source records,

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

With FIELD.VAL set to ‘YES’ for cases where
field validation processing must be triggered e.g.
AC.ACCOUNT.LINK are provided by default.

This application is used
To define the company for which the data is loaded
The location of the incoming data
Control the execution of the data load process
The following are the fields and associated description

No. Field Name Description

@ID Must be the same as DM.MAPPING.DEFINITION.
The company for which the data is loaded. It is also possible to
provide the load company in the Incoming data. However, once
the value is provided here, this value takes precedence over
1 LOAD.COMPANY incoming data.
The directory where the flat file resides. This must be a valid
directory name, e.g. DATA.BP. Actual path or relative path of
2 FLAT.FILE.DIR the directory must be provided.
The flat file name of the incoming data. Must be an existing file
4 SERVER.NAME Specifies the name of the server, for multiple application servers
The user name which will be used for the load process. This
username will get updated in the TSA.SERVICE record related
No of threads that the TSA.SERVICE must spawn for
6 NO. OF SESSIONS processing this request.
The status of the process. This can be either
 START – Updated automatically by the system when
the DM.SERVICE.CONTROL record is ‘Verified.
 STOP – Manual stop request to stop the take over
9 RUN.STATUS process.
10 DSC.TYPE Dsc type should be either DMD or DME
Contains the processing messages of the Service. Auto
13.1 CONTROL.LOG updated.
The errors that have been generated after the completion of the
14.1.1 ERROR.DETAILS process will be captured in this field. Auto updated.
The number of errors that have been recorded after the
completion of the process will be captured in this field. Auto
15.1.1 NO.OF.ERROR updated.
The type of errors consolidated from all the errors generated
after the completion of the process will be captured in this field.
16.1 TYPE.OF.ERROR Auto updated.
The current date of the load process will be updated in this field.
17.1 DATE Auto updated.
The current start date/time of the load process will be updated in
18.1 STARTED this field. Auto updated.
19.1 STOPPED The current end date/time of the load process will be updated in

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

this field. Auto updated.

The current elapsed date/time of the load process will be
20.1 ELAPSED updated in this field. Auto updated.

The services for validating, loading and authorizing of Data in T24 is required to be scheduled
and automated. Most of the tasks are manually performed which needs to be eliminated. The
multithread service will perform the tasks in an automated way to eliminate the manual task to an

No. Field Name Description

The ID for this application must be a user defined name for the
@ID e.g.: R12.DSS.STATIC
DESCRIPTION The description of the SCHEDULER.
The DM.SERVICE.SCHEDULER table record which needs to be
completed successfully in order for the current service to be
To indicate whether the service needs to be started or stopped.
3 RUN.STATUS The two options available are START and STOP.
To store the DM.SERVICE.CONTROL table record which needs
4.1 DM.SERVICE.ID to be started
To store the DM.SERVICE.CONTROL table record which needs
to be completed successfully in order for the service, associated
5.1 VERIFICATION to the multivalued set, to be started
To specify the maximum number of errors that will be tolerated
6.1 ERR.THRESHOLD before marking the service as failed.
No input field to update the number of records in error from the
corresponding DM.SERVICE.CONTROL after the service is
7.1 NO.OF.ERRORS complete
To specify if the service needs to be run or can be skipped. The
8.1 SKIP.SERVICE two options are YES and NO
No input field which will be updated with values 0, 1, 2 or 3
based on the current status of the service associated with the
No input field which will be updated with values 0, 1, 2 or 3
based on the current status of all the services in the
No input field which will be updated with some details for
11 STATUS.DETAIL information only

This is the table where the parameters are provided.
The ID for this application must be in the format:

No. Field Name Description

@ID Id for this application must be in the format:

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

A 3 digit number followed by an asterisk (*), followed by a valid

user name that must be present in the USER table.
If only the USER is provided, then the 3 digit number will be
defaulted automatically

1 DESCRIPTION The descriptions of report / interface

Specifies the task that will be done when the application is
verified. FULL is specified for the entire extract of AA Product
and Properties. The option ‘Only Product’ and ‘Properties’ is
reserved for Future Use.

3 VERSION.CHK Has two option Yes or No.

4 PRODUCT.LINE Reserved for future use.

The Reconciliation extract will be taken from T24 after completion of load as per the process,
and the reconciliation extract from the Legacy will also be extracted and provided in the DATA.IN
The table is used to compare both the Extracts and to provide the output of the comparison.

No. Field Name Description

@ID User defined Id.
1 DESCRIPTION. The Description for the comparison
The DM.COMPARE.FIELD.MAPPING table record which will be
2 COMPARE.TYPE used for mapping of the reconciliation Extracts
3 RECON.MAPPING This field will hold the Primary key (ID) position of the record.
This field is used for information only to store the Legacy Data
This field is used for information only to store the Legacy Data

6 SOURCE.FILE.PATH The directory Name where the Extract is provided by the bank.
7 SOURCE.FILE.NAME The File Name of the Extract provided by the bank.
The Directory Name where the Recon Extract from T24 is
The File Name of the Recon Extract from T24.
The Output File Path where the reconciliation extract is available
after the comparison.
The Output File name of the reconciliation extract after the

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

The number of agents that will be required to run the

comparison can be mentioned in this field.
The application name for the comparison.
This field specifies the position of the field and applicable only
for environment compare.

15.1 SOURCE.FIELD This field specifies the first field of source data file.

Extraction of Data from T24 is necessary when a Migration is to take place between older
releases of T24 to a newer release or for reconciliation extracts.
The application DM.EXTRACTOR is used for extraction of data from T24.

No. Field Name Description

The id of this application is free format text, 12
characters long.

A meaningful ID, indicating the application name e.g.,

CUSTOMER should be provided.
1 DESCRIPTION The descriptions of your report set / interface.
The name of the table for which the extraction is to
be done. The entry in this field must be present in the
Whether the extraction is Multi Company or not.
The value in this field can be either “VALIDATE” or
“PROCESS”. If VALIDATE is selected then the
records corresponding to ‘Application’ will be
validated for errors and if PROCESS then the normal
4 OFS.ACTION extraction is performed.
The description of the selection criteria. This is a
multivalue field.
The Selection field from the application must be
6.1 SEL.FLD specified here. This is an associated multivalue field.
The Selection criteria must be specified here. This is
an associated multivalue field.
The Selection Value must be specified here. This is
8.1 SEL.VALUE an associated multivalue field.
The Selection Combination must be specified here.
This is an associated multivalue field.
The save list name must be entered in this field.

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

11 TARGET.FILE The output filename for the Extraction.

The output directory where the extracted file will
12 OUTPUT.DIR reside
The Field Marker that will be used in the extract to
13 FM.DELIM separate the fields.
The Value Marker that will be used in the extract to
separate the Multi values.
The Sub value Marker that will be used in the extract
to separate the Sub values.
The Local Currency must be specified only if the
16 LOCAL.CCY extract is done for DATA.CAPTURE application.
The takeover account category must be specified
based on which the internal account.
The number from which the department code part in
18 DC.DAO.START.ID DATA.CAPTURE id must be started is specified.
Whether the headers need to be provided for the
extract or not.
The field description for the field to be extracted.
The application name must be specified from which
the for concurrent extract of the value is done.
21.1 FLD.APP
The extract type for the field is specified here.
The field name from the application which is to be
23.1.1 FLD.NAME extracted.
The value in this field can be either “APPEND” or
“TRIM” or “REPLACE”. This field performs the
transformation in order to pick values from other
The value provided depends on the type mentioned
in the field “Trans Condition”. This field becomes
mandatory when “Trans Condition” is provided.
A subroutine can be attached to this field that will be
26.1 FLD.RTN used for different extraction logic.
The field name from the application mentioned in Fld
App must be specified.
27.1.1 FLD.APP.FLD
Whether the extract is done for DATA.CAPTURE
application or not.
The credit transaction code must be specified. The
value is provided only if the extract is done for
The debit transaction code must be specified. The
value is provided only if the extract is done for

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide


No. Field Name Description

@ID Id to this should be valid DMD record id.
The name of the table for which the extraction is to be done. The
entry in this field must be present in the
The core field name of the appliation for which the extraction
2 CORE.FLD.NAME has to be done
This field indicate what type of core validation check is used for
3 SYS.PROG that particular field
This represent maximum number of alpha or alphanumeric or
4 FMT numeric characters allowed for that particular fields
SYS.FLD.NO This field represent the field number of that particular field
The local field name of the appliation for which the extraction
6 USR.FLD.NAME has to be done
To indicate what type of core validation check is used for that
7 USR.SYS.PROG particular field
To indicate what type of core validation check is used for that
8 USR.FLD.NO particular field
No input field which will be updated with values 0, 1, 2 or 3
based on the current status of the service associated with the

4. How does it work

This Section covers the functionalities involved in the DMIG tool. Each of the tables and their
related functionalities are explained. Also, sample setups are given. Please Use the
Menu MB.DMMAIN for operations using the DM TOOL.

It has three menus namely Migration Pre-Requisite Check, Client System to T24 Migration ,
T24 to T24 Migration to facilitate efficient working with DM tool.

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

A sample screenshot of the Screen is as shown.

4.1 Menus

4.1.1 Migration Pre-Requisite Check

This menu contains applications for making the pre-requisite checks.

A sample screenshot of the Screen is as shown.

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

 System Dates
The DATES application is checked for the current system Date before start of Data Migration.

Check Holiday Setup

The HOLIDAY application is checked for the current holiday setup.

Check Migration User

The USER application is checked for existence of Data Migration Users .

Check the Licensed Product

The SPF application is checked for the license in field number 36 , LICENSE.CODE.

Check Company Record Setup

The COMPANY application is checked for the current holiday setup.

Check T24 Application Auto Id Setup

The AUTO.ID.START application is checked the Ids Setup of the applications in scope for

Check DM Tool Details

Display the details of the DM Tool that will be used for the validation and Load.

20 Aug 2012
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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide Check Migration Table Record Count

The application is used to summarise the number of records Loaded. The information of the
number of counts per application is available in a Live file DATA.MIG.COUNT. This application
keeps track of the changes in the Load count.

Detailed Working Procedure

This is the table where the parameters are provided. It can be accessed from the Command
line of the Browser.
The ID for this application must be only SYSTEM.

After selecting the correct ID you will get a screen as below. Input The application name and
commit it.

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide


After doing the initial setup of parameters, DM.INFORMATION is verified. On


1. The count for each application is done and updated in the fields Live Count, Nau Count,
His Count.

2. The value is updated in a LIVE file DATA.MIG.COUNT.

After committing the record we need to verify the record. We select the record name to be
verified and click the button as shown.

Click the marked button to verify the record.

After the transaction is processed we get the following screen.

As mentioned, the LIVE file DATA.MIG.COUNT will be updated as shown below.

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Multiple counts will also be captured in the LIVE file.

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The latest count of the application in the area will be the first multivalue set.

4.1.2 Client System to T24 Migration T24 Data Loading

This menu contains applications that are used while migrating data from a Client’s system to T24.
It consists of T24 Data Loading and T24 Recon Data Extract.
A sample screenshot of the Screen is as shown.

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

T24 Data Loading Data Migration Load Preparation

Creation of folder, copying of data files to the respective folders and creating the
DM.SERVICE.CONTROL (DSC) is necessary for the load of Data to T24.DM.PREREQUISITE by
which we can create necessary folders and moves the data files to their respective paths. We will also
be able to create folders for Reconciliation.
The DSC is an integral part of data load. This application also creates specified DSCs with
appropriate field values through Open Financial Service (OFS).


The following OFS.SOURCE record DSC.CREATE must be available in the deployed area.

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide


This is the table where the parameters are provided. It can be accessed from the Command
line of the Browser.
The ID for this application must be in the format:
A 3 digit number followed by an asterisk (*), followed by a valid user name that must be
present in the USER table. (The format is mandatory).

After selecting the correct ID you will get a screen as below.

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

Here you can enter the following items

 Description: The descriptions of your report set / interface.

 Process: The task that will be done when the application is verified. Either creation of
DSCs or Only creation of Directories or Both can be specified here.
 Dmd Prefix: The prefix that will be used to identify the DM.MAPPING.DEFINITION for
creation of the respective DM.SERVICE.CONTROL.
 Directory Name: The directory name where the data files are stored and under this
directory will other folders get created which will be used as Path Name in

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DM.SERVICE.CONTROL. The value DATA.IN is defaulted, which can be changed to

any other directory as and when needed.
 Select List: This is an optional filed, where a valid &SAVEDLISTS& name can be
 Dmd Name: This is an Associated Multivalue set which will hold the DMD name for
which the DM.SERVICE.CONTROL will be created followed by a dot (.) and a two
digit sequence number. (The format is mandatory). The folders that need to be
created for the data file will be based on the input to this field.
 File Name: The data file that will be used for the Load will be selected automatically
based on the input in the previous field. The data file must be present in the Directory
that has been specified in the field Directory Name. The format of the data file must
be as follows.
<>.<2 digit number>.<yyyymmddhhmm>.TXT
E.g.: CUSTOME.01.201003031653.TXT
 Reconciliation: We need to specify if Reconciliation Folders are to be created or not.
By default, the value “No” is defaulted.
 Recon Dir: The Directory name must be specified here where the reconciliation
folders will be created. By default RECON.OUT is populated in this field.
 Recon Spec Name: This is a multivalue field that is used to provide the Names of the
folders that need to be created under the Directory specified in the field Recon Dir.
 DM Extractor Name: This is a multivalue field that contains DM Extractor Id. The
value entered must exist in the DM.EXTRACTOR table.
 File Conv Reqd: File conversion will be done if this field is set to YES.
 File Load Type: This field specifies whether the file load is from Server or Local host.
 Conversion Type: Conversion type is specified here. Values entered here are NT or
 Local Ref: Currently non inputtable, can be used for further developments.
 Override: Provides the overrides.

After doing the initial setup of parameters, DM.PREREQUISITE is verified. On verification 4
processes are triggered.
Creation of folders VERIFY01, VERIFY02, VERIFY03, LOAD01, AUTH01, DMV under the
specified folders.
Copying of the data file to the above folders in their respective paths.
Creation of DSC records via OFS.
Creation of Reconciliation folders.

If DMD with function ‘R’ or ‘D’ records are not available, DSC will not be created. This will be

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

captured as override. For other DMDs with function as ‘V’, ‘I’ or ‘A’, if record is not present, it
will be an error.

After committing the record we need to verify the record. We type the record name to be
verified and click the button as shown.

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After the transaction is processed we get the following screen.

The folders are created for Validate, Input and Authorise and also the Reconciliation folders
are created as shown below and the data file is also copied to the respective path

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

The DSCs are also created for DMD. Data Mapping Layout



The menu is used to do the initial setup for the verification of the Data Mapping Sheet and the
Detailed Working Procedure

This is the table where the parameters are provided. It can be accessed from the Command
line of the Browser.
The ID for this application can be upto 65 characters

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

After selecting the correct ID you will get a screen as below.

After committing the record we need to verify the record. We type the record name to be
verified and click the button as shown.

After the transaction is processed we get the following screen

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

The result file will be created as below.

The compared DMV fields and the DMD fields are populated in the file as below

By providing the data file name only, the values in the data file will be validated and the PASS/FAIL
status will be updated based on the validation status of each record. The validation status of each record
will be stored in a separate file as a result.
The validation of the record values in the data file can be validated based on the verification type
provided by the user. The following are verification types,



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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

If the datafile name is given and the verification type is “FIRST” then only the first string in the
datafile will be validated and the result for that particular record will be stored in a separate file in the DMV
folder. A sample record is provided below for reference.

On verifying the DMV, the PASS/FAIL status will be updated and the result will be stored in the
DMV folder. Only the file for data file will be created as the field verification is not provided in this case.

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

The result will be stored in the DMV folder as below

The status of the validated datafile will be populated in the file as below

If the datafile name is given and the verification type is “POSITION” then it’s mandatory to provide
values for the fields “FIRST.POSITION” and “LAST.POSITION”. The number of strings present between the
two position values in the datafile will be validated and the result for those records will be stored in a
separate file in the DMV folder.

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

On verifying the DMV, the PASS/FAIL status will be updated and the result will be stored in the
DMV folder. Only the file for data file will be created as the field verification is not provided in this case.


If the datafile name is given and the verification type is “RANDOM” then a string will be picked
randomly from datafile and will be validated. The result for that particular record will be stored in a separate
file in the DMV folder. A sample record is provided below for reference.

On verifying the DMV, the PASS/FAIL status will be updated and the result will be stored in the
DMV folder. Only the file for datafile will be created as the field verification is not provided in this case. Data Mapping Definition


This is the base mapping definition table, which maps the incoming data with T24™ fields.
The following items are defined here.
 T24™ Table to be Loaded
 Type of Load to be done (Example – OFS or flat jbase write)
 Type of Action to be performed (Example – Only Validate the data or actual
 update)
 Function to be used (Allowed function are Input, Authorise, Delete, Reverse)
 If not mentioned, Input function will be used by default.
 Way to identify the each field in a transaction/record (Example – by delimiter or
 position)
 Associated multi-valued sets to map the T24™ field with Data, by giving the
 position or delimiter to identify the data from the source file
 Any Post Update routine that will be called for every transaction/record being
 Loaded.

Detailed Working Procedure

This application is used for defining the mapping of T24™ fields with the data received in the
Data file from the Client’s system. This can be defined for different T24™ applications (Core
as well as locally developed applications).
The ID of a record in this file can be any 35 alphanumeric characters. This need not be the
name of the application and any name can be given to a record. It is also possible to define
more than one record for an application since this can be used for multiple loading sessions
for the same application.
The parameters defined in this file include:
1. OFS Write or Flat write – While doing data loading, it is possible that data has to be
loaded in the core tables or in the locally developed tables. In case of Core Tables the
data has to be loaded through the OFS route where for locally developed tables load
can be either through the OFS route or can be a flat write. This however depends
upon the structure and linkages of the locally developed table. In case the load has to
be done on a single table which does not update any other table then the load can be

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

done through a flat write rather than going through the OFS route.

2. This parameter is governed by the Field “ LOAD.TYPE”. This is a mandatory field and
the possible values are OFS.LOAD or WRITE or READ.REPLACEMENT. When value
OFS.LOAD is selected then the data loading will be done through the OFS route
whereas selecting a value of WRITE will enable direct write to the tables. The
READ.REPLACEMENT option will update certain fields of an already Loaded record
through direct write of only those fields.

3. OFS.ACTION – To Ensure the correctness of the Data been Loaded, a value

‘VALIDATE’ can be set in this field, which does everything with the Load of the data,
except that the data is not writt en to the disk. It checks all the validations/raise exceptions/errors. A
value ‘PROCESS’ will straight away does the physical write into
the database, after the validation

4. File Type – In case of a flat write, the data can be directly written to either of the $NAU,
$HIS or LIVE files. This parameter is determined by the value in field “ FILE.TYPE”.
The possible values in this field are NULL, $NAU and $HIS. In case NULL is selected
the write will be to LIVE file else the direct write will be done to the respe ctive files
($NAU or $HIS).

5. Defining Incoming Data – Generally the incoming data from the client received in the
Data file will comprise of several records in the form of text strings. For the purpose of
loading these records have to be segregated and this segregation can be done using
different methods. The possible methods for segregation include (i) use of delimiters
for identifying the records and fields within a record (ii) use of position of different
fields e.g. field 7 in a record can be of length 6 and will be starting at a position 25.
This way a field can be defined in a record. In this case it is not possible to define the
multi-value and sub-value fields since the position for mapping will get fixed and it will
not be possible to support the variable field lengths in case of multi -value and sub value fields.

This option is handled through the mandatory field “ IN.DATA.DEF” which has 2 options viz DELIM or
POSITION. The option DELIM is used for defining the delimiters to be used whereas POSITION i s used for
defining the position of the fields.
5. Delimiter Definitions: It is possible to parameterize different delimiters that can be
used for identifying the records, multi -values and sub-values. These definitions can be
provided in the fields FM.DELIM, VM.DELIM and SM.DELIM as each of these fields
represent one type of delimitation.

6. ID Generation:
In T24™ it is possible that for some of the application the ID has to be system
generated whereas for certain other applications the ID has be to be provided
Accordingly 3 options have been provided in this mandatory field “ ID.TYPE” viz.
When the option AUTO is selected the ID will be automatically generated by the
For option DATA the record ID has to be part of the incoming data.
In case of some of the applications require routine for generating the Ids the n the
option ROUTINE can be used. In this case a single argument is passed and returned
back from the routine used for forming the record ID. The name of the ID routine
can be defined in the field ID.ROUTINE.
The ID position has to be defined in case of data being segregated by fixed positions.
This field ID.POSITION becomes a mandatory field if field IN.DATA.DEF has a value of POSITION.

7. Escape Sequence:
There is a provision to allow the user to change certain character in the data from one
kind to another. For example if a “,” has to be changed to “:” then this can be done

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using an associated multi -value field “ESC.SEQ.FR” and “ECS.SEQ.TO”. The value
defined in the field “ESC.SEQ.FR” will be changed to the value in the field “ESC.SEQ.TO”.

8. Mapping:
These are a set of associated multi -value fields from “APPL.FIELD.NAME” to
“FIELD.VALUE” that are used for mapping either OFS or flat write. This set of fields

9. Field “APPL.FIELD.NAME” is for defining the name of the field in given T24™
application (either core or local). It can take up to 65 characters. The field has to be defined in the
STANDARD.SELECTION record of the application. Either the field name or the field
number can be input in this field.

It is possible to provide the company for which the record is loaded. To do this, the
field name must be set to LOAD.COMPANY and the company code must be
provided in the associated field position.
For LD.LOANS.AND.DEPOSITS, an option to provide both the
LD.LOANS.AND.DEPOSITS record as well as the LD.SCHEDULE.DEFINE record is
available. The values must be separated using a message separator, defined using

10. Field “FIELD.POSITION” is used to define the position of the field in the record given
by the client. For example if there is local reference field in the customer record
defined as field number 40.2 (MERCHANT.NUMBER) and this has been provided at
25th position in the data given by the Client then the field “ APPL.FIELD.NAME” should
have the value MERCHANT.NUMB ER and field “FIELD.POSITION” should have the
value of 25. This is used in case option “DELIM” or “POSITION” is opted in field

11. Field “FIELD.LENGTH is a mandatory field in case field “ IN.DATA.DEF” has value of
“POSITION” and for other cases this s is a no-input field.

12. Field FIELD.ATTRIB has two options viz. CONSTANT and ROUTINE. When option
“CONSTANT” is selected the value in the field “FIELD.VALUE” will be mapped to the
Application field as constant value. In case option “ROUTINE” is selected the n the
Name of the routine should be defined in the field FIELD.VALUE. The name of the
Routine should be preceded by ‘@’ and should be defined in the PGM.FILE as type “S”.

13. Field FIELD.VALUE is used in conjunction with the field FIELD.ATTRIB. If

FIELD.ATTRIB is provided as CONSTANT, then the value in this field is used for all
incoming records.

14. Field POST.UPDATE.ROUTINE is used to perform the post update processing for a
record. In applications like LD which are single authoriser, this routine will be used to
perform the authorisation of an unauthorised record. any routine is attached to the field
POST.UPDATE.RTN, it can be removed even after the record is authorised.

15. Field OFS.SOURCE is used to define the OFS.SOURCE record to be used when
Loading the data into T24 via OFS. Four OFS.SOURCE records DM.OFS.SRC, 15. Field OFS.SOURCE is
used to define the OFS.SOURCE record to be used when
Loading the data into T24 via OFS. Four OFS.SOURCE records DM.OFS.SRC, DM.OFS.SRC.VAL,
DM.OFS.SRC.ORD and DM.OFS.SRC.VAL.ORD are provided.
In cases where the field validation needs to be triggered for incoming OFS message
then the DM.OFS.SRC.VAL option need to be used and if OFS.REQUEST.DETAIL
has to be updated then the DM.OFS.SRC.VAL.ORD option need to be used .

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Sample DMD Record:

Updation of Multi/sub value field using READ.REPLACEMENT as Load Type

Using the Load.type option as READ.REPLACEMENT, it is possible to replace particular field value.
Sub value
Data file:

DMD Record:

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

USER.ABBREVIATION record before read replacement:

USER.ABBREVIATION record after read replacement:

40 Aug 2012
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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide DM Service Control


This work-file application is used to control the actual Load process. The following details must
be provided when the DM.SERVICE.CONTROL is set up .
 Load Company – The Company for which the data is loaded. If this information is not
provided in the incoming tape, it must be provided here.

 Data file directory and file name – A valid directory name and file name.

 Number of Sessions – The number of sessions with which the TSA.SERVICE must be run.

 Run Status – To Request for a STOP of the TSA.SERVICE.

 User – The user name which will be used for the Load process. This username will get
updated in the TSA.SERVICE record related to the DM.SERVICE.CONTROL. Initially
DMUSER was hardcoded as the USER.

 RUN.STATUS – Implies whether the status of service as START or STOP.

 DSC.TYPE – Implies whether the service is for DMD(Loading) or DME(Extraction)

 Error Details, No Of Error and Type Of Error – The details of the errors that are generated
during validation/process will be updated in these fields. Date, Started, Stopped and
Elapsed – The Current system Date, the start time, end time and the elapsed time of
validation/process activity will be updated in these fields.

41 Aug 2012
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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

Detailed Working Procedure

Setting up the Service Control for the first Time

The ID of the DM.SERVICE.CONTROL file must be the same as the


After setting up the above mentioned fields, the record must be committed. This must be done
in the INPUT mode.

Pick up the newly setup record in Verify Mode and commit.

When running for the first time, the system will check if the BATCH, TSA.SERVICE and
TSA.WORKLOAD.PROFILE are present and if no they will be created. This is checked in the file
DM.SERVICE.CONTROL.CONCAT. If they don’t exist, they are created by the system. The
following components are created.

A batch record with the id as DM.SERVICE -<<DM.MAPPING.DEFINITION name>> is created.
This contains three jobs namely

DM.SERVICE.PRE.PROCESS – A single thread process which reads the incoming sequential

file and writes to DM.SERVICE.DATA.FILE

DM.SERVICE – A multi threaded job which reads the DM.SERVICE.DATA.FILE and updates
the job list. Each record is then processed using OFS.GLOBUS.MANAGER and the error
output is logged into <<DM.MAPPING.DEFINITION name>>.LOG.<<Session Number>>

DM.SERVICE.POST.PROCESS - A single threaded process which consolidated all the LOG

files into 1 single error output file. <<DM.MAPPING.DEFINITION name>>ERROR.txt

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The number of sessions in the DM.SERVICE.CONTROL record is updated as number of

agents in this record


A TSA.SERVICE record with the following contents is created.

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As can be seen, the user in the TSA.SERVICE record is updated from the

On verification, the status of the DM.SERVICE.CONTROL record is marked as ‘START’. The

same is updated into TSA.SERVICE record as well. The control log is updated with the starting
request details.

Then start the TSM

Data File:

Run the service.


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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

Marking the service Stop

To mark the DM.SERVICE stop, the DM.SERVICE.CONTROL record must be opened in Input
mode and the RUN.STATUS must be set to STOP.

Immediately the TSA.SERVICE is marked for STOP. The agents will stop after processing the
current records.

Modifying the number of agents at Run time

To modify the number of agents during run time ,pick up the DM.SERVICE.CONTROL
record in Verify mode. Update the number of sessions as required. This will be updated to the
TSA.WORKLOAD.PROFILE application. Once the TSM reaches its review time, it will either

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spawn more or less agents as required (in Phantom mode) or request for running more or less
agents (in Debug mode)
Right now this option is available only in Classic Service Control



The Menu is used to Start or Stop the TSA.SERVICE record TSM or any other service that
needs to be started or stopped manually.

Service Status


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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

This enquiry provides the information for all Data Migration services as well as the TSM status.
Once the TSA.SERVICE has been marked as START, if the TSM is running in phantom mode
the tSA(agent) will be automatically started. If the same is running in debug mode, then the agents
will have to be manually initiated to start the actual process.

Detailed Working Procedure

The Enquiry DM.ENQ.TSA.STATUS is used to get the details of TSA.SERVICEs and to
monitor the status of the services from T24. The selection criteria are as shown below.

We need to refresh the enquiry regularly to know the status of the services. For this we need
to enable auto refresh as shown below.

Click on the more options link.

Enter the desired time to get refresh the display

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

The result will be as below and the query will refresh every 5 seconds. Application backup


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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

Taking backup of the application is a necessary step in the process of migration. The following
Steps explain the usage of the application DM.APP.BACKUP by which we can take the
Backup of any application.

The entire operation can be successfully complete using the Browser.

DM.APP.BACKUP - parameters

This is the table where the parameters are provided. It can be accessed from the MENU line
of the Browser.

The @id of the application should be APP.<<valid PGM.FILE entry>>

Here you can enter the following items:

 Application: This field is defaulted with the Application for which the APPLICATION N backup is to
be taken.
 Backup Dir: The Backup Directory where the folders will be created for creating the backup.

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 Backup Folder: The folder name where the APPLICATION records will be moved is defaulted
 No Of Agents: The number of agents that will be required to run the service to clear and backup
 Local Ref: Currently non inputtable, can be used for further developments.
 Override: No overrides are generated with this application.

DM.APP.BACKUP – verify (T24 Application)

After doing the initial setup of parameters, DM.APP.BACKUP is verified. On verification 3

tables are updated.

1. TSA.WORKLOAD.PROFILE is updated/created with Id as


2. TSA.SERVICE is updated/created with Id as


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3. BATCH is updated/created with Id as


After the transaction is processed we get the following screen.

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The Folder for taking the Application backup will be created under DM.BACKUP.

After the transaction is processed, TSA.SERVICE is automatically stopped and the

BATCH record is updated accordingly .

Running the Service

1. The TSA.SERVICE, DOB-APP.CUSTOMER will be started automatically on verifying the

application DM.APP.BACKUP.

2. Start the TSM , but inputting and authorizing the TSA.SERVICE records TSM to “Start”
3. Initiate the TSM in the classic mode like below.

4. The records from the APPLICATION will be moved to the backup folder.

Records count before and After the DM.APP.BACKUP

Before :

Count the number of records in the backup folder to verify all the records are been moved .

53 Aug 2012
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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide AA.MAPPING

This application is used to extract the AA products with their respective Properties and
Property class.

Description: The descriptions of your report / interface.

Extract Type: Specifies the task that will be done when the application is verified.
FULL is specified for the entire extract of AA Product and Properties. The option ‘Only
Product’ and ‘Properties’ is reserved for Future Use.
Product: This field is reserved for Future Use.

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

Input a record

Verify the record in DM.AA.MAPPING

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After the extraction is completed the status will be as below.

The output will be stored in AA.DMS.OUT directory under the particular product line name

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide T24 Recon Data Extract

 Directory Creation for Reconciliation extract
To create the necessary directories for reconciliation extracts.

 T24 Data Extract for Reconciliation

The application DM.EXTRACTOR is used for extraction of data from T24.

 Service Control
To start and stop the services during extraction process.
 Service Status
To monitor the services status during extraction process.

Directory Creation for Reconciliation extract

To create the necessary directories for reconciliation extracts.

57 Aug 2012
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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide DM.PREREQUISITE

This is the table where the parameters are provided. It can be accessed from the Command
line of the Browser.

The ID for this application must be in the format:

A 3 digit number followed by an asterisk (*), followed by a valid user name that must be
present in the USER table. (The format is mandatory).

After selecting the correct ID you will get a screen as below.

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Here you can enter the following items:

 Description: The descriptions of your report set / interface.

 Process: The task that will be done when the application is verified. Either creation of
DSCs or Only creation of Directories or Both can be specified here.

 Dmd Prefix: The prefix that will be used to identify the DM.MAPPING.DEFINITION f or
creation of the respective DM.SERVICE.CONTROL.

 Directory Name: The directory name where the data files are stored and under this
directory will other folders get created which will be used as Path Name in
DM.SERVICE.CONTROL. The value DATA.IN is default ed, which can be changed to
any other directory as and when needed.

 Select List: This is an optional filed, where a valid &SAVEDLISTS& name can be

 Dmd Name: This is an Associated Multivalue set which will hold the DMD name for
Which the DM.SERVICE.CONTROL will be created followed by a dot (.) and a two
Digit sequence number. (The format is mandatory). The folders that need to be
Created for the data file will be based on the input to this field

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 File Name: The data file that will be used for the Load will be selected automatically
based on the input in the previous field. The data file must be present in the Directory
that has been specified in the field Directory Name. The format of the data file must
be as follows.

<>.<2 digit number>.<yyyymmddhhmm>.TXT

E.g.: CUSTOME.01.201003031653.TXT

 Reconciliation: We need to specify if Reconciliation Folders are to be created or not .

By default, the value “No” is defaulted.

 Recon Dir: The Directory name must be specified here where the reconciliation
folders will be created. By default RECON.OUT is populated in this field.

 Recon Spec Name: This is a multivalue field that is used to provide the Names of the
folders that need to be created under the Directory specified in the field Recon Dir.

 Local Ref: Currently non inputtable, can be used for further developments .

 Override: Provides the overrides.


After doing the initial setup of parameters, DM.PREREQUISITE is verified. On verification

below process will be triggered:

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 Creation of Reconciliation folders.

After committing the record we need to verify the record. We type the record name to be
verified and click the button as shown.

After the transaction is processed we get the foll owing screen.

The folders are created Reconciliation are shown below .

61 Aug 2012
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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide T24 Data Extract for Reconciliation

The application DM.EXTRACTOR is used for extraction of data from T24.
DM.EXTRACTOR – parameters

This is the table where the parameters are provided. It ca n be accessed from the Command
line of the Browser.
There are no specifications for the ID of this application.

Here you can enter the following items:

 Description: The descriptions of your report set / interface.

 Application: The name of the table for which the extraction is to be done. The entry
in this field must be present in the STANDARD.SELECTION.
 Multi Company: Whether the extraction is Multi Company or not.
 Sel Desc: The description of the selection criteria. This is a multivalue field.
 Sel Fld: The Selection field from the application must be specified here. This is an
associated multivalue field.
 Sel Crit: The Selection criteria must be specified here . This is an associated
multivalue field.
 Sel Value: The Selection Value must be specified here. This is an associated
multivalue field.

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 Sel Comb: The Selection Combination must be specified here. This is an associated
multivalue field.
Select List: The save list name must be enter ed in this field.
 Target File: The output filename for the Extraction.
 Output Dir: The output directory where the extracted file will reside.
 FM Delim: The Field Marker that will be used in the extract to separate the fields.
 VM Delim: The Value Marker that will be used in the extract to separate the Multi
 SM Delim: The Sub value Marker that will be used in the extract to separate the Sub
 Fld Label: The field description for the field to be extracted .
 Fld Type: The extract type for the field is specified here.
 Fld Name: The field name from the application which is to be extracted.
 Fld Rtn: A subroutine can be attached to this field that will be used for different
extraction logic

DM.EXTRACTOR – authorize

After doing the initial setup of parameters, DM.EXTRACTOR is authorised. On authorisation 3

tables are updated:

1. TSA.WORKLOAD.PROFILE is updated/created with Id as


2. TSA.SERVICE is updated/created with Id as


3. BATCH is updated/created with Id as


After the transactions are processed TSA.WORKLOAD.PROFILE, TSA.SERVICE and the

BATCH record area created as below.


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Running the Service

After authorization, the service is started manually.

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Start the TSM.

Check the services, if started.

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Start the services.

The output file specified in the application is generated in the output directory.

 DM.EXTRACTOR- Validation process

As in loading process, validation can be done for extraction.

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Create a record in the DM.EXTRACTOR with application name as COLLATERAL.

Input the necessary details in the respective fields and OFS.ACTION must be VALIDATE.

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After authorising the record, the service has to be started as per the below screen shot.

Once the service is complete, the OFS will be listed as shown below.

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 The headers can be included for the extracts

It is possible to include headers in the extract via DME.
FILE.HEADER when set to Yes – It can be made available in the extract.

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Extracted File with Headers:-

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 Multiple Applications can be extracted simultaneously

It is posible to extract mutilple application via DM.EXTRACTOR

Extraction for Multiple Applications can be done as explained below:-

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Extracted file with Multiple Applications.

 Extraction can be done for Multicompany/book.

Extraction can also be done for multibook or multicompany via DME as below

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 Sub/Multi value for Core/Local. Fields can be extracted

It is possible to extract Core and local fields via DME.

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 The specific conversions can be extracted using no routines

Any specific conversion that is required for extraction can also be done.

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Extracted Sample of Records:-

DME Record with Arithmetic Operation

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Extracted Sample of Records: -

DME Record for Absolute value testing.

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DME Record with the usage of Substitute:-

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DME can be used to convert co.code if needed .

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It is also possible to extract data based on position..

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 The trail balance for foreign currency can be extracted.

Trail balance for the GL in foreign currency can be extracted through DME.

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On authorisation of the DM.EXTRACTOR record a record in TSA.SERVICE will be created.

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The result will be stored in RECON.OUT folder in the path:

Sample Output :

On authorisation of the DM.EXTRACTOR record a record in TSA.SERVICE will be created.

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The result will be stored in RECON.OUT folder in the path:

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Sample Output :

 Transformation via DME

Any transformation required that is appending values or trimming any value can be done via DME
as below.

Append is the condition which is used to add a value in the first position or in the last position of the
field value. Also a value can be added at a position mentioned within the field value.

The format is VALUE[POSITION]

VALUE[F] : To append to the first position of the field value
VALUE[L] : To append to the last position of the field value
VALUE[NUMBER] : To append to any position in the field value

The field values are provided as given in the below screen shot to extract from more than one
application using the append condition.

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Create a record in the DM.EXTRACTOR

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After running the service, target file has been created in the output directory

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Extracted file


Trim is the condition which is used to remove a value from the position which is mentioned within the
field value.

The format is [position]

[number1, number2]
[13,19] : Trim from 13th position to 19th position
Or [number]

The field values are provided as given in the below screen shot to extract from more than one
application using the trim condition.

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After running the service, target file has been created in the output directory

Extracted file

Replace is the condition which is used to replace one value with another value in the position
mentioned in the field value.
The format is VALUE[POSITION]
VALUE [number1, number2]
Or VALUE[number]

The field values are provided as given in the below screen shot to extract from more than one
application using the replace condition.

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After running the service, target file has been created in the output directory

Extracted file

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Service Control



The Menu is used to Start or Stop the TSA.SERVICE record TSM or any other service that
needs to be started or stopped manually.

Service Status


This enquiry provides the information for all Data Migration services as well as the TSM status.
Once the TSA.SERVICE has been marked as START, if the TSM is running in phantom mode
the tSA(agent) will be automatically started. If the same is running in debug mode, then the agents
will have to be manually initiated to start the actual process.

Detailed Working Procedure

The Enquiry DM.ENQ.TSA.STATUS is used to get the details of TSA.SERVICEs and to
monitor the status of the services from T24. The selection criteria are as shown below.

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We need to refresh the enquiry regularly to know the status of the services. For this we need
to enable auto refresh as shown below.

Click on the more options link.

Enter the desired time to get refresh the display

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The result will be as below and the query will refresh every 5 seconds.

4.1.3 T24 to T24 Migration

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T24 to T24 migration has the same menus as in Client System to T24 Migration and the procedure is
also the same as seen above.

5.1 DM Tool Additional Features


It is data migration reference table for AA Migration. It contains three fields – DESCRIPTION,
APPLICATION, FIELD.NAME. If we want to extract any specific data (field value) from any
valid t24 table, we need to specify the application name and field names for which the values
has to be extracted.

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Here you can enter the following fields.

@ID: The ID must be any valid T24 table.
Description: The descriptions of the T24 table.
Application: It specifies the valid T24 table name.
FIELD.NAME: It specifies the valid T24 field name for the APPLICATION defined . (Its multi
value set field).

The DM.AA.CUSTOMER.PROXY is a concat table containing arrangement id and proxy
customer id. It is a multi value set. The concat file id must be customer id which provided in
the AA.ARRANGEMENT.ACTIVITY record. Before we update the concat file, we need to be
specify the required fields in DM.REF.TABLE (Ref 4.4.1). Based on the reference table it
updates DM.AA.CUSTOMER.PROXY table.
Functional Process:
The arrangement id and customer id extracted from AA.ARRANGEMENT.ACTIVITY table as
based on the certain condition. First select the AA records, if the ACTIVITY field has
If all the records has the value ‘PROXY’ in field FIELD.NAME, the corresponding proxy
customer and arrangement id will be updated in concat file.


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The file FBNK.DM.AA.CUSTOMER.PROXY is built by running the mainline subroutine

This routine will update the DM.AA.CUSTOMER.PROXY concat table.

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The subroutine will be attached as input routine in specified version with creation of PGM .FILE
and EB.API entry. This routine will default the values as ‘PROXY.ARRANGEMENT’ in the

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fields FIELD.NAME and updates the corresponding arrangement id in the FIELD.VALUE field
multi value set.

Create the PGM.FILE entry for the T24.AA.INT.ACT.DEFAULT

Create the EB.API entry for the T24.AA.INT.ACT.DEFAULT.

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While inputting or Loading the data via this version the specified fields will be defaulted from the
concat table DM.AA.CUSTOMER.PROXY.

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The DM.AA.CUSTOMER table is a concat file containing arrangement id for the
corresponding PROXY CUSTOMER. The arrangement id filed is a multi value set. The concat
file id must be customer id which provided in the AA.ARRANGEMENT.ACTIVITY (Proxy)
record. Before we update the concat file, we need to be specif y the required fields in
DM.REF.TABLE (Ref 4.4.1). Based on this reference table, it updates the
Functional Process:
The arrangement id extracted from AA.ARRANGEMENT.ACTIVITY table as based on the
certain condition. First select the AA records, if the ACTIVITY field has
‘INTERNET.SERVICES-NEW-ARRANGEMENT’ and update the arrangement id in the concat

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The FBNK.DM.AA.CUSTOMER needs to be build by running the program

This subroutine will update the DM.AA.CUSTOMER concat table.

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The subroutine will be attached as input routine in specified version with creation of PGM.FILE
and EB.API entry. This routine will default the values in the fields ARRANGEMENT from the
concat table DM.AA.CUSTOMER in EB.EXTERNAL.USER table.
Create the PGM.FILE entry for t he T24.EB.EXT.ARR.ACT.DEFAULT.

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Create the EB.API entry for the T24.EB.EXT.ARR.ACT.DEFAULT.

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While inputting or Loading the data via this version the arrangement id will be defaulted from
the concat table DM.AA.CUSTOMER.

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This is used to convert the data file of SC.PERF.DETAIL into the required utility format file and
to update the concat File SC.PERF.DETAIL.CONCAT.
Routine Updation DM.SC.FORMAT:
This utility is used to convert the provided data file into RUN.PERFORMANCE.TAK EON
execution format.
Required Input for DM.SC.FORMAT:
Steps to be followed for Program execution.
1. Create a directory PERF.DATA in path
2. Enter the path and file name
3. In PERF.DATA directory create a file data.txt and save it
4. Run the program DM.SC.FORMAT it will create a new Data file in data.txt.

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Expected output
Before Processing DM.SC.FORMAT data file in format:

After Processing DM.SC.FORMAT data file in format:

120 Aug 2012

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide DM.SC.PERF.CONCAT.UPDATE

The routine will update the concat file SC.PERF.DETAIL.CONCAT based on the loaded

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SC.PERF.DETAIL record. It contains the SC.PERF.DETAIL id with corresponding date


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Before Processing the DM.SC.PERF.CONCAT.UPDATE

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Listing SC.PERF.DETAIL.CONCAT as shown below:

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5.1.7 Data Compare

 Table
 Purpose
The scope of the table is to compare both the Extracts and to provide the
output of the comparison.
o Description: The Description for the comparison.
o Compare Type: The field specifies whether to compare environment or file.
o Recon Mapping: The DM.COMPARE.FIELD.MAPPING table record which will be
used for mapping of the reconciliation Extracts.
o Id Key: This field will hold the Primary key (ID) position of the record.
o Legacy File Name: This field is used for information only to store the Legacy Data
o Source File Path: The directory Name where the Extract is provided by the bank.
o Source File Name: The File Name of the Extract provided by the bank.
o Target File Path: The Directory Name where the Recon Extract from T24 is located.
o Target File Name: The File Name of the Recon Extract from T24.
o Output File Path: The Output File Path where the reconciliation extract is available
after the comparison.
o Output File Name: The Output File name of the reconciliation extract after the
o No. Of Agents: The number of agents that will be required to run the comparison can
o mentioned in this field.
o Application Name: The application name for the comparison.

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o Field Position.1: This field specifies the position of the field and applicable only for
environment compare.
o Source Field.1: This field specifies the first field of source data file.

Detailed Working Procedure

Verify the record as shown below

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On Verifying you get the below output.

Data File:
In the below source file, the first two string ids are ending with 004,005. But the target file, the first
two string ids are ending with 005,004.


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Record ID: TEST

Verify the DM.COMPARE record

Start the service

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The source and target new records are created in the separate file.

Source New Records

Target new Records

Mismatch records

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 DM.COMPARE does one to many comparison.

In the below source file, the first two string ids are ending with 004,005. But the target file, the first
two string ids are ending with 005,004.



Record ID: TEST

Verify the DM.COMPARE record

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Start the service

The source and target new records are created in the separate file.

Source New Records

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Target new Records

Mismatch records

 DM.DATA.COMPARE writes the comparison errors in a file.

In the below source file, the first two string ids are ending with 004,005. But the target file, the first
string is in the second position.



Record ID: TEST

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Verify the DM.COMPARE record

Start the service

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The Error log is created.

After updating the error log file, the source and target concat file are clear by the routine.

5.1.8 DM Scheduler
 Table
 Purpose
o The services for validating, loading and authorising of Data in T24 is required
to be scheduled and automated. Most of the tasks are manually performed
which needs to be eliminated. The multithread service will perform the tasks
in an automated way to eliminate the manual task to an extent.

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o Description: The description of the SCHEDULER.

o Verification Dss: This field is used to store the DM.SERVICE.SCHEDULER ID which
needs to be completed successfully in order for the current service to be started.
o Run Status: To indicate whether the service needs to be started or stopped. The two
options available are START and STOP.
o DM Service Id: To store the DM.SERVICE.CONTROL ID which needs to be started.
This is a multi-value field.
o Verification: To store the DM.SERVICE.CONTROL ID which needs to be completed
successfully in order for the service, associated to the multivalued set, to be started.
This is an associated multi-value field.
o Err Threshold: To specify the maximum number of errors that will be tolerated before
marking the service as failed. This is an associated multi-value field.
o No Of Errors: No input field to update the number of records in error from the
corresponding DM.SERVICE.CONTROL after the service is complete. This is an
associated multivalue field.
o Skip Service: To specify if the service needs to be run or can be skipped. The two
options are YES and NO.
o Dsc Status: No input field which will be updated with values 0, 1, 2 or 3 based on the
current status of the service associated with the field DM Service Id.
o Dss Status: No input field which will be updated with values 0, 1, 2 or 3 based on the
current status of all the services in the SCHEDULER.
o Status Detail: No input field which will be updated with some details for information

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Detailed Working Procedure

Input a Record in DM.DATA.SCHEULER.

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Verify the Record.

On verifying the record, we get as below .

On Verifying the DSS, the RUN status becomes Start

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Data File:


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Once the Scheduler is completed, the DSS updates with Sceduler Status as Scheduler
Completed.And also indicating No of Errors as 0 for both (Positive Test case).

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 Table
 Purpose
The data provided by the Client will contain values that correspond to the
Legacy Data Format which cannot be loaded into T24 without any TRANSLATION.
Hence a valid TRANSLATION must be done so that the Data is converted into a T24
Data format and can be loaded.
o Application: The application for which the TRANSLATION carried out.
o Source Dir: The source directory of the data file consisting of Legacy ID is provided in this
 (Please note that any error log generated from the
TRANSLATION will be available in this directory)
o Source Fname: The Datafile name consisting of Legacy ID is given.

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o Target Dir: The name of the output directory where the converted file will be available after
the TRANSLATION is over. Any error log generated will be available as mentioned above.
 By default DATA.BP is defaulted which can be modified as per the
o Target Fname: The name of the converted data file with T24 Ids must be given here.
o FM Delim: The Field Marker that is used in the datafile to delimit field values. By default ‘|’ is
defaulted which can be modified as per the user.
o VM Delim: The Value Marker that is used in the datafile to delimit field values. By default ‘::’ is
defaulted which can be modified as per the user.
o SM Delim: The Sub Value Marker that is used in the datafile to delimit field values. By default
‘!!’ is defaulted which can be modified as per the user.
o Mapping Table: Any Concat file name that will be used for the TRANSLATION can be
provided in this field. This is a multivalue field.
o Pos Convert: The positions in the data file where the TRANSLATION has to be done and
replaced with T24 Ids. This is a sub value field associated with Mapping Table field.
o Pos Value: fixed values change the position in the data file where the TRANSLATION has to
be done and replaced the fixed value. This is an associated sub value set with Pos Check field.
o Pos Routine: A subroutine can be attached to this field that will be used for TRANSLATION
logic. This is an associated sub value set with Pos Check field.
o No. Of Service: The number of agents that will be required to run the TRANSLATION can be
mentioned in this field.

Detailed Working Procedure

Input a record.

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Verify the record as shown below.

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Data file in which the translation has to be done:


Thus any changes that are to be done in the data file can me made through this table.

5.1.10 Handling BYTE Length in ORD

 When loading the UTF converted data file or data file which consists of more
than 1024 characters, there should not be any broken records in
DM.SERVICE.DATA.FILE which means there is no breakage of record into 2.

Verifying DSC to start the service:

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Start the service

After starting the service, while listing the OFS.REQUEST.DETAIL, it is found there is no
breakage of record even it consists of special characters or more than 1024 characters.

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In the above screenshots, it is found that there is no truncation of record even if there is
special characters or more than 1024 characters.

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Balances can be extracted for Reconciliation Purpose using the routine


Sample Output:

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It is possible to extract the Schedules for Reconciliation Purpose



Sample Output:


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DM.DC.BATCH.UPDATE can be done via DSC and also it checks for the updation of

It also checks the ID format for Data capture like Number of characters, prefixed with DC and
the current Julian Date in T24

DSC record:

After verifying DSC, there are no errors

DC.BATCH.CONTROL and DC.DEPT.BATCH.CONTROL records are updated accordingly,

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If the batch already exist in the environment then the below error will throw

5.1.14 Mnemonic duplication:

On loading the file, if there are any duplication of mnemonic it would be captured and error
message will be created for the same.


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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

Error log is created in the respective path for Mnemonic Duplication.

Error Detail is displayed in the below mentioned screenshot.

153 Aug 2012

Temenos T24™

T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

5.1.15 AA - Product Proofing and Publishing

During AA load. Suppose if the AA product is proofed and not published, error log is created.

AA.PRODUCT record shows that the product SMALL.BUSINESS.LOAN is in proofed status.

154 Aug 2012

Temenos T24™

T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

After running the service, if in the data file the product used is SMALL.BUSINESS.LOAN then
error log is created as shown below.

155 Aug 2012

Temenos T24™

T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

It is a program which is used to extract all the fields and properties of any table given in the
saved list.

Create the savedlists by entering the name of a specific application.

Please logout and login to T24 before running the routine.

At the jshell prompt run the routine TDM.DATA.STRUCTURE.EXTRACT.

The save list name must be entered in the below.

Once the savedlists name is given, it will extract the field properties of that application and also it will
get stored in the T24.DATA.STRUCTURE.LIST directory in the format of .xls.

A sample excel (output) file generated is attached below

156 Aug 2012

Temenos T24™

T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide


The purpose of the ENQUIRY DM.ENQ.ISSUE.LOG is to get the number of error, number of
records validated and the error details of the load process.
To run the enquiry

Selection Criteria

Output of the selection showing number of error, number of records validated and the error details

5.1.18 UTF8 conversion

The UTF8 conversion of data file for swift character handling has to be incorporated in generic DM

The data file with Arabic character.

157 Aug 2012

Temenos T24™

T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

The above data file should be in DATA.IN folder.

The DMP will be created and verified as below

158 Aug 2012

Temenos T24™

T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

After verifying the DMP we need to specify the value ‘Yes’ for converting the data file and the
converted data file is generated in same path.

159 Aug 2012

Temenos T24™

T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

After converting the data file.

1. The purpose of the routine is to clean up the existing DMD'S, DSC'S, TSA’s
(DM.SERVICE) and BATCH records related to DM SERVICE and VERSIONS and
The lib & bin files (GR0800005bin, GR0800005lib) and DM.BP and T24MIG.BP
folders are decataloged and deleted
2. For this we need to run program DM.CLEANUP.

To export the corresponding LIB and BIN :
export JBCDEV_LIB=GR0800005lib

160 Aug 2012

Temenos T24™

T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

DM.CLEANUP process flow:

 This routine DM.CLEANUP has to be run after export the LIB and BIN.

 Run the routine, it has been read the DMD and get the version ID from the DMD

 Then read version record and get the CURR.NO, based on the CURR.NO the record
will be delete the Version’s LIVE NAU and HISTORY path.

 DM.BP and T24MIG.BP routines get decataloged and the folder get deleted.

 The LIB and BIN folders get deleted.

Record count before run the routine

161 Aug 2012

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide


162 Aug 2012

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T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

163 Aug 2012

Temenos T24™

T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

164 Aug 2012

Temenos T24™

T24™ Data Migration Tool Reference Guide

6 Conclusion:
Thus the document explaining the functionality of a non -core T24™ Data Migration Tool that is used
for Data extract from T24 Load into T24 from any Client system. This could be used as a base for
using Data Migration tool in any T24 data Extract & Load process.

165 Aug 2012

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