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Gov. A. Pascual St., San Roque, Navotas City

Shielded Metal Arc Welding - Grade 11

1. Your teacher discussed techniques and demonstrate how to properly weld
the stringer bead in order to produce good weld. How can these help you
achieve standard weld as set by welding industry?
A. The techniques discussed helps us do our weld easily.
B. The teacher demonstration helps us to produce good weld.
C. It will make us skillful in performing how to weld stringer bead.
D. It will expands our knowledge and understanding on the welding process
and techniques.

2. Reid is performing flat fillet weld, before starting the practical her teacher as
him to check the sample weld. How can he identify if the weldment is
A. The molten pool is large and irregular.
B. Smooth well-formed bead with undercutting.
C. Weld has penetration and uniform bead ripples.
D. Weld output has uniform ripples and uneven bead.

3. PJ was performing weld for flat fillet in stringer bead. It was his first time to
weld such bead, how can this factor will affect his weldment?
A. It affect the deposited weld and will have an undercut.
B. It affect the distribution of the bead from top to bottom.
C. It will affect the mechanical properties of his base metal.
D. It will affect the overlapping of each bead with each other.

4. In performing weld, it is very important that we follow the essentials of

welding. Why should welders need to follow the essentials of weding?
A. To maintain the complete fusion of the welded base metal.
B. To deposit bead at the bottom and top with equal amount.
C. To produce weld that is in accordance with welding industry.
D. To adjust the amperage and travel speed when performing weld.

5. Daryl was welding stringer bead. After performing the weld, he notices that
some part of the bead has defects like slag inclusion. Why Carl encountered
slag inclusion during performing weld?
A. Base metal is not in a perpendicular angle.
B. The Base metal is free from grease and debris.
C. Arc length is too long and travel speed is too fast.
D. Current used is not compatible with the electrode used.

6. Ray has been working in the field of welding. He usually used a single layer
when welding cross sections of infrastructure, but on his next project his
foreman instructs him to weld using stringer bead. How will he maintain the
uniformity of his weld?
A. Ray should maintain the correct electrode angle.
B. He should use correct current with fast travel speed.
C. Ray should use correct electrode size with high current.
D. He should maintain the correct arc length with normal travel speed.

7. James is welding a stringer bead while doing the practical he notice that
excessive spatter is flying. How could he avoid the excess spattering dashes
while performing weld?
A. Increase the electrode diameter.
B. Reduce the electrode size he use.
C. Watch the proper electrode angle.
D. Reduce the arc length and welding current.

8. In performing weld, it is important for the students to know the proper

welding procedures. How would you check if you have a correct arc length?
A. By looking at the arc created when scratching the electrode.
B. By the metal droplets fall out of the base metal during welding.
C. By the amount of molten metal pool created on the surface of the base
D. By the distance of the electrode tip to the base metal and cracking sound
that the arc makes.

9. France was practicing how to weld stringer bead. He was experimenting how
to overlap the weld bead to each other without weld defects and how to
maintain the uniformity of each bead. How will France produce a uniform
weld bead during performing his weld?
A. By following the procedures when performing a weld.
B. By sighting you tube videos on how to have a good weld.
C. By estimating the arc length and current when performing a weld.
D. By observing his teacher during his demonstration on the certain weld.

10. In order for the welding output to be marked COMPETENT, it should be in

accordance with the welding codes and standards. How would you
determine if the welding output is competent?
A. The weldment output has a durable joint.
B. The weldment is position in a perpendicular angle.
C. The weld output is completely weld in single layered.
D. The weldment adhere to the requirements of the industry.

11. Nilo was an experience welder but when he perform his practical test he
encounter weld porosities. As a welding student who have experience the
defects, how would you resolve if your weldment has porosities?
A. Change the base metal you weld with a new one.
B. Let the weldment be grinded and have it re-welded.
C. Let the electrode be in perpendicular anlgle from the base metal.
D. Change the electrode you use and fill in the weldment with porosity

12. In welding a stringer bead fillet weld, what should be the key elements?
A. The first bead deposited at the bottom and top with equal amount of
weld metal.
B. The second bead deposited at the bottom and top with equal amount of
weld metal.
C. The third bead deposited at the bottom and top with equal amount of
weld metal.
D. The fourth bead deposited at the bottom and top with equal amount of
weld metal

13. One of the problems of welding in a vertical position is that gravity has a
tendency to sag, as experience by the grade 9 students. Their teacher
instructed them to reweld and follow the essentials of welding. To prevent
this from happening during re-welding, which of the following
recommended solutions should they applied?
A. Adjust the amperage
B. Use a back-step welding
C. Weld in alternating sequence
D. Used a fast-freeze types of electrodes
14. Andy was having a practical test for stringer bead, He was establishing the
arc and position the electrode at 75 travel angle and 90 work angle. How
should Andy strike an arc on the first line of the plate if he’s right handed?
A. The weld should start from right to left
B. The weld should start from the right only
C. The weld should start from the left only
D. The weld should start from the left to right

15. Ryan is performing stringer or layered beads in vertical position for the first
time. He found out that to weld such a stringer is very difficult for him
specially overlapping the layer of the bead. What action should he take to
maintain the uniformity of his weld?
A. He should maintain the correct electrode angle
B. He should use correct current with fast travel speed
C. He should use correct electrode size with high current
D. He should maintain the correct arc length with normal travel speed

16. Nick is welding a capping pass, which among the choices given below
should he follow to produce the best results for his weld?
A. Hold the electrode downward
B. Bring electrode straight down to work piece

C. Hold at normal arc, travel at a uniform speed

D. Use correct electrode compatible with the base metal
17. When welding a capping pass, it is very important to know the height of
reinforcement and weld bead width to avoid overlapping, which among the
given choices below is the width size of bead using the electrode diameter?
A. 2 ½ B. 3 ½ C. 1 ½ D. 4 ½
18. A bead weld for capping pass as required by welding industry should be
smooth, free from welding defects. How do you judge a capping pass weld
that has no undercut?
A. Weld bead extend into the joint root.
B. Weld metal provide full throat depth.
C. Cavities formed during solidification of weld.
D. Weld bead is beyond the toe of the base metal
19. The arc length of electrode is one essential to obtain good weld. If you will
weld for capping pass to avoid some defects, which of the following
situations for the operation should they apply?
A. The distance of an arc is half to the diameter of the electrode.
B. The distance of an arc must be half of an inch of the electrode.
C. The distance of an arc must be equal to the diameter of the electrode
D. The distance of an arc must be equal to the core wire of the electrode
20. Jay is a grade 11 students in welding class, their practical activity is to
weld capping pass, how will Jay perform the capping pass?
A. Jay will weld the bead stringer.
B. Jay will weld from left to right or vice versa.
C. Jay will weld complete single pass deposit.
D. Jay will weld alternating sequence or back step welding.
21. Analyze and rearrange the following steps in welding CAPPING PASS for
vertical position (3F) based on the proper procedure.
I. Chip off the slag
II. Check for any weld defects
III. Weld complete single pass
IV. Check the appearance of the weld bead
22. Welding a capping pass sometimes find difficulty most especially when at
all times we encounter weld defects, which among the following given
choices is the reason why we need to completely remove the defects before
re-weld a capping pass?
A. To eliminate defects that requires costly repairs.
B. To determine if the defect remains after re-welding.
C. To avoid the occurrence of defects during re-welding.
D. To correct dimensional problems, surface defects, and internal defects.

figure 1
23. Analyze the illustration given in figure no.1. Which among the choices
below BEST describes the weld face of a capping pass as shown above?
A. Capping pass weld face is flat.
B. Capping pass weld face is convex.
C. Capping pass weld face is contour.
D. Capping pass weld face is concave.
24. Why it is important that the weld should be free from porosities and
undercut or any weld defects?
A. Weld defects affect the welders.
B. Weld defects can cause distortion.
C. Weld defects may affect the strength of a weld metal.
D. Weld defects may affect the mechanical properties of metal.
25. Analyze and compare the capping pass on the figure shown above. Which
among the choices below shows stronger weld strength?
A. A capping pass with convex bead is not allowed by welding standard.
B. A capping pass with concave bead should is considered a weld defects.
C. A capping pass with a convex bead is stronger than one with a concave
D. A capping pass with a concave bead is stronger than one with a concave

26. In many welded parts, it is not necessary to weld continuously from one
end of the joint to the other. To save time and expense, where full strength
is not required, short sections of weld may be spaced across the joint. Base
from the statement as shown on the figure above, which among the
following choices shows the weld of a capping pass?
A. Capping pass is staggered.
B. Capping pass is center spacing.
C. Capping pass shows 5 long welds.
D. Capping pass is in chain intermittent.

27. Maui finished welds the base metal. He wants to inspect his weld for
any defects. Which of the following non-destructive test should he
use that penetrates through the welds?
A. Visual C. Radiographic
B. Ultrasonic D. Eddy current
28. Why it is important that if a weldment fails inspection, the welding
inspector will need to review the weldment?
A. Allow sufficient puddling time for gases to escape.
B. To identify bad welds before other inspection are performed.
C. To determine the extent damage that may cause by repairing the weld.
D. To Compare weldment to the mechanical values and specification.

29. MJ asked her teacher if he could practice how to weld the capping pass, as
her teacher told MJ that he can practice MJ start to prepare his materials
without wearing PPE so her teacher reminded him that before starting his
practical he should wear a PPE. Why the teacher told MJ that he should
wear PPE during performing practical activity?
A. It helps MJ to have perfect welding output.
B. PPE should be wear because it was told by the teacher.
C. It was industry compliance when performing practical activity.
D. To avoid accidents that might occur during performing the activity.
30. Housekeeping requirements for safe construction sites include all of the
following EXCEPT?
A. Removing combustible scrap at regular intervals.
B. Keeping site reasonably dry and clear of debris, scrap and protruding
C. Providing container for the collection and separation of waste, trash, oily
rags and other refuse.
D. Storing all flammable wastes in a barrel or similar container with open
top for convenient deposit and frequent removal.

II. Essay

Welding a stringer bead and capping pass should adhere with welding industry
codes and standards. How would you observe uniformity of bead ripples in
accordance with welding standards?

Topic/Competency No. of Knowled Compre Analysis Applicat Synthe Evaluat Total no.
days ge hension ion sis ion of test
taught question
First Quarter
LO1: Weld Carbon Steel Plates in Flat Position (3F)
 Perform stringer or
layered beads in 31
accordance with 14
welding standards
 Observe uniformity of
bead ripples in
1 11
accordance with 1
welding standards
Second Quarter

 Observe weld capping/

final pass not
exceeding allowable 11
tolerances specified by
welding codes/
 Conducts visual
inspection on the
finished weldment in
4 1 2
accordance with
welding standards.
 Use appropriate
 Personal Protective
2 1
Equipment (PPE) 1
 Perform proper
housekeeping (5S) 1 1 1

TOTAL 64 30

1. D
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. C
6. D
7. D
8. D
9. A
10. D
11. B
12. A
13. D
14. D
15. D
16. C
17. A
18. D
19. D
20. C
21. A
22. C
23. B
24. C
25. C
26. A
27. C
28. C
29. D
30. D

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