Amalya Permata - 03071282025021 - UTS B.inggris

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Nama: Amalya Permata

NIM: 03071282025021
Kelas: Indralaya

1. Explain the specific subject the research area.

2. Write a description on the methods used in the study

3. What wells drilled at shallower depths?

4. How many wells are deeper than 200 m?

5. How coal lateral continuities have been determined ine the study?

6. what is the average thickness of seam C?

7. What is the thickest coal seam in the region?

8. What is the main purpose of using maceral analysis?

9. What coal seam show the most significant vitrinite reflectance (VR) Value ?

10. How the coal rank has been determined on this work ?


1. All wells encountered the coal bearing Muara Enim formation, The sequence is one of coal
bearing successions in the paleogene south Sumatra basin, containiting a large amount of coal
deposit, as well as it associated natural gases. The coal sames constitute a apporoxiamately 10-
20% of the whole unit.

2.The method used in this research uses the method maceral analysis

3.The W1 dan W3

4.wells are deeper than 200 m that is 2

5.In the study area, the coal seams of the Muara Enim succession occur at stratigraphic levels
between 166-264 m

6.8,6 m, 13,7 m

7. The thickest coal seam B

8.Maceral analysis reveals that the Air Laya coals are composed predominantly Of vitrirtite or hu
(73-74 vole but individual seam varies in huminite content, ranging from 56-86 vol. Bf.
Components such as liptinite (3-6 vol % ) inertinite (11-16 vol. and mineral matters (6-11 vole
%) are apparently less abundant Analysis of core sample Al yielded VR values ranging from
0.38-0.77%, with mean 0.49%.

9.Coal A2 dan BC

10.Rank has been determined in this work is These data suggest that the analyzed coals be of
subbituminous and high volatile bituminous.

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