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The Tragic Hero of Animal Farm



National University of Modern Languages - Islamabad

Sequence of Presentation
o Summary of Animal Farm

o Character of Boxer

o Lesson Learnt

Animal Farm Boxer

National University of Modern Languages - Islamabad


Animal Farm Summary

Allegorical Satire:
1. Old Major calls a Secret Meeting
2. Rebellion Begins 5
3. Animal Farm Seven Commandments
4. Pigs take Advantage of other Animals
5. Animal Fight off the Humans
6. Napoleon takes Charge of building Windmill
7. Boxer Collapses & Sold to Slaughter House
8. Pigs end-up Behaving like Mr. Jones

National University of Modern Languages - Islamabad

The Tragic Hero
Boxer: The most sympathetically drawn character in the novel is a faithful,

hardworking and strong horse, not very intelligent and so became a victim
of the Pigs shrewdness.

National University of Modern Languages - Islamabad

The Tragic Hero
o Appearance
o Social Status
o Innocent Soul
o An Asset
o No Self-Care
o Blind Trust
o Symbol of Working Class

National University of Modern Languages - Islamabad

The Tragic Hero
Two Aspects
Boxer is the tragic hero of 'Animal Farm'. We
should respect and admire him. We feel terrible
about the way he was exploited by the pigs.
Boxer is a Fool. He is too foolish to realise that the
pigs were taking advantage of him. If he used his
Fool strength against the pigs, he would have prevented
the pigs’ corrupt and evil leadership of the farm.

National University of Modern Languages - Islamabad

The Tragic Hero
Lesson Learnt
Boxer like characters are the Heroes of Society
These Blind-Follower Innocent Souls need to be
saved from exploitation of the elite ruling class
Imparting them Intellect and Understanding
through Education and Awareness

National University of Modern Languages - Islamabad

National University of Modern Languages - Islamabad
Here are two statements about Boxer:

A. Boxer is the tragic hero of 'Animal Farm'. We

should respect and admire him. We feel
terrible about the way he was exploited by
Animal Farm the pigs.

B. Boxer is a fool. He is too foolish to realise that

the pigs were taking advantage of him. If he
used his strength against the pigs, he would
have prevented the pigs’ corrupt and evil
leadership of the farm.

Which statement do you agree with?

List down in bullet points your reasons for agreeing with
that statement.
Animal Farm is strongly allegorical, but it
presents a balance between levels of
◦ On the first level, the story about the animals is very
moving. It’s upsetting when the animals are treated cruelly.
◦ At the same time, each of the animals serves as a symbol.
The story's second level involves Orwell’s critique of Soviet
In a satire, the writer attacks a
serious issue by presenting it in a
ridiculous light or otherwise
poking fun at it. Orwell uses
satire to expose what he saw as
Soviet Coat of Arms
the myth of Soviet socialism.
Satire and irony are closely related.
Irony results when there is a discrepancy
Snowball below the commandments.
between what an audience would expect
and what really happens.
◦ Orwell uses dramatic irony to create a subtle
◦ We see the hypocrisy that the animals don't and
can understand that the book is deeply critical of
the pigs.

Napoleon overindulging himself.


Strongest animal on the farm; he’s loyal but
not bright; he questions nothing
Represents the dedicated, but tricked, supporters of
Stalin. Many stayed loyal even after it was obvious
Stalin was a tyrant. Eventually they were betrayed,
ignored, and even killed by him.

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