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1.A certain element has an electron configuration of 1s22s22p63s23p4.

To which group and block does the element

belong in the periodic table?
A.IIIB and P B. IIIB and f C. VIA and P D. IVA and d
2. Which statement describes the general trends in electro negativity and metallic properties as elements in period
2(Li to F) are considered in order of increasing atomic number?
A. electron negativity decrease while metallic properties increase.
B. electro negativity increases while metallic properties decrease
C. both electron negativity and metallic properties decrease
D. both electron negativity and metallic properties increase
3. An element is located in the third period and group VA of the periodic table. Which of the following is true
about this element?
A. it is a metallic element C. it has electron losing tendency
B. it forms a basic oxide D. if forms a trivalent ion
4.The high electrical and thermal conductivity of metals is primarily due to
A. high ionization energies C. mobile electrons
B. high electro negativities D. filled energy levels
5.One of the following properties of an element can Not be predicted from its postion in the periodic table. Which
one is it ?
A. Relative size of the element C. color of the element
B. type of bond it can form D. nature of oxide it forms
6.How many elements are there in the fifth period of the periodic table ?
A.32 B.8 C.18 D.2
7.What can be concluded if an ion of an element is smaller than an tom of the same element ?
A. The ion is positively changed because it has fewer electrons than the atom
B. The ion is negatively changed because it has more electrons than the atom
C. The ion is negatively changed because it has fewer electrons than the atom
D. The ion is positively changed because it has more electrons than the atom
8.Which of the following is the correct ground state electronic configuration for 28 Ni ?
A.1s22s22p63s23p64s23d8 C.1s22s22p63s23p64s13d9
C. 1s22s22p63s23p63d10 D.1s22s22p63s23p64s24p63d2
9.If the electronic configuration of a certain element is given as 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p5, what are the block, the
period and group number of the element in the periodic table respectively
A. f, 3, and VIIIB B. p,4, and VIIA C. d, 4 and IIB D. s,3, and IVA
10. Which period of the periodic table is the longest ? It is period ___________
A.3 B.4 C.6 D.5
11. How many elements are there in the 3 , 4 and 5 periods of the periodic table, respectively ?
rd th th

A.8,18,32 B.8,18,18 C.2,8,18 D.2,18,18

12. To which period and group of the periodic table does an element with atomic numbr 52 belong respectively ?
A.3,VI B.6, III C.6,V D.5,IV
13. To which block and group does an element with the electronic configuration of 1s22s22p63s23p6 belong
respectively ?
A.s , IIIA B. p, VA C. s, II A D. p, VIIIA
14. Consider the following portion of the periodic table that shown period 3 elements

Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar

Which of the following is NOT true about the general trends in the properties of the elements
A. Ionization energy decrease from Na to Ar
B. Electronegativity increases from Na to Ar
C. Metallic character decreases from Na to Ar
D. Nuclear charge increases from Na to Ar

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