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Neoplasm of the brain Additional infomation Morphology Where is the brain Who is affected Clinical Feature Causes

Diffuse Astrocytoma Histopathology Adults
- Well differentiated
- Thickened nerve fibres
- Rosenthal fibres :
Eosinophilic pink
Anaplastic Histopathology Adults
- Lost of mitosis
- Nuclear pleomorphism
- Grade 3
Glioblastoma Histopathology Adults
- Lots of mitosis
- Haemorrhage
- Necrosis
Pilocytic Astrocytoma Good Prognosis Histopathology Cerebellum Children and young adults BARF
- Long thin, hair like
- No necrosis or mitoses
Oligodendroglioma They are : Myelinating glial Gross Frontal and Temporal lobes Adults (40 -50 years old)
cells of the CNS - Gelatinous (Cerebellum)
- Gray and white in colour
- Sheets of regular cells
- Uniform with rounded
Epidenymoma Gross Ventricular wall Common effect : children 1P and 19q
- Papillary apperance Adults : Spinal cord
- Pseudorosette -- Looks
like flower petals around
blood vessels
Medulloblastoma Prognosis -- Highly malignant Gross Medulla (Occur) Children
- Well circumscribed Cerebellum Never in adults
Early recognition of this tumor - Gray
is very important Histopathology
- Small blue round cells
Meningioma Benign tumours Gross Effects arachnoid Adults NF2 mutation in chromosome
- Irregular to round meningothelial cells 22
- Lobulated
- Psammoma bodies
Primary Central Nervous Non hodgkin’s large B cell common neoplasm in Depends on location Epstein Barr Virus in
System lymphoma immunosuppressed patients immunocompromised patient
Features of increased intra
cranial pressure -- Nausea,
vomiting, headache that gets
worse when lying down


Cranial nerves palsy

Germ Cell Tumour
Metastatic Tumours (more CT scan Sharply demarcated masses the most common primary
common than primary and margins sites are lung, breast, skin
tumours) MRI scan (melanoma), kidney, and
Commonly occur in the gastrointestinal tract
Biopsy and histology is not junction between white and
important gray matter

Metastic cancer takes up

contrast from CT scan and has
an edema area

Classification of brain tumors 

How are tumors graded? -- Mitosis, necrosis, hemorrhage,  
Childhood tumors ---> Cerebellum/Infratentorial
Adult tumors ---> Cerebrum /Supratentorial

 Mutation in P53 
Mutations in IDH1 and IDH2 ---> Astrocytoma 
There are different types of gliomas 
1. Astrocytomas 
a. Diffuse astrocytoma ---> Occurs in adults 

CT scan 
MRI scan 
Biopsy and histology is not important 

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