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Hypovolaemic shock Defination Hypovolemic shock is a dangerous condition that

happens when you suddenly lose a lot of blood or

fluids from your body. This drops your blood volume,
the amount of blood circulating in your body. That’s
why it’s also known as low-volume shock.

Hypovolemic shock is a life-threatening emergency.

Blood helps hold your body temperature steady, forms
blood clots, and moves oxygen and nutrients to all of
your cells. If your blood volume gets too low, your
organs won't be able to keep working.
The most common cause of hypovolemic shock is
blood loss when a major blood vessel bursts or when
you’re seriously injured
Causes Involve bleeding  Broken bones
around your hips
 Cuts on your
head and neck
 Damage to
organs in your
belly, including
your spleen, liver,
and kidneys,
because of a car
accident or a bad
 A tear in
your heart or a
large blood
vessel, or a
weakened spot in
a large blood
vessel that could
 Problems with
your digestive
tract, such
as ulcers
 An embryo
growing outside
a woman’s uterus
 The placenta
peeling away
from the wall of a
woman’s uterus
 A ruptured
ovarian cyst
 Heavy bleeding
during labor or
delivery, or in the
following 24
 A disorder in
which the tissue
that usually lines
a woman’s uterus
grows outside it
Causes that don’t involve
bleeding include:
 Dehydration
 Diarrhea and
 High fever
 Severe sweating
 Other
problems like
stoma or fistulas
 Kidney disease
and diuretics
 Fluids getting
stuck in one part
of your body
because of a
condition like
pancreatitis or

Does not involve  Dehydration

bleeding  Diarrhea and
 High fever
 Severe sweating
 Other
problems like
stoma or fistulas
 Kidney disease
and diuretics
 Fluids getting
stuck in one part
of your body
because of a
condition like
pancreatitis or
Symptoms  Rapid heartbeat
 Quick, shallow breathing
 Feeling weak
 Being tired
 Confusion or wooziness
 Having little or no pee
 Low blood pressure
 Cool, clammy skin
4 Stages of hypovolemic 1. Loss of up to 750 cubic centimeters (cc) or
shock milliliters (mL) of blood, up to 15% of your total
volume. Your blood vessels narrow slightly to
keep blood pressure up. Your heart rate is normal,
and your body makes as much urine as usual.
2. Loss of 750 to 1,500 cc of blood. Your heart rate
rises. Your body starts to pull blood away from
your limbs and intestines and sends it to vital
organs like your heart and brain. Your blood
pressure and urine are regular, but you may feel
some anxiety.
3. Loss of 1,500 to 2,000 cc of blood, about a half-
gallon. Your blood pressure drops. Your body
stops making as much pee. Your limbs are cold
and clammy, and your skin is pale. You may
become confused or flustered.
4. Loss of more than 2,000 cc of blood, more than
40% of your total blood volume. Your heart is
racing, but you feel sluggish. Your blood pressure
is very low. Your body is making little or no pee.
Cardiogenic shock Defination Cardiogenic shock is a life-threatening condition in
which your heart suddenly can't pump enough blood to
meet your body's needs. The condition is most often
caused by a severe heart attack, but not everyone who
has a heart attack has cardiogenic shock.
Cardiogenic shock is rare. It's often deadly if not
treated immediately. When treated immediately, about
half the people who develop the condition survive.

Causes In most cases, a lack of oxygen to your heart, usually

from a heart attack, damages its main pumping
chamber (left ventricle). Without oxygen-rich blood
flowing to that area of your heart, the heart muscle can
weaken and go into cardiogenic shock.
Rarely, damage to your heart's right ventricle, which
sends blood to your lungs to get oxygen, leads to
cardiogenic shock.
Other possible causes of cardiogenic shock include:
 Inflammation of the heart muscle
 Infection of the heart valves (endocarditis)
 Weakened heart from any cause
 Drug overdoses or poisoning with substances
that can affect your heart's pumping ability
 Irregular heart rhythm
Symptoms  Rapid breathing
 Severe shortness of breath
 Sudden, rapid heartbeat (tachycardia)
 Loss of consciousness
 Weak pulse
 Low blood pressure (hypotension)
 Sweating
 Pale skin
 Cold hands or feet
 Urinating less than normal or not at all

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