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By: Sonia, Lara, mery barrios, Lucas Domínguez, Emma


The Giant Lantern The Gävle
Festival, Philippines Krampus, Austria goat,


Christmas Saint Nicholas Young Yule,

Spain Madirid Day, Germany Iceland

Young yule
In Iceland, traditions begin to be celebrated 13 days
before Christmas. As of December 12, the Yule Lads
(jolasveinar in Icelandic) begin to arrive, some cheerful
young people, but also mischievous and mischievous who
visit children from all over the country during the 13
nights before Christmas Day.

Kamprus Austria
The "Krampus" is in all the Alpine tradition, a being
with a diabolic appearance, which on December 6
accompanies the "Nikolaus" (Saint Nicholas).
Contrary to the "Nikolaus", bearer of gifts, the
"Krampus", with chain and rod, visits the children
who during the year have not been good.
The 3 wise men (SPAIN)
Children in Spain write a letter in
which they put the gifts they want
for Christmas.
they send it to a special mailbox for
the letters of the 3 wise men.
On January 6, the children wake up
with their gifts under the Christmas
Eating a Roscón (SPAIN)
When the three wise men arrive, it’s
common to eat a delicious pie fill
with cream and in the top candied
Grapes (SPAIN)
In the new year we eat 12 grapes
and someone that don’t like the
grapes eat lacasitos
Christmas Lottery (SPAIN)
The 22 of december we
have a tradition that is
to make a lottery and
watch it in the tv, and
you buy some tickets and
if the number is the same
us yours you can won a
lot of money.

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