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Section A ( Tenses) Fill in the blanks with suitable verb form(10%)

1. She __________ (study) for her exams all day yesterday.

2. We __________ (have) a great time at the beach last summer.
3. He __________ (start) his new job next Monday.
4. They __________ (not / play) tennis together for a long time.
5. I __________ (not / see) that movie yet, but I've heard it's good.
6. She __________ (teach) English for ten years before retiring.
7. They __________ (not / plan) their vacation yet, but they're thinking about
going to the beach.
8. We __________ (not / meet) each other until we started working at the same
9. He __________ (move) to a new city next month for his job.
10. She __________ (not / read) that book before, but she's interested in reading it

Section B ( Tenses) Fill in the blanks with suitable verb form(20%)

1) When I __________ (arrive) at the office, my boss __________ (already / start)

the meeting.
2) He __________ (always / complain) about his job, but he __________ (never /
do) anything to change it.
3) By the time we __________ (get) to the party, the guests __________ (already /
4) They __________ (live) in that apartment complex for two years before they
__________ (move) to a bigger house.
5) She __________ (study) for her final exams all week, so she __________ (not /
have) much free time.
6) I __________ (work) on this project for three hours, and I __________ (not /
finish) it yet.
7) When he __________ (turn) 18 years old, he __________ (already / graduate)
from high school.
8) They __________ (plan) their trip to Europe for months, and they __________
(finally / leave) next week.
9) She __________ (not / know) how to swim, so she __________ (take) swimming
lessons this summer.
10) I __________ (read) this book before, but I __________ (not / remember) the
Section C (Vocabulary) Fill in the blanks with the best answer (20%)

wonder brave average tunnel bravery

cheerful laid-back operation psychologist admire

trains concentrated incredibly imagine guess
brought up suppose keen realize recognize

1. She always had a ___________ attitude, even on the toughest of days.

2. The ___________ firefighter rushed into the burning building to save the
trapped residents.
3. He had a ___________ attitude that made him easy to get along with.
4. I ___________ your dedication to your work and your commitment to
5. The ___________ run on a tight schedule to ensure timely arrivals and
6. The ___________ was a success, and the patient is now in recovery.
7. She was ___________ in a small town and has always appreciated the sense of
community there.
8. The view from the mountaintop was ___________ beautiful.
9. She was ___________ to learn more about the local culture and customs.
10. I find it hard to ___________ when there are distractions around me.
11. Can you ___________ how many jelly beans are in the jar?
12. ___________ a world without war or poverty.
13. It took her a while to ___________ that her dream had finally come true.
14. I ___________ that face from somewhere, but I can't quite place it.
15. ___________ you were given the chance to travel back in time. What would you
16. I ___________ what it would be like to live on a tropical island.
17. His ___________ in the face of danger earned him a medal of bravery.
18. The train passed through a long, dark ___________ before emerging into
daylight again.
19. The ___________ helped me to work through my anxieties and fears.
20. On ___________, people spend about 8 hours a day sleeping.

Section D Comprehension (20%)

Sam leaned against a fence post, squinting against the bright sun as he watched the car
approaching the Big House. His boss, Mr Carter, rarely visited the ranch, so Sam didn't want to
miss the chance to see him. The horses nearby flicked their tails and swished their heads to ward
off the pesky flies, but Sam didn't mind their restlessness. He was more concerned about his job,
and he knew that staying out of Mr Carter's way was the key to keeping it.

Later that day, Mr Carter arrived while Sam was busy chopping wood. Sam didn't bother to look
up until his boss spoke, holding out a pile of letters that Sam had neglected to collect. But that
wasn't the reason for Mr Carter's visit. After some small talk, he revealed that he had brought his
son with him, who was having some trouble at school. Sam couldn't help but feel apprehensive
about the idea of a teenager on the ranch, but he didn't voice his concerns.

As Sam and Mr Carter looked out at the vast property, they both knew that it would be
impossible for the boy to escape on foot. But Sam couldn't help but wonder if the boy could ride.
The ranch offered endless possibilities for a skilled rider, but also posed great danger for
someone unfamiliar with horses.

For Sam, the ranch was his reality, his escape from the rest of the world. He knew that a vacation
would mean returning to a place that even people like Mr Carter tried to avoid. But for the boy,
the ranch could mean something different . It could be a place of refuge or a place of rebellion.
Sam could only hope that the boy would find what he was looking for in the vast expansion of
the ranch.

1.What is the overall tone of the article?

a) Optimistic
b) Pessimistic
c) Neutral
d) Confused

2.Who is the intended audience for the article?

a) Ranchers
b) Businessmen
c) Teenagers
d) Everyone

3.What is the article's main theme?

a) The struggles of rural life
b) The benefits of living in the city
c) The importance of family
d) The dangers of horses

4.What is the significance of the Big House in the article?

a) It is a place of refuge
b) It is a symbol of wealth
c) It is a source of conflict
d) It is a place of work

5.What did the main character think about Carter's comment on fixing fences?
a) He was grateful for the compliment
b) He was frustrated that it took so long
c) He was pleased with his progress
d) He didn't care either way
6.What was Mr. Carter's occupation?
a) Rancher
b) Carpenter
c) Farmer
d) Businessman

7.What was the main character's escape?

a) A holiday
b) The real world
c) His reality
d) His imagination

8.What was the weather like during the meeting between Sam and Mr. Carter?
a) Cold and snowy
b) Hot and humid
c) Mild and breezy
d) Rainy and wet

9.What does the word "rebellion" mean?

a) Stubborn and disobedient
b) Timid and shy
c) Optimistic and cheerful
d) Intelligent and creative

10.In the text, Mr Carter's son is brought to the countryside to escape his problems. Is it always
possible to escape our problems? Why or why not?
A) Yes, it's always possible if we change our surroundings
B) No, our problems will always follow us
C) It depends on the severity of the problems
D) It depends on the individual's coping mechanisms

Section E phrasal verbs (14%)

pass off do away with called off tidy up get over

check up on back up dispose of work on put off
clean off call out sneak out of called off

1) I need to _____________ my car before the long road trip.

2) The meeting was _____________ due to the boss's absence.
3) The company decided to _____________ their old logo and adopt a new one.
4) We should _____________ the trash before the raccoons get to it.
5) The children were told to _____________ the room before going to bed.
6) I'm trying to _____________ on my writing skills by reading more books.
7) The teacher had to _____________ the student for cheating on the exam.
8) The concert was _____________ by the sudden storm.
9) The thief tried to _____________ the store without being noticed.
10) I need to _____________ the windows before painting the room.
11) We should _____________ the party until after the exam period.
12) I can't _____________ the thought of eating sushi.
13) I need to _____________ my computer before it crashes.
14) She tried to _____________ the fact that she was responsible for the mistake

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