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S.NO. NAME Student ID Contribution

1 Shubodeep Hemron CH21B035 20%

2 Tajesve CH21B036 20%

3 T.Sunidhi CH21B037 20%

4 Vaibhav Mishra CH21B038 20%

5 Yashraj Singh CH21B040 20%

Aim of the experiment :

I. We aim to determine the temperature distribution
along the extended surface and consequently
compare the result with the theoretical analysis.

II. Here we also intend to nd the net heat transfer from

an extended surface as a direct consequence of both
the radiation as well as the convection modes of heat
transfer and compare it with the theoretical analysis.

Speci cations :

I. Length of the Rod = 500mm

II. Diameter of the Rod = 16mm

III. Temperature indicator = Digital temperature indicator

273.15 K - 473.15 K with multi-channel switch.

Brief introduction :

• The extended surfaces or ns are made use of to increase

the rate at which heat is transferred from a surface to the
surrounding uid whenever it does not seem possible to
further increase the value of the surface heat transfer
coe cient or reduce the temperature di erence between the
surface and the uid.
• They are observed in variety of shapes, for example :

Circumferential ns

• Circumferential ns are made around the cylinder of a motor

cycle in order to ensure maximum heat dissipation to the

Longitudinal ns
• Longitudinal ns are widely used in compact heat exchanger

Theory :

• We know, if the surface temperature of an object of interest is

to be reduced by the mode of convection and radiation, for
these modes of heat transfer it’s usually observed that the
rate at which heat is lost can be improved by increasing the
surface area.
• Surface area of that object can be increased by the addition
of extended surfaces(also called ns).
• In Engineering applications large quantities of heat have to
be dissipated from small areas.
• Heat transfer by convection between surface and the uid
surrounding it can be increased by attaching thin strips of
metal to the surface which is called ns. The n increases the
e ective area of the surface thereby increasing the heat
transfer by convection. The ns are also called as "Extended
surfaces". Fins are manufactures in di erent geometries,
depending upon the application. For example-> the ribs
attached to along the length of a tube are called longitudinal
ns. The annular disc around a tube is termed circumferential
ns. Pin n or spines are rods protruding from a surface. Fin
may be uniform or variable in cross-section.

Description :

• The experimental setup we deal with comprises of a rod of

copper having circular cross-section, one end of the rod is
heated by a Nichrome wire heater and the other end is
exposed to the ambient room temperature along with it’s
entire cross section.
• RTD PT 100 type sensors are xed along the length of the
rod at equidistant points (6 of them along the length of the
• A voltage drive can be used to control the voltage drop
across the Nichrome wire and consequently the current
owing through it.
• The approximate temperature value can be obtained with the
help of a temperature indicator.

Major components required :

• Electricity supply
• Table setup (including the rod, the sensors and the
temperature indicator)
• A piece of paper (for calculation purposes)
Experimental Procedure for the Manual

1. Switch on the power supply to the setup.

2. We have to plug in the wires attached to the sensors of the
copper rod to the appropriate socket provided.
3. Switch on the Main (on/o ) button.
4. Ensure the red rotating pointer is pointing to the copper (the
dial of the pointer comprise of copper, stainless steel and
5. Switch the heat controller to the manual mode.
6. With the help of the Voltage drive and the Voltage Current
Meter adjust the voltage across the Nichrome wire to
approximately 60 volts.

7. As we observe in the image above the Voltage (60.9 volts),
Current (0.327 A) and hence the power dissipated can be
calculated.(P = VI)

8. Observe the display unit you may see :

TEMP1- ___. This is the temperature close to the
Heating coil.

TEMP2- ___. Temperature at the distance of 10cm

from the end attached to the coil.

TEMP3- ___. Temperature at the distance of 20cm

from the end attached to the coil.

TEMP4- ___. Temperature at the distance of 30cm

from the end attached to the coil.

TEMP5- ___. Temperature at the distance of 40cm

from the end attached to the coil.

TEMP6- ___. Temperature at the distance of 50cm

from the end attached to the coil.

TEMP7- ___. Ambient room temperature.

9. Wait till the voltage becomes nearly constant (steady state ).

10. After the steady state is reached record the temperatures

(T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6 and the room temperature (T7)) at
every 10 minutes summing upto a total of 8 observations.

11. As you’re recording the values, a quick gaze through them

,you would observe two nearly similar voltage, current and
temperature values. Those observations would be the
Basis for your further calculations.

Closing procedure :

1. Move the red pointer to the switch o position.

2. Switch o the setup with the help of Main (on /o ) button.
3. Now switch of the power supply of the entire setup.

Formulae :

- We know that the total heat loss would be the sum of the
heat loss due to convection as well as the heat loss due to
- That would imply :

q = HAS (TS - TA)

AS = 3.14DL
L = length of the rod .
D = diameter of the rod.

- Heat input:

q = VI
Where the heat transfer coe cient H is the combined
coe cient due to both the convection as well as the radiation.
That is :

H = HConv + HRad
- The average convective heat transfer coe cient Hconv can be
formulated using the relation stated below:

Where :
Ts = average surface temperature of the rod
Ta = ambient air temperature

- The average radiation transfer coe cient can be calculated

using the following equation :

Where :

Stefan–Boltzmann constant σ = 5.6704×10 ^-8 W/m·k.

ε (emissivity) = 0.95
F (view factor) = assumed to be 1

Observation table :

Run no. Voltage Current T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7

(volts) (Amper

1 65.6 0.357 38.3 38.0 35.1 33.1 32.3 32.5 24.9

2 68.7 0.366 52.2 48.6 42.3 37.7 35.4 34.9 24.9

Run no. Voltage Current T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7
(volts) (Amper

3 57.9 0.313 55.5 52.3 46.1 41.5 39.1 38.3 24.5

4 57.8 0.305 56.7 53.7 47.6 43.1 40.7 40.1 24.1

5 52.8 0.282 56.1 53.8 48.0 43.8 41.4 40.8 23.9

6 54.4 0.293 55.8 53.7 48.1 44.1 41.9 41.3 24.3

7 56.5 0.304 53.8 52.4 47.5 43.8 41.9 41.3 24.6

8 54.9 0.298 53.8 52.1 47.1 43.3 41.2 40.6 24.4

• We’ve selected the run 6 and 7 for the further calculations

Run no. Power (P = TS (average Hconv (watt/ Hrad (watt/ Hoverall= Hconv q (heat loss
VI) surface m2K) m2K) + Hrad from the
temperature surface in
)(K) watt)

6 15.9392 320.62K 8.14 6.3675 14.50 14.317

7 17.176 319.93K 8.0544 6.3551 14.409 16.056

Precautions :

1. Use the stabiliser A.C. Single Phase supply only.

2. Never switch on mains power supply before ensuring that all

ON/OFF switches given on the panel are at OFF position.

3. Voltage to heater starts and increases slowly.

4. Keep all the assembly undisturbed.

5. Never run the apparatus if power supply is less than 180V
and above 240 V.

6. Operate selector switch of temperature indicator gently.

7. Always keep the apparatus free from dust.

8. There is a possibility of getting abrupt result if the supply

voltage is uctuating or if the satisfactory steady state condition
is not reached.

References :

1. Holman, J.P., "Heat Transfer", 8th ed.,pp. 283-319, McGraw

Hill, NY, 1976
2. Fundamentals of Engineering Heat and Mass Transfer by
R.C. Sachdeva.

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