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Liza Laverman

Weis market strategic option.


My recommendation for the delivery is to collaborate with more apps that do grocery delivery, since
this is becoming very popular, and people are becoming more lazier by the day.

No recommendation.

No recommendation.

Since delivery apps are becoming more important these days, I recommend Weis markets to keep
their website up to date and even try to improve on technology and efficiency within the website. I
would also recommend them to look into customer website tracking. If there is a loyal customer, they
probably buy standard products they use a lot so therefore if they implement customer tracking this
can improve the customers way of shopping more efficiently.

No recommendation.


No recommendation

My recommendation is that they set a bigger budget aside to get the quality control at a higher level,
since quality of the products is one of the most important things there is.

No recommendation.

My recommendation would be to make every employee do customer friendly test before they
actually start working within the company. This way they know how to behave and what to do in
certain situations with difficult customers.

No recommendation.


Social media became really big and important in the last few years, therefore I recommend Weis
market to invest in more social media presence. Especially Instagram and maybe even YouTube, live
streaming on YouTube is becoming more a thing these days.
Liza Laverman

For hybrid retail I recommend Weis market to make a program whereby the customers can exactly
see the store on their computer and also all of the products the store sells at the moment. They can
click that in their basked and when they arrive at the last step, instead of checking out and paying
they can make an appointment at the nearest store. When they arrive at the certain time and date of
the appointment, the employees of the store have everything ready in a dressing room, ready for
fitting. This way the way of shopping is way more efficiently and less time consuming for customers
who are very busy.

Sustainability is becoming a very important topic all around the world and I think Weis market should
want to stay ahead of its competitors when talking about being environmental friendly. They should
do research about the plastic use and waste within the grocery market industry. And maybe even hire
professional advisors on how to deal with the sustainability way of doing business. This way they
attract more customers.

I recommend Weis market to improve their website and maybe also the customers using the delivery
app. Track which items they have been looking at a lot and then later on the technology can suggest
certain products to the customers. This way they find new products that they might like, and this can
give a boost to the revenue and sales of Weis market.

No recommendation.


No recommendation.

No recommendation.

I recommend Weis market to analysis the possible ways of preventing this to happen and maybe even
make a second plan for when this does happen so that they won’t lose out on the revenues.

No recommendation.

I recommend Weis market to maintain a good relationship with its supplier and maybe even be on a
trust worthiness level so that Weis markets makes a deal with the suppliers and with this deal they
agree to not make the prices higher.

Adapted from: Individual Case Study: SWOT Analysis, Section 4 (Laverman, 2022.)
Liza Laverman
Liza Laverman

Once you have listed the strategic options, select the top five strategies that you believe will have the
biggest effect for your company and number them. After each strategy listed, explain in one or two
sentences why you ranked it as you did, then list at least one pro and one con for each of the five
strategic recommendations. See the example below.

Strategic Recommendations for Your Company

1. Sustainability is becoming a very important topic all around the world and I think Weis market
should want to stay ahead of its competitors when talking about being environmental friendly.
They should do research about the plastic use and waste within the grocery market industry.
And maybe even hire professional advisors on how to deal with the sustainability way of doing
business. This way they attract more customers.
a. Pro: Being aware of the environment can deliver more customer and customer loyalty
since a lot of people find sustainability important.
b. Con: Being sustainable and being more aware of the environment can be a tough task
for a supermarket since there is a lot of plastic waste within the supermarket.
Supermarkets have to make certain changes within the supermarket, an example of this
is the plastic bags at the vegetable department and also the plastic bags at the checkout.

2. Social media became really big and important in the last few years, therefore I recommend Weis
market to invest in more social media presence. Especially Instagram and maybe even YouTube,
live streaming on YouTube is becoming more a thing these days.
a. Pro: If they invest more in social media, they gain a bigger presence online and this can
result in being more known and popularity which can result in a higher revenue.
b. Con: investing in social media will also mean that more people must become involved to
create content, this can cost a lot of time, effort, and money from the company. The
question is if they want to put in all these efforts for something that does not give you
the insurance of succeeding.

3. For hybrid retail I recommend Weis market to make a program whereby the customers can
exactly see the store on their computer and also all of the products the store sells at the
moment. They can click on it and put it in their basked and when they arrive at the last step,
instead of checking out and paying they can make an appointment at the nearest store. When
they arrive at the certain time and date of the appointment, the employees of the store have
everything ready in a dressing room, ready for fitting. This way the way of shopping is way more
efficiently and less time consuming for customers who are very busy.
a. Pro: This can be more efficient for not only the customers but also the employees since
they won’t have 20 ~ 30 people in the store at once and making a mess. Customers can
shop in their bed or while they are waiting somewhere in line and when they have time
they can try on the clothes and buy it physically in the store.
b. Con: A con about this is that people may have to wait a long time in order to book an
appointment. For example, if the store only has 5 dressing rooms and they are all
booked during the afternoon and a customer only has time during a Wednesday in the
Liza Laverman

afternoon. This will mean that they either must wait for a long time in order to be able
to try on the clothes or that they will cancel the whole appointment.

4. My recommendation for the delivery is to collaborate with more apps that do grocery delivery,
since this is becoming very popular, and people are becoming more lazier by the day.
a. Pro: If Weis Market collaborates with more apps this will mean they are able to reach
more customers, since certain apps are not available in certain areas or people don’t like
using certain apps and use one standard app for their deliveries. When Weis market has
a deal with every delivery app, they can reach each of the customers.
b. Con: When a company is doing all the apps, this can take a lot of time for the
department who is collaborating with the apps to make sure people got their groceries
and of course paying the app for their service.

5. My recommendation would be to make every employee do customer friendly test before they
start working within the company. This way they know how to behave and what to do in certain
situations with difficult customers.
a. Pro: Customers is one of the most important parts of the whole company, they are the
people who are buying the products and as a company you want to make sure they are
coming back to your store and become loyal. When the employers have done a
customer friendly test, they know how to deal with customers and make sure they come
b. Con: Having the test done by every employee cost the company money and time.
Especially if an employee started working at the company, but they quite after a month.
If this happens often, it will cost Weis market quite a lot of money.
Liza Laverman

Summary and Conclusion

Weis market has a total of 196 retail stores. Weis market has generated 4.224 million in revenues in
2021. Their revenues have been increasing compared to 2020. However, compared to their competitors
they are not there yet. They currently stand on number 58 in the market position. Weis market
experiences a strong force of competitive rivalry. Because of the number of supermarkets and also the
rivalry in price, service and quality. Because of these factors, it will mean that customer easily can
choose a different store and not show customer loyalty (Laverman, 2022).
Weis market divided its store by 5 different segments; Center store, fresh, pharmacy services, fuel and
other. The center store was 54.9% the reason of the total revenue. This will mean that 2.318.976 US
Dollar revenue was produced by Center store. The fresh products where accountable for 31.1% revenue.
After calculations that will mean that fresh has a revenue of 1.322.112 US Dollars. The third segment is
the pharmacy services, they had a revenue of 9.4% in the year 2021. In US Dollars they made a revenue
of $397.056,- The other two segments made up for 4.4 % and 0.2% (Laverman, 2022).
Weis market is in an industry whereby they constantly have to adapt and change their store and way of
operating to the customers wishes and the time they live in. Weis Market operates in a very big industry
with a lot of competitors, so they must make sure that they are not behind their competitors and are
losing customers because of this. Especially because this industry scores high on new entrants’ numbers,
which means more competitors and risk on the market share (Laverman, 2022).
Liza Laverman

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