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Unveiling the secret of the
mind for business and personal

Uzoma Oranebo
Copyright © 2020 Uzoma Oranebo
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by
any means, including photocopying, recording, or other
electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior
written permission of the publisher, except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in reviews and certain other
noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION .................................................................7
CHAPTER 1 ......................................................................10
KNOWING YOUR MINDSET ...........................................10
What is Mindset?........................................................11
Types of mindset ........................................................12
The Fixed Mindset ......................................................12
The Growth Mindset...................................................13
What is your mindset?................................................15
CHAPTER 2 ......................................................................16
WHAT AFFECTS YOUR MINDSET? .................................16
People .........................................................................18
How the Three Factors Correlate ...............................21
CHAPTER 3 ......................................................................22
People You Should Avoid ..............................................23
• Low-spirited people .................................................23
• Poor in Love .............................................................23
• Poor in wisdom ........................................................24
• Poor in character .....................................................25
• Poor in Habit ............................................................25
• Poor in finance .........................................................25
CHAPTER 4 ......................................................................27
THE WINNING MINDSET ...............................................27
Eight Habits of People with the Winning Mindset .....30
CHAPTER 5 ......................................................................35
The general business mindset ....................................35
Mentality for Business Startup ...................................37
CHAPTER 6 ......................................................................41
CHAPTER 7 ......................................................................45
HOW TO BOOST CONFIDENCE ......................................45
Dangers of lack of Self Confidence .............................46
Causes of Lack of Self Confidence ..............................47
How to build Confidence ............................................48
About the Author ............................................................51
Connect with me .............................................................52
Leaders are readers. Without knowledge it will be almost
impossible to lead people. I commend you for wanting to
read this book, that means you have a trait of leadership
in you.

This book was written to inspire anyone who wants to

make it big — emitting authority in one's personal and
business life. It will also expose you to the reality that
impossible is nothing, helping you with the requisite
knowledge to shred the impossibility mentality into
pieces, thereafter, taking the bull by the horn.

Mindset is the primary capital for any business or personal

project so it's important for one to have the right mindset
before going into anything. There are some components
that make up your mindset, the concept of place and
people, all of them are discussed in this book.

I'm glad you are reading this book. Let me tell you a short
story before we dive in: When I applied for admission into
the university, I was offered my dream course at that time,
which was Computer Science. I loved the idea of coding
and programming. I had watched a lot of movies where
high standard technologies were used. I knew I could be
part of those who made it happen. My dreams of
becoming a tech guru were almost shattered when I was
denied admission due to incomplete credentials for
qualification. I was terrified by the prospects, or lack
thereof. The thought of staying at home left me with no
other option than to study a course I never dreamt of
studying in my life.

I had to re-apply for another course and I was rejected

twice in various departments. The only department in my
faculty that would admit me with my credentials at that
time was Mathematics. I almost gave up but a
mathematical genius, my roommate, who was in that
department convinced me to accept it. He promised to
help me set up a strong foundation. That helped me to
combat my fears.

I was excited by the willingness of my kind friend. when I

accepted the admission, the story changed. I was left to fix
the puzzles alone; I got help but not as much as I had
expected. I failed badly, more than what you could even
imagine; then, I realised that it was me against the world
yet I decided to fight that battle.

During the course of my study, I discovered my interest in

the area of business and thought leadership. I started
honing my skills and today I am proud of my achievements
which this book is definitely one of. I am glad to have
triumphed greatly, afterwards. I know you too can make it
in whatever you have decided to do. This book will greatly
help you with that. It is not a book to read once, it is a
reference book that you can go back to whenever you
need answers or a mental boost. Are you ready to join me
as we read through this book?
If you are ready, I am ready too.

Uzoma Oranebo.
If you want to get to the height you dream about — that
height where you can finally drive the car you admire, own
the house you've always thought was too good to be true,
a seven figure bank account in dollars, the lovely marriage
you so desperately desire and the children you want —
then, it's important you understand your current state
It is so important to understand your current state first
because if and when you do, you can calculate what extra
things you need to do in order to attain your aspirations.
Take car services as an example — Uber, Bolt and the likes,
when you request their services, they approximate how
long it will take you to get there and give you the
approximate cost. So, knowing where you are is just as
important as knowing where you want to be. The first
price you have pay is to get to your destination in life is
your belief.
Why Beliefs?
If you go to a store to buy a drug for headache, and the
chemist offers you a new drug you have never heard of
before, and tells you that it is capable of solving your
problem, the first thing you give her or him is not your
money, it is your trust — belief. What affects your belief is
the kind of mindset that you have.
What is mindset?
Mindset is a belief system that governs the way a person
acts. Essentially, a belief system is made up from the kinds
of places, people and information that one is exposed to.
The place and people you spend the most time around and
with, respectively, are the ones that will mostly determine
the information that make up your belief system.
The famous story of the lion cub who was lost is a good
example. It was found by a shepherd who added the it to
his flock. The lion cub grew up thinking it was a sheep and
it began to display all the characteristics of a sheep until
one day, it realised how much more superior it was.
This book was written to present you the reality of who
you truly are and as you read further in this chapter, you
will be able to discern the kind of mindset that you
possess, and make the decision to either develop your
mindset or undertake a complete overhaul.
Types of mindset
1. The Fixed Mindset
2. The Growth Mindset
The Fixed mindset
People with a fixed mindset have the belief that their
talents, intelligence and abilities are fixed traits. Two
young men were travelling a very long distance when they
saw that a hill. The first young man complained of how
they were not prepared for rock-climbing because they
had no hiking boots or safety gear and suggested that they
travel back a two-day distance. The second young man
examined the hill and reported that it would be possible
to climb the hill and that it would take only an hour to get
The first young man was skeptical and refused to buy into
the idea so he decided to take the two-day journey back
to get his full kit for the hurdle. Meanwhile, the second
guy was so optimistic about it and began to take gradual
steps. In an hour and a few minutes, he was at the other
side and it took him an additional two hours to get to his
It took the first young man a day to return to his place of
departure. He took the kit and it took another day to get
to the hill. Eventually, he crossed. This first young man
fixed mindset.
People with fixed mindset believe that there are special
abilities given to everyone and that it is nearly impossible
to do something that they have not been previously
exposed to. They also believe that talent alone is enough
to gain success, with no extra effort required. So if they
are not naturally skilled at something, they believe that
they can never be good at it. Hence, they feel defeated
even before they fail. That belief system was gotten from
a source, probably the place where they dwell or the
people who they talk to.
The Growth mindset
I studied Mathematics at the university. When I was at my
secondary school level, if I was told that I would study
mathematics in the university, I would have engaged in
physical combat with whoever uttered those words. I was
not a violent person, but the thought of me studying
Mathematics in the university was enough reason to be
termed a fighter. I was always running away from the
subject. I hid my fears until I was made to face my fears. I,
the man who said he would never study mathematics
because of his inability to analyse numbers and calculate
fast finally studied mathematics. My belief system took
me from one level to the other.
That is exactly what I call a growth mindset. Everything is
not supposed to favour you. It is your job to change the
People with the growth mindset believe very much in
themselves. They are the people who believe their
abilities can be develop through dedication and hard
work. They often view challenges as opportunities to
unleash their hidden potentials. They are consistent and
persistent in whatever they do, no matter how hard. They
rarely give up.
What is your mindset?
So by now you should have been able to discern the
category in which you belong. If you are yet to find out,
the table below will assist you.
SN Fixed mindset Growth mindset
1. They believe intelligence is They believe that intelligence
an inherent trait. can be gained through
conscious efforts.
2. They often have limited They often have unlimited
beliefs. beliefs.
If you place a bottle of warm water inside a working
freezer, within some minutes the warm water will move
from being warm to chilled.

The number one factor that affects your mindset is PLACE.
Place can be the family you were born into, the geography
where you live, the school that you attend, the sports
team you belong to, the club that you belong to and even
your internet and social media community.
I used to attend a church in the Mainland and that was
because it was close to my house. I was not used to seeing
big buildings, classy hotels, good-looking bars, and some
other fancy things that were not found on my way to
church on Sunday. One time, a friend invited me to a
church on the Island. Before I got there, I saw ginormous
buildings — larger than what I was used to, and they
restructured my mind.
I began to visualise myself owning those things one day
because the scenery contrasted with what I saw when I
attend my own Mainland church. I passed through canals
and bushes to get to church and it made me believe that
the austerity of our altar was grandeur until my visit to the
Island church where the decor was much more fanciful,
with HD screens and more professional gadgets to
My mind had been transformed and I felt uncomfortable
whenever I saw a lower standard. This means, then, that
my mindset had improved simply because of my exposure
to a new, better reality. That, to me, is sufficient proof that
the school to which you take your children will determine,
to an undeniable extent, how they think. It constructs
their mind. If they are unaware of the existence of big
buildings, they would most likely not dream of building or
owning one. If they are not used to having relevant and
updated study materials, they will think that what they
have is all there is. If they are not exposed to digital
learning, then they may think it is fiction, even if they see
it on television.
Place is very important for the mindset, when I was
growing up the street I lived on also aided in the
construction of the mindset I have today. The place
determines the people.
Another factor that affects your mindset is the people you
are surrounded by. At every stage of my life, I have been
surround by different sets of people: my play group, my
school friends, my home friends, my church friends, my
class mates, my acquaintances and so much more. All
these people have all affected my life, either directly or
In 2015, my father was sick and it put the family business
on stand still. Things were very difficult for myself and my
family then. I had paid neither my school fees nor my
hostel rent. My only option was to stay with my friend
who stayed around school.
My spiritual life was constructed while staying with him.
He would start each morning with gospel songs, I became
familiar with these songs. We prayed and since I was
under his roof, I had to attend fellowship and church
programs because he was the leader.
I could not decline. My stay may just had become
uncomfortable, so I played along and it became a normal
thing for me. That year was my spiritual transitional
period. He influenced my decisions at that period and that
is evidence that people influence your mindset, that is, the
way you think, act and react.
In my freshman year, I literally failed five courses. In other
words, I was graded F in five courses. I was heartbroken. I
was torn apart. I was distraught. I could not believe it.
People will go over to the notice board and see how it was
arranged for me, then take my registration number to
investigate who it really was. After they went through
series of investigation, from faculty to department to my
course mates, they finally succeeded in finding the owner
of the decorated 5F's, they look at me and investigated
again, to confirm if it was truly me.
That was because I was looking so good, confident and
strong, like I was on top of my game. I fought so hard to
put forward a smiling face but by strength I could not do
it alone. Can you guess what helped me? Information —
the information I got about failure, after I was caught up
in my predicament. I went over to Google like a crying
baby, I went for comfort, I saw my fellow failures in fora,
lamenting how they turned failure to overnight success. I
read biographies of great people that had turned the
tables in their favour after a massive hit by failure.
After all my research, the information I got both from the
Word of God and from testimonies built my confidence. I
stopped looking at the worst; I started looking at the best
that could come out from my situation. My eyes became
fixed on success and success alone.
Some of my friends came to me and attempted to console
me. Some tried to counsel me. Sometimes I would engage
them in long conversations and they would start talking
only to end up being blessed by how I had decided to
motivate and give them words of encouragement instead.
I was not interested in listening to comforting words. In
most cases, certain attempts at comforting words will
make you feel pitied. Instead, I preferred people that
came around and said, "Hey bro, let's go and study so we
can teach those courses a lesson". That was the difference
between conceding to failure and fighting back.
Do you want to be a someone that houses condolences or
do you want to be the one who stands up and fights back
by acquiring the kind of information that can change your
life? The choice is yours. I chose to fight back after
gathering the right tools. Anytime you fail, just know you
were short of the right information.
How the Three Factors Correlate
The place you inhabit determines the people you meet,
and the information you will get is dependent on the
people you talk to, mingle with or the people or things
that have access to you and to whom and which you have
given access to you.
We have learned, in the previous chapters, that mindset
is greatly influenced by the place you find yourself, the
people you associate with and the information you access.
In this chapter, we shall focus on the kind of place, people
and information you should avoid in order for you to have
a healthy mindset.
The places you should avoid is dependent on the people
in the place. You can be in the ghetto but be surrounded
by positive people that will make you better. Youu can also
be in a mansion, surrounded by negative people who will
bring your self-esteem down.
This, the place is not always the problem because it is the
calibre of people that make up the place. Marvel's Thor
once said, "Home is not a place, it's a people." And I agree
with that because your family is not made up of the landed
property your father has, but the people who live there.
People you should avoid
• Low-spirited people
This category of people generates bad vibes each time you
hang around them. They keep talking about their
problems and provide no solutions at all.
They keep talking about their failures and how things
would not just work for them no matter how much they
They are the people who have lost their self-confidence.
You can find this kind of people almost everywhere; they
can even be your friends or family members.
Try as much as possible to avoid them.
• Poor in love
This category of people probably grew up with low spirited
people. They do not know how to smile. They are full of
hate. They are always arrogant and feel that any form of
genuine kindness towards them is a scam.
They cannot give love because they lack love and they will
keep hurting people because they have experienced hurt
Try as much as possible to avoid this kind of people too,
else you may be infected with the deadly virus of hate.
Love is so important for a healthy mindset, Love induces
happiness and happiness breeds productivity.
So you know what to do if you demand more productivity
from yourself.
• Poor in wisdom
Wisdom is the ability to discern difference. Some people
do not know when to talk or comment and what to say in
certain situations.
They do not understand seasons. They do not respect
people. They do not know the difference between when
you were in the same class with them and now. They think
everything is the same, they cannot discern difference and
staying around those people can be disastrous for you.
They do not know when to play. They joke with everything
and say nothing meaningful.
The opposite of wisdom is foolishness and when you keep
hanging around foolish people, you will one day become a
fool yourself.
• Poor in character
In this category of people are mostly regarded as fake
people. They lie about almost everything and when you
catch them in a lie, they claim it was a harmless white lie.
They give you false honor, make you feel like what you are
not. They live above their means. They are not true to
themselves. They look great but their crude mentality
brings them back to their level.
They have not worked on themselves yet, they lack
integrity. You know, you cannot just trust this kind of
people but you keep staying in their midst probably
because you enjoy certain benefits.
• Poor in habit
These people are the smokers, the drinkers, the ones who
don't value health. They lack the discipline required to
move them forward in life.
They do not read books. They love to be carefree. They do
not do anything meaningful with their free time.
• Poor in finance
This category of people do not just lack money, they do
not know possess any financial education. They do not
know how to make money, manage money and multiply
If you really want to be rich, you need to keep this kind of
people at arm's length.
Now you have gone through the list of people you should
avoid, you might have realised that you know one or two
people in some of these categories.
It's your job to avoid these people. You can avoid these
people in two ways:
1. Making yourself scarce: This kind of avoidance involves
not engaging in conversations or keeping them in your
social circle.
2. Making them avoid you: This kind of avoidance has to
do with you setting strategies to gain from your
engagement with them. Meaning that you delegate them
to do something for you for something in return. If they
have no interest in improving, they will avoid you.
In this chapter, I will be telling you how I developed a
winning mentality and how you can too.
Circa 2014 — 2015, I suffered academically. I started
grappling with esteem, courage, discipline and confidence
issues because of it. I kept on failing until I discovered the
winning mentality.
When I failed my exams in 2014, I went to Google to find
motivation on how I can survive the hard times, it's a good
thing I found motivation there. The motivation I was
looking for from them was motivation not to quit, I was
looking for someone to console me.
The information I got from people on the Internet helped
to increase my confidence, thereby boosting my mindset.
I was energised to stand firm and fight again. Let me give
you examples of what boosted me.
Examples of Comforting Quotes:
1.Winners never quit and quitter never win.
2. Keep trying till you get it.
3. Failing one time doesn't mean you are a failure; the real
failure is failing again.
But guess what? I still repeated the same failure then I
recalled the number 3. " failing one time doesn't mean you
are a failure; the real failure is failing again".
It was then that I knew that I had missed something. I
stopped searching for motivations and started searching
for things like how to take action to change my life, and
that was when I discovered one of the very important
lessons that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.
The truth is that most times you cannot do the same thing
over and over again hoping to get different results, it's not
I was hanging around those people, doing the same things,
same daily routine and it proved that I could not get a
different result doing the same things. I noticed that I was
in the same hostel with my friends who always found it
hard to read.
Like I said in the beginning of this book, if you really want
to change your life, you have to change the people you
hang around and the place you regularly find yourself.
So what I did after another setback was to change my
association and dwelling.
I joined a group reading crew that read at night and I
forced a partnership with a roommate who finds joy in
reading at night too.
That single act changed my result because I was consistent
and I was surrounded by people with the challenge
mentality, people who loved competition.
It was the best year of my academic life because I could
see the result almost immediately.
I will be telling you about the habits of people with the
winning mindset.
Eight Habits of People with the Winning Mindset
1. Self-discipline: Discipline is knowing what you ought to
do and doing it whether you like it or not.
There are two points you should note here:
Knowing what to do
Doing it
This means that before you can be disciplined you must
first have an idea of what you want to achieve. Then, you
must also take the necessary action towards achieving
that goal.
A lot of people know what they want to do, only few really
do not know.
For the people who do not know, they need to find out
what they actually want to achieve at a particular time and
write it down. Once you can ask the question, there is
surely an answer. Keep searching until you find it. Finding
it qualifies you to take action, which is very difficult too.
It was not so easy for me to study, but if I had not studied,
there was no way I could have emerged victorious. For you
to trigger your self-discipline, you need to ask yourself
three questions:
 What do I want to achieve?
 Why do I want to achieve that?
 How can I achieve this?
These were my answers when I had my big academic
1. Academic success
2. For myself and my parents spending so much on my
3. By reading (Day and night)
Each time I was tired and wanted to relent, the my "why"
was my real motivation. Let your "why" motivate you to
do what you want whether you like it or not.
2. Measuring productivity: What gets measured get
improved. People with the winning mindset are in track
with what they do per time — daily, monthly, yearly. They
have it all planned out, they know what they really want
and they work towards it daily.
In 2016, when I started recording success in my
academics, it was so because I planned each day, and I
worked at it.
I usually write my to-do list by morning, it was much easier
and better for me to write it by morning, and I followed
everything on that list accordingly. Sometimes, I do not
get to check out every item on my check list, but trust me,
it is better than not planning at all. When you do not plan,
you are not accountable for anything or to anyone, so
whatever you achieve that day is fine.
I encourage you to get a book, journal or diary to plan your
day, month and year.
That is what I do and it works wonders for me.
3. Garnering Knowledge: Knowledge is information and
people with information are always one step ahead.
People with the winning mindset make it a point of duty
to study, they love learning new things and the more they
learn, the more their curiosity increases. They become
more intelligent when they learn.
4. Spontaneity: It is almost impossible to be successful if
you have not gained mastery over the act of
Procrastination is protracted postponement. When you
postpone for no good reason other than doing irrelevant
things that do not drive you closer to your set goals, like
substituting what you should do for social media, calls,
conversing, video games etc., those habits become part of
Anyone who has recorded success in any project did so
because she or he has dealt with and overcome
5. Time management: People who record massive success
in business, academics, or family are quite conscious of
time. They allocate time to everything they do and it
makes them more productive.
6. Planning: Successful people rarely go into a major task
without a plan. There is a saying that "if you fail to plan,
you are planning to fail". Brian Tracy, a famous writer,
once said, "proper prior planning prevents poor
People with the winning mindset are winners because
they plan for success and that is why they plan from start
to finish.
They may make adjustments along the way but they don't
just go into anything without a plan.
7. Consistency: Showing up every day to achieve your set
goals will make you better. I remember when I went to the
gym the first time, I certainly did not start with the heavier
ones, I started with the lighter weight and as I showed up
every day, I grew above the lighter weight standard. This
is also what happens when you show up every day to
achieve your set goals, you will eventually grow above it.
8. Rest: People with the winning mindset take out time
too to rest and recuperate. When you rest and come back
to a track, fresh strategies to execute the task come
automatically but when you work at a stretch, there is a
possibility that the outcome may be merely satisfactory.
Therefore, set out time too to rest, because it is very
important and that is what people with the winning
mindset do.
They do not feel their resting is a waste of time because
they have all their schedules planned out.
1. Which one of this habit is missing in your life?
2. How do you hope to fix that?
3. When do you want to start fixing it?
In this chapter, we shall explore the kind of mindset
required to run a business. If you have read from chapter
1 up to this chapter, then you should be equipped with the
fundamentals of the winning mindset.
If you apply the winning mindset to your business, you
shall experience massive growth.
The general business mindset
There is a general business mindset and everyone who has
made it big in the business sector has this kind of mindset
as their fundamental. What is this general business
mindset compromise?
1. Optimistism
There is no point going into a business if you do not
believe it will be successful, you should have just forgotten
about stressing yourself in the first place.
No business person ever succeeds in business without
optimism in their mindsets. Let me tell you what this
mindset does.
• Drives you: what do I mean by this?
When i wanted to write this book, I had a conviction within
me that it will change the lives and mindsets of some
people, so any time I relented on writing, my conviction
coupled with my urge to change lives keep me up.
Next back up your belief with why you actually want to go
into business. It may be able to solve a basic problem that
you think only you can solve in your own way.
• Strengthens you: When you go into the boxing ring and
your opponent look so powerless yet claims to be so
powerful and braces a lot, your job is to humble your
opponent because you think you are better.
When you feel that you can’t do something yet it claims to
be stronger, it gives you strength to fight and win. If you
don't believe you will win, you will get frightened and will
definitely be defeated by what you fear.
2. The law of cause and effect mindset
Why most successful people emerge victorious is because
they believe that without them putting in work, there
would not be result.
The law of cause and effect simply means, there is no
result without efforts and the efforts a person put in will
determine the kind of result that person will get. Without
seed there is no plant, it is what you plant that you get.
You create your own luck by not just sitting down and
doing nothing but by putting in efforts daily, weekly,
monthly or yearly to achieve your set business goals.
My business will remain at stand still if I did not do
anything to it.
Mentality for Business Startup
Starting up a business is not as difficult as it seems, it is
only difficult because you lack information, and in
CHAPTER 2, this book talked about how you can get the
right information.
The right information is nearly inevitable for anything to
be successful. For anyone starting up a business there are
basic information you need to acquire first.
Before you start any business you need to first;
1. Research
Only you know the business you are capable of doing.
Most people who are successful today researched firs.
They identified a problem and researched ways to solve it
and brought out their own model.
They rarely go about the business of asking what business
brings money. If you approach business from the point of
making money, one day you will get bored and when you
get bored, your productivity declines.
Identify a problem that you think you have the ability to
solve, then research the best way to solve it. If you have
not yet identified a problem, keep looking until you find it,
because going into any business with the sole aim of
making money alone may turn out to be unprofitable after
2. Consult
When you are done researching, the next thing to do is to
find someone already doing what you may want to do;
find out how they got to where they are. You need to
observe them and if you have access to them, ask them
Your job is to follow the same process with your own
strategy. Learn from them and apply what you've learned
and you shall get the same result or even better.
3. Experiment
After you have consulted the right sources, the next step
is to investigate if the process you learned will arrive at the
desired outcome. Some people are thrilled by the
forecasted outcome and that is why they do not bother to
ask questions about the parts of the process they do not
understand. You do not want to be a person who invested
a lot only to find out that what was promised would
demand more than prospected.
Mentality for Business Growth
When you finally venture into the business you believe will
work for you, there is a certain kind of mindset you need
to get installed in you for maximum productivity.
In the last part of this chapter, we shall discuss the kind of
mindset you need when you have already started your
1. Positivity
Positivity here means you should always believe in your
plans, when you believe in your plans, it enhances your
zest that things will work out for you.
For tips to stay positive, refer to CHAPTER 3, and identify
the people you should avoid.
Be careful about the people you keep around and if they
do not support you, then, never relate your plans to them
again. Stay around happy people. When you do that, you
get infected with happiness and happiness breeds
2. Constant Improvement
In CHAPTER 4, when I talked about the winning mindset, I
listed a few habits that make the people that win stand
out exclusively. For your business to grow, you need to
improve your business algorithm, learning every day and
implementing as well. There is no way you can improve
without learning something new.
You are confined to the level you are now due to the
information you have. If you want to boost productivity
and output, increase your input capability and you will see
your dreams come through.
In this chapter, I will talk about 3 decisions that will change
your life.
1. Clarity: If you are not clear about what you really want
to achieve, you may compromise along the line.
When I was advancing in my career, I made it clear that I
wanted to be an information entrepreneur — dishing out
valuable business tips and creating massive content for
my followers' consumption. Today, this material you are
reading and other of my materials you are yet to consume
are products of clarity.
How can you perform a clarity test?
 Decision making
Decide on what you want to achieve. To decide you need
to answer these three questions:
A. What do I want to achieve?
B. Why do I want to achieve A?
C. How can I achieve A to satisfy B?
Once you can answer this questions, your subconscious
mind registers it automatically and you will start acting
toward it depending on your level of discipline.
2. Source of Information: Who you learn from is very
important in your journey to achieving anything you
desire to achieve. You are limited to only what you learn
from your master either by listening or watching. When I
wanted to learn how to play the keyboard, I saw a lot of
good people who I assumed were professionals, they were
unable to pass down their knowledge.
Even the littlest startup technique was so difficult for me
to learn from them but when I enrolled for a class with
someone who I thought was not as good as the rest, I was
able to learn very fast. Most times, you do not go for the
best, go for the person that has what you are looking for,
then you can get the right head start.
How to Choose Someone to Learn from.
1. Identify if the person has what you are looking for
2. Identify if the person knows how to pass down
knowledge in the simplest form for you to understand.
You can find out from the way he or she disseminates
3. Identify if the person is accessible: I picked a teacher
when I did this little test.
When picking who to learn from, answering this questions
will give you direction to what you really need from that
person, other things can come but what you really need is
more important.
It is possible to have more than 3 teachers, even in the
university, one lecturer cannot lecture everything. So do
not be limited to just learning from one source.
Scout for more teachers with your clarity test script so you
do not have to compromise and start learning what you
do not really need at that point in time.
3. Find out the Price to Acquire what you Need: When
you go to the store to purchase a product, sometimes you
need to go window shopping to know exactly what you are
about to get into and what you are up against. For every
major decision you make in life, there is a price to pay.
Example: To make first class, the price to pay may be
reading extra hard, waking up earlier than usual to study,
doing your assignment independently, engaging in group
study, attending classes or buying text books.
So decide exactly what you need to do in order to be
successful in business.
For you to do this, after you have done your clarity test
and identified the person you wish to learn from, take a
piece of paper and write what it will cost.
If you did your clarity test well and your analysis in
identifying the person you will learn from, the price to pay
will be clear.
When I got into the university, I suffered a lot. Aside from
academic setbacks, I also suffered from low self-Esteem,
hunger, lack of finance and inferiority complex, basically.
My friends usually called me a Jew Man (someone who did
know much). They regarded me as almost nobody. I can
even remember one day when I was humiliated by my
physics lecturer for not being able to solve an equation of
Equation of motion was one of the simplest things to solve
but I could not, that is to tell you the level of my dumbness
as at then. When it came to ladies, I was so shy to even
look a lady in the eye, to talk to her about my feelings. I
remember one day after chatting up a lady on BBM to tell
her I like her. She asked me to meet her under a mango
tree in front of the class rooms.
I kept to time. I got there and she was looking so elegant.
I started telling myself that I was not worth that kind of
lady. I thought about the bills I would pay and how I would
maintain the monetary part of the friendship.
Then we started talking. Everything I said on BBM, I could
not say any of those words physically and that was when I
decided to intentionally lose the lack of self-confidence
and belief.
In this chapter, I will be talking about the dangers of lack
of self-motivation, what causes it and the solution.
Dangers of Lack of Self Confidence
1. It affects your belief system: Lack of self-confidence can
controls and configures your belief system. Anything you
believe will become your reality. In my story at the
beginning of this chapter about how I talked to the lady I
went to meet, everything I said when we met under that
tree came from the realm of my belief.
2. It will make you doubt yourself: When you have second
thoughts about how good you are or whether you will
triumph, if you eventually fail, it will be as a result of your
mindset. One of the dangers of lack of self-confidence is
Doubting yourself and you absolutely cannot grow with
that mindset.
3. It will make it easy for people to bully you: I remember
when I went to the Government House of Ebonyi State to
see a worker. At the gate, a policeman stopped me and
asked me who I was looking for. I started to shake and
stammer. it did not take them time to send me out. I have
been humiliated on several other occasions because of
lack of self-confidence.
After some years, I was re-invited to meet with the same
person. This time, as I got to the gate, I greeted the police
men calmly and joked a little, then I told them I had an
appointment with one Mr. John in one of the office blocks.
They looked at me and ask me to go in without hesitation.
There was no room for bullying because I was in control. I
knew what I had come for. These are the major dangers
that lack of self-confidence could cause.
Causes of Lack of Self Confidence
1. Lack of knowledge: It is true that you will be scared of
what you do not know.
Have you ever gone into an examination without
studying? If you have, then, you must be familiar with that
feeling of dependence and helplessness. However, when
you go in with so much knowledge about the exam you
want to write, you become independent and confident.
Anytime you lack self-confidence, it is because you are yet
to know something about what you are scared about.
2. The people you surround yourself with: if you hang
around people with low self-esteem, that trait is likely to
be inculcated. I remember going to an event with a friend
of mine. He avoided the first row even though the usher
tried as much as possible to take us to the first row. His
reason was that he was not dressed befittingly for that
If you stay with people that do not think that they are
good enough, you are likely to also think the same of
How to build Confidence
1. Gain knowledge: When you are fully prepared by going
through rigorous research, confidence comes
automatically. The foundation of a wealthy man's wealth
is in his knowledge.
You are where you are today because of the knowledge
you have been exposed to. Study and practise anything
you want to go into well to become more confident in
2. Reduce your association with people who do not
appreciate you: When you reduce your association with
people who devalue your actual worth, you have
automatically escaped toxic information and criticism. If
you continue to stay around these people, you will only
hear things like, "This is not good like this; do it like that."
They keep finding faults in everything you do.
The danger of having these people around is the things
they say about you through the way they devalue you,
becomes true after a while and you accept it
unconsciously and submit to their opinion of you, except
you exempt yourself from that association.
3. Stop being dependent on people for your motivation
and support: When you become dependent on people,
they become lord over you and you tend to submit
almost totally to them. it will give you less freedom to
express yourself.

4. Believe you are the best: When you sincerely believe

that you are the best, I tell you, everything you do will
become excellent to you. Knowing you are an excellent
person who does excellent things after gaining the
requisite knowledge takes your confidence to a new level.
Your belief system will boost your confidence.
If you have read this book to this point, congratulations! I
congratulate you because you can never be the same
again, mentally. You have increased your mental
intelligence and it has caused a mindset boost.
About the Author
Uzoma Oranebo is a business
intelligence strategist and
internet marketing consultant
who has been in the business
of bringing value to the
marketplace since 2020.
He is the Chief Executive
Officer of Bossuhzi Consulting
Limited, a company interested
in helping business startups
gain ground firmly in the
market place and aiding
already existing business optimize productivity to yield
more profit.
He is also the founder of College of Finance where he
helps rising internet marketers fulfill their purpose with an
already existing system. It also helps already existing
internet marketers stay abreast with newer
Connect with me
You can connect with me using the following links
Instagram : Connect with me on Instagram
LinkedIn: Connect with me on Linkedin
Facebook page: Like my Facebook page
Twitter: Follow me on twitter
Facebook group: Join my Facebook platform (College of
Website : Visit my website

Edited by Emeka Nwodo and Azuh Chiamaka

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